_Kepta's Second Prisoner_

  The green mist enveloped Garin. He drew into his lungs hot moist airfaintly tinged with a scent of sickly sweetness, as from some hiddencorruption. Green motes in the air gave forth little light and seemed tocling to the intruder.

  With the Ana pattering before him, the American started down a steepramp, the soft soles of his buskins making no sound. At regularintervals along the wall, niches held small statues. And about eachperverted figure was a crown of green motes.

  The Ana stopped, its large ears outspread as if to catch the faintestmurmur of sound. From somewhere under the earth came the howls of amaddened dog. The Ana shivered, creeping closer to Garin.

  Down led the ramp, growing narrower and steeper. And louder sounded theinsane, coughing howls of the dog. Then the passage was abruptly barredby a grill of black stone. Garin peered through its bars at a flight ofstairs leading down into a pit. From the pit arose snarling laughter.

  Padding back and forth were things which might have been conceived bydemons. They were sleek, rat-like creatures, hairless, and large asponies. Red saliva dripped from the corners of their sharp jaws. But inthe eyes, which they raised now and then toward the grill, there wasintelligence. These were the morgels, watchdogs and slaves of the BlackOnes.

  From a second pair of stairs directly across the pit arose a moaningcall. A door opened and two men came down the steps. The morgels surgedforward, but fell back when whips were cracked over their heads.

  The masters of the morgels were human in appearance. Black loin clothswere twisted about them and long, wing-shaped cloaks hung from theirshoulders. On their heads, completely masking their hair, were clothcaps which bore ragged crests not unlike cockscombs. As far as Garincould see they were unarmed except for their whips.

  A second party was coming down the steps. Between two of the Black Onesstruggled a prisoner. He made a desperate and hopeless fight of it, butthey dragged him to the edge of the pit before they halted. The morgels,intent upon their promised prey, crouched before them.

  Five steps above were two figures to whom the guards looked forinstructions. One was a man of their race, of slender, handsome body andevil, beautiful face. His hand lay possessively upon the arm of hiscompanion.

  It was Thrala who stood beside him, her head proudly erect. The laughtercurves were gone from her lips; there was only sorrow and resignation tobe read there now. But her spirit burned like a white flame in her eyes.

  "Look!" her warder ordered. "Does not Kepta keep his promises? Shall wegive Dandtan into the jaws of our slaves, or will you unsay certainwords of yours, Lady Thrala?"

  The prisoner answered for her. "Kepta, son of vileness, Thrala is notfor you. Remember, beloved one," he spoke to the Daughter, "the day ofdeliverance is at hand--"

  Garin felt a sudden emptiness. The prisoner had called Thrala "beloved"with the ease of one who had the right.

  "I await Thrala's answer," Kepta returned evenly. And her answer he got.

  "Beast among beasts, you may send Dandtan to his death, you may heap allmanner of insult and evil upon me, but still I say the Daughter is notfor your touch. Rather will I cut the line of life with my own hands,taking upon me the punishment of the Elder Ones. To Dandtan," she smileddown upon the prisoner, "I say farewell. We shall meet again beyond theCurtain of Time." She held out her hands to him.

  "Thrala, dear one--!" One of his guards slapped a hand over theprisoner's mouth putting an end to his words.

  But now Thrala was looking beyond him, straight at the grill whichsheltered Garin. Kepta pulled at her arm to gain her attention. "Watch!Thus do my enemies die. To the pit with him!"

  The guards twisted their prisoner around and the morgels crept closer,their eyes fixed upon that young, writhing body. Garin knew that he musttake a hand in the game. The Ana was tugging him to the right, and therewas an open archway leading to a balcony running around the side of thepit.

  Those below were too entranced by the coming sport to notice theinvader. But Thrala glanced up and Garin thought that she sighted him.Something in her attitude attracted Kepta, he too looked up. For amoment he stared in stark amazement, and then he thrust the Daughterthrough the door behind him.

  "Ho, outlander! Welcome to the Caves. So the Folk have meddled--"

  "Greeting, Kepta." Garin hardly knew whence came the words which fell soeasily from his tongue. "I have come as was promised, to remain untilthe Black Throne is no more."

  "Not even the morgels boast before their prey lies limp in their jaws,"flashed Kepta. "What manner of beast are you?"

  "A clean beast, Kepta, which you are not. Bid your two-legged morgelsloose the youth, lest I grow impatient." The flyer swung the green rodinto view.

  Kepta's eyes narrowed but his smile did not fade. "I have heard of oldthat the Ancient Ones do not destroy--"

  "As an outlander I am not bound by their limits," returned Garin, "asyou will learn if you do not call off your stinking pack."

  The master of the Caves laughed. "You are as the Tand, a fool without abrain. Never shall you see the Caverns again--"

  "You shall own me master yet, Kepta."

  The Black Chief seemed to consider. Then he waved to his men. "Releasehim," he ordered. "Outlander, you are braver than I thought. We mightbargain--"

  "Thrala goes forth from the Caves and the black throne is dust, thoseare the terms of the Caverns."

  "And if we do not accept?"

  "Then Thrala goes forth, the throne is dust and Tav shall have a day ofjudging such as it has never seen before."

  "You challenge me?"

  Again words, which seemed to Garin to have their origin elsewhere, cameto him. "As in Yu-Lac, I shall take--"

  Before Kepta could reply there was trouble in the pit. Dandtan, freed byhis guards, was crossing the floor in running leaps. Garin threw himselfbelly down on the balcony and dropped the jeweled strap of his belt overthe lip.

  A moment later it snapped taut and he stiffened to an upward pull.Already Dandtan's heels were above the snapping jaws of a morgel. Theflyer caught the youth around the shoulders and heaved. They rolledtogether against the wall.

  "They are gone! All of them!" Dandtan cried, as he regained his feet. Hewas right; the morgels howled below, but Kepta and his men had vanished.

  "Thrala!" Garin exclaimed.

  Dandtan nodded. "They have taken her back to the cells. They believe hersafe there."

  "Then they think wrong." Garin stooped to pick up the green rod. Hiscompanion laughed.

  "We'd best start before they get prepared for us."

  Garin picked up the Ana. "Which way?"

  Dandtan showed him a passage leading from behind the other door. Then hedodged into a side chamber to return with two of the wing cloaks andcloth hoods, so that they might pass as Black Ones.

  They went by the mouths of three side tunnels, all deserted. Nonedisputed their going. All the Black Ones had withdrawn from this part ofthe Caves.

  Dandtan sniffed uneasily. "All is not well. I fear a trap."

  "While we can pass, let us."

  The passage curved to the right and they came into an oval room. AgainDandtan shook his head but ventured no protest. Instead he flung open adoor and hurried down a short hall.

  It seemed to Garin that there were strange rustlings and squeakings inthe dark corners. Then Dandtan stopped so short that the flyer ran intohim.

  "Here is the guard room--and it is empty!"

  Garin looked over his shoulder into a large room. Racks of strangeweapons hung on the walls and the sleeping pallets of the guards werestacked evenly, but the men were nowhere to be seen.

  They crossed the room and passed beneath an archway.

  "Even the bars are not down," observed Dandtan. He pointed overhead.There hung a portcullis of stone. Garin studied it apprehensively. ButDandtan drew him on into a narrow corridor where were barred doors.

  "The cells," he explained, and withdrew a bar across
one door. Theportal swung back and they pushed within.