_The Pickwick Club_ _Frontispiece_

  _"Wo--o!" cried Mr. Pickwick. "Wo--o!" echoed Mr. Tupman and Mr. Snodgrass from the bin_ _Facing page_ 70

  _Mr. Pickwick ran to his assistance_ " 72

  _"Bless my soul!" said Mr. Winkle, "I declare I forgot the cap"_ " 98

  _"Love to Tuppy--won't you get up behind?--drive on, boys," replied Jingle_ " 134

  _Sam at the White Hart_ " 142

  _At the table sat Mr. Tupman, looking as unlike a man who had taken his leave of this world as possible_ " 156

  _"She looked up in Tom's face and smiled through her tears"_ " 220

  _"I won't suffer this barrow to be moved another step unless Winkle carries that gun of his in a different manner"_ " 286

  _"Take example of your father, my boy, and be very careful o' widders all your life"_ " 310

  _"I trust, ma'am," resumed Mr. Pickwick, "that my unblemished character and the devoted respect I entertain for your sex----"_ " 354

  _"Mother-in-law," said Sam, "how are you?"_ " 418

  _A distant response is heard from the yard, and Mr. Pickwick and Mr. Tupman come running down it_ " 430


  PAGE _Heading to Chapter I_ 1

  _Heading to Chapter II_ 7

  _"Weeks!" said Mr. Pickwick in astonishment--and out came the note-book again_ 9

  _"What's the fun?" said a rather tall thin young man_ 11

  _"My name is Winkle, sir"_ 28

  _Heading to Chapter III_ 39

  _Heading to Chapter IV_ 52

  _"Damn that boy, he's gone to sleep again"_ 59

  _Heading to Chapter V_ 66

  _"T'other side, sir, if you please"_ 71

  _Heading to Chapter VI_ 78

  _Heading to Chapter VII_ 95

  _Heading to Chapter VIII_ 111

  _"He must have been fast asleep," whispered Mr. Tupman_ 115

  _Heading to Chapter IX_ 126

  _"Here I am; but I han't a willin"_ 127

  _Heading to Chapter X_ 136

  _Sam Weller at the keyhole_ 146

  _Heading to Chapter XI_ 152

  _"There is an inscription here," said Mr. Pickwick_ 158

  _Heading to Chapter XII_ 173

  _"Oh, you kind, good, playful dear"_ 176

  _Heading to Chapter XIII_ 181

  _"He has patted the babies on the head"_ 196

  _Heading to Chapter XIV_ 202

  _"No other than Tom Smart"_ 207

  _Heading to Chapter XV_ 222

  _Mr. Pickwick, with the Brigand on one arm, and the Troubadour on the other_ 230

  _Heading to Chapter XVI_ 238

  _"Looks as convivial as a live trout in a lime-basket"_ 244

  _"Who's there?" screamed a numerous chorus of treble voices_ 254

  _Heading to Chapter XVII_ 261

  _"Open it flew, disclosing Nathaniel Pipkin"_ 268

  _Heading to Chapter XVIII_ 271

  _Heading to Chapter XIX_ 283

  _"Who are you, you rascal?"_ 296

  _Heading to Chapter XX_ 300

  _Heading to Chapter XXI_ 319

  _Heading to Chapter XXII_ 338

  _"Sam," said Mr. Pickwick, "Where's my bedroom?"_ 355

  _Heading to Chapter XXIII_ 357

  _Heading to Chapter XXIV_ 367

  _Heading to Chapter XXV_ 385

  _"You don't mean to say you did that on purpose?"_ 405

  _Heading to Chapter XXVI_ 407

  _Mrs. Bardell and her two friends were getting on very well_ 410

  _Heading to Chapter XXVII_ 415

  _Heading to Chapter XXVIII_ 426

  _"Aha!" said the fat boy_ 432