Page 27 of The Redhead Series

  “Okay, so there were cameras. Did you keep your ball cap pulled down low?” I asked, trying to get him to laugh. It was standard for him to wear the ball cap every freaking day now, and if the cameras caught him in it, I teased him mercilessly.

  “Ha-ha. I did have it on, yes. Anyway, I was walking out to the car, and this girl came out of nowhere and tried to . . . well . . . she tried to . . .”

  “Did she kiss you?” I asked.

  “She tried to, yes. But she didn’t. Grace, I swear I did not kiss her,” he said firmly.

  “Hey, it’s cool, George.” (His private nickname.) “I know how aggressive fans can get. You should have seen me the first time I saw New Kids on the Block, when I was in high school. My friends and I followed their bus halfway across town before we realized we were actually following a group of senior citizens on their way to Branson.” I laughed. We were so sad when we pulled in behind them at the Flying J truck stop and saw the shuffleboard set disembark.

  “You followed a tour bus? Why are girls like that?” he asked, laughing along with me. I could feel him calming down. Jack didn’t like crowds, as a rule, and when he had a lot of people looking at him, it made him extremely self-conscious. Tonight he just seemed to need to hear my voice, and I loved that I could soothe him.

  “I would explain it if I could,” I said. “All I know is when Holly and I saw them perform earlier this year, we screamed like we were fourteen again. I felt exactly like I did when I saw them the first time, like no time had passed. I think that’s why you’re cornering both the teen and the cougar market, too.” I giggled. “You remind us of when we were young enough that squealing was expected.”

  “Hmm, and the press has called you a cougar, Grace. Are you just using me for sex?” he teased, his voice silky.

  “I’m not quite a cougar yet, but I’m for sure just using you for the sex,” I teased back.

  “I knew it,” he said, laughing.

  We were quiet for a moment, and then he sighed.

  “What is it?” I asked, sliding deeper into the covers.

  “I just miss you. I miss being in your bed,” he said quietly, and I could hear the desperation in his voice. I felt it too. It wasn’t just the physical lovemaking but the simple touches we took for granted when we saw each other all the time. I missed him washing my hair almost as much as the intense orgasms he’d given me daily.

  “I do too, love. I miss the way you hold me—especially where your hands always end up.” I giggled.

  “You mean on your beautiful boobies?” he whispered. He teased, but I could hear his need building. It mimicked my own, which he could always bring quickly to the surface.

  “Mmm, yes, please. I love how you know exactly how to touch me.” I moaned a little into the phone, my other hand beginning to travel restlessly under the sheets.

  “Oh, you do, do you?” he asked, his accent getting deeper and thicker.

  “Oh, God, yes. You have the most perfect hands. I love your fingers especially. They’re so strong,” I whispered, propping the phone on my shoulder.

  “Where do you like me to touch you, Grace?” His breath was coming faster now. I could imagine where his own hands were.

  “I love when you peel my clothes off slowly and then graze my nipples with your fingertips. Mmm,” I moaned, and I heard him moan in response. “And then when you touch me with your tongue, moving from one breast to the other—oh, God, that always feels amazing,” I said, my own breath coming faster now. My hands dipped beneath my panties to feel how wet I already was, just imagining his hands all over me.

  “Grace, where’s your hand now?” he asked, his sexy accent now off the charts.

  “Where do you want it to be, love?” I asked wickedly.

  “Mmm, if I were there, I’d be running my fingers through your hot, wet . . .” And he moaned the word that made me ache. He made the word absolutely drip from his tongue.

  “That’s exactly where my hand is, and as I’m touching myself, I’m imagining all the naughty, nasty things you do to make me scream,” I purred.

  “God, Grace, you get me so hard,” he whispered, and I could hear him beginning to lose control. The thought of his elegant, strong hands gripping himself while talking dirty to me was almost too much to bear.

  “I love making you hard. I love to see you get hard for me—just for me, Jack.” I moaned, my fingers beginning to rub my sex furiously, imagining his face buried between my legs.

  “Nothing gets me harder than seeing you come, love—making you come with my lips and my tongue. Nothing tastes as good as my sweet girl.”

  “Oh, God, Jack, you’re getting me so wet. If you were here—oh, God, you fuck me so good,” I panted, thrashing about on the bed as my orgasm began to build, strong and full.

  “Grace, I think about you all day sometimes—the taste of you and the way you look when you lose all control. Oh, God, Grace, you’re so beautiful when you come . . .” He moaned, barely able to speak, and I could tell he was getting close himself.

  Sweet Jesus, he’s good at this . . .

  I needed to finish us both off.

  “Mmm, I love when you come inside me, when I can hear you and feel you inside me . . . when . . . you are . . . deep . . . inside me . . . Oh, God . . . Jack . . . it’s so good!” I lost it, my fingers finally pushing deep inside me, and I imagined it was him driving into me, filling me.

  He groaned, staying with me as I screamed his name, my fingers and his voice bringing me to the release I needed. I could hear his breath get heavier, and then he came too. I could see him in my mind’s eye: his eyes shut tight, his brow furrowed, his jaw clenched.

  God, I missed him.

  I trembled as I pushed the covers down. I was so worked up and hot, covered in sweat.

  “Fuck, Grace, you’re amazing,” he whispered, still breathing heavily.

  “Oh, love, I wish I was there. I’d scratch your head and let you fall asleep on me,” I said, almost able to feel his weight.

  “Would you let me hold your boobies?” He chuckled.

  “You don’t even have to ask, George. My boobies are your boobies,” I teased, my heart starting to slow to a normal rhythm.

  “Hell yes, they are! I’m going to make a little sign for you to wear that says THESE ARE SPOKEN FOR and then everyone will know your boobies are mine.”

  “Mmm, I love when you get all caveman on me. Will you throw me over your shoulder and carry me back to your cave?”

  “Yep, and then I will ravage you before making you cook me up some T. rex.” He laughed.

  “That sounds heavenly, Sweet Nuts, just heavenly,” I sassed, then yawned.

  “Shit, Grace. I forgot how early it is there. I’ll let you get back to sleep. I’m sorry I called you in the middle of the night.”

  “Do you feel better?” I asked.

  “Well, yes. I do, actually,” he said sheepishly.

  “Then you call my ass whenever you want. That’s what I’m here for—that and the blow-your-mind phone sex.”

  We laughed.

  “I miss the shit out of you, Gracie,” he said quietly.

  “I know, George. I miss you too.” I smiled into the phone.

  “Okay, I’ll let you get back to sleep. Love you.”

  “Love you too. ’Night.”

  I hung up the phone, sighing, and rolled onto my side. At this point in the program, had I been with my Brit, boobies would be held, sweet nothings would be whispered, and a Golden Girls episode or two might even be viewed.

  A pang of loneliness washed over me, but I quickly pushed it aside and turned my thoughts to the scene I’d be working on the next day. Mabel was meeting with her ex-husband for the first time since the divorce, and my separation from Jack would help me create her feelings of isolation. I missed Jack, but I would use it.

  And so it went. Days turned into weeks. I rehearsed and sometimes went out with my new friends. Jack did interviews and photo shoots and went out with his friends. We
talked all the time and continued the frequent phone sex. He asked me lots of questions about the show and wanted to know everything about my new friends, the cast, and how things were going. I told Jack about everything, although I may have glossed over exactly how much time Michael and I were spending together outside rehearsal.

  Some nights we met up to work on scenes he was rewriting, but we usually ended up back at my apartment, talking, reminiscing, and laughing, more than anything else. He said it helped with his rewrites to spend time with me, and I found more and more of myself showing up in the new scenes. He admitted once that he’d modeled some of Mabel’s character traits on me, especially the earlier scenes where Mabel is in college and falling in love with all the wrong guys.

  One night we stayed late after rehearsal to work on a new scene, and when my tummy’s growling began to rival our rather loud discussion, I suggested we head back to my place and order a late dinner. I’d recently moved from the W hotel to a small apartment on the Upper West Side. It was clean, close to the rehearsal space, and already furnished—everything I needed in a temporary home. Since I’d moved in, we’d fallen into a habit of ordering greasy Chinese, and the restaurant around the corner from my apartment was our number one choice.

  Secretly, this sometimes made me a bit nervous. Since battling my way back from a good deal of extra weight several years ago, I’d been dedicated to making smart food choices. But the noodles . . . oh my goodness, the noodles. I let myself pig out on occasion, because I knew now I could control it. I ate really well most of the time, I exercised like a maniac, and I was truly proud of my new body. This was what I was meant to look like. Nevertheless, when the noodles called, I answered. I just had to run an extra mile or two to combat them. It was worth it. Seriously, the best garlic noodles ever.

  We picked up the order and settled into our usual spots: me on the couch and him on the floor next to me. He tended to make a mess, so I made him either wear a bib, or sit on the floor, where his mouth was closer to the noodle bowl. He chose the floor.

  “Who was that guy you were dating sophomore year? The one who had the thing with no body hair?” he asked, shoveling in the noodles like someone was going to take them away from him.

  “Um, Jason, I think? Ugh, I haven’t thought about him in years! He was odd—not one of my better moments. But fantastic in the sack, I must say.” I sighed, thinking of how happy he’d made me, but only when horizontal. He’d waxed his chest and legs, armpits, and even his bits and pieces. And this was back before anyone had ever heard of manscaping. He had zero body hair and, sadly, zero personality. He was equipped with nine inches of fantastic, though, which tended to make up for his little eccentricities.

  “Yes, I remember you started taking yoga around that time . . . something about keeping yourself limber.” Michael winked mischievously, and I hit him on the head.

  “Michael! Jeez! I can’t believe you remember all that. That was like, twelve years ago.” I laughed, spearing a broccoli and nibbling as I thought about how long ago it really was. Hanging out with Michael now felt like we were back at my old college apartment. He’d bring over his laundry, and we’d watch movies until we both fell asleep on the couch.

  “Grace, I remember everything,” he said softly.

  “Really? I bet you don’t remember the first time we met,” I challenged, pointing at him with my broccoli stalk.

  “I’ll bet you the last egg roll that I do and you don’t,” he countered, his face serious.

  “It’s a bet, sucker. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to mix up my soy sauce–hot mustard concoction so it’s ready for my victory egg roll.” I reached over him for the bag of condiments.

  He grabbed my hand. “Why don’t we wait on that, since I’m totally going to win this bet,” he said, moving my hand back to my side.

  “Hmmph, whatever. Okay, when we first met: Freshman year, first day of class. We were in Professor Miller’s Acting 1, lower level of the theater, room 301. We got paired up for scene work. I was wearing khaki shorts, Keds, and a Sigma Nu T-shirt. You were wearing a black ball cap, a Ministry T-shirt, jeans, and your Vans. I remember because at first I thought your shirt said ‘Minister.’ I thought, ‘Well, that sucks. I can’t very well bang a man of the cloth.’ ” I blushed, remembering that I really had been attracted to him from the start. “So there,” I finished, sticking my tongue out and blowing a raspberry.

  He smiled, and I reached across him again to take my egg roll. He stopped me once more, though. “That isn’t the first time we met,” he said, grinning big.

  “What? The fuck it isn’t. I remember it like it was yesterday, O’Connell.” I fought him for the egg roll, but he continued to hold my hands back, laughing now.

  “The first time we met was the week prior to classes starting. I was at registration, and you were in line in front of me. I heard you telling the registration clerk you wanted to switch your Acting 1 class to a different section so you could take some astronomy class. When you left the line, you tripped over the rope and fell down.”

  I felt my face grow red at the memory. “Shit, that’s right! I totally fell flat on my face, and some guy helped me get all my shit together. I was so embarrassed because my birth control pills fell out of my purse, and he handed them back to me with a huge smirk.” I’d hightailed it right out of there, convinced my entire college career would be marred by the incident. “And you saw that? How mortifying!” I laughed.

  “I was the guy who handed you your pills, you dork! And then I made sure the clerk switched me into your acting class,” he said with that same smirk I remembered from registration. “And you were not wearing a Sigma Nu T-shirt that first day in class, it was an SAE shirt. And they weren’t khaki shorts, they were cutoff jean shorts,” he finished quietly.

  We looked at each other for a moment.

  “Take the fucking egg roll,” I finally said. “You totally won.”

  He grinned and took it, eating half with one bite. Then he offered the rest to me. “We can share it. I can’t believe you remember the Ministry shirt.”

  “Ya know, Holly was in that class too but we didn’t meet until later, when we all decided to grab a beer. I can’t remember what she was wearing that day,” I said thoughtfully, crunching down on my half of the egg roll.

  “Neither can I, Grace,” Michael said softly, eyes on me.

  My eyes locked on his.

  I chewed my egg roll.

  He scratched his nose.

  Mrs. Kobritz’s yappy dog barked upstairs.

  Our eyes stayed locked.

  My cell rang. And rang. And rang.

  Our eyes stayed locked.

  Answer your phone, Grace.

  My phone? Shit, my phone!

  I broke away, grabbing my phone right before it went to voice mail.

  “Hello? Hello?” I shouted unnecessarily into the phone. Michael chuckled and leaned back into the couch.

  “Gracie? Hey, I was just about to leave you a raunchy message,” my Brit said.

  “Do you want me to hang up so you can leave it?” I asked, a little out of breath. I pushed myself off the couch and went into the bedroom, out of earshot.

  “Nah, I’d rather tell you what I wish I was doing to you—that way I can hear you react.” I could hear his voice change into Johnny Bite Down mode. I could never resist him when he nibbled on that lower lip—swoon-worthy for sure.

  “You want me to react, huh?” I asked, wondering how I could get Michael out before Jack got me off. I was about to head back into the living room when Michael appeared in my doorway, leaning against the frame.

  “I’m going to take off, Grace. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he mouthed, kindly keeping his voice down. I waved good-bye and followed him to the door, still listening to Jack.

  “Yes, love, I’m dying for a reaction from you to my talented sexy ways, as I work my magic through your fingers,” Jack continued in a low voice.

  My body responded, as it always did wh
en I heard his voice get like that. Fuck, he could get me hot in 2.3 seconds. Three thousand miles couldn’t make a dent in his sex vibe. When he wanted a reaction from me, he got one—even across the Continental Divide.

  “You’re dying, are you?” I laughed as I opened the door for Michael.

  He stopped and looked back at me as if he were going to say something but then lifted his hand in good-bye. I waved back, smiling, and he disappeared down the hall.

  “But first, Crazy, I have some great news,” Jack said as I locked the door, leaning back against it and sighing.

  “You okay, sweet girl?” he asked.

  “I’m good. I just miss you, is all,” I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat. Suddenly, I missed him so much I literally ached.

  “Then you’ll be happy when I tell you my news, love.”

  “What is it, please?” I asked, not daring to hope for what I wanted.

  “I’m coming to see you,” he whispered.

  I closed my eyes, leaned my head against the door, and said a silent thank-you.

  “Gracie? Are you there?”

  “I’m here, George,” I whispered, my throat tight. “And I couldn’t have gotten better news. I’m thrilled!” A grin broke across my face that rivaled Jack Nicholson’s Joker. Then I broke out in a fit of giggles, unable to stop. I laughed so hard I began to cry, and I could only imagine what it must sound like on the other end of the line.

  Jack laughed along with me, indulging my outburst with the patience of a saint. Truly, no other twenty-four-year-old man on the planet had his tolerance, especially when dealing with me.

  When I finally calmed enough to form sentences again, I sighed deeply, crawling toward the couch from where I’d collapsed in front of the door. When I finally lifted myself back onto the coach, I groaned dramatically.

  “What the hell was that, Sheridan?” he asked, laughing again.

  “Just a little emotional breakdown, Hamilton. So when are you getting here? Don’t tell me you’re already in the hallway!” I smiled, my heart leaping at the thought he might be that close.

  “No, sorry. I’ll be there this Friday night, though. Soon enough for you?”