Zoetrope; right from The Murch Family Collection Copyright page: right page © Warner Brothers vi from The Everett Collection viii–ix all © American Zoetrope x by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz

  Company. All rights reserved/ © Miramax Films xxii–xxiii © American Zoetrope

  First Conversation

  2 by Kim Aubry © American Zoetrope

  7 from the Archive of Modern Conflict

  8 © Robert Doisneau/RAPHO

  11 from Photofest

  12 from Photofest

  13 from Photofest

  14 by Matthew Robbins/The Murch Family Collection

  16–17 © American Zoetrope

  18 from Photofest

  21 from The Murch Family Collection

  22 left from The Murch Family Collection; right from MPTV

  23 left from The Murch Family Collection; right by Francis Ford Coppola

  24 from Culver pictures

  25 © Films du Carrosse/SEDIF

  28–29 left to right, courtesy Dede Allen; from

  Photofest; The Ronald Grant Archive

  30 courtesy of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

  31 by Richard Biggs © American Zoetrope

  35 from Movie Still Archives

  40 courtesy of Michael Ondaatje

  42 both © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  44 courtesy Walter Murch

  48 by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/ © Miramax Films

  52 from Photofest

  55 by Wayne Miller/Magnum Photos

  56 from The Ronald Grant Archives

  57 by Mary Ellen Mark

  60–61 all © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  62 from Photofest

  67 both © American Zoetrope/Miramax

  71 © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  72 by Jacqueline Lopez

  75 © American Zoetrope/Miramax Films

  76 © American Zoetrope/Miramax Films

  78 © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  79 © American Zoetrope/Miramax Films

  80 © American Zoetrope/Miramax Films

  83 top courtesy of The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences; bottom by Jack Guez © AFP/Corbis

  Second Conversation

  86 from The Murch Family Collection

  93 from SNARK/Art Resource, N.Y.

  94–95 from The Library of Congress

  96 from Grierson © From The National Film Board of Canada

  97 left from Globe Photos; right © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  98 © Steve Schapiro

  101 from The Murch Family Collection

  106 by John R. Neill © William Morrow & Company, Inc.

  108 from Photofest

  109 from Photofest

  111 courtesy of Michael Ondaatje

  113 from Photofest

  114–115 from Brown Brothers

  120 © Paramount Pictures

  121 © Paramount Pictures

  126 both from The Everett Collection

  129 both by Phil Bray © 1988 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved

  132–133 both by Phil Bray © 1988 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved

  135 top and bottom © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/ © Miramax Films

  138–139 courtesy of The Estate of Elizabeth Bishop

  143 from Casa Malaparte Foundation Archives

  145 from Olympia Publifoto

  Third Conversation

  150 © American Zoetrope

  153 by Kim Aubry © American Zoetrope

  158–59 from Globe Photos

  161 top from Photofest; bottom from The Kobal Collection

  162 from The Everett Collection

  167 by Léo Mirkine/from The Murch Family Collection

  172 both © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Miramax Films

  177 left from Ronald Grant Archive; right from Photofest

  179 courtesy of Walter Murch

  185 © Universal Pictures

  187 from Photofest

  188 from The Neal Peters Collection

  189 from The Lester Glassner Collection/Neal Peters

  192 © Universal Pictures

  194 both © Universal Pictures

  195 left courtesy of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences © Universal Pictures; right from The Everett Collection

  197 from MPTV

  198 from Photofest

  Fourth Conversation

  200 from The Murch Family Collection

  205 by Annette Carducci

  207 from Photofest

  216 from The Everett Collection

  218 from Photofest

  220 © Warner Seven Arts

  221 from Photofest

  223 from Photofest

  224 from The Murch Family Collection

  228 courtesy of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

  230 both by Katherine Louise Scott Murch/ from The Murch Family Collection

  232 left from The Murch Family Collection; right by Kim Aubry/American Zoetrope

  233 left The Radio by Walter Tandy Murch, courtesy of a private collection; right The Lightbulb by Walter Tandy Murch, courtesy of a private collection

  234 © Gaumont British

  237 courtesy of Walter Murch

  238 courtesy of Walter Murch

  240–241 courtesy of Walter Murch

  243 from The Murch Family Collection

  249 both © Paramount

  252 from Photofest

  253 from The Kobal Collection

  254 from Photofest

  255 © Paramount

  260 © American Zoetrope/Paramount

  263 © American Zoetrope

  264 © American Zoetrope

  273 © Miramax Films

  274 by Phil Bray © Miramax Films/MPTV

  L ast Conversation

  278 by Richard Blanschard/courtesy of Walter Murch

  284 by Richard Blanschard/courtesy of Walter Murch

  286–287 left by John R. Neill © William Morrow & Company, Inc.; right by Richard Blanschard/courtesy of Walter Murch

  288–289 both by Richard Blanschard/courtesy of Walter Murch

  291 from The Van Schaick Collection/courtesy of The State Historical Society of Wisconsin

  293 left by John R. Neill © William Morrow & Company, Inc.; right top by Richard Blanschard/courtesy of Walter Murch; bottom by Richard Blanschard/from Globe Photos/Rangefinders

  295 from The Lebrecht Collection

  300 from The Everett Collection

  301 left from Photofest; right by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Miramax Films

  302–303 left from Photofest; center from The Everett Collection; right by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Miramax Films/The Neal Peters Collection

  311 from the Everett Collection

  312 top by Phil Bray © 1988 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/ The Kobal Collection; center row left from Globe Photos; center and left by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Mira-max Films; bottom © American Zoetrope

  313 top Portrait of Joseph Cornell by Walter Murch from Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Benton; center row left © Warner Brothers; center and right © Metro Tartan/Block2/Paradis/Jet

  Tone; bottom from the Everett Collection

  314 by Susan Sterner/A.P. Wide World Photos

  317 by Susan Sterner/A.P. Wide World Photos

  318 top from The Everett Collection; bottom by Phil Bray © 1988 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved

  320 top by Annette Carducci; bottom courtesy of Walter Murch

  340–341 by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/ © Miramax Films

  342 by Phil Bray/Globe Photos/Rangefinders

  343 courtesy of Walter Murch

  Front Cover

  Top row left © Metro Tartan/Block 2/Pa
radis/Jet Tone, right by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Miramax Films/The Neal Peters Collection;center row left to right, from The Everett Collection, The Neal Peters Collection, the Ronald Grant Archives; bottom row left from Photofest, right by Phil Bray © 1996 The Saul Zaentz Company. All rights reserved/© Miramax Films/Neal Peters Collection

  Back Cover

  Top from the Neal Peters Collection; center row left from Photofest, right The Murch Family Collection; bottom row left from Photofest, right © Metro Tartan/Block 2/Paradis/Jet Tone


  Left © Miramax Films, right top from Globe Photos, center The Lester Glassner Collection/Neal Peters, bottom by Annette Carducci


  La Jetée by Chris Marker, edited by Jean Ravel (1963); The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp by Michael Powell, edited by John Seabourne (1943); The Lady Eve by Preston Sturgess, edited by Stuart Gilmore (1941); Les Enfants du Paradis by Marcel Carné, edited by Madeleine Bonin and Henri Rust; The Searchers by John Ford, edited by Jack Murray (1956); The Hustler by Robert Rossen, edited by Dede Allen (1961); Edvard Munch directed and edited by Peter Watkins (1974); The Tree of Wooden Clogs, directed and edited by Ermanno Olmi (1978); Yeelen (Brightness) by Souleymane Cisse, edited by Dounamba Coulibaly (1987); The Grifters by Stephen Frears, edited by Mick Audsley (1990); To Live by Zhang Yimou, edited by Du Yuan (1994); and Ekti Jiban,directed and edited by Raja Mitra (1988).

  This is a Borzoi Book Published by Alfred A. Knopf

  Copyright © 2002 by Michael Ondaatje

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc. Distributed by Random House, Inc., New York


  Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

  Material on page xviii is from a conversation between Walter Murch and Michael Ondaatje, hosted by Muriel Murch, on the art of editing in film and literature. The conversation was recorded at KPFA Radio 94.1 FM in Berkeley, California, with recording engineer Jim Bennett. This programme was first aired on KPFA on March 26, 1997. An edited version can be read in Projections 8, published by Faber and Faber, London, 1998.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Ondaatje, Michael.

  The conversations: Walter Murch and the art of editing film/Michael Ondaatje.—1st ed. p.cm.

  eISBN: 978-0-307-51817-0

  1. Murch, Walter, 1943—Interviews. 2. Motion picture editors—United States—Interviews. 3. Motion pictures—Editing. I. Murch, Walter, date II. Title.

  TR849.M86 O53 2002






  Michael Ondaatje, The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film

  (Series: # )




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