Page 8 of Goddess of Spring

Chapter 7

  The Goddess's knowing steps found a smal dirt path that ap peared to circle the lake. Demeter turned to her right and fol owed the path around a gentle bend, which led directly to the mouth of a tunnel-like opening within a large rock formation mounded near the edge of the lake. As they approached the tunnel Lina could see that its stone wal s had been smoothed and painted with fabulous frescoes depicting gods and goddesses feasting, laughing and loving. But soon the frescoes were swal owed by the darkness within.

  Lina's throat felt dry. The darkness was like a tomb.

  Demeter's steps didn't falter. She marched into the tunnel. When Lina hesitated, she spoke gruffly to her.

  "Wel , you must come, too. How else wil our way be lighted?" the Goddess coaxed.

  "Lighted?" Lina repeated, realizing she sounded like an idiot. Eirene sighed. "You are the Goddess of Spring. Use your powers. " Lina's brow knotted.

  "Listen within, Persephone," Demeter enunciated the name carefully. "Your body knows. " Ignoring her mounting frustration, Lina concentrated. Light. If she could make light, how would she do it? Think! she told herself. A half-formed idea flitted through her mind. She lifted her right hand to the level of her eyes. It was a lovely hand. The color of new cream, it was smooth and unlined -

  unlike her own, wel -worn forty-something-year-old hand. If she could create light, she would do it like she had done so many other important things in her life - with her hands. And suddenly she knew. She turned her hand, palm up and cast a simple thought down her arm. I'd like light, please.

  With a perky snapping sound, a little globe of bril iance popped from her palm to hover inches above her hand. Enormously pleased with herself, she smiled past the light and into Demeter's eyes.

  "That's how I'd make light. "

  "Wel done, Persephone," Demeter said. The Goddess nodded in the direction of the seemingly bottomless tunnel.

  Squaring her shoulders, Lina stepped forward, leaving the bal of light hovering in the tunnel behind them.

  "You must command it to stay with you," Demeter said.

  The Goddess was standing within the edge of darkness, so Lina couldn't tel for sure, but she thought Demeter might actual y be laughing.

  "Wel , come on! Keep up with me," Lina told the light. Immediately it burst forward, almost biting her head. Lina jerked back, squinting at its brightness. "With me, not on me. " She whispered to the glowing bal , and it settled into a spot just above her right shoulder. "Up higher, you're blinding my eye. "

  The bal rose a few inches.

  "Right there. Good job. " The light seemed to wriggle in pleasure at her compliment, which made Lina grin at it. "Okay, we're ready," she told Demeter.

  The three of them started forward, this time with Lina and her light leading the way. The tunnel was large and its downward grade was steep, but the wal s around them changed very little. The colorful frescoes decorated the dim expanse, appearing incongruous with their bright cheer in the midst of such utter darkness. Lina was just about to ask Demeter who had painted the scenes when the wal s around them fel away, leaving only unending darkness in their place. Directly in front of them a grove of trees materialized from the blackness. Lina stared at them.

  "Ghost trees," she whispered in awe. That's what they looked like. Though their branches were thick and fil ed with leaves that appeared to be thriving and healthy, they were white - trunks, limbs, leaves - al the color of milk. They fascinated Lina. Their beauty was unearthly and delicate, and they appealed to her senses at a deep and elemental level.

  "It is through this grove that you wil find the entrance to the Underworld. " Then Demeter raised her voice, cal ing into the grove. "Eurydice, come forth!"

  Lina felt her stomach tighten with nerves. She was just about to meet her first dead person. No!

  She had to quit thinking about them as "dead," that would only creep her out. She needed to remember Demeter's words - they were just displaced souls, much like her. Within the grove movement flickered and Lina forced herself to remember to breathe as a slender figure stepped from the tree line and moved purposeful y toward them. Lina twirled one long strand of hair around and around her finger while she strained to get a clear image of the figure, but al she could see was a blurred sense of long hair and the flow of a diaphanous garment. Then Eurydice stepped within Lina's circle of light, and she felt the nervousness leave her in a rush of relief. This was no walking specter or Dawn of the Dead-like zombie. It was just a pale, frightened looking girl. If Lina had been able to give birth to a daughter, this child would have been her age -

  probably eighteen or nineteen.

  She approached Demeter hesitantly and curtsied low. It was only then that Lina noticed that her body was not as substantial as it had at first appeared. Upon closer inspection, Lina could see that the light actual y passed through the girl's body and the silky, toga-like robe she wore. She wasn't quite a shadow or a ghost; she was more like an unfinished watercolor painting that had come to life. Lina felt a rush of maternal sympathy for her. She was so young. What had happened to her?

  "Great Goddess, I have awaited your presence as you commanded. " Her voice was melodic and sweet.

  "You have done wel , child. This is the final task I require of you. I ask that you serve as guide to my daughter, who wishes to visit the Underworld," Demeter said.

  "I am pleased to serve you in any way, Demeter," Eurydice said. She turned to Lina and inclined her head respectful y. "It is a great honor for me that the Goddess of Spring wil join me on my journey to Elysia. "

  "Thank you for helping me, Eurydice. " Lina smiled warmly at the girl. "I've never been to He" - she caught herself just in time and switched words, hoping the child didn't notice her slip - "Hades before. "

  "Neither have I, Goddess. "

  Eurydice's voice was shadowed with sadness, and Lina wanted to smack herself in the head for her insensitive comment, but before she could apologize, Demeter spoke to Eurydice.

  "Though you have not yet experienced the wonders of Elysium, your soul knows the way and seeks to take you to your eternal destination. As your soul guides you, so you wil guide my daughter, and I entrust her to your care," Demeter said, her voice gentle, her expression maternal. Eurydice bowed her head, obviously humbled by the Goddess's trust. Then Demeter turned to Lina.

  "It is here I must take my leave of you, Persephone. "

  Demeter embraced her and Lina was enveloped in the rich, summer scent of ripe corn and windblown fields of wheat.

  "May your sojourn in the Underworld bring Spring to Hades' realm, and comfort to those who have felt the absence of a Goddess. Fare you wel , daughter, my blessings go with you. " Demeter kissed her softly on the forehead, then she turned to go.

  "Wait - wait - wait!" Lina stuttered. The Goddess was leaving already? Just like that?

  Demeter glanced back over her shoulder. "Listen within, Persephone. Your instincts wil not fail you. "

  Lina took a step toward the Goddess and dropped her voice. "What if I need more help than that?"

  'Trust yourself. Draw upon your inner knowledge, as wel as your other experiences," Demeter said pointedly. "You life has prepared you wel for this endeavor. " Lina's whisper was for Demeter's ears only. "How do I reach you if something comes up that I can't handle?"

  Demeter nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps it would be best. " The Goddess gestured toward the tunnel from which they had descended. "I wil leave my oracle for you at the mouth of this entrance. You only have to look into it to see my face. "

  "But how can I be sure to find my way back there?"

  "You are the daughter of the Harvest. Turn your face upward, and your steps wil always lead you to your home," Eirene snapped in her usual, caustic manner. Then she met Lina's clear gaze and Eirene felt herself soften. This woman was, after al , housed against her wil in Persephone's body.

  "Believe in yourself, child. Your strength rests within. "
  Lina was almost as surprised by the gentleness of the old woman's words as she was by her smile.

  "I'l remember, thank you, Eirene," Lina said.

  Demeter stepped forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead again. "May you be blessed with joy and magic, daughter. "

  The goddess turned away with a finality that told Lina not to cal her back, even though her heart was fluttering nervously at the thought of what lay ahead. Lina watched the darkness swal ow the two women, and she had just begun to think about whether she should send a little of her light to help lead Demeter to the surface when the Goddess's staff began to glow with the bril iant golden light of a summer day.

  "And she needed me to light the way for her?" Lina muttered. "Not hardly. "

  "I beg your pardon, Goddess, but we must begin our journey. " Lina turned back to Eurydice. The girl was plucking at the transparent folds of her garment. She gave Lina a shy, apologetic smile.

  "I feel compel ed to continue. My soul tel s me that I have waited as long as I am able. "

  "Oh! Of course," Lina said, feeling instantly ashamed of herself. Here she was, fretting about Demeter leaving her alone to get started on a temporary job that she had been assured she could complete with no problem, and little, dead Eurydice was. . . wel . . . dead. Poor kid. "I'm ready. Let's go. "

  Instantly, the young spirit re-entered the grove of white trees with Lina fol owing close behind. The little bal of light enveloped them in a soft, clear glow, and as it touched the trees that surrounded them the light caught in the

  branches and sparkled between the leaves making them shine like they were faceted jewels.

  "They're so beautiful," Lina said quietly.

  "I think it is your light that makes them appear so, Goddess," Eurydice said in the timid voice of a child.

  "Oh, I don't know, I'l bet they have always been beautiful. " As soon as she had spoken the words, the limbs above Lina began to ripple, as if in response to her compliment, and more faceted leaves shimmered and glistened in her light. She smiled at her guide and pointed up into the forest of diamonds. "They were here a long time before I came. My light is just al owing them to be seen as they real y are. "

  "Forgive me, Goddess. I did not mean to speak out of turn. " Lina pulled her gaze from the shining leaves. Eurydice had ducked her head, as if she was waiting for some kind of chastisement.

  "You didn't speak out of turn. You just made an observation. I want you to feel free to talk to me. Honestly, I'm already missing my" - Lina paused. She'd almost said "life" or "bakery" or

  "world," - "mother," she amended, "and I'd real y appreciate some conversation to get my mind off her. "

  "I miss my mother, too," Eurydice whispered.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of. . . " Lina's words failed.

  "It is not so terrible, Goddess," Eurydice said quickly. "Though I have been dead but a little while I think I am already beginning to understand. "

  When the girl quit speaking, Lina prompted her to continue. "Go on, I'd like to know what you've come to understand. "

  "The pains of the living world are already fading away. I miss my mother and. . . wel . . . others, but I know that I wil eventual y be reunited with them. I am, after al , stil myself. " Eurydice held out her arm so that Lina's light

  shined clearly through her delicate limb. "My body has changed a little, but my mind and heart are the same, which is a great relief to me. What I mean to say is that I have found that the terror of death is worse than death itself. " The young spirit finished in a rush. Lina smiled at Eurydice. "You are very wise. "

  "Oh, no," Eurydice said, shaking her head quickly from side to side and causing her transparent blond hair to float around her in gossamer wisps. "If I were truly wise I would have avoided my mistakes. "

  Before Lina could question the girl further, they stepped from the grove of white trees to find themselves standing in front of an enormous ivory gate. Beyond the gate Lina could see a smooth, black path that wound off. into the eternal darkness like a thin ribbon of night.

  "We must enter here and fol ow that path," Eurydice said. "It wil take us to Charon. " Lina didn't need to pul from Persephone's knowledge; she recognized the name of the Ferryman of the Underworld. She nodded at Eurydice and had just reached up to push open the gate when the ivory wal swung away from her touch. At the same instant, a whir of sound caused the darkness before them to ripple, and a river of mist spewed from the other side of the gate, engulfing Lina in cold, gray vapor. Fear flowed from it like a raging river. Nightmare sounds assailed her senses, reminding Lina of every bad dream she had ever experienced. Her first response was to cover her ears and run away screaming, but the calm core within her took hold and spoke reassuringly into her frightened mind.

  They are nothing but false dreams, the harmless mist of nightmare remembrances. You are a Goddess; they hold no terror for you. Order them away and they wil obey. Forcing her hands to her sides, Lina stood tal and shook herself like a cat ridding itself of hated water.

  "Get away, bad dreams!" she commanded, and breathed a sigh of relief when the mist responded by dissipating into nothingness.

  "You made them leave. Oh, thank you, Goddess. "

  Eurydice had moved close to her side, and now the young girl stood almost touching her. Lina could see the fear in her pale eyes.

  "They couldn't have hurt you, Eurydice. They were just the mist of nightmares," she reassured the girl with a quick smile. "Unpleasant, sure, but not dangerous. "

  "I have never liked nightmares," Eurydice said, looking around fearful y.

  "Honey, no one does. That's why they're cal ed bad dreams. Don't give them another thought -

  they're history. " The ivory gate had remained open, and Lina pointed at the dark road. "Didn't you say this was the way we had to go?"

  "Yes, Goddess. "

  "Wel , then, off we go. " Lina stepped through the gate and onto the road with Eurydice fol owing closely behind. Under the soft leather slippers that adorned Persephone's dainty feet, the road felt cool and hard. She crouched down to touch it

  "Marble," she murmured. Lina peered into the distance. "It's made of what looks like a single slab of black marble. " She stood up and grinned at Eurydice. "It's not the yel ow brick road, but it's sure easy to fol ow. "

  "Goddess?" Eurydice looked confused.

  "Oh, it's just a saying. It means our way is clearly marked. " Lina started walking, Eurydice at her side and the bal of light floating between them. "And I would real y like it if you would cal me by my name. "

  "But you are a Goddess. " She sounded shocked at Lina's request.

  "And I have a name. Anyway, Goddess sounds so stiff and formal. After al , I am the Goddess of Spring, and spring is anything but stiff and formal. " Lina listened within as she spoke and it seemed that the echo of Persephone was pleased by what she had said. Suddenly Lina wondered about the woman whose body she inhabited. What was she like? Lina glanced down at herself. That she was beautiful was obvious, but was she also arrogant and selfish? Or was she a benevolent goddess who treated others kindly?

  "Then I wil consider it an honor to cal you Persephone. "

  Eurydice's voice broke into Lina's thoughts, but she smiled encouragement to the girl. "Good!" At least it was a start.

  They walked on in companionable silence and Lina studied the land around them. She was beginning to distinguish between the levels of darkness on either side of the road. At first glance, it seemed that everything was wreathed in the black of a starless night, but as Lina's eyes grew more accustomed to the lack of light, she could see that there were shadows and shapes within the black. The land that stretched away on either side of them reminded Lina of a dark moor, she could even make out the feather-like shapes of gray-toned foliage and clumps of thick grasses mat waved unerringly in the non-wind.

  Then a shape flitted past, catching Lina's eye as it swam int
o focus. It was an old man, bent almost in two with age. He took one limping step toward the road, but his next step was backward, then he took another forward. His rheumy eyes blinked sightlessly at Lina. Just as she was wondering if she should help him, another shape took form out of the darkness. It was a woman. She looked to be about Lina's age and she was crouched on the shadowy grass, cringing in terror from an invisible attacker. Lina's first instinct was to go to her, but the voice within echoed throughout her mind.

  You cannot help them. They are Old Age and Fear. Look about you. Grief, Anxiety, Hunger, Disease and Agony wil join them.

  As Lina watched other spectral forms took shape along side the first two. They were wretched and horrible. The sight of them made Lina's stomach clench.

  They are al a part of mortal existence. They cannot be helped. They can only be overcome. Do not tarry here.

  Lina realized that she had slowed almost to a stop and Eurydice was staring fearful y around them.

  "I think we need to speed up. You have a date with eternity, and I hate to be late for anything, don't you? I think it's rude," Lina said brightly as she stepped up their pace so that Eurydice almost had to jog to keep up with her. She heard Grief wailing behind them and she shuddered, refusing to look back. Instead she focused her attention on several softly glowing shapes that hovered down the path in front of them. Even though she couldn't see them clearly yet, Lina didn't feel any danger or animosity from them, and her inner voice was quiet, which she took as a positive sign.

  "Wonder what those are up there?" Lina asked, making light conversation with the silent girl at her side.

  "I think they are others like me," Eurydice said slowly.

  Lina stifled the instant trepidation she felt. She was, after al , in the Land of the Dead. Did she actual y think that she wouldn't come across any dead people? That was a little like thinking she wouldn't find yeast in a bakery, she told herself sternly.

  "Wel , then we know we're heading in the right direction. " She smiled at Eurydice.

  "You knew we were on the right path," Eurydice said, smiling shyly back at her.

  "That's because I have such a good guide," Lina said, which made Eurydice's smile widen, flushing her pale face with pleasure. Lina kept the warmth of the young spirit's smile foremost in her mind as they overtook the first of the ghostly forms.

  It was a young woman, and again Lina found herself thinking that this girl, too, was young enough to have been her daughter. The spirit carried a bundle which she kept hidden and pressed close to her breast, but Lina could tel by its shape that it was an infant. The woman's blank gaze moved from the dark landscape before her and touched on Eurydice without changing expression, but when she noticed Lina, her shadowed eyes widened and her face suddenly became animated.

  "Is it truly the Goddess of Spring who walks amidst the dead?" Her voice was thick with emotion. With only a slight hesitation, Lina answered, "Yes, I am Persephone. "

  "Oh!" The newly dead woman pressed a transparent hand against her mouth as if to contain her emotions. She took a deep, steadying breath and said, "Then this dark journey is not so hopeless. Not if we walk in the presence of a Goddess. "

  Out of the corner of her eye Lina could see Eurydice smiling and nodding. The whisper of her name passed like a gentle wave through the cluster of glowing spirits that suddenly surrounded them.


  "It is the Goddess of Spring!"

  "She has come to light our drear journey!"

  One by one the spirits turned to Lina. They came in al ages and forms, from old men stooped with age to youngsters who flitted between the shapes of the older dead with the exuberance of youth. Some spirits showed evidence of their wounds, with obvious sword slashes painting their otherwise pale bodies in crimson. Some, like Eurydice and the young mother, were unmarked, but no matter the state of what remained of their physical forms, al of them had one thing in common

  - the look of delight and newly rekindled hope at the sight of Persephone. Lina was surprised at her reaction to being surrounded by

  spirits of the dead. It wasn't scary at al . She could even stand the sight of death wounds, as long as she didn't stare too long and instead focused on the person's eyes. There Lina could see the light that ignited within each soul as she smiled and greeted them with what she hoped was a proper display of caring.

  As Lina and Eurydice fol owed the dark path, the number of dead surrounding them continued to grow. Lina could see that Demeter hadn't exaggerated. The spirits obviously needed her. They reacted to her presence like she was rain and they were a desert plain. Parched, they drank in her smiles and greetings. Voices whispered endlessly around her, murmuring words in languages she shouldn't understand, but did. Feeling a little overwhelmed, Lina tried not to think about the multitude of spirits. Take them one at a time, she chanted over and over to herself. Think of them as eager customers and not as the unnumbered dead.

  As if sensing her growing unease, Eurydice stayed close beside her, making sure that she kept the Goddess moving forward.

  "I can see the marsh just ahead," Eurydice whispered to Persephone. "There we wil board Charon's boat and he wil take us across the lake to the path that leads to the Elysian Fields. The palace of Hades is at the edge of those fields. It cannot be much farther til we reach it. " Lina was just thanking Eurydice for the bolstering information when the pathway in front of them shuddered, and with a deafening crack, the black marble broke open, exposing an opening in the ground that gaped like a giant's mouth. With gasps of fear, the souls of the dead scattered, leaving only Lina and Eurydice to face the dark maw.