Page 12 of Dream of Me

  “Oh forget it, you punk,” she laughed.

  “For your information, they won because I was distracted by a certain lovely woman who kept shooting her uncle dirty looks.

  She slapped a hand over her eyes. “UGH! Those jokes. . .they were terrible. I mean, each one just kept getting worse and worse.”

  Dair grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from her face. “They were quite vivid; that’s for sure.”

  “You aren’t helping.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t mind, especially since your face kept getting flushed.” Dair pulled her towards him, so close that their bodies touched, and she had to tilt her head back to look up at him. “I had a very nice time tonight, Serenity,” he told her as he met her gaze. “You have a wonderful family.”

  “I’m glad you came,” she said and then licked her lips.

  Dair bit back a groan as he watched her tongue slide across the plump flesh. Eyes up, Dair, he told himself and forced them up to her own eyes. He realized that it wasn’t any better. Serenity was looking at him with a hunger that nearly matched his own. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, lingering only for a second to breathe in her sweet scent, and then he stepped back putting much needed distance between them.

  “I’d better go.”

  She nodded but then frowned. “Is that your truck?” She pointed to the beat up Chevy parked in the driveway.

  He smiled at her. “You didn’t think I could drive, did you?”

  “Not exactly,” she admitted. “I just figured that since you didn’t need to drive then maybe you had never learned to.”

  “I have to do something in my spare time,” he told her with a smile.

  “Where’d you get the truck?”

  Dair could tell she was wondering if he had stolen the vehicle. He hadn’t, not exactly. “I borrowed it from an acquaintance. I figured that it was the mode of transportation that your aunt and uncle would expect.”


  “I might have used a little persuasion to get a gentleman to allow me to commandeer it. But, I’m returning it in actually better condition than when I took it. The transmission was about to go out in it, and I had Raphael use a little divine intervention to keep it running longer.”

  “Well, I suppose that isn’t technically stealing.” Serenity grinned. “And you did help the guy out even if he will never know it.”

  They were quiet for a few minutes simply looking out into the clear winter night. The bright stars lit up the sky giving them a stunning view of the rolling land around them. Finally Dair broke the comfortable silence.

  “Thank you again,” he said as he stepped down off the porch and towards the truck. He turned and continued to walk backwards. “Perhaps, I could see you tomorrow?”

  Serenity shrugged with a small smile. “Perhaps.”

  Serenity felt as if she were floating as she walked to her bedroom. She called a hasty goodnight to Darla and Wayne and then headed to her room to get ready for bed. It was a little earlier than her normal bedtime, but she was eager to drift off. There was no use in denying it; she missed Dair already and she hoped the Sandman would show up in her dreams tonight. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she changed clothes and quickly climbed into bed. But like a kid on Christmas Eve, Serenity lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, too excited to close her eyes. As it grew later and her eyes finally grew heavy, Serenity faded off to sleep, and her last thought was of a certain immortal who had captivated her in just a matter of days.

  He didn’t come, Serenity thought as she sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast the next morning. She had been sure that Dair would show up to tell her goodnight, but he hadn’t, and she was more upset about it than she cared to admit.

  “Why the long face?” Darla asked as she washed the morning dishes.

  Serenity shrugged. She couldn’t very well tell her aunt that she was disappointed that a guy she was crushing on hadn’t shown up in her bedroom that night. No, she imagined that wouldn’t go over too well. “Just feeling blah.”

  Darla nodded. “I’ve had those days. This cold weather probably isn’t helping.”

  Serenity knew that the weather had nothing to do with her poor mood. She didn’t want to be depressed over a boy, immortal or otherwise, and yet no amount of telling herself to snap out of it was doing any good. She took her plate to the sink and handed it off to her aunt who refused to let her help. She had finally given up trying. “I think I’m going to go into town; maybe a little holiday shopping will cheer me up.”

  Serenity flipped on the radio in her car and turned it to one of the stations that was playing holiday music all day long. She tried to think about the gifts she needed to get, but her mind kept drifting back to onyx black eyes and lips too full for their own good. Unable to focus, she decided that instead of shopping, she’d go pay Glory a visit. If anyone could cheer her up, it would be her best friend.

  “I had a feeling I would be seeing you on this cold Sunday,” Glory said as she opened her front door and motioned for Serenity to enter. “So who kicked your puppy?”

  Serenity huffed out a less than enthusiastic laugh. “I look that downtrodden?”

  Glory rolled her eyes. “Who the hell says things like that? Downtrodden? What are you seventy-five?”

  “Dair came over for dinner last night,” she told her as she plopped down unceremoniously on the well-loved couch.

  “Well, did he kick one of your puppies or something? I would have thought hanging out with him would have put an extra pep in your step, not reduced you to a sulking three-year-old.”

  “No, he was great, but I guess I just thought he would come by to say goodnight. But,” she looked away from the scrutiny of Glory’s gaze.

  “Ahh, so you’ve got it bad. Is that what you’re telling me?”

  Serenity closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the couch. “How did this happen? I was all prepared to be aloof and mysterious and not let him get to me, and now I’m waiting up for him at night hoping he will throw me a bone.”

  Glory snorted. “That’s pretty funny considering you work in a vet clinic.”

  “Ha, ha,” she responded dryly.

  “So, I’m guessing you came over here for old Glory to cheer you up?”

  Serenity nodded. “Are you free today or are you helping with your mom?”

  “Dad’s taken her to the beauty shop to get her do done. So, I’m free for a little while.”

  “How’s she doing?” Serenity knew that Glory didn’t really like to talk about her mom, but she wanted her best friend to know that she cared.

  “Good days and bad days. Today’s a good day. Can’t be too thankful for those.”

  “And here I am complaining about a boy.”

  Glory waved her off. “I live vicariously through you, my little bird. So, by all means, complain away and while you’re at it, please be sure to give me any juicy details that you feel should be omitted.”

  “Exactly, why would I give you details that I feel should be omitted?”

  “Because those are always the best ones.”

  Serenity laughed and knew she had done the right thing by coming to Glory. She wasn’t sure how her friend stayed so positive, but it always seemed to rub off on those around her, and for that she was grateful.

  That night would be the second night that Dair would be unable to see Serenity. He had planned on going and seeing her at some point during the day but plans had changed. He and Raphael had gone to check on Emma and, after finding her hiding in the closet of her room, decided that they couldn’t leave her alone, not with Mildred high as a kite and entertaining every sort of miscreant known to man.

  “Where on earth does she find these men?” Dair asked Raphael as they sat in the dark room while Emma slept. They had taken up sentry at her door planning to take out any person who headed in her direction. More than likely, none of these individuals would be too sorely missed. The day had seemed to drag as they listened t
o fights and other sounds that no child should ever have to hear. Raphael had attempted to distract the young girl with magic which wasn’t really magic at all, but simply his divine powers. She had been fascinated at first but slowly she lost interest and began to withdraw within herself.

  “They’re drifters mostly. Apparently, Mildred has herself a reputation for entertaining,” Raphael explained, the disgust in his tone evident. “I’ll never understand people like her who waste the life the Creator has given them. Don’t they realize they only get one? Haven’t they any desire to do good? Don’t they want to leave the world having enhanced the life of just one other person?”

  “You know as well as I do that many only seek selfish gain and temporary pleasure.”

  “It is such a waste.” Raphael walked over to the window and opened the dilapidated blinds. “You have no idea what little Emma’s destiny is?”

  Dair wished that he did, but this was one of the times that the Creator wasn’t giving anything away. All he knew was that she and Serenity were tied together. “No, sometimes I get little flashes when I prepare their dreams but with Emma I get nothing.”

  “She’s tied to Serenity.”

  Dair nodded confirming what they’d already talk about before.

  “I have a feeling that whatever it is they will do, it is very, very important.”

  Dair agreed because otherwise he would not be involved, though he hadn’t voiced it out loud. Truth be told he not only did he know their fates were entwined but that it wasn’t going to necessarily be a happy outcome. He looked over at the sleeping child when she started to stir. Dair walked over to her and placed his hand on her forehead. “Sleep, little Emma. Have good dreams and worry not for you have your own two guardians watching over you.”

  Two days passed before Dair was able to see Serenity again. He and Raphael had made sure that Emma made it to school safely, and then Dair was called away on a follow-up to another assignment. By the time Tuesday night rolled around, he was aching to see her.

  He appeared in her room wrapping the shadows around himself as he watched her sleep. Just as she always did, she took his breath away.

  “I didn’t think you were coming back.” Her voice broke the silence and stirred something deep inside of him. He hadn’t realized she was awake.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “I can feel you.”

  Her declaration had him reeling. She could feel him? How was that even possible?

  “I don’t understand it either,” she admitted. “But I just know when you are near. It’s like an electrical buzz in my veins and it hums throughout my body.”

  Dair walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it close to her. She turned so that she was lying on her side looking up at him. Her hair was wild around her, making her look like an alluring siren.

  “I wanted to see you; I just had things I had to take care of.”

  “Another assignment?”

  “One of the things was an assignment; the other was just someone in need of help.” Serenity must have picked up on the sorrow in his voice because she reached out and placed her hand on his.

  “Are you alright?” she asked.

  Was he? He didn’t even know. There was just something about the entire situation with Emma and Serenity that had him feeling uneasy. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  “Who is this person that needs help? Is there something I can do?”

  Despite his dismal mood, Dair found a smile pulling at his lips. This female who continually thought of others was once again willing to help, even a perfect stranger. “I actually think you will be meeting her regardless of what I want. Her name is Emma.” Dair waited for the recognition to dawn on her face.

  “Wait, Emma? As in the Emma? The Emma that was in my dream?” She sat up and pulled the covers close as a shiver ran through her. Dair wanted to wrap her in his arms but he was still a little unsure of whether or not she would welcome his touch.

  “Yes. But her name is actually Emma Whitmore.” He waited for her reaction before continuing. When she just continued to look up at him with worried eyes, he decided to tell her the rest. “Emma has moved to Yellville. Her parents were killed in a shooting and her aunt now has custody of her.”

  “Oh wow, her aunt lives in Yellville? Who is her aunt?”

  “Mildred Jones.” Dair immediately saw the recognition of the name in Serenity’s eyes.

  “She’s living with that woman?” Her eyes widened and her lips drew into a tight line.

  He nodded. “Raphael, one of the angels and my closest friend and I have been looking out for her.”

  Serenity let out a long breath. Too concerned about the child she ignored the whole angel part. “That is not a safe place for her, Dair. Everyone knows Mildred and knows her reputation. How could anyone give her a child?”

  “I won’t let anything happen to her,” he promised and meant it with every fiber of his being.

  “Neither will I,” she gritted out.

  Dair reached up and ran a finger across her flushed cheek. “So fierce, my princess of peace,” he told her and saw her eyes soften as she looked at him. “You have no idea just how amazing you are.”

  “I’m nothing special, Dair,” she said and tried to look away, but Dair held her chin to keep her head from turning.

  He leaned down until his lips were inches from hers. “Never say such a thing again. Even if the Creator hadn’t singled you out for whatever destiny it is He has for you, you are still special. You give of yourself even when others don’t appreciate you. That sort of selflessness is not common.” His eyes held her for a few minutes more and then he finally gave into the burning desire. He needed to taste her, yearned to know her lips in an intimate way, and couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He moved slowly to give her time to tell him no, but he could see the surrender in her eyes and the need as she leaned towards him. Dair felt her warm breath on his face and her respirations increased. He wondered if her heart was pounding out a rhythm as hard as his was. He released her chin and slid his hand down and around to the back of her neck. Serenity’s eyes grew heavy with yearning and slowly closed as Dair finally pressed his lips to hers.

  In that moment he was sure there must be a halleluiah chorus being sung somewhere because something so good could not possibly go uncelebrated. He felt her move, climbing up so that her body was pressed to his. Dair used his other arm to wrap it around her waist and pulled her on to his lap never breaking the kiss. Serenity sucked in a deep breath at the bold move and he took advantage of the open access she gave him by slipping his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. Dair had never kissed anyone before, but he was sure that it wouldn’t feel like that with anyone else. He was also sure that he would want to do it more often than not. His grip tightened on her neck as he deepened the kiss, needing to be closer to her, to somehow crawl inside of her and be a part of her. Was this what it meant to be one with your mate? As his hand slid up her back, pulling her tighter against him, his mind drifted to more intimate thoughts, and he realized that if kissing Serenity was this intense, he didn’t know how he could survive being more intimate with her, if that day were to ever come. He pulled away from her lips but not because he was in any way done with her. His lips traveled across her jaw and down her neck. Serenity’s head fell back, giving him access to her smooth skin, and he took full advantage of it. He knew it was getting time to stop, but as his lips and tongue tasted her flesh, Dair found that he couldn’t pull away. And when Serenity reached up and began running her fingers through his hair, he knew he was quickly reaching the point of no return.

  When his hand slipped from her back and up to her collar, pushing it down further so he could trail kisses across the exposed flesh, he let out a low growl. “Princess, tell me to stop.” To his surprised, and if he was honest, delight, Serenity didn’t tell him to stop but instead pulled his head closer and lower. Her chest rose and fell causing the swell of her breast to rise up and g
reet him with entirely too much eagerness. Dair ripped his mouth away from her and turned his head. His own breathing was unsteady, and his hand shook as he moved her collar back in place, covering the delicious skin that he so badly wanted to explore.

  They were both quiet as they attempted to gather themselves. Dair hoped that Serenity wasn’t feeling rejected, because that was the furthest thing from his intentions. He simply was trying to protect her virtue. No man who would take something so precious before he made a woman his in the eyes of the Creator deserved such a gift. No matter how badly Dair wanted to claim Serenity in every way possible, he would not disrespect her in such a way.

  “That was…unexpected.”

  He finally turned to meet her gaze. His brow drew together as his head tilted and he studied her. “Really? Because I was pretty confident that the passion between us would be explosive and I do believe I was right.” He loved the blush that covered her skin and loved the way the warmth of it felt against the hand that was still holding the back of her neck.

  “I didn’t mean that; I just meant I didn’t realize what a floozy I was.” She laughed a little. Dair could tell she was truly embarrassed.

  “Hey, look at me,” he told her when she glanced away. Her eyes found his and he hoped she would see the sincerity in them when he spoke. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I was very close to begging you to let me relieve you of these frustrating clothes so that I could make you mine in every way. If anyone should be embarrassed or ashamed, it’s me. Given just a few moments longer, Princess, and my hands were going to begin wandering to places that should only be touched by your husband.” She was speechless. Her mouth dropped open slightly and then closed only to repeat the action several more times. Dair chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Surely, you aren’t surprised to find out that you are so desirable.”

  “Well honestly, I’ve never cared whether a guy desired me.”