Page 50 of This Man

Page 50
Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas


‘No. We’ll think of a new name for that one. ’

‘Okay. ’ I agree, completely contented. I rest my cheek back onto his chest and trace small circles around his golden nipple. ‘How old are you, Jesse?’

‘Twenty nine,’

I scoff, but it occurs to me, very suddenly, that I won’t have a clue when we finally reach his real age. I’m plumping for thirty four. That’s eight years past me – I can live with that.

I sigh. ‘What’s the time?’ I could do with another hour.

He shifts me from his chest. ‘I left my watch downstairs. I’ll go take a look. ’

‘You need a clock in here. ’ I grumble as he gets out of bed, leaving me cold and bare without him.

‘I’ll put in a complaint to the designer. ’ he replies dryly.

I ignore him, turning over to snuggle down, making do with the pillow. This bed is the most comfortable I’ve ever slept in. I did well here.

‘Seven thirty. ’ I hear him shout from downstairs.

I bolt upright in bed. ‘Shit!’ I jump out and race downstairs to the kitchen. ‘You’ll have to drop me at home. ’

He sits, dead cool and casual on the bar stool, completely bare arsed naked, scooping peanut butter from a jar with his finger. ‘I’m a bit busy this morning. ’ he says without looking at me.

Oh, the irritating pig! This is, without a doubt, a ploy to keep me here. After all, he did say I wouldn’t be walking, and I am. I’ll get the tube, it’s no bother. I scan the floor where I dropped my clothes – no clothes.

‘Where are my clothes, Jesse?’

He sticks his peanut butter covered finger into his mouth, sucking it off and pulling it slowly from his mouth on a little pop. ‘I’ve no idea. ’ he says, completely straight faced and unaffected.

Where has he hid them, the little shit? They can’t be far. I stalk around his apartment, huffing and puffing, pulling open cupboard doors and looking behind furniture. I march back into the kitchen, finding him still sitting there, looking infuriatingly naked and handsome, and completely unaffected by my frenzy.

Oh, I’ve not got time for this. I can’t be late for work. ‘Where are my fucking clothes?’ I shout.

‘Watch your fucking mouth!’

I shake my head at him. He’ll have a bar of soap in my mouth next. ‘Jesse, I never swore out loud before I met you…funny, huh? I need to get home so I can get ready for work. ’

‘I know you do. ’ And in goes another peanut butter covered finger.

‘So, where are my clothes?’ I try calm, but if he doesn’t give me my clothes now, I’ll soon revert back to mad woman. I can’t be late.

‘They are…somewhere. ’ He grins around his finger.

‘Where is somewhere?’ I ask, while thinking about how much I dislike roguish Jesse today.

‘If I tell you, you have to give me something in return. ’

I feel mad woman coming on! ‘What?’ I yell.

‘Don’t drink tomorrow night. ’ His face is deadpan.

I scowl at him as I watch him fighting to control a smirk from breaking out. The conniving pig! He’s got me cornered, naked, late for work and in need of a lift.

I stand, pondering his trade. If I’m honest, I wasn’t planning on getting particularly drunk, especially after my performance on Saturday. I’ve not even asked Kate if she’s free yet, but I don’t want Mr Control Freak thinking he can dictate my every move. Give him an inch and all that.

‘Fine!’ How will he know if I have a drink, anyway?

He looks shocked. ‘That was easier than I thought. What about lunch later?’

‘Okay, get my clothes!’

‘Who holds the power, Ava?’ he asks.

I don’t have time to challenge him on that. ‘You do, get my clothes!’

‘Correct. ’ He struts over to the fridge – with a little extra swagger for my benefit – and opens the door. ‘Here you are, lady. ’

They were in the fridge? Well, I would never have looked in there. I snatch them from his hand, and he raises a warning brow at me. I don’t care. I’m going to be so late. He watches me frantically yank my capri pants on and laughs as I hop around gasping when the freezing cold material rests on my skin.

‘Have I got time for a shower?’ he asks seriously.


He laughs, slaps my bum and saunters out of the kitchen.

Jesse drives me home in his usual driving style – frighteningly fast and ever impatient, but today I’m grateful.

He waits for me in the car, making a few calls, while I shower and get ready in record time. I shove on some black, fitted ankle grazers, a white shirt and my red Dune ballet pumps. I’m dressed for speed today. My hair is having a strop for not being blow dried last night, so I pin it into a messy up do. I’ll put my make-up on in the car.

As I rush across the landing, I collide with a half-naked Sam. Has he moved in? Put some clothes on!

‘You’re always in a rush, chick. ’ He laughs. I side step him, darting into the kitchen to get a glass of water and swallow my pill. ‘Good night?’

I nod over my glass as he stands, bold as brass in the kitchen doorway, looking all roughed up. I won’t ask if he’s had a good night. That much is obvious.

‘Where’s Kate?’ I ask.

He grins. ‘I’ve tied her to the bed. ’

My eyes widen. I have no idea if he’s serious or not. He’s such a joker. ‘Tell her I’ll call her later. ’ I wait for Sam to budge and let me out. ‘See ya. ’ I call, running down the stairs.

‘Hey, tell Jesse I’m not running today. ’ he shouts after me.

I run down the path and onto the street, where Jesse is illegally parked and flipping off a traffic warden from his driver’s seat. I wait for the warden to finish lecturing Jesse, but he seems to be on a roll.

‘Move so the lady can get in the car. ’ Jesse growls. The warden ignores him, launching into a speech on verbal abuse and lack of consideration for other road users.

‘Excuse me. ’ I prompt, trying for polite as appose to Jesse’s aggressiveness. I get ignored. Damn, I’m going to be super late.

‘For fucks sake!’ Jesse swings his door open and strides around the car to meet the warden on the pavement. The poor man visibly shrinks at Jesse’s presence, moving away hastily. He opens the door, deposits me in the car before slamming it, cussing some more and sliding back behind the wheel. We roar off down my street, way too fast.

‘They’re just doing a job, you know. ’ I flip the mirror down to sort my make-up out.

‘Power hungry failures that didn’t make cops,’ he grumbles. He looks at me and smiles. ‘You look lovely. ’

I snort. ‘Watch the road. Oh, Sam said he can’t make your run. ’

‘Lazy bastard. He’s still there then?’ he asks, overtaking a taxi. I grab the side of my seat. My make-up is going to be everywhere.

‘He’s got Kate tied to the bed. ’ I mumble, flicking my lashes with my mascara wand.


I swing my head around with my wand half way to my eyes. ‘You don’t sound shocked. ’

‘That’s because I’m not. ’ He looks at me out the corner of his eye.

He’s not? So, Sam’s into kinky shit? ‘I don’t want to know. ’ I mutter, returning to the mirror.

‘No, you don’t. ’ he says quietly.

We pull up near my offices, but far enough away so I’m not spotted getting out of Jesse’s Aston Martin. I’m still trying to figure out how Patrick might react to all of this. Jesse hasn’t mentioned the extension since Sunday, and I can’t imagine a pleasant reaction from my boss if I tell him that I’m not designing for Mr Ward, I’m fucking him instead.

‘What time’s your lunch?’ he asks. He strokes my thigh, generating the familiar stabs of pleasure. Now is not the time to get horny, and that touch does it for me.

‘One,’ I squeak.

He rubs circles on my thigh. I stiffen slightly. ‘I’ll be here at one then. ’

‘Right here?’ I breathe.

‘Yes, right here. ’ His hand drifts between my thighs.

‘Jesse, stop. ’ I close my eyes, trying to fight off the sparks of pleasure.

He runs his hand up my centre, over my trousers.

I whimper.

‘I can’t keep my hands off you,’ he says in that low hypnotising voice – the one that knocks all sense and reason out of me. ‘And you’re not going to stop me, are you?’

No, damn me, I’m not!

Leaning over, he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me towards him, increasing the strokes of my core. When his lips find my mouth, I moan. I’m being worked up into a blissful rhythm as he caresses my tongue with his, slowly and surely, guaranteeing optimum pleasure. I can’t believe I’m letting him do this in his car in broad daylight, but he’s triggered something now, and I can’t walk into that office with the ache of an abandoned orgasm lurking inside me. I need relief, or I won’t concentrate all day.

Coils of craving spread out and build up, my concern at the possibility of being captured indecently disappear, just like that. I’m all over him. He just does it for me in so many earth shattering ways.

‘Let it go, Ava. ’ he says into my mouth. ‘I want you in that office thinking of what I can do to you. ’

I hit my climax, crying out as he presses his lips harder on mine, stifling my moans and alleviating the pressure of his hand to slowly work me down again. I sigh against his lips.

‘Better?’ he asks as he pecks light kisses over my mouth.

Oh yes, much better. The irritating, roguish and pouting Jesse of an hour ago has faded away completely. ‘I can work in peace. ’ I sigh.

He laughs and releases me. ‘Well, I’m going home to think of you and sort this out. ’ He cups himself where his running shorts are tenting.

I smile, leaning into him, kissing him chastely on the lips. ‘I could do that for you. ’ I offer, reaching down and grazing my palm over his arousal. His eyes widen, sparkling with pleasure as I reach into his shorts and release his throbbing length, squeezing the base and drawing a couple of lazy strokes.

His head falls back against the head rest. ‘Oh, fuck, Ava. That feels so good. ’

It does feel good, but in my mouth it would feel better. What has got into me? I continue with a few more controlled strokes, the tip glistening as he shifts and moans in his seat. He must be close. I lower my head into his lap and flick my tongue across the pulsing head of his glorious cock, tracing slow circles on his wet tip. His hips buck and he grabs the steering wheel. How long will he last?

He moans deep, long and low. He’s definitely close.

Lazily, I slide my wet tongue down his shaft, causing him to buck some more before I wrap my lips around his head and slowly take it all the way to the back of my throat.

He gasps. ‘That’s it, baby. Take it all the way. ’

I pause, feeling the throb beating against my tongue, and on a slow exhale, I work slowly back to the top. He sighs in pure gratification.

‘Keep going, just like that. ’ He encourages me, running his hand over the back of my neck.

I grin around him, releasing his erection from my mouth, letting it spring against his tight stomach. His eyes widen as I straighten up in my seat and wipe my mouth.

‘I’d love to, but you already made me late for work. ’ I jump out of the car, yelping when he makes a grab for me.

‘What the fuck? Ava!’

I cross the road quickly, suddenly considering the possibility of him chasing me and tossing me over his shoulder. Would he?

I turn around when I reach the pavement, seeing him stood by his car rubbing his groin, a dark smile on his face. I feel untold relief.