Page 100 of A Mighty Fortress


  WAIGAN, FRAHNKLYN, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY— chief petty officer and senior helmsman, HMS Destiny, 54.

  WAIGNAIR, BISHOP HAINRYK— Bishop of Tellesberg; senior prelate (after Archbishop Maikel) of the Kingdom of Old Charis.

  WAILAHR, COMMODORE SIR HAIRAHM, IMPERIAL DESNAIRIAN NAVY— a squadron commander of the Imperial Desnairian Navy.

  WAIMYN, FATHER AIDRYN— intendant, Archbishopric of Corisande.

  WAISTYN, BYRTRYM— Duke of Halbrook Hollow; Queen Sharleyan’s deceased uncle and army commander.

  WALKYR, EDMYND— CO, merchant galleon Wave.

  WALKYR, GREYGHOR— Edmynd Walkyr’s son.

  WALKYR, LYZBET— Edmynd Walkyr’s wife.


  WALKYR, MYCHAIL— Edmynd Walkyr’s youn gest brother; CO, merchant galleon Wind.

  WALKYR, STYV— Tahdayo Mahntayl’s chief adviser.

  WALKYR, ZHORJ— XO, galleon Wave. Edmynd Walkyr’s younger brother.

  WALLYCE, LORD FRAHNKLYN— Chancellor of the Siddarmark Republic.

  WAVE THUNDER, BARON OF— see Bynzhamyn Raice.

  WAVE THUNDER, BARONESS OF— see Leahyn Raice.


  WHAITE, CAPTAIN STYVYN— CO, merchant ship Sea Cloud, a courier for Prince Hektor’s spies in Charis. Alias for Robyrt Bradlai.

  WHITE CASTLE, BARON— see Tohmys Bahrmyn.

  WHITE CRAG, EARL OF— see Hauwerstat Thompkyn.

  WHITE FORD, BARON OF— see Gahvyn Mahrtyn.

  WIND MOUNTAIN, COUNT OF— see Captain of Winds Shoukhan Khowsan.

  WINDSHARE, EARL OF— see Sir Alyk Ahrthyr.

  WYLLYM, ARCHBISHOP— see Wyllym Rayno.

  WYLLYMS, MARHYS— the Duke of Tirian’s majordomo.

  WYLSYNN, ARCHBAHLD— younger son of Vicar Samyl and Lysbet Wylsynn; Father Paityr Wylsynn’s half brother.

  WYLSYNN, HAUWERD— Paityr Wylsynn’s uncle; a Reformist member of the vicarate; ex Temple Guardsman; a priest of the Order of Langhorne.

  WYLSYNN, LYSBET— Samyl Wylsynn’s second wife; mother of Tohmys, Zhanayt, and Archbahld Wylsynn.

  WYLSYNN, PAITYR— a priest of the Order of Schueler and the Intendant of Charis. He served Erayk Dynnys in that capacity and has continued to serve Archbishop Maikel.

  WYLSYNN, SAMYL— Father Paityr Wylsynn’s father; the leader of the Reformists within the Council of Vicars and a priest of the Order of Schueler.

  WYLSYNN, TANNIERE— Samyl Wylsynn’s deceased wife; mother of Erais and Paityr Wylsynn.

  WYLSYNN, TOHMYS— older son of Vicar Samyl and Lysbet Wylsynn; Father Paityr Wylsynn’s half brother.

  WYLSYNN, ZHANAYT— daughter of Vicar Samyl and Lysbet Wylsynn; Father Paityr Wylsynn’s half sister.

  WYNDAYL, MAJOR BRAINAHK, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN MARINES— CO, First Battalion, Fourteenth Marine Regiment.

  WYNSTYN, LIEUTENANT KYNYTH, ROYAL CORISANDIAN NAVY— first lieutenant, galley Corisande.

  WYSTAHN, AHNAINAH— Edvarhd Wystahn’s wife.

  WYSTAHN, SERGEANT EDVARHD, ROYAL CHARISIAN MARINES— a scout-sniper assigned to 1⁄3rd Marines.

  YAIR, FATHER AIRWAIN— chaplain and confessor to Rahzhyr Mairwyn, Baron Larchros.

  YAIRLEY, CAPTAIN ALLAYN, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY— older brother of Captain Sir Dunkyn Yairley.


  YOWANCE, EHRNAIST— Rayjhis Yowance’s deceased elder brother.

  YOWANCE, RAYJHIS— Earl Gray Harbor, First Councilor of Charis.


  ZAHCHO, FATHER DAISHAN— an under- priest of the Order of Schueler; one of Father Aidryn Waimyn’s Inquisitors in Corisande.

  ZAHMSYN, VICAR— see Zahmsyn Trynair.

  ZAIVYAIR, AIBRAM, DUKE OF THORAST— effective Navy Minister and senior officer, Royal Dohlaran Navy; brother- in- law of Admiral- General Duke Malikai (Faidel Ahlverez).

  ZEBEDIAH, GRAND DUKE OF— see Tohmas Symmyns.


  ZHANSAN, FRAHNK— the Duke of Tirian’s senior guardsman.

  ZHANSTYN, BRIGADIER ZHOEL, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN MARINES— CO, Third Brigade, ICMC. Brigadier Clareyk’s senior battalion CO during Corisande Campaign.

  ZHARDEAU, LADY ERAIS— Samyl and Tanniere Wylsynn’s daughter; Father Paityr Wylsynn’s younger full sister; wife of Sir Fraihman Zhardeau.

  ZHARDEAU, SIR FRAIHMAN— minor Tansharan aristocrat; husband of Lady Erais Zhardeau; son- in- law of Vicar Samyl Wylsynn.

  ZHARDEAU, SAMYL— son of Sir Fraihman and Lady Erais Zhardeau; grandson of Vicar Samyl Wylsynn; nephew of Father Paityr Wylsynn.

  ZHASPAHR, VICAR— see Zhaspahr Clyntahn.

  ZHASYN, ARCHBISHOP— see Zhasyn Cahnyr.

  ZHAZTRO, COMMODORE HAINZ, EMERALD NAVY— the senior Emeraldian naval officer afloat (technically) in Eraystor following the Battle of Darcos Sound.




  ZHESSYP, LACHLYN— King Haarahld VII’s valet.

  ZHEVONS, AHBRAIM— alias and alternate persona of Merlin Athrawes.


  ZHONAIR, MAJOR GAHRMYN— a battery commander in Ferayd Harbor, Ferayd Sound, Kingdom of Delferahk.


  ZHORJ, COL O NEL SIR WAHLYS— Tahdayo Mahntayl’s senior mercenary commander.

  ZHUSTYN, SIR AHLBER— senior minister for intelligence, Kingdom of Chisholm.


  Anshinritsumei—literally “enlightenment,” from the Japanese. Rendered in the Safehold Bible, however, as “the little fire,” the lesser touch of God’s spirit. The maximum enlightenment of which mortals are capable.

  Blink- lizard—a small, bioluminescent winged lizard. Although it’s about three times the size of a firefly, it fills much the same niche on Safehold.

  Borer—a form of Safeholdian shellfish which attaches itself to the hulls of ships or the timbers of wharves by boring into them. There are several types of borer, the most destructive of which actually eat their way steadily deeper into a wooden structure. Borers and rot are the two most serious threats (aside, of course, from fire) to wooden hulls.

  Catamount—a smaller version of the Safeholdian slash lizard. The catamount is very fast and smarter than its larger cousin, which means that it tends to avoid humans. It is, however, a lethal and dangerous hunter in its own right.

  Cat- lizard—a furry lizard about the size of a terrestrial cat. They are kept as pets and are very affectionate.

  Chewleaf—a mildly narcotic leaf from a native Safeholdian plant. It is used much as terrestrial chewing tobacco over most of the planet’s surface.

  Choke tree— a low- growing species of tree native to Safehold. It comes in many varieties and is found in most of the planet’s climate zones. It is dense-growing, tough, and difficult to eradicate, but it requires quite a lot of sunlight to flourish, which means it is seldom found in mature old- growth forests.

  Commentaries, The— the authorized interpretations and doctrinal expansions upon the Holy Writ. They represent the officially approved and sanctioned interpretation of the original scripture.

  Cotton silk— a plant native to Safehold which shares many of the properties of silk and cotton. It is very lightweight and strong, but the raw fiber comes from a plant pod which is even more filled with seeds than Old Earth
cotton. Because of the amount of hand labor required to harvest and process the pods and to remove the seeds from it, cotton silk is very expensive.

  Council of Vicars— the Church of God Awaiting’s equivalent of the College of Cardinals.

  Dagger thorn— a native Charisian shrub, growing to a height of perhaps three feet at maturity, which possesses knife- edged thorns from three to seven inches long, depending upon the variety.

  Deep- mouth wyvern— Safeholdian equivalent of a pelican.

  Doomwhale—the most dangerous predator of Safehold, although, fortunately, it seldom bothers with anything as small as humans. Doomwhales have been known to run to as much as one hundred feet in length, and they are pure carnivores. Each doomwhale requires a huge range, and encounters with them are rare, for which human beings are just as glad, thank you. Doomwhales will eat anything . . . including the largest krakens. They have been known, on extremely rare occasions, to attack merchant ships and war galleys.

  Dragon—the largest native Safeholdian land life- form. Dragons come in two varieties, the common dragon and the great dragon. The common dragon is about twice the size of a Terran elephant and is herbivorous. The great dragon is smaller, about half to two- thirds the size of the common dragon, but carnivorous, filling the highest feeding niche of Safehold’s land-based ecol ogy. They look very much alike, aside from their size and the fact that the common dragon has herbivore teeth and jaws, whereas the great dragon has elongated jaws with sharp, serrated teeth. They have six limbs and, unlike the slash lizard, are covered in thick, well- insulated hide rather than fur.

  Five- day—a Safeholdian “week,” consisting of only five days, Monday through Friday.

  Fleming moss— an absorbent moss native to Safehold which was genetically engineered by Shan- wei’s terraforming crews to possess natural antibiotic properties. It is a staple of Safeholdian medical practice.

  Grasshopper—a Safeholdian insect analogue which grows to a length of as much as nine inches and is carnivorous. Fortunately, they do not occur in the same numbers as terrestrial grasshoppers.

  Gray- horned wyvern— a nocturnal flying predator of Safehold. It is roughly analogous to a terrestrial owl.

  Great dragon— the largest and most dangerous land carnivore of Safehold. The great dragon isn’t actually related to hill dragons or jungle dragons at all, despite some superficial physical resemblances. In fact, it’s more of a scaled- up slash lizard.

  Group of Four— the four vicars who dominate and effectively control the Council of Vicars of the Church of God Awaiting.

  Hairatha Dragons— the Hairatha professional baseball team. The traditional rivals of the Tellesberg Krakens for the Kingdom Championship.

  Hill dragon— a roughly elephant- sized draft animal commonly used on Safe-hold. Despite their size, they are capable of rapid, sustained movement.

  Ice wyvern— a flightless aquatic wyvern rather similar to a terrestrial penguin. Species of ice wyvern are native to both the northern and southern polar regions of Safehold.

  Insights, The— the recorded pronouncements and observations of the Church of God Awaiting’s Grand Vicars and canonized saints. They represent deeply significant spiritual and inspirational teachings, but as the work of fallible mortals do not have the same standing as the Holy Writ itself.

  Intendant—the cleric assigned to a bishopric or archbishopric as the direct representative of the Office of Inquisition. The intendant is specifically charged with assuring that the Proscriptions of Jwo- jeng are not violated.

  Jungle dragon— a somewhat generic term applied to lowland dragons larger than hill dragons. The gray jungle dragon is the largest herbivore on Safehold.

  Kercheef—a traditional headdress worn in the Kingdom of Tarot which consists of a specially designed bandana tied across the hair.

  Knights of the Temple Lands— the corporate title of the prelates who govern the Temple Lands. Technically, the Knights of the Temple Lands are secular rulers who simply happen to also hold high Church office. Under the letter of the Church’s law, what they may do as the Knights of the Temple Lands is completely separate from any official action of the Church. This legal fiction has been of considerable value to the Church on more than one occasion.

  Kraken—generic term for an entire family of maritime predators. Krakens are rather like sharks crossed with octupi. They have powerful, fish- like bodies, strong jaws with inward- inclined, fang- like teeth, and a cluster of tentacles just behind the head which can be used to hold prey while they devour it. The smallest, coastal krakens can be as short as three or four feet; deep- water kra -kens up to fifty feet in length have been reported, and there are legends of those still larger.

  Kyousei hi— literally “great fire” or “magnificent fire.” The term used to describe the brilliant nimbus of light the Operation Ark command crew generated around their air cars and skimmers to help “prove” their divinity to the original Safeholdians.

  Langhorne’s Watch— the thirty- one- minute period immediately before midnight in order to compensate for the extra length of Safehold’s 26.5-hour day.

  Master Traynyr— a character out of the Safeholdian entertainment tradition. Master Traynyr is a stock character in Safeholdian puppet theater, by turns a bumbling conspirator whose plans always miscarry and the puppeteer who controls all of the marionette “actors” in the play.

  Monastery of Saint Zherneau— the mother monastery and headquarters of the Brethren of Saint Zherneau, a relatively small and poor order in the Arch-bishopric of Charis.

  Mountain spike- thorn—a particular subspecies of spike- thorn, found primarily in tropical mountains. The most common blossom color is a deep, rich red, but the white mountain spike- thorn is especially prized for its trumpet- shaped blossom, which has a deep almost cobalt- blue throat, fading to pure white as it approaches the outer edge of the blossom, which is, in turn, fringed in a deep golden yellow.

  Narwhale—a species of Safeholdian sea life named for the Old Earth species of the same name. Safeholdian narwhales are about forty feet in length and equipped with twin horn- like tusks up to eight- feet long.

  Nearoak—a rough- barked Safeholdian tree similar to Old Earth oak trees, found in tropic and near- tropic zones. Although it does resemble an Old Earth oak, it is an evergreen and seeds using “pine cones.”

  Nynian Rychtair— the Safeholdian equivalent of Helen of Troy, a woman of legendary beauty, born in Siddarmark, who eventually married the Emperor of Harchong.

  Persimmon fig— a native Safeholdian fruit which is extremely tart and relatively thick- skinned.

  Prong lizard— a roughly elk- sized lizard with a single horn which branches into four sharp points in the last third or so of its length. They are herbivores and not particularly ferocious.

  Proscriptions of Jwo- jeng—the definition of allowable technology under the doctrine of the Church of God Awaiting. Essentially, the Proscriptions limit allowable technology to that which is powered by wind, water, or muscle. The Proscriptions are subject to interpretation, generally by the Order of Schueler, which generally errs on the side of conservatism.

  Rakurai—literally “lightning bolt.” The Holy Writ’s term for the kinetic weapons used to destroy the Alexandria Enclave.

  Saint Zherneau— the patron saint of the Monastery of Saint Zherneau in Tellesberg.

  Sand maggot— a loathsome carnivore, looking much like a six- legged slug, which haunts beaches just above the surf line. Sand maggots do not normally take living prey, although they have no objection to devouring the occasional small creature which strays into their reach. Their natural coloration blends with their sandy habitat well, and they normally conceal themselves by digging their bodies into the sand until they are completely covered, or only a small portion of their backs show.

  Sea cow— a walrus- like Safeholdian sea mammal which grows to a body length of approximately ten feet when fully mature.

  Seijin—sage, holy man. Directly from the Jap
a nese by way of Maruyama Chihiro, the Langhorne staffer who wrote the Church of God Awaiting’s Bible.

  Slash lizard— a six- limbed, saurian- looking, furry oviparous mammal. One of the three top predators of Safehold. Mouth contains twin rows of fangs capable of punching through chain mail; feet have four long toes each, tipped with claws up to five or six inches long.

  SNARC—Self- Navigating Autonomous Reconnaissance and Communication platform.

  Spider- crab—a native species of sea life, considerably larger than any terrestrial crab. The spider- crab is not a crustacean, but rather more of a segmented, tough-hided, many- legged seagoing slug. Despite that, its legs are considered a great delicacy and are actually very tasty.

  Spider- rat— a native species of vermin which fills roughly the ecological niche of a terrestrial rat. Like all Safehold mammals, it is six- limbed, but it looks like a cross between a hairy gila monster and an insect, with long, multi- jointed legs which actually arch higher than its spine. It is nasty- tempered but basically cowardly, and fully adult male specimens of the larger varieties of spider rat run to about two feet in body length, with another two feet of tail. The more common varieties average between thirty- three percent and fifty percent of that body/tail length.

  Spike- thorn—a flowering shrub, various subspecies of which are found in most Safeholdian climate zones. Its blossoms come in many colors and hues, and the tropical versions tend to be taller- growing and to bear more delicate blossoms.

  Steel thistle— a native Safeholdian plant which looks very much like branching bamboo. The plant bears seed pods filled with small, spiny seeds embedded in fine, straight fibers. The seeds are extremely difficult to remove by hand, but the fiber can be woven into a fabric which is even stronger than cotton silk. It can also be twisted into extremely strong, stretch- resistant rope. Moreover, the plant grows almost as rapidly as actual bamboo, and the yield of raw fiber per acre is seventy percent higher than for terrestrial cotton.

  Surgoi kasai— literally “dreadful (great) conflagration.” The true spirit of God, the touch of His divine fire which only an angel or Archangel can endure.