* * * * *

  "So he has killed before? And to think I flirted with him." For once, Miranda was pleased to see, Juliet was subdued. She had not bounced over to greet them when they entered the inn — although that could have been because of the state of their clothing or Simon's obviously besotted possessiveness as he ordered blankets and hot cider for his wife.

  But the likelihood was more that her younger sister had finally realized how dangerous a man she had tangled with. Why, Miranda realized with a smile, she wasn't even flirting with Arthur. And flirting had come second nature to Juliet since she'd been a child. Instead, she sat pale and quiet, a blanket thrown over her shoulders and a warm cup of tea in her hands. When she caught sight of Miranda examining her, she said softly, "I thought you were dead."

  Miranda swallowed down her own sudden tears. "I thought you had gone over in the carriage. Thank goodness the two of you were so quick-witted."

  Arthur seemed somehow sturdier, and Miranda marveled at the transformation that a bit of confidence had made in the shy scholar. She was glad that her worried questions had alerted him to the danger. If not, from the ruins of the carriage, she did not doubt that she would have lost her sister today.

  Simon, his arm tight around her waist, gave a quiet laugh. "I expect the quick-wittedness of all the Fensters helped us win the day against that monster. You are indeed a formidable family. Grimthorpe was a fool not to have learned his lesson five years ago."

  Miranda blushed at the reminder of the black eye she had given the cad.

  "Thank God my shot hit him in the heart." Valentine flashed her a quick reassuring smile; but then his expression turned grim. "He tried to destroy my sisters enough for one lifetime. I don't regret killing that wretch and I'll gladly hang if necessary."

  Simon's hand tightened to prevent Miranda from leaping to her feet before he could quell her sudden panic by saying, "It is not. I spoke to the magistrate when he came to examine the madman's body. He is a sensible man and agrees that you acted as you had to in order to save our lives and those of your sisters. There will be no further inquiry. We are free to go."

  Juliet stood. "Yes." Her eyes scanned the occupants of the inn. "I must get back to the house party and make sure that Hero is coping."

  Miranda could not help smiling when she met Valentine's eyes. Their sister was returning to normal she worried that Hero might be even now stealing her beaux.

  When she would have followed the group as they left the inn, Simon stopped her. "Valentine," he called. "Your sister and I have never had a proper wedding trip. I think we shall spend a few nights in this inn. Tell the new duke and my mother to manage without us."

  Miranda's mouth fell open. "Have you told Valentine?"

  "Everything." He seemed unperturbed, and even a bit surprised at her astonishment. "Don't you trust your own brother?"

  "Well, yes. But I cannot believe you do, so suddenly."

  "I have learned a great deal about your brother since you came back into my life, Miranda. I am certain that he can be trusted with our family secrets."

  Valentine met her eyes and nodded. "I'm glad that you have your happy ending, Miranda. You both deserve it." He smiled crookedly at her. "And enjoy your privacy." His look was skeptical as he glanced around the sturdy old inn. "What little you'll have of it."

  He turned to leave, and then turned back, addressing Simon directly. ''I'll make certain that Juliet and Arthur arrive home safely. You take care of my sister."

  Miranda looked after the others, torn for a moment. "Perhaps we should go along, there are so many things to clear up."

  Simon tipped her head up until she was looking directly into his eyes. "So far today I have taken you by the side of a pond and in a grassy field. I think it is only fair that the next time I give you the luxury of a bed." His eyes twinkled. "And it is a long ride home."

  She looked up at her husband, who was as much the worse for wear as she was, and said with a thoughtful frown, "Do you think we can persuade the innkeeper to find a bath big enough for the both of us?

  His grin began slowly and then spread across his face. "I shall pay whatever he asks to ensure it."
