My American Journey (Powell), 257–58
My Name Is Red (Pamuk), 30
Nabokov, Vladimir, 57, 59, 60, 62
Nader, Ralph, 48, 50
Nafisi, Azar, Reading Lolita in Tehran, 247
Nagy, Imre, 145
Naipaul, Seepersad, 220, 223
Naipaul, Shiva, 223–24
Fireflies, 224
North of South, 224
Naipaul, V. S., 217–24
An Area of Darkness, 221
A Bend in the River, 219
Beyond Belief, 222
The Enigma of Arrival, 217
Guerrillas, 221
A House for Mr. Biswas, 220
In a Free State, 223
Miguel Street, 223
A Way in the World, 223
Namier, Lewis, 27
Napoléon Bonaparte, 3, 230, 281
Napoleon of Notting Hill, The (Chesterton), 307
NASCAR, 73–76, 79
Nasrallah, Hassan, 266, 267
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 37
Nation, The, “What Is Patriotism?” (July 15/22, 1991), 321
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, 110
National Rifle Association (NRA), 112
National Security Agency (NSA), 106, 107, 109, 110, 111
National Security Council (NSC), 145
NATO, 30, 253, 264
Nazism, 308–10, 318
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 207, 316
Neruda, Pablo, 6n
Neurach, Eva, 94–95
New Deal, 116, 198
New Frontier, 71, 117
New Left, 117, 141
Newman, Cardinal John Henry, 301–2, 305, 310
Newman, Paul, 45
New Republic, 27, 163
New Review, 177
Newsweek, 232, 249
New Yorker, 165
New York Review of Books, The, 124, 222
“Che Guevara: Goodbye to All That” (July 17, 1997), 1–18
“Orwell’s List” (September 26, 2002), 19–28
Pamuk as contributor to, 30
reports from Kashmir in, 67
New York Times, 3, 11, 40, 88, 243, 247
Ngo Dinh Diem, 244
Nicholas I, Czar, 61
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 116–17
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 19, 20, 22, 313–14, 316
Niven, David, 99
Nixon, Richard M., 41, 136, 198, 245
and elections, 72, 200–201
Ford’s pardon of, 201
and Hungary, 145
and impeachment, 111
and Schlesinger, 200–201
and Vietnam, 201, 287
“No, I’m Not Byron” (Lermontov), 58
Noonan, Peggy, 233
No One Left to Lie To (Hitchens), 213
Norgay, Tenzing, 211
Norquist, Grover, 112
North Korea, 227
North of South (S. Naipaul), 224
Nouvelle Revue Française, 21
Nugent, S. Georgia, 46
Obama administration, 247, 249
Obama, Barack Hussein, 225, 229–34, 243
The Audacity of Hope, 230–31
Dreams from My Father, 231–32
O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 201
O’Connor, Father John, 299
O’Connor, Leo, 106, 107
O’Dell, Walden, 50, 51
“Ode on a Grecian Urn” (Keats), 242
O’Dwyer, Michael, 93
Odyssey (Homer), 164
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 100
O’Hara, Damian, 178–79
Ohio, election (2004) in, 45–52
Oklahoma City bombing, 112, 226
Old Curiosity Shop, The (Dickens), 294, 295
Old Mortality (Scott), 59
Oliver, James, 19–20
Oliver Twist (Dickens), 294–95, 296
Olivetti, 3
Olympic Games, 252–53
“On the Death of the Poet” (Lermontov), 61
“Operation Carlota” (García Márquez), 6
Oppenheimer, Robert, 68
Opus Dei, 305
Orwell, George, 3, 19–28, 148
Animal Farm, 23, 24, 28
As I Please column by, 311
Burmese Days, 205, 314
Coming Up for Air, 312
George Orwell Diaries, introduction, 311–20
Nineteen Eighty-Four, 19, 20, 22, 313–14, 316
The Road to Wigan Pier, 94, 313
and Spanish Civil War, 314, 315–16
“Why I Write,” 311
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 71
Ottoman Empire, 238, 261
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 296–97
Padilha, Janea, 181, 182
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran, 131–33, 265
Paine, Thomas, 42, 78
País, Frank, 10
Pakistan, 63–67, 69, 205, 206, 208
Palestine, 156, 255, 266
Palin, Sarah, 233
Pamuk, Orhan, 263
My Name Is Red, 30
Snow, 29–37
Pandermalis, Dimitrios, 241
Papandreou, Nick, 236
Parthenon, 235–42
Partisan Review, 20, 148
Passage to India, A (Forster), 204, 205, 206, 207
Patriot Act, 112
patriotism, 53–55, 321
Paxman, Jeremy, 136
Pepper, Claude, 28
Peres, Shimon, 263
Pericles (Plutarch), 236–37
Peron, Juan, 5, 6
Perot, H. Ross, 41, 271
Pesce, Hugo, Latitudes del Silencio, 7
Peter Rabbit (Potter), 150
Pevsner, Nikolaus, 94
Phidias, 238, 240
Pickwick Papers, The, (Dickens), 294–95
Pierce, Franklin, 76
Pillars of Hercules (Soho pub), 177
Pinckney, Darryl, 188
Plan of Attack (Woodward), 253, 255
Pledge of Allegiance, 42, 75, 80
PLO, 265
Plot Against America, The, (Roth), 116
Plutarch, Pericles, 236–37
polymath, 147–48
Popper, Karl, 27, 94
Potter, Beatrix:
Peter Rabbit, 150
The Tale of Mr. Tod, 150
The Tale of Pigling Bland, 150
Pound, Ezra, 21
Powell, Anthony, 61, 62, 149, 217
Powell, Colin, 112, 251–59
My American Journey, 257–58
President We Deserve, The (Walker), 54
Priestley, J. B., 26
Privilege to Die, A (Cambanis), 267
Promise of American Life, The (Croly), 168
Protestant Reformation, 305, 308–9
Proust, Marcel, 148
Pushkin, Alexander, 58–59, 60–61, 62
Eugene Onegin, 61
Putin, Vladimir, 250
Puzzle Palace, The (Bamford), 111
Qaddafi, Muammar, 133
Quakers, 111
Quixote, Don (fict.), 7
Radio Free Europe, 145
Raft, George, 2
Rage and the Pride, The (Fallaci), 139
Raj Quartet, The (Scott), 63, 203–9
Rákosi, Mátyás, 143
Ram Leela (Indian epic), 65
Randolph, A. Philip, 199
Ransom, Harry, 81
Ransom, John Crowe, 45
Rashid, Ahmed, 222
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, 263
Rather, Dan, 131, 132
Rauf, Imam, 284
Raven, Simon, 102
Reading Lolita in Tehran (Nafisi), 247
Reagan, Ronald, 118–19, 121, 199, 231
Rebel, The (Camus), 149
Red Brigades, 148
Rees, Richard, 20, 24, 25
reflexology, 172
Reformation, 305, 308–9
regime change, 255–56
rehabilitation, 169–75
, 177–83, 185–91
Brazilian keratin hair treatment, 188–89
Brazilian waxing technique, 181–83
dentistry, 180–81, 186
exercise, 174, 190–91
manicure, 187
memory loss, 187–88
professional report and opinion, 169–71
scorecard, 191
smoking cessation, 178–80, 186–88, 191
spa, 172–75
unforeseen consequences of, 187
Rehnquist, William, 45
Reid, Harry, 120
Reid, Jerry, 76
Republican Jewish Coalition, 123–24
Republic of Letters, 165, 167
Reuther, Walter, 116
American, 55
and Counter-Revolution, 7
Decembrist, 58, 62
expectations of, 8
non-Soviet model sought in, 12
readiness to die in, 10
Rice, Susan, 249
Rich, Marc, 125
Riddle of the Sands, The (Childers), 155
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 151
Road to Wigan Pier, The (Orwell), 94, 313
Robertson, Geoffrey, 107
Robeson, Paul, 27
Robinson, Henry Morton, 165
Roche, Dennis, 188, 189
Rockwell, Norman, 85
Rodriguez, Felix, 16–17
Rogers, Will, 201
Rognoni, Virginio, 148
Rolland, Romain, 275
Romero, Anthony, 106, 110
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 116
Roosevelt, Franklin, 150
Roosevelt, Theodore, 7, 43
Rose, Charlie, 137
Rosenberg, Alfred, 274
Roth, Philip
I Married a Communist, 116
The Plot Against America, 116
Rousset, David, L’Univers concentrationnaire, 273
Rubin, Barnett, 110
Rumsfeld, Donald, 127, 128
Rushdie, Salman, 110, 321
Midnight’s Children, 64
Shalimar the Clown, 63–69
Shame, 64
Rusk, Dean, 256
Ruskin, John, 296
Russell, Bertrand, 274
Russert, Tim, 137, 256
Rustin, Bayard, 116
Ryan, Jack, 230
Sadat, Anwar el-, 37, 201
Saeed the Pessoptimist (Habibi), 29, 117
Safire, William, 125
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 95, 318–19
Saklatvala, Shapurji, 92
Salinas Museum, Palermo, 241
Salinger, J. D., 177
Sandinistas, 3, 118
San Martín, José de, 6n
San Salvador, 2
Santiago, Cuba, massacre in, 1
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 148, 174
Saunders, Frances Stonor, Who Paid the Piper?, 26
Sayers, Dorothy L., 166
Scarborough Country (MSNBC), 87–88
Schiller, Friedrich von, 275
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 116, 117
The Age of Jackson, 202
The Disuniting of America, 202
Journals: 1952–2000, 197–202
A Thousand Days, 198
Schlesinger, Stephen, and Stephen Kinzer, Bitter Fruit, 8
Scholl, Sophie, 150
Schröder, Gerhard, 96
Scott, Paul, 65
The Day of the Scorpion, 204
A Division of the Spoils, 205
The Raj Quartet, 63, 203–9
Scott, Sir Walter, Old Mortality, 59
Scowcroft, Brent, 105
Sebestyen, Victor, Twelve Days: The Story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 141–46
Second Amendment, 112
“Secret People, The” (Chesterton), 300–301, 303
Sellers, Peter, 99
September 11 attacks, 30, 247
and Afghanistan-Iraq wars, 119–20, 255
and Fallaci, 139
and intelligence agencies, 109
and legislation, 108
as life-changing event, 55, 105, 119, 226
and W. (film), 225–26
Serge, Victor, 273
Shahak, Israel, and Norton Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, 161
Shakespeare, William, As You Like It, 275–76
Shalimar the Clown (Rushdie), 63–69
Shame (Rushdie), 64
Shrum, Bob, 243
Silva, Hector, 2–3
Simpson, Wallis, 92
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 81
Sir Vidia’s Shadow (Theroux), 221
Sitwell, Osbert, 23
60 minutes (TV), 136
Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, A (Campbell and Robinson), 165
“Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Price of Freedom” (October 8, 2007), 193–96
“Bah, Humbug” (December 20, 2005), 87–89
“The Case against Hillary Clinton” (January 14, 2008), 211–14
“Edward M. Kennedy: Redemption Song” (August 31, 2009), 243–46
“Engaging with Iran Is Like Having Sex With Someone Who Hates You” (September 14, 2009), 247–50
“Hezbollah’s Progress” (October 18, 2010), 265–68
“How Uninviting” (October 23, 2006), 123–26
“Look Who’s Cutting and Running Now” (November 20, 2006), 127–29
“No Regrets” (January 19, 2009), 225–27
“Physician, Heal Thyself” (July 9, 2007), 159–62
“The Politicians We Deserve” (October 11, 2010), 269–71
“Shut Up about Armenians or We’ll Hurt Them Again” (April 5, 2010), 261–64
“The Tall Tale of Tuzla” (March 31, 2008), 215–16
Slater, Humphrey, 315
Slaughterhouse Province, The (Davis), 261
Smallholder, 317
Smith, Winston, 317n
smoking cessation, 178–80, 186–88, 191
Smolka, Peter, 23
Smollett, Peter, 25
Snow (Pamuk), 29–37
Socialist Leader, 23
Socrates, 237
Solti, Sir George, 94
Somoza, Anastasio, 8, 9
Sontag, Susan, 119, 147
Sophocles, 237
South, the, 71–82
“Bible Belt,” 79
redefining itself, 82
rednecks in, 73
Texas, 80–82
Soviet Union
and Cold War, 120
“Doctors’ Plot” in, 159
Guevara’s criticism of, 12–13
Hitler’s alliance with, 21, 115, 116
and Hungarian Revolt, 141, 142–46
Spain, Communist Party in, 21, 22
Spanish Armada, 306
Spanish Civil War, 115, 314, 315–16
Spanish Republic, 10
Spender, Stephen, 26
Sperber, Manès, 148
Spielberg, Steven, Munich, 99
Spinoza, Baruch, 193
Spurling, Hilary, 205
Stalin, Joseph
death of, 142, 149
and “Doctors’ Plot,” 159
and Guevara, 9
and Hitler, 115, 116
and Orwell, 27, 28
Stalinism, 19, 22, 95, 161–62
Stamboul Train (Greene), 160
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (anthem), 74
State Department, U.S., 251–57
State of Excitement (Fleming, unpubl.), 97
Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath, 232
In Dubious Battle, 232
Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma, 201
Stevens, Cat (aka Yusuf Islam), 110
Stevenson, Adlai E., 43, 72, 199, 256
Stone, I. F., 14, 27, 117
Stone, Oliver, 225–26
Stones of Athens, The (Wycherley), 237
Stoppard, Tom, 81
Strange Death of Liberal England, The (Dangerfield), 93
Jack, 107
Submission (film), 194
Suez Canal, 100, 142, 143–45, 146, 202
Suphi, Mustafa, 34
Sykes, Sir Mark, 157
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 156
Syria, 266, 267
Tale of Mr. Tod, The (Potter), 150
Tale of Pigling Bland, The (Potter), 150
Taliban, 105, 222, 248
Tammany Hall, 51–52
Tea Party, 270–71
Temple of Aphaea, 235
Temple of Poseidon, 236
Tenet, George, 109, 110, 256
Tennant, Stephen, 217
Texas, 80–82
Thanksgiving, 83–85, 87
Thatcher, Margaret, 96, 119, 253
Theroux, Paul, Sir Vidia’s Shadow, 221
Thompson, Edward, 158
Thousand Days, A (Schlesinger), 198
Thule Society, 276–77
Timerman, Jacobo, 166
Titanic, 96
Tomalin, Claire, The Invisible Woman, 291
totalitarian, use of term, 273
To the Finland Station (Wilson), 165
Transition magazine, 164
Trotha, Lothar von, 276
Trotsky, Leon, 10, 15
Trujillo, Rafael, 8
Truman administration, 27, 117
“truth commissions,” 4
Tschumi, Bernard, 240
Turgenev, Ivan, 62
and Armenia, 261–64
as bridge between East and West, 30, 31
and Byzantine Empire, 238
Gallipoli, 36, 153
and Mesopotamia, 155
national identity of, 35, 37
Ottoman Empire, 238, 261
Turlington, Christy, 180, 181, 182
Tutwiler, Margaret, 257
Twelve Days: The Story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Sebestyen), 141–46
Tyler, John, 76
Ulysses (Joyce), 164
United Fruit Company, 9
United Nations (UN)
and Guevara, 13
and Hungary, 141, 146
and Hussein, 123, 227, 256, 266
and Iran, 248, 249
and Iraq, 258–59
“oil for food” program of, 123
and Powell, 249, 258–59
United States
Bill of Rights, 105, 113
Constitution, 105, 106, 108
South, 71–82
as superpower, 141
Van Buren, Martin, 76
Vance, Cyrus, 253
van Gogh, Theo, 194
Vanity Fair, 112, 218
“Charles Dickens’s Inner Child” (February 2012), 291–97
“The Importance of Being Orwell” (August 2012), 311–20
“Joan Didion: Blue Nights” (June 2011), 281–82
“The Lovely Stones” (July 2009), 235–42
“My Red-State Odyssey” (September 2005), 71–82
“Ohio’s Odd Numbers” (March 2005), 45–52
“On the Limits of Self-improvement, Part I: Of Vice and Men” (October 2007), 169–75
“On the Limits of Self-improvement, Part II: Vice and Versa” (December 2007), 177–83
“On the Limits of Self-improvement, Part III: Mission Accomplished” (September 2008), 185–91
“Oriana Fallaci and the Art of the Interview” (December 2006), 131–40