Page 17 of Lost in Bliss

  rush into a relationship with the first man you saw. You waited. You

  want them. Those two men in there aren’t interchangeable for anyone

  who would put a ring on your finger, or you would have been dating

  all this time.”

  “Maybe they just showed up at the right time.” She’d needed a

  while to get over what happened to her in DC. Hell, she wasn’t sure

  she would ever get over it, but last night had proven that at least she

  was ready to get physical again.

  “Don’t fight this,” Wolf said with a sigh as though he knew his

  words would go unheeded. “You’re only going to cause more trouble

  for all three of you. Now, I came out for a reason.”

  “Other than to scare the crap out of me?”

  He grinned. “That was a bonus.” His face lost its jovial

  expression. “The feds took over the Movie Motel last night. Men in

  suits rented out every room Gene had.”

  Laura felt a cold chill cross her skin. “Did Gene get them


  Gene liked to talk to everyone who came to his place. The Movie

  Motel was the largest inn in town.

  “They followed Rafe and Cam out here. According to one of the

  lead men, your boys were well aware that the team, as they called it,

  was on their way. I take it they didn’t bother to mention that they

  were bringing all their friends out here?”

  She tightened her grip on the coffee mug. There was only one real


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  reason to bring the whole crew out here. She was pretty damn sure de

  Sade wasn’t working here in Colorado.

  “Did they tell Gene if there had been a threat made against me

  personally?” It would explain a lot.

  “No,” Wolf replied. “But they did ask for directions out to your

  place. Gene had never heard of you. Strange.”

  She couldn’t help a little snort. The feds were going to find Bliss a

  bit hard to manage until she’d gotten the word out that she was


  Was she cooperating?

  Damn it. She couldn’t think straight. All she could think about

  was the fact that Rafe and Cam had lied to her. Again.

  The sweet feeling she’d had looking at them together dissipated,

  replaced with a hole in the pit of her stomach.

  “The minute my momma heard the news that the feds had

  descended, she and Mel took to the shelter. She’s sending out radio

  messages that anyone in town who wants protection from the coming

  invasion should come out to Mel’s place. On the plus side, she made

  pecan pie. I love pecan pie.”

  Laura turned to Wolf. Her current dilemma was going to have

  consequences for everyone in town. Just as she had the thought, a

  Bronco with the logo for the Bliss County Sheriff’s Department rolled

  into her driveway. Logan Green slid out of his vehicle looking a bit

  cranky, but then he was always cranky these days. Laura was pretty

  sure what he was here about. If she let them, the feds would have

  everyone in town on edge.

  “I’m sorry about it. I don’t know how long they’re going to be

  here. Maybe if I go to DC with them, things can go back to normal,”

  Laura said as she walked across the small room to throw open the

  door for Logan.

  Whatever they wanted to do, they could do in DC. She didn’t have

  to upend the whole town.

  “Don’t you even think about that,” Wolf said, getting up. His face

  Lost in Bliss


  was set in hard lines. “You are not leaving this town. We can’t protect

  you if you’re off in DC.”

  Logan jogged up the steps, pulling the aviators off his face. “Wolf

  is right. I read that file this morning. You nearly got killed in DC. No place is safe anymore, but at least here you know everyone will watch

  out for you.”

  Laura opened the screen door and allowed Logan in. His big

  frame filled the doorway. In the last several months he’d gone from

  lanky boy to muscular man. He’d put away his precious comic books

  and now spent a lot of time in the gym. And at bars, if the rumors

  were true.

  “Are you here to bring me in?” Laura asked the deputy.

  Logan settled his hat on his head. “It’s not like that. Nate’s got a

  whole bunch of men in his office who want to talk to you. He

  wouldn’t tell them where you live. He sent me out to see if you want

  to talk or if you would prefer to join Mel and Cassidy. No one is

  going to look for you there. You could hole up for a week or two, and

  this should blow over.”

  “It’s not so bad,” Wolf offered. “Mel’s made that place quite


  “I am not going to hole up in a shelter and hope they go away,”

  Laura said with a long sigh.

  She’d dreaded this moment. It was so much worse because, once

  again, Rafe and Cam were involved in her utter humiliation. “It was

  really far too much to think I could hide forever. I’ll go talk to them.

  Who’s the agent in charge?”

  “A man named Joseph Stone.”

  Wolf suddenly held up his right hand, making a fist.

  “Is he going to punch someone?” Laura asked.

  Wolf shushed her and started to move around the table. His voice

  was low. “Someone’s outside. They’re moving slow and quiet, but

  they’re not used to rural terrain. He’s making a bunch of noise, and he

  doesn’t even realize it.”


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  Logan’s face had gone stony, and he had his gun in hand. “I

  thought I was being followed. Damn. Back of the cabin?”

  Laura’s heart rate sped up. The whole world suddenly seemed far

  too quiet. Every little noise felt like a threat.

  “You protect her,” Wolf said, his voice a mere whisper.

  “You don’t have a gun.” Logan pushed her none too gently to the

  nearest corner and placed his big body in front of hers.

  “Since when does a SEAL need a gun?” Wolf asked.

  He opened the screen door and disappeared. As far as Laura could

  tell, he didn’t make a sound.

  She stood there feeling like an idiot for hiding behind Logan, but

  she didn’t have a gun, and she was out of shape. Bliss had made her

  feel secure. She’d stopped practicing judo and given up on lifting

  weights. It was so much nicer to sit with her friends at Stella’s and

  have pie and think about summer. Laura blinked back tears. She’d

  gotten too used to Bliss. She’d forgotten how crappy the world could

  be, but now it was crashing in on her.

  Suddenly, the door to her bedroom opened and Cam stepped out, a

  gun in his hand. He wore his boxer shorts and nothing else.

  “Put it down,” Cam growled at Logan. The Glock in his hands

  was perfectly aimed at the deputy’s head.

  “You put it down, motherfucker. I don’t see a badge on your

  chest.” Logan didn’t move an inch to put down his gun, and Laura

  could feel the tension tighten in the room. “I’m giving you to the

  count of three before I blow your fucking head off. You understand


  “Logan, please, he’s not here to hurt
me.” Laura needed to diffuse

  the situation.

  “I don’t give a damn,” Logan replied. “He’s threatening an officer

  of the law. I don’t have to take that.”

  Laura looked to Cam, hoping he would be the reasonable one.

  “Cam, please.”

  Cam’s gun didn’t waver. “Not on your life, baby. Someone is

  Lost in Bliss


  moving around outside. Rafe is taking care of it. I’m taking care of


  “Everyone can stand down.” Rafe showed up in the doorway. He

  had put on some pants, but he was barefoot and bare-chested. He

  pushed someone through the doorway. All Laura could see was a

  man’s dark suit and his head covered in one of her pillowcases. Rafe

  had a gun to the back of the man’s head, and Wolf followed after


  “He didn’t need a gun, either,” Wolf said with a smirk on his face.

  “It was actually pretty cool. I was edging around the house to catch

  this guy when the fed here managed to get out that little window of

  yours, jump him, take the asshole’s gun, and get a damn bag over his

  head. Are you sure you’re not Special Forces?”

  Rafe tightened his grip on the pillowcase. Logan finally stood

  down, but Laura could feel the tension pouring off of him.

  “Can you vouch for these guys, Wolf? This one pulled a gun on

  me.” Logan practically snarled the words.

  The man Rafe was holding had his hands up, and he seemed to be

  trying to shout something through the case on his head.

  “They’re law enforcement, Logan,” Wolf explained. “The sheriff

  should have warned you they were in town.”

  Logan holstered his weapon. “He didn’t warn me that they would

  come at me with guns and their dicks hanging out.”

  Cam looked down and readjusted his shorts. “I’m sorry about the

  hard-on. It’s the adrenaline. I’ll put on some pants as soon as we

  figure out if we need to bury this asshole.”

  Rafe gave his partner a stern glare. “We’re not burying anyone.

  We’ll take him into custody.”

  Wolf pointed to Cam. “I like that one, Laura. He’s the one you

  should keep. Sorry. I’m really good at burying bodies. I was looking

  forward to it.”

  “No one’s burying anyone. Cam, get the hood, and let’s see what

  we caught.” Rafe forced his prisoner into the kitchen chair and took a


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  step back.

  Cam pulled the hood off, and the man suddenly had two guns

  pointed at his head, and he had a pair of her socks stuffed halfway

  down his throat.

  “Well, if it isn’t Brad,” Cam said, shaking his head. “I should

  have guessed you would show up like a jealous girlfriend.”

  Rafe lowered his gun. “Brad? What the fuck?” He pulled the gag

  out of the man’s mouth.

  Laura studied the newcomer. She hadn’t met him before, but she

  knew a fed when she saw one. He wore the uniform, dark suit—not

  too expensive, not too cheap—comfortable loafers, white shirt, and

  bland tie. He was built, but there was something about his face that

  reminded Laura of a weasel.

  “You nearly killed me, asshole.” Brad spit the words out along

  with no small amount of phlegm.

  “What the hell were you doing sneaking around like that?” Rafe

  asked. The guns had all been lowered. The tension notched down.

  “I was trying to figure out where our target was,” Brad replied.

  “No one around here seemed willing to help. The whole damn town

  seems intent on interfering with a federal investigation.”

  “He followed me from the station house. I remember you,” Logan

  said. “You were the jerk who wanted us to haul in an innocent citizen.

  He argued with Nate that we should put out an APB and treat Laura

  like a criminal.”

  The man named Brad’s face twisted. “She can’t be too innocent.

  She’s done a hell of a lot to cover her tracks. I’ve found innocent

  women don’t walk away from their lives and go off the grid. Innocent

  women don’t get the locals to cover for them. This whole damn town

  has made sure no one can find this bitch.”

  Rafe’s fist came out and made sharp contact with Brad’s nose.

  Laura stepped aside the minute she saw Rafe draw back. Rafe knew

  how to punch. Brad’s head snapped back, and his nose crunched, a

  splatter of blood flying out.

  Lost in Bliss


  “You broke my nose,” Brad said, though it sounded more like

  “nobe” instead of nose.

  “I’ll break more than that if you refer to her that way again,” Rafe


  “I’ll do worse than break your nose,” Cam threatened.

  “I’m your partner,” Brad said, holding his nose.

  So the asshole was Rafe’s new partner. That was interesting news.

  Cam was staring at him like he couldn’t stand the man. Laura walked

  into her kitchen and wet a kitchen towel. She grabbed some ice and

  wrapped it up before she handed it to Brad.

  He put it to his nose. “You need to think about why we’re here,

  man. The whole team is holed up at that shithole sheriff’s office

  waiting around with their dicks in their hands because you won’t

  answer your damn phone.”

  The words kicked Laura squarely in the gut. So Rafe had known

  they were coming. Well, she’d pretty much figured that out. Hearing

  it hurt, though.

  “The team was supposed to wait for us to call back,” Rafe said.

  He was looking at Brad. His eyes seemed to be avoiding hers.

  “We have some new information. I’m not talking about it here,”

  Brad said, his mouth setting in mulish lines. “Now, maybe you can do

  your job, partner, and bring this…lovely woman in where we can talk

  to her.”

  “That’s up to Laura,” Logan said.

  “What new information?” Cam asked.

  “Rafe didn’t share that news with you?” Brad asked, smirking.

  “Joe called and talked to him yesterday. I guess he decided to

  withhold that little nugget. I would have done the same. Rafe is a

  Bureau man in the end. Now you need to step back, Mr. Private

  Investigator, and let the real men take over.”

  Cam’s face flushed. Laura knew that look. Asshole

  McSmartypants was about to get a fistful of Cam. She’d really had

  enough testosterone for the morning.


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  “I’ll ride with you, Logan.” Laura walked past Cam. “You should

  get dressed. Both of you. Wolf, can you give my boss a call and

  explain why I’m not going to be at work?”

  He nodded. “Sure thing. I’ll find someone to take your shift.

  Everyone is going to want to help out. You be sure to take care of her,

  Logan. Call me if you and Nate need some backup.”

  Brad stood up. He still held the icepack to his nose. “You are not

  going to interfere with an official investigation.”

  Cam moved into Laura’s space. “You’re not going anywhere

  without me.”

  “Everyone stop,” Rafe ordered. Even dressed in nothing but his
r />   slacks, there was an indefinable air of authority about the man. “Laura

  can ride with us. We’ll get dressed and get to the station house. We

  will sort this out.”

  Laura nodded. It wouldn’t do any good to argue with him. It was

  far better to let him believe that she would be reasonable. Of course,

  she was being reasonable. Last night she’d been an idiot, thinking that

  they could try again.

  Rafe tried to lean over and kiss her, but Laura pulled away.

  Rafe’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll talk about that, too, bella.”

  Cam stared at her for a moment before they both walked back into

  the bedroom to get dressed.

  Laura grabbed her purse the minute the door closed behind them.

  “I’m ready, Logan.”

  “Hey,” Brad said before Wolf put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I would keep my mouth shut, G-Man. I wouldn’t want my fist to

  slip and take you out.”

  Brad sat his ass back down.

  “I promise, I’m going to be a good little girl and talk to the SAC,”

  Laura said. Apparently the special agent in charge was her old boss,

  Joseph Stone.

  She stared at her cabin as Logan pulled away. She wondered how

  long it would be before she could sleep there without feeling their

  arms around her.

  Lost in Bliss


  * * * *

  Cam heard the car pull away and cursed as he zipped up his slacks

  from the night before. He shoved the feminine curtains aside and

  watched the deputy’s Bronco pull out of the drive and fly down the

  road. He wasn’t an idiot. He knew the deputy wasn’t alone in that car.

  Laura was gone, and it was Rafe’s fault.

  “You knew the unit was coming in?” Cam finished getting

  dressed in a hurry, his hands closing buttons in angry, impatient

  motions. Rafe had known all along, and he hadn’t bothered to tell


  “No, damn it. I got a call from Joe yesterday, but you can’t get

  decent cell service here. All I knew was that there was some new

  information. I didn’t know that he was coming here.”

  Cam sat down on the bed he’d shared with Laura last night. Rafe

  had been there, too, but Cam didn’t really want to think about that

  right now. “You told me we were coming out here to talk to her, to

  make sure she was safe.”