
  Cassie had just stepped out of Luther's car when the terrified scream reverberated off of the headstones. Chris and Melissa froze in mid-step as their mouths parted in surprise. "It's out there," Chris said as the scream faded away.

  "Let's go."

  Cassie took a step forward, but Luther halted her by grabbing hold of her arm. "Wait."

  Her hands fisted as she spun on him. "We have to stop him!"

  Luther's eyes narrowed on her. "Him?"

  She instantly realized her mistake, they had always referred to the monster as it. Cassie glared at him fiercely, she didn't have time to explain her newfound knowledge, and she didn't want them to try and dissuade her from what she knew. She was right, she had no doubt Devon was in those woods. Just as she had no doubt she would be the one to take him out. She would do anything to keep the people surrounding her safe.

  Cassie ripped her arm away from Luther as she spun toward the woods. Her blood was boiling from the fury pulsating through her; she knew she was reckless right now, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Her gaze rapidly scanned the forest as she tried to pinpoint where the scream had come from. Another bloodcurdling scream shot through the air. Her heart leapt wildly in her chest; she'd never heard anyone make a sound like that before.

  And it was entirely her fault.

  Her love for Devon had completely blinded her to the knowledge he was a monster. Her stupidity and ignorance had allowed him to continue to kill. "Come on," she said briskly.

  "Wait!" Luther commanded as he seized her once more. "Melissa."

  Melissa had gone completely still, her eyes were distant and her face had gone slack and pale. Cassie sighed impatiently; it was a hell of a time to receive a premonition, especially one of the ones that took her over completely. Melissa suddenly gasped, she grasped hold of her stomach as she bent over. Chris seized Melissa's heaving shoulders as she choked and panted for air.

  Another scream echoed throughout, but this one was far weaker than before. Whoever was out there was dying, and Cassie wasn't about to let that happen. Tearing her arm away from Luther again, she spun on her heel and sprinted forward. It didn't matter Chris and Melissa weren't with her, she would put a stop to this on her own.

  Cassie's long legs rapidly carried her across the ground. She didn't bother dodging the headstones but vaulted over them. Reaching the woods, she used her hands to deflect the branches and twigs slapping at her as she raced forward.

  "Cassie, noooo!" Melissa's shrill scream followed her into the forest, but didn't slow her down.