Page 20 of Lost in Bliss


  Sophie Oak

  “Do you recognize this?” Rafe asked, not quite able to look at


  There was a long, charged pause. “Yes.”

  Edward sat forward now, pushing his glasses up his elegant nose.

  “You were wearing these when the Marquis de Sade took you?”

  “She said she recognized them,” Cam said with a frown.

  “I need a formal acknowledgement that these belong to you, Miss

  Rosen,” Edward said with his usual condescension. “There’s no point

  in denying it. We’ll have DNA confirmation by tomorrow. There was

  a drop of blood on the waistband and other biological excretions on

  the lining of the drawers.”

  Laura flushed, and Rafe thought seriously about putting the

  Harvard-educated agent’s nose through the back of his head.

  “They were mine,” Laura said with a huff. “I was wearing them

  when he took me. He gave me some form of sedative. When I woke

  up, he’d taken my clothes off. Hopefully the next package contains a

  Michael Kors dress. I miss that dress. It made my boobs look


  It was all Rafe could do not to laugh. That was his Laura. She was

  rebellious to the end. She’d faced de Sade and lived. She could

  certainly handle the FBI. She didn’t need him to be her protector. Was

  that what she’d tried to tell him by walking away? Had she really

  simply not wanted him after he’d failed her so miserably?

  “Why Brad? Why would they send it to Brad and not me or

  Rafe?” Cam asked.

  “Well, son,” Joe said, leaning forward. “I think this boy likes to

  screw with us. He genuinely enjoys playing the game, and you aren’t

  FBI anymore. I have to ask you something, Cameron. Have you

  talked to that reporter at all? Have you mentioned Laura’s

  whereabouts to anyone at all?”

  “He barely managed to tell me,” Rafe muttered.

  Cam’s face reddened, and Rafe didn’t miss the way Laura’s hand

  tightened over Cam’s. She seemed to be reminding him he was on a

  Lost in Bliss



  Edward tapped his long fingers along the table. “Let’s not get

  ahead of ourselves with accusations. The Marquis de Sade is nothing

  if not organized. It wouldn’t shock me at all to discover he’s been

  watching. This is all a game to him. He would keep tabs on the major

  players. Despite Briggs leaving the FBI, I think the killer would still

  watch him. After all, he’s a potential link to the most important

  person in de Sade’s life—Laura Rosen, the one who got away.”

  “It doesn’t make a lick of sense,” Cam said, his previous irritation

  seeming to dissolve into frustration. Laura had handled him perfectly.

  “He’s been quiet for years. He gets one sniff of her and he’s back?”

  “It’s possible that the incident with me threw him off his game,”

  Laura said. “Serial killers have been known to stop killing for years

  and then start up again.”

  Edward adjusted his glasses in that scholarly fashion that set

  Rafe’s teeth on edge. He was always so far above everyone else. “I

  believe he simply entered another portion of the game and changed

  his tactics a bit. He’s smart. “

  “Yeah, you’ve said that before,” Rafe replied. Edward had always

  seemed fascinated with this particular case. Edward had also been the

  one to declare that Laura’s profile was amateur and unworthy of real


  Joe sighed as he looked around. He finally focused in on Laura.

  He pushed the folder toward her. “I would like for you to look at what

  we’ve gathered since you left. I would really like your take on this.

  You, of all the people in the world, know this guy. Help us. Help us

  catch him.”

  “She needs to stay out of this,” Cam said.

  Laura let go of his hand. Her fingers crept across the table toward

  that folder.

  Rafe’s heart rate shot sky high. “She needs to come into protective

  custody. We need to get her out of here.”

  Laura’s eyes never wavered from that manila folder. Her hands


  Sophie Oak

  caught it, and she slid it toward her. “I’ve tried hiding, Rafe. It didn’t work. What I’m rapidly discovering is that no matter how hard you

  try to hide, your past always catches up to you.”

  Joe’s face was in a brutal frown. “We need her, Rafe. You have to

  see that. She’s the closest we’ve ever come to catching him. He wants


  Laura casually opened the folder. “He’ll come for me.”

  Cam looked at Rafe over her head. His blue eyes were practically

  begging Rafe to do something, anything.

  Rafe’s fists clenched into tight balls of anxiety. He’d brought her

  to this. “You are not using her for bait. I won’t allow it.”

  “You don’t allow or disallow anything, Special Agent Kincaid.”

  The fine edge of authority bit through the air. Joseph Stone had been a

  special agent in charge for a very long time. He hadn’t gotten there by

  allowing his underlings to tell him what to do, but Rafe didn’t have a


  “Nor does he have any control over me.” Laura’s voice had gone

  cold, professional. She opened the file, and Rafe knew he’d just lost

  this little war. “I’ll need an hour or two to go over this. I know this

  isn’t standard procedure.”

  “Letting a witness read confidential files?” Joe relaxed back into

  his chair. “No, but you’re not just any witness. You know I never

  agreed with the decision to fire you.”

  She waved it off. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it.” Joe and Edward got up.

  “I’d like to be alone,” Laura said, never looking up from the file.

  “Laura,” Cam started.

  But Rafe knew she was done for now. He would have to find

  another way to get to her. If he pushed, she would retreat even further.

  It was time to regroup.

  “Come on, brother,” Rafe said. “Let’s go see what’s going on out

  there. She’s safe enough in here.”

  The door closed between them. Rafe prayed it hadn’t closed


  Lost in Bliss


  Chapter Eleven

  An hour later, Laura finally closed the folder and tried to take a

  deep breath. It felt like the walls were closing in on her. Five years.

  She’d hidden for five years, and in an instant, it was all coming back

  to her. She’d been safe here, and now she had to wonder if he was

  going to find her again.

  She stood and smoothed out her shirt. She made sure the file was

  in pristine order and turned on her heels to walk out of the quiet

  interrogation room. She was pretty sure it had never been used to

  actually interrogate anyone. Mostly Nate just locked people up and let

  them go after he’d either calmed down or they had paid their

  legitimate fines. The citizens of Bliss had quickly gotten used to the

  sheriff’s temper. They knew if they were wrongly jailed there would

  be a nice free meal and a beer waiting for them at Trio. Lau
ra had a

  sudden desire to be there. She could sit at the bar and joke with Callie and Zane while she sipped the chardonnay Zane kept behind the bar

  for her.

  Why had this followed her home?

  Laura stepped out of the door, looking for Joe. She knew he

  wanted to ask her some questions. She wasn’t looking forward to any

  of this.

  A hard hand clamped down on her elbow, pulling her toward an

  open door.

  Rafe sent her reeling into Nate Wright’s office. He closed the door

  behind her, the very discipline of his action telling her just how pissed he was. He shut that door with a quiet intensity.

  Laura wasn’t having it. He’d been the one to pull her back into


  Sophie Oak

  this world. Cam had explained his part. He’d practically tackled her

  and begged her forgiveness. She believed him that he hadn’t sicced

  the feds on her, but Rafe was another matter. Rafe was the one who

  had always been devoted to the job. He’d been the true believer. At

  the time, she’d seen his devotion to justice as something intensely

  noble. She still did, but damn, if she didn’t wish he had been a little

  more devoted to her. She would have enjoyed the chance to decide for

  herself if she wanted to be a part of this again.

  “What do you want, Rafe?” She was alone in a room with him. A

  tiny room. A room that suddenly seemed far too small for two people.

  His face was set in tight lines, his jaw painfully stubborn. “I want

  a lot of things, bella. I doubt you’ll be willing to give them to me.”

  There was no mistaking the hard edge of his tone—or the line of

  his erection. Rafe was angry, and it was doing something for him. The

  sad thing was it was doing something for her, too. “You can’t

  seriously think I want to be alone with you.”

  Where was Cam when she needed him? Oh, yeah. She’d told him

  to leave her alone. Well, she’d gotten what she wanted. She’d claimed

  she needed time to think about the new facts and the case, but what

  she’d really needed was time away from both of them. Yet even as

  she had sat there staring down at proof that her worst nightmare was

  still at large and at work, she’d thought about them. When was she

  going to learn?

  “I don’t care what you want at this moment.” His back was to the

  door, as though guarding it. Laura was suddenly extremely aware of

  just how alone they were. “I’m going to talk to you, and you’re going

  to listen.”

  “Well, it doesn’t seem like I have a choice.” She crossed her arms

  over her chest and hoped she was giving him her absolute most

  intimidating glare. He hadn’t been huge on giving her choices.

  Resentment started to bubble up. “What’s wrong, Rafe? Are you

  afraid if I’m given a choice and treated like an actual functioning

  adult that you’ll lose out? You’re probably right. If you weren’t

  Lost in Bliss


  standing in front of that door, I would be out of here.”

  His lips curled up in a bitter imitation of a smile. “Yes, bella, you’ve made that plain to me. But I do take offense to the accusation

  that I’ve taken away your choices.”

  She allowed her eyes to widen in suspicion. “Really? And what

  exactly did you mean to do by storming into Bliss the way you did?

  We have phones, you know. A simple phone call would have saved

  all of us time.”

  “Would it? Because you would have answered and been so

  reasonable. If I am not treating you like an adult, bella, it’s because I haven’t known you to act like one.”

  Her fists clenched. It was ridiculous. She was one of the most

  responsible people she knew. She always made the responsible

  choice. The craziest thing she’d ever done was sleeping with Rafe and

  Cam, and it was clear where that had led her. “Fuck you, Rafe.”

  She started toward the door, rage riding her. She wasn’t a child.

  She didn’t have to stay here and listen to some lecture he seemed to

  need to get out of his system. He would move out of her way, or

  Laura would see if she remembered anything from martial arts class.

  Rafe had her pinned to the desk before she could take her next

  breath. Unlike her, it seemed Rafe had never stopped training.

  He invaded her space, his big body holding her down. Though

  he’d slammed into her, his hands had come around and taken the

  brunt of hitting the desk. Even when he was being violent, he made

  sure she didn’t get hurt. “Very mature, bella. I should have expected that. Let me explain a few truths of the world to you. Mature people

  do not walk out of their hospital beds leaving everything they own

  and love behind.”

  “I didn’t give a shit about my belongings, and I sure as hell didn’t

  love anyone.” She was lying, but she wasn’t about to admit it to him.

  “I don’t believe that for a second,” Rafe replied, his voice low. He

  was between her legs, and his cock jutted up as though seeking her

  pussy. His hands gentled and smoothed back her hair. “You loved me.


  Sophie Oak

  You loved Cam. But you were very angry with both of us. You chose

  to punish us.”

  “I chose to walk away from a life that didn’t work for me

  anymore.” She averted her eyes. It was another lie, but Rafe wasn’t

  completely correct, either. “What should I have done? I didn’t have a

  job. I was completely free to do as I chose.”

  “What should you have done?” He repeated the question as

  though the answer should have been evident. “You should have

  stayed. You should have fought.”

  But she’d been fighting so hard and against so damn many things.

  “You have no idea what he did to me.”

  “I know what he did, bella. And I know you punished me by not

  allowing me to take care of you.” He was unwavering. Rafe was the

  rough one. If this had been Cam, Laura had no doubt he would

  already be whispering to her, trying to soften her. Rafe seemed to

  want her angry. “Ask yourself how you would have felt if Cam or I

  had simply vanished without explanation. Be honest, bella. You

  might not be honest with me, but be honest with yourself. If you loved

  someone and they disappeared without a trace, how would you feel?”

  Betrayed. Angry. Panicked. Sad. So fucking sad. She’d felt every

  single one of those things along with an aching emptiness that she

  was sure had never really gone away. She’d told herself at the time

  that it was better to just leave. They obviously didn’t really love her, so she was free to go. Was there any truth in what Rafe was saying?

  Had she punished them?

  “Keep silent,” Rafe said, his fingers sinking into her hair. “I can

  see it on your face, you understand. I also know that you’re

  questioning everything. You’re wondering if I ever loved you. But

  I’m not the one who walked away.”

  This she could deal with. “No, you’re the one who threw me

  under a bus at the first given opportunity.”

  “I can admit my mistakes, but I was still there, ready to talk it out.

  Cam and I called you over a
nd over again. You wouldn’t answer the

  Lost in Bliss


  phone. We intended to explain everything to you that night, but it was

  too late.”

  She shrugged. “Sorry I missed our little meeting. I was busy being


  That was a direct hit. He actually eased up a little. “And you think

  I don’t feel that every day of my life? If I hadn’t made the decision to go with Edward’s profile, you would never have been taken. But I

  won’t allow that to hold me back another second. You are going to

  listen to me. I’m putting aside this bullshit. You are going to go back

  to your cabin and very quietly pack a bag. Tell Joe that you’re tired or you’ve forgotten something. I’ll drive you.”

  She knew exactly where he was going with this. “And I suppose

  once we have this little bag I’m supposed to pack, we’ll just keep

  right on driving.”

  “Yes. I will not allow you to be used in this fashion. I don’t care

  that you don’t believe me, but I never meant for you to get involved in

  this again. We’ll drive and call Cam. He can run interference for us

  and meet us when we find a place to stay.”

  Tempting. So tempting. But she’d done that once, and the past had

  still caught up with her.

  Rafe’s hands caressed the line of her throat. His eyes had gone

  sleepy with desire. She wanted him. Bastard that he could be, she

  wanted him. The last hour had shaken her to her core. She wanted

  more than just Rafe. She wanted to feel grounded and whole, and she

  wasn’t sure she could ever feel that way without the two of them in

  her life. But if she ran with them, she would just pull them into her

  trouble. Rafe couldn’t leave the FBI. It had become his home. Cam

  wouldn’t be happy on the run, and that’s what they would be.

  “You know I can’t do that,” she said as he pulled her legs up. She

  didn’t fight him as he wound her legs around his waist, his cock

  shoved against her pussy.

  “I know you will do it, bella,” he replied, his voice deep in his throat. “I’ll make you do it.”


  Sophie Oak

  His hips slid against hers in an easy, smooth rhythm. Laura had no

  doubt of how he intended to impose his will on her. He would fuck