Page 21 of Under the Lilacs



  A picnic supper on the grass followed the games, and then, as twilightbegan to fall, the young people were marshalled to the coach-house, nowtransformed into a rustic theatre. One big door was open, and seats,arranged lengthwise, faced the red table-cloths which formed thecurtain. A row of lamps made very good foot-lights, and an invisibleband performed a Wagner-like overture on combs, tin trumpets, drums, andpipes, with an accompaniment of suppressed laughter.

  Many of the children had never seen any thing like it, and sat staringabout them in mute admiration and expectancy; but the older onescriticised freely, and indulged in wild speculations as to the meaningof various convulsions of nature going on behind the curtain.

  While Teacher was dressing the actresses for the tragedy, Miss Celia andThorny, who were old hands at this sort of amusement, gave a "Potato"pantomime as a side show.

  Across an empty stall a green cloth was fastened, so high that the headsof the operators were not seen. A little curtain flew up, disclosing thefront of a Chinese pagoda painted on pasteboard, with a door and windowwhich opened quite naturally. This stood on one side, several greentrees with paper lanterns hanging from the boughs were on the otherside, and the words "Tea Garden," printed over the top, showed thenature of this charming spot.

  Few of the children had ever seen the immortal Punch and Judy, so thiswas a most agreeable novelty, and before they could make out what itmeant, a voice began to sing, so distinctly that every word was heard,--

  "In China there lived a little man, His name was Chingery Wangery Chan."

  Here the hero "took the stage" with great dignity, clad in a looseyellow jacket over a blue skirt, which concealed the hand that made hisbody. A pointed hat adorned his head, and on removing this to bow hedisclosed a bald pate with a black queue in the middle, and a Chineseface nicely painted on the potato, the lower part of which was hollowedout to fit Thorny's first finger, while his thumb and second finger werein the sleeves of the yellow jacket, making a lively pair of arms. Whilehe saluted, the song went on,--

  "His legs were short, his feet were small, And this little man could not walk at all."

  Which assertion was proved to be false by the agility with which the"little man" danced a jig in time to the rollicking chorus,--

  "Chingery changery ri co day, Ekel tekel happy man; Uron odesko canty oh, oh, Gallopy wallopy China go."

  At the close of the dance and chorus, Chan retired into the tea garden,and drank so many cups of the national beverage, with such comicgestures, that the spectators were almost sorry when the opening of theopposite window drew all eyes in that direction. At the lattice appeareda lovely being; for this potato had been pared, and on the white surfacewere painted pretty pink checks, red lips, black eyes, and obliquebrows; through the tuft of dark silk on the head were stuck severalglittering pins, and a pink jacket shrouded the plump figure of thiscapital little Chinese lady. After peeping coyly out, so that all couldsee and admire, she fell to counting the money from a purse, so largeher small hands could hardly hold it on the window seat. While she didthis, the song went on to explain,--

  "Miss Ki Hi was short and squat, She had money and he had not So off to her he resolved to go, And play her a tune on his little banjo."

  During the chorus to this verse Chan was seen tuning his instrument inthe garden, and at the end sallied gallantly forth to sing the followingtender strain,--

  "Whang fun li, Tang hua ki, Hong Kong do ra me! Ah sin lo, Pan to fo, Tsing up chin leute!"

  Carried away by his passion, Chan dropped his banjo, fell upon hisknees, and, clasping his hands, bowed his forehead in the dust beforehis idol. But, alas!--

  "Miss Ki Hi heard his notes of love, And held her wash-bowl up above It fell upon the little man, And this was the end of Chingery Chan,"

  Indeed it was; for, as the doll's basin of real water was cast forth bythe cruel charmer, poor Chan expired in such strong convulsions that hishead rolled down among the audience. Miss Ki Hi peeped to see what hadbecome of her victim, and the shutter decapitated her likewise, to thegreat delight of the children, who passed around the heads, pronouncinga "Potato" pantomime "first-rate fun."

  Then they settled themselves for the show, having been assured byManager Thorny that they were about to behold the most elegant andvaried combination ever produced on any stage. And when one reads thefollowing very inadequate description of the somewhat mixedentertainment, it is impossible to deny that the promise made was noblykept.

  After some delay and several crashes behind the curtain, which mightilyamused the audience, the performance began with the well-known tragedyof "Bluebeard;" for Bab had set her heart upon it, and the young folkshad acted it so often in their plays that it was very easy to get up,with a few extra touches to scenery and costumes. Thorny was superb asthe tyrant with a beard of bright blue worsted, a slouched hat and longfeather, fur cloak, red hose, rubber boots, and a real sword whichclanked tragically as he walked. He spoke in such a deep voice, knit hiscorked eye-brows, and glared so frightfully, that it was no wonder poorFatima quaked before him as he gave into her keeping an immense bunch ofkeys with one particularly big, bright one, among them.

  Bab was fine to see, with Miss Celia's blue dress sweeping behind her, awhite plume in her flowing hair, and a real necklace with a pearl locketabout her neck. She did her part capitally, especially the shriek shegave when she looked into the fatal closet, the energy with which shescrubbed the tell-tale key, and her distracted tone when she called out:"Sister Anne, O, sister Anne, do you see anybody coming?" while herenraged husband was roaring: "Will you come down, madam, or shall I comeand fetch you?"

  Betty made a captivating Anne,--all in white muslin, and a hat full ofsuch lovely pink roses that she could not help putting up one hand tofeel them as she stood on the steps looking out at the little window forthe approaching brothers who made such a din that it sounded like adozen horsemen instead if two.

  Ben and Billy were got up regardless of expense in the way of arms; fortheir belts were perfect arsenals, and their wooden swords were bigenough to strike terror into any soul, though they struck no sparks outof Bluebeard's blade in the awful combat which preceded the villain'sdownfall and death.

  The boys enjoyed this part intensely, and cries of "Go it, Ben!" "Hithim again, Billy!" "Two against one isn't fair!" "Thorny's a match for'em." "Now he's down, hurray!" cheered on the combatants, till, after aterrific struggle, the tyrant fell, and with convulsive twitchings ofthe scarlet legs, slowly expired while the ladies sociably fainted ineach other's arms, and the brothers waved their swords and shook handsover the corpse of their enemy.

  This piece was rapturously applauded, and all the performers had toappear and bow their thanks, led by the defunct Bluebeard, who mildlywarned the excited audience that if they "didn't look out the seatswould break down, and then there'd be a nice mess."

  Calmed by this fear they composed themselves, and waited with ardor forthe next play, which promised to be a lively one, judging from theshrieks of laughter which came from behind the curtain.

  "Sanch 's going to be in it, I know; for I heard Ben say, 'Hold himstill; he won't bite,'" whispered Sam, longing to "jounce up and down,so great was his satisfaction at the prospect, for the dog wasconsidered the star of the company.

  "I hope Bab will do something else, she is so funny. Wasn't her dresselegant?" said Sally Folsum, burning to wear a long silk gown and afeather in her hair.

  "I like Betty best, she's so cunning, and she peeked out of the windowjust as if she really saw somebody coming," answered Liddy Peckham,privately resolving to tease mother for some pink roses before anotherSunday came.

  Up went the curtain at last, and a voice announced "A Tragedy in ThreeTableaux." "There's Betty!" was the general exclamation, as the audiencerecognized a familiar face under the little red hood worn by the childwho stood receiving a ba
sket from Teacher, who made a nice mother withher finger up, as if telling the small messenger not to loiter by theway.

  "I know what that is!" cried Sally; "it's 'Mabel on Midsummer Day.' Thepiece Miss Celia spoke; don't you know?"

  "There isn't any sick baby, and Mabel had a 'kerchief pinned about herhead.' I say it's Red Riding Hood," answered Liddy, who had begun tolearn Mary Howitt's pretty poem for her next piece, and knew all aboutit.

  The question was settled by the appearance of the wolf in the secondscene, and such a wolf! On few amateur stages do we find so natural anactor for that part, or so good a costume, for Sanch was irresistiblydroll in the gray wolf-skin which usually lay beside Miss Celia's bed,now fitted over his back and fastened neatly down underneath, with hisown face peeping out at one end, and the handsome tail bobbing gayly atthe other. What a comfort that tail was to Sancho, none but a bereavedbow-wow could ever tell. It reconciled him to his distasteful part atonce, it made rehearsals a joy, and even before the public he could notresist turning to catch a glimpse of the noble appendage, while his ownbrief member wagged with the proud consciousness that though the taildid not match the head, it was long enough to be seen of all men anddogs.

  That was a pretty picture, for the little maid came walking in with thebasket on her arm, and such an innocent face inside the bright hood thatit was quite natural the gray wolf should trot up to her with deceitfulfriendliness, that she should pat and talk to him confidingly about thebutter for grandma, and then that they should walk away together, hepolitely carrying her basket, she with her hand on his head, littledreaming what evil plans were taking shape inside.

  The children encored that, but there was no time to repeat it, so theylistened to more stifled merriment behind the red table-cloths, andwondered whether the next scene would be the wolf popping his head outof the window as Red Riding Hood knocks, or the tragic end of thatsweet child.

  It was neither, for a nice bed had been made, and in it reposed thefalse grandmother, with a ruffled nightcap on, a white gown, andspectacles. Betty lay beside the wolf, staring at him as if just aboutto say, "Why, grandma, what great teeth you've got!" for Sancho's mouthwas half open and a red tongue hung out, as he panted with the exertionof keeping still. This tableau was so very good, and yet so funny, thatthe children clapped and shouted frantically; this excited the dog, whogave a bounce and would have leaped off the bed to bark at the rioters,if Betty had not caught him by the legs, and Thorny dropped the curtainjust at the moment when the wicked wolf was apparently in the act ofdevouring the poor little girl, with most effective growls.

  They had to come out then, and did so, both much dishevelled by the latetussle, for Sancho's cap was all over one eye, and Betty's hood wasanywhere but on her head. She made her courtesy prettily, however; herfellow-actor bowed with as much dignity as a short night-gown permitted,and they retired to their well-earned repose.

  Then Thorny, looking much excited, appeared to make the followingrequest: "As one of the actors in the next piece is new to the business,the company must all keep as still as mice, and not stir till I give theword. It's perfectly splendid! so don't you spoil it by making a row."

  "What do you suppose it is?" asked every one, and listened with alltheir might to get a hint, if possible. But what they heard only whettedtheir curiosity and mystified them more and more. Bab's voice cried in aloud whisper, "Isn't Ben beautiful?" Then there was a thumping noise,and Miss Celia said, in an anxious tone, "Oh, do be careful," while Benlaughed out as if he was too happy to care who heard him, and Thornybawled "Whoa!" in a way which would have attracted attention if Lita'shead had not popped out of her box, more than once, to survey theinvaders of her abode, with a much astonished expression.

  "Sounds kind of circusy, don't it?" said Sam to Billy, who had come outto receive the compliments of the company and enjoy the tableau at asafe distance.

  "You just wait till you see what's coming. It beats any circus I eversaw," answered Billy, rubbing his hands with the air of a man who hadseen many instead of but one.

  "Ready! Be quick and get out of the way when she goes off!" whisperedBen, but they heard him and prepared for pistols, rockets orcombustibles of some sort, as ships were impossible under thecircumstances, and no other "She" occurred to them.

  A unanimous "O-o-o-o!" was heard when the curtain rose, but a stern"Hush!" from Thorny kept them mutely staring with all their eyes at thegrand spectacle of the evening. There stood Lita with a wide flat saddleon her back, a white head-stall and reins, blue rosettes in her ears,and the look of a much-bewildered beast in her bright eyes. But who thegauzy, spangled, winged creature was, with a gilt crown on its head, alittle bow in its hand, and one white slipper in the air, while theother seemed merely to touch the saddle, no one could tell for a minute,so strange and splendid did the apparition appear. No wonder Ben was notrecognized in this brilliant disguise, which was more natural to himthan Billy's blue flannel or Thorny's respectable garments. He had sobegged to be allowed to show himself "just once," as he used to be inthe days when "father" tossed him up on the bare-backed old General, forhundreds to see and admire, that Miss Celia had consented, much againsther will, and hastily arranged some bits of spangled tarlatan over thewhite cotton suit which was to simulate the regulation tights. Her olddancing slippers fitted, and gold paper did the rest, while Ben, sure ofhis power over Lita, promised not to break his bones, and lived for dayson the thought of the moment when he could show the boys that he had notboasted vainly of past splendors.

  Before the delighted children could get their breath, Lita gave signs ofher dislike to the foot-lights, and, gathering up the reins that lay onher neck, Ben gave the old cry, "Houp-la!" and let her go, as he hadoften done before, straight out of the coach-house for a gallop roundthe orchard.

  "Just turn about and you can see perfectly well, but stay where you aretill he comes back," commanded Thorny, as signs of commotion appeared inthe excited audience.

  Round went the twenty children as if turned by one crank, and sittingthere they looked out into the moonlight where the shining figureflashed to and fro, now so near they could see the smiling face underthe crown, now so far away that it glittered like a fire-fly among thedusky green. Lita enjoyed that race as heartily as she had done severalothers of late, and caracoled about as if anxious to make up for herlack of skill by speed and obedience. How much Ben liked it there is noneed to tell, yet it was a proof of the good which three months of aquiet, useful life had done him, that even as he pranced gayly under theboughs thick with the red and yellow apples almost ready to be gathered,he found this riding in the fresh air with only his mates for anaudience pleasanter than the crowded tent, the tired horses, profanemen, and painted women, friendly as some of them had been to him.

  After the first burst was over, he felt rather glad, on the whole, thathe was going back to plain clothes, helpful school, and kindly people,who cared more to have him a good boy than the most famous Cupid thatever stood on one leg with a fast horse under him.

  "You may make as much noise as you like, now; Lita's had her run andwill be as quiet as a lamb after it. Pull up, Ben, and come in; sistersays you'll get cold," shouted Thorny, as the rider came cantering roundafter a leap over the lodge gate and back again.

  So Ben pulled up, and the admiring boys and girls were allowed to gatherabout him, loud in their praises as they examined the pretty mare andthe mythological character who lay easily on her back.

  He looked very little like the god of love now; for he had lost oneslipper and splashed his white legs with dew and dust, the crown hadslipped down upon his neck, and the paper wings hung in an apple-treewhere he had left them as he went by. No trouble in recognizing Ben,now; but somehow he didn't want to be seen, and, instead of staying tobe praised, he soon slipped away, making Lita his excuse to vanishbehind the curtain while the rest went into the house to have afinishing-off game of blindman's-buff in the big kitchen.

  "Well, Ben, are you satisfied?" asked Miss Celia, as
she stayed a momentto unpin the remains of his gauzy scarf and tunic.

  "Yes, 'm, thank you, it was tip-top."

  "But you look rather sober. Are you tired, or is it because you don'twant to take these trappings off and be plain Ben again?" she said,looking down into his face as he lifted it for her to free him from hisgilded collar.

  "I want to take 'em off; for somehow I don't feel respectable," and hekicked away the crown he had helped to make so carefully, adding with aglance that said more than his words: "I'd rather be 'plain Ben' thanany one else, for you like to have me."

  "Indeed I do; and I'm so glad to hear you say that, because I was afraidyou'd long to be off to the old ways, and all I've tried to do would beundone. Would you like to go back, Ben?" and Miss Celia held his chin aninstant, to watch the brown face that looked so honestly back at her.

  "No, I wouldn't--unless--he was there and wanted me."

  The chin quivered just a bit, but the black eyes were as bright as ever,and the boy's voice so earnest, she knew he spoke the truth, and laidher white hand softly on his head, as she answered in the tone he lovedso much, because no one else had ever used it to him,--

  "Father is not there; but I know he wants you, dear, and I am sure hewould rather see you in a home like this than in the place you camefrom. Now go and dress; but, tell me first, has it been a happybirthday?"

  "Oh, Miss Celia! I didn't know they could be so beautiful, and this isthe beautifulest part of it; I don't know how to thank you, but I'mgoing to try--" and, finding words wouldn't come fast enough, Ben justput his two arms round her, quite speechless with gratitude; then, as ifashamed of his little outburst, he knelt down in a great hurry to untiehis one shoe.

  But Miss Celia liked his answer better than the finest speech ever madeher, and went away through the moonlight, saying to herself,--

  "If I can bring one lost lamb into the fold, I shall be the fitter for ashepherd's wife, by-and-by."