Abu Ghraib prison, 258
Acheson, Dean, 92, 96
Acropolis, 238, 240
Acropolis Museum, 240–42
Acropolis Restoration Service, 235
Adamic, Louis, 26
Adams, John, 44
Adler, Georg, et al., eds., The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg, 273–79
Afghanistan, war in, 119–20
Africa, Guevara in, 13–14, 15
“After Strange Gods” (Eliot), 80
After the Victorians: The Decline of Britain in the World (Wilson), 91–96
Age of Jackson, The (Schlesinger), 202
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 248, 249, 265
AIDS, 252
Akçam, Taner, 35
Akhmatova, Anna, 150
Alamo, 80
Albright, Madeleine, 255
Alexander the Great, 3
“ ‘Alimentary, Dr. Leiter’: Anal Anxiety in Diamonds Are Forever” (Allen), 97–98
Al Jazeera, 106–7, 112
Allen, Dennis W., “ ‘Alimentary, Dr. Leiter’: Anal Anxiety in Diamonds Are Forever,” 97–98
Allen, George, 75
Allende, Salvador, 17, 160, 258
Allingham, Margery, 167
All the Year Round, 291–92
al-Qaeda, 66, 105, 111, 120, 248
Altenberg, Peter, 150
Alter, Victor, 22
Alteration, The (Amis), 307
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 106, 110, 112, 226
American Enterprise Institute, 194
American Nazi Party, 110
American Notes for General Circulation (Dickens), 297
American Revolution, 55
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 116, 118, 120
Amis, Kingsley
The Alteration, 307
The James Bond Dossier, 98
Amristar massacre (1919), 93, 206
Anderson, John, 200
Anderson, Jon Lee, Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, 1–18
Anderson, Perry, 279
English Questions, 27
Andress, Ursula, 99
Angola, Cuban expedition to, 6
Animal Farm (Orwell), 23, 24, 28
Antaeus (Greek legend), 267–68
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 124–25
Antigone (Sophocles), 237
Anti-Suffrage League, 154
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (1996), 112, 226
Aplin, Hugh, transl., A Hero of Our Time (Lermontov), 57, 62
Arafat, Yasser, 136, 254
Arbenz, Jacobo, 8, 9–10, 11, 14
Area of Darkness, An (Naipaul), 221
Armas, Castillo, 9
Armenia, 261–64
Armey, Dick, 271
Armitage, Richard, 256
Aron, Raymond, 148
Ashcroft, John, 108, 111
Ashe, Arthur, 73
Assad, Bashar, 266
Assad, Hafez al-, 128
Astor, Nancy, 93
As You Like It (Shakespeare), 275–76
Atatürk, Kemal, 34–35, 36–37
Atlantic, The
“A. N. Wilson: Downhill All the Way” (January/February 2006), 91–96
“Arthur Schlesinger: The Courier” (December 2007), 197–202
“Barack Obama: Cool Cat” (January/February 2009), 229–34
“Blood for No Oil!” (May 2006), 115–21
“Clive James: The Omnivore” (April 2007), 147–51
“Edmund Wilson: Literary Companion” (September 2007), 163–68
“Gertrude Bell: The Woman Who Made Iraq” (June 2007), 153–58
“G. K. Chesterton: The Reactionary” (March 2012), 299–310
“Ian Fleming: Bottoms Up” (April 2006), 97–103
“Imperial Follies” (December 2006), 141–46
“Mikhail Lermontov: A Doomed Young Man” (June 2005), 57–62
“On Becoming American” (May 2005), 53–55
“Orhan Pamuk: Mind the Gap” (October 2004), 29–37
“Paul Scott: Victoria’s Secret” (January/February 2008), 203–9
“Rosa Luxemburg: Red Rosa” (June 2001), 273–79
“Salman Rushdie: Hobbes in the Himalayas” (September 2005), 63–69
“V. S. Naipaul: Cruel and Unusual” (November 2008), 217–24
Audacity of Hope, The (Obama), 230–31
Auden, W. H., 149
Aung San Suu Kyi, 150
Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), 108
Axelrod, David, 230
Ayers, William, 232
Baden-Powell, Robert, 16
Bailey, Peter, 221
Baker, James A. III, 128–29, 216
Baldwin, James, 229
Balfour Declaration, 156
Balkenende, Jan Peter, 194
Bamford, James
Body of Secrets, 111
The Puzzle Palace, 111
Banderas, Antonio, 3
Barnier, Michel, 259
Barr, Bob, 112
Batista, Fulgencio, 3, 8, 10, 11
Bayle, Pierre, 193
BBC, 1, 262
Beauvoir, Simone de, 174
Beinart, Peter, The Good Fight: Why Liberals—and Only Liberals—Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, 115–21
Belge, Murat, 263
Bell, Aimee, 183
Bell, Gertrude, 153–58
“A Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia,” 157
Bend in the River, A (Naipaul), 219
Benedict XVI, Pope, 139–40
Bennett, Alan, The History Boys, 141
Bergen, Peter, 111
Beria, Lavrenty, 143
Berlin, Isaiah, 27, 148, 199
Berman, Paul, 118
Bernal, J. D., 28
Betancourt, Ingrid, 150
Bethune, Norman, 160
Bevan, Aneurin, 146
Beyond Belief (Naipaul), 222
Bhagavad Gita, 68
Bhowani Junction (Masters), 205
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 135
bin Laden, Osama, 132
Bitter Fruit (Schlesinger and Kinzer), 8
Black and Tans, 93
Black Caucus, 230
Black Jacobins, The (James), 223
Black Panthers, 111
Blackwell, Kenneth, 50
Blair, Tony, 96, 106, 112
Blake, William, 317n
Blue Nights (Didion), 281–82
Blumenthal, Richard, 271
Blunt, Wilfred, 158
Bobbitt, Philip, 72
Body of Secrets (Bamford), 111
Boehner, John, 271
Bolívar, Simón, 7
Bolivia, Guevara’s death in, 7, 15–17
Borges, Jorges Luis, 166
Bosnia, 119, 193, 215–16, 255
Boston Massacre, 206
Boucher, Richard, 251
Boxer, Barbara, 120
Bradlee, Ben, 138
Bradley, Doug, 74
Brasillach, Robert, 150
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh), 168, 308
Britain’s Secret Propaganda War (Lashmar and Oliver), 19–20
British Empire, end of, 141–46, 203–4
British Empire Exhibition (1924), 92
British Museum, 239
Broaddrick, Juanita, 213
Brookhiser, Richard, 137
Bruce, Evangeline, 199
Bryan, William Jennings, 253
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 200
Buchan, John, 155
Buchanan, James, 76
Buchanan, Patrick J., 53, 55, 105, 116
Buchwald, Art, 87
Buckley, Christopher, 233
Buckley, William F., Jr., 73, 137
Burdett-Coutts, Angela, 296
Burke, Edmund, 42
Burke and Hare, 160
Burmese Days (Orwell), 205, 314
Burns, John, 110–11
Bush administration (W.), 107–9, 111, 121, 127–29, 213
, 254
Bush at War (Woodward), 255
Bush, George H. W., 17, 72, 119–20, 128, 216, 226
Bush, George W.
bombing proposal by, 106, 112
and elections, 48, 50, 225
medal awarded by, 109
and Middle East wars, 106, 120, 227
and September 11 attacks, 109, 226
speeches of, 30, 226
and warrantless surveillance, 107, 108, 109, 111
Bush, Laura, 226
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 58, 59, 60, 62
“Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,” 239
“The Curse of Minerva,” 239
Byzantine Empire, 238
Cambanis, Thanassis, A Privilege to Die, 267
Campbell, Joseph, and Henry Morton Robinson, A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, 165
Camus, Albert, 151
The Rebel, 149
Capra, Frank, 46
Carlyle, Thomas, 296, 318
Carr, Allen, 178, 186, 188
Carr, E. H., 21
Carrington, Lord, 253
Carter, Jimmy, 118, 199–200, 202
Carter, John P., 77
Casanova complex, 62
Case Against Barack Obama, The (Freddoso), 229–34
“cash nexus,” 1
Casino Royale (Fleming), 99, 102
Castro, Fidel, 4, 100, 149
and Guevara, 10, 11
lynch trials ordered by, 11
and revolution, 1, 9, 10, 12
Castro, Raúl, 11
Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron, 161
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 21, 274
Chalabi, Ahmad, 256
Chamberlain, Joseph, 95
Chamberlain, Neville, 95
Chandler, Raymond, 167
Chanel, Coco, 148
Channon, Henry “Chips,” 200
Chappaquiddick, 137, 244
Charterhouse of Parma, The (Stendhal), 20
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 305
Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (Anderson), 1–18
Chekhov, Anton, 36
Cheney, Dick, 48, 50, 128, 253
Chesterton, G. K., 299–310, 318n
on Distributism, 302–3, 308, 309
Father Brown stories, 299, 307–8
“Lepanto,” 299–300, 301
The Man Who Was Thursday, 307
and Marconi case, 301
The Napoleon of Notting Hill, 307
and Nazism, 308–10
on paradoxes, 301, 303–4, 306–7, 309
Paradox of Conservatism, 301
poems by, 299
“The Secret People,” 300–301, 303
“Why I Am a Catholic,” 306
“Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (Byron), 239
Childers, Erskine, The Riddle of the Sands, 155
Chinese fighter aircraft collision (2001), 254
Chirac, Jacques, 96
Christie, Agatha, Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?, 167
Christmas, 87–89, 202, 283–89
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 287, 293
“Christmas Carol, A” (Lehrer), 283–84, 285, 286
Chung, Connie, 138
Church, Frank, 111
Churchill, Winston, 92, 93, 142, 144, 153
CIA, 3, 113
and Castro, 100
and Congress for Cultural Freedom, 201
and Guatemala, 8, 11
and Guevara, 4, 7, 16–17
and Hungary, 144
and Middle East, 109, 111
Cienfuegos, Camilo, 10
Cities of Salt quintet (Munif), 29
civil rights, 198–99
Clinton administration, 72, 202, 216
Clinton, Bill, 41, 54, 125, 227
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, 112, 226
and election campaign, 216
and Hillary, 211, 212
and Schlesinger, 202
and sex, 202, 212–13
and TV, 137
Clinton, Chelsea, 216
Clinton, Hillary, 121, 211–14, 215–16, 230–31
Clymer, Adam, 245
Codebreakers, The (Kahn), 111
Cold War, 117, 119, 121
Colefax, Sybil, 95
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, “Khubla Khan,” 36
colonialism, 145
Coming Up for Air (Orwell), 312
Communism, fall of, 141
Communist Party
in Britain, 21, 22–23, 24, 27
in Cuba, 10, 11, 13
in Spain, 21, 22
Condit, Gary, 138
Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels), 313
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 201
Connally, C. Ellen, 48
Connery, Sean, 99
Connor, “Bull,” 199
Conquest, Robert, 273–74
Constitution, U.S., 105, 106, 108
Coppola, Peter, 189
Cortázar, Julio, 6
Coughlin, Father, 54
Coulter, Ann, 232
Council on American-Islamic Relations, 110
Coward, Noël, 99, 102
Craig, Daniel, 99
Crick, Bernard, 20
Croly, Herbert, The Promise of American Life, 168
Cromwell, Oliver, 89, 284, 319
Cronkite, Walter, 244
Crosby, Bing, 285
Crossman, Richard, 26
Crump, Ed “Boss,” 43
Castro revolution in, 1, 9, 10, 12
Communist Party in, 10, 11, 13
Guevara in, 11–13
legal currencies in, 1–4
Ministry of Tourism, 2
Cuban missile crisis, 12
Cuban National Bank, 1
Cultural Amnesia: Necesssary Memories From History and the Arts (James), 147–51
Cunninghame Graham, R. B., 158
“Curse of Minerva, The” (Byron), 239
Curzon, Lord, 98
Cyprus, 263
Czechoslovakia, Soviet occupation of, 23–24
Daily Telegraph, 19, 20
Daily Worker, 22
Dangerfield, George, The Strange Death of Liberal England, 93
Dante Alighieri, 165
Darfur, 251–52, 258
Dark Green, Bright Red (Vidal), 8
Darwin, Charles, 296
Dassin, Jules, 239
David Copperfield (Dickens), 293, 295
Da Vinci Code, The (Brown), 166
Davis, Eliza, 296
Day of the Scorpion, The (Scott), 204
Dean, James, 6
death penalty, 42
Debray, Régis, 7
Decembrist revolution (1825), 58, 62
de Gaulle, Charles, 142
Democratic Convention (1968), 202
Dershowitz, Alan, 125
Descartes, René, 193
detoxification, 173–74
Deutscher, Isaac, 26, 27, 94, 279
Development of Capitalism in Russia, The (Lenin), 274
DeVoto, Bernard, 167
Dewey, Thomas, 116
Diamond, Larry, 110
Diamonds Are Forever (Fleming), 97, 98
Dickens, Charles, 291–97, 299, 305
American Notes for General Circulation, 297
A Christmas Carol, 287, 293
David Copperfield, 293, 295
Martin Chuzzlewit, 297
The Old Curiosity Shop, 294, 295
Oliver Twist, 294–95, 296
Our Mutual Friend, 296–97
The Pickwick Papers, 294–95
Dickensian, 291
Didion, Joan, 201
Blue Nights, 281–82
The Year of Magical Thinking, 281
Diebold voting machines, 50–52
Diefenbach, Hans, 275
Dink, Hrant, 263
“disappeared persons,” 4
Distributism, 302–3, 308, 309
Disuniting of America, The (Schlesinger), 202
Division of th
e Spoils, A (Scott), 205
Doctorow, E. L., 45
Donaldson, Sam, 137
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 278, 291–92, 295
Doughty-Wylie, Dick, 153
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 166, 307
“Dream of H. C. Earwicker, The” (Wilson), 164
Dreams from My Father (Obama), 231–32
Driberg, Tom, 26
Drieu de Rochelle, Pierre, 21
Dr. No (Fleming), 99
Dubinsky, David, 116
Dulles, Allen, 9
Dulles, John Foster, 9, 145, 146
Dumont, René, 13
Dunne, John Gregory, 201, 281
Dyer, Reginald, 93, 206
Dylan, Bob, 281
Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 278
Earnhardt, Dale, 74
East India Company, 203
Eastman, Max, The Literary Mind, 164
Eco, Umberto, 103, 147
Eden, Sir Anthony, 100, 142, 144–45, 146
Edward VIII, king of England, 92
Edwards, John, 48, 230–31
Egypt, 142, 143–45, 146
Einstein, Albert, 30, 95
Eisenhower administration, 144, 145, 198
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 72, 100, 144–45, 146, 197
Elgin, Lord, 238–39, 240
Eliot, T. S., 178, 299
“After Strange Gods,” 80
Elizabeth II, queen of England, 92
Elton, Ben, 94
Emancipation Proclamation (Lincoln), 71, 109
Emanuel, Rahm, 232
Emmert, Kirk, 45
empire, 19; see also Great Britain
Encounter magazine, 201
Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and Decolonialization (Louis), 141–46
Engels, Friedrich, The Condition of the Working Class in England, 313
English Patient, The (film), 154
English Questions (Anderson), 27
Enigma of Arrival, The (Naipaul), 217
Enlightenment, 120, 193
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 262–64
Erlich, Henryk, 22
Establishment Clause, 288–89
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 61
Euripides, 237, 281
European Union, 262
Everyman Chesterton, The (Ker), 299–310
Evita (Lloyd Webber), 3
exercise, 174, 190–91
Exner, Judith Campbell, 199
Eyre, Edward John, 296
Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt (Gati), 141–46
Faisal, King (Saudi Arabia), 155, 157
Falklands War, 253
Fallaci, Oriana, 131–40
Inshallah, 138
Interview with History, 134
The Rage and the Pride, 139
Falwell, Jerry, 72
Fan-Mail (James), 151
Farabundo Martí Liberation Front, 2, 3
Farrakhan, Louis, Final Call, 84
fascism, 19
FBI, 109–10
Fekkai, Frédéric, 189
feminism, 150–51, 195
Fillmore, Millard, 76
Final Call (Farrakhan), 84
financial system, collapse of, 227
Financial Times, 187
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 164–65
Firbank, Ronald, 167