Page 2 of Sophie's Heart

  "All right," Sophie told her and began to shift things around.

  "Why can't people stay in their own country?" Barb muttered loudly as she moved away, and for just a few seconds Sophie


  stood absolutely still, thinking that the pain in her heart was going to kill her.


  "I met a woman today."

  David Ring, who had been reading the paper, laid it aside. The note in his wife's voice drew his immediate attention. They were alone in the family room. All three of the kids were in bed asleep, and it was finally "their" time of the evening.

  "Where was this?"

  Janet answered with a thoughtful look. "She came to Bible study."

  "A believer?"'

  "Well, she had her Bible with her."

  "Do you think she'll be back?"

  "I think so. I didn't get a chance to learn anything about her, but there was just something very special-" Her words trailed off.

  "What's her name?"

  "Sophie. She gave me the rest, but she's foreign and her accent made it difficult to understand her."

  "I hope you see her again."

  "Yes. I wish we'd had more time together, so I'm asking the Lord to send her back."

  "I'll pray for her, too. Did you decide if you're going to call Alec?"

  Tears immediately filled Janet's eyes, but she shook her head.

  "I've decided to write to him just so he knows I care. I also thought I might ask them to come down before school starts."

  "Do that," David said at once. "Tell them it's hot, but we can live at the pool."

  They fell silent then, but Janet's mind was already working on Alec. Should she write or call with the invitation? Janet just wasn't sure and was still working on the problem when she and David turned in for the night.


  ALL EYES WERE CLOSED and heads bowed in prayer when Sophie slipped into Bible study the next week. As soon as the last woman had prayed, Janet spotted her and made a very brief introduction. The women all turned, smiled, and said hello. Sophie, feeling quite awkward, was glad when Janet began the lesson.

  Sophie did not have a study book, but there were verses with every question, and it wasn't difficult to follow along. The minutes flew. The subject of Christ's life was one of Sophie's favorites. She was shocked to look down at her watch and see that she had to leave for work. There was more discussion going on, but she had no choice.

  From the front, Janet watched her go and felt helpless to halt her exit. Knowing she couldn't abandon her class each week, the burden to have more contact with Sophie was great. With a prayer in her heart that God would eventually bring them together for quality time, her mind moved back to the class.


  "Hi, Aunt Janet," Tory Riley said cheerfully from the other end of the telephone line.

  "How are you, Tory?"

  "I'm all right. We have to go back to school in just a few weeks." The ten-year-old sounded as disgruntled as she felt.

  "You sound like Beth," Janet commented, referring to her own daughter's opinion of school starting. "Listen, sweetie, is your dad around?"

  "Yeah, hold on a sec and I'll get him."

  Far more than one second passed before Alec came on the phone, but Janet waited patiently.

  "Did you get my letter?"

  "Yes, I did."

  "So what do you think? Can you and the kids come down?"


  "I don't know, Jan." Alec's voice was deep and quiet. "I've got five houses going right now and I don't think I can get away."

  "Just for the weekend," Janet tried to bargain. "You are taking weekends off, aren't you?"

  The silence at the other end of the line gave her the answer she dreaded.

  "I appreciate the offer, Jan. I really do," Alec said after a moment, "but it's not going to work before school starts. Maybe this fall."

  "All right, Alec," Janet said, telling herself not to push him. "How are you doing?"

  "About the same."

  Again, it was not the answer she had hoped for, but she knew well that with the miles separating them, prayer was all she could offer. And in most ways, this was best.

  "I'll talk to you later," Alec said, and Janet knew he was ready to get off the line.

  "All right, Al. Give the kids my love."

  "Thanks, Jan. You do the same for me."

  "Good night, Alec."

  "'Night, Janet."

  The phones were hung up, but the conversation, at least in Janet's mind, went on for many minutes to follow.


  "I can't believe you're taking me to Tony's on a Friday night. We haven't been there in ages."

  "Well, it isn't every day that a Realtor closes on the largest home he's ever sold."

  "Put like that," Janet said to David as she snuggled close to his side in the front seat of the car, "I should be the one takingyouout."

  "No way," he said as they pulled into traffic. "In some ways, you deserve this more than I do."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that you're the one who often holds the fort while I'm out on evening calls. I couldn't be selling houses if it weren't for you. And this particular buyer needed more 'courting' than most."

  Janet leaned close and kissed his cheek. She knew it was going to be a wonderful evening.

  And indeed, Janet's anticipation was rewarded. The food and atmosphere at Tony's were marvelous, and with a string quartet


  playing in one corner, it was also romantic. They were just finishing dessert when Janet spotted Sophie. She was cleaning a table across the way. Janet pointed her out to David and then waited until Sophie was on her way to the back of the restaurant before approaching.

  "Hello, Sophie."

  The younger woman turned in surprise and then smiled in pleasure.

  "Hello, Janet. I saw you earlier, but I could not come. Are you have a good meal?"

  "Yes, it was wonderful. This is where you work?"

  "Yes. I must take my meal break in ten minutes, but I will be here until one o'clock."

  "Ten minutes," Janet said with pleasure. "Can we talk?"

  "Well," Sophie said, looking slightly ill at ease, "I would like that, but I cannot come to the front."

  "Of course." Janet had not even thought of this. "Where do you go to eat? Could we meet you somewhere?"

  "I go in the back." Again Sophie answered with a somewhat distressed look on her face. "Is not very fancy-not like out here."

  "Oh, Sophie, we don't care, if you don't. It's so difficult to visit at Bible study, and I would really like to know how you're doing."

  "All right." Sophie saw her sincerity and agreed, thinking it would be nice to have some company.

  Five minutes later she saw that Janet and David were comfortable in the back dining room-the place where employees could eat if there was no banquet scheduled. However, it was some minutes more before Sophie joined them. One of the girls had spilled a platter of food, and Sophie had been ordered to see to the cleanup. The last time this happened her break was cut short, but she told herself that tonight she would get all the time coming to her.

  "I am sorry to keep you waiting," Sophie spoke as she finally took a seat with the Rings. She placed a plateful of food on the table and a tall glass of ice water. "I feeling odd, eating when you are..." Sophie gestured rather helplessly with her hands, and David spoke up.

  "Please don't. We're both so full we couldn't eat another bite."

  "Sophie," Janet said, "this is David, my husband. David, this is Sophie. She comes to my Bible study."

  "It's nice to meet you, Sophie."


  They shook hands, and then Sophie excused herself and silently thanked God for her meal. Janet was telling herself not to leap on the woman, but she was so fascinated by what little she knew of this foreigner, as well as being excited to see her here, that she feared she would be overanxious and offensive.

  "How do
youlike working here?"

  This came from David. He'd seen his wife's elation and gently taken her hand under the table. Janet was very relieved that he understood.

  "I am very thankful for job," Sophie told them. "So many do not have work."

  "Have you been in Chicago long?"

  "Nine months. I am from Czechoslovakia."

  "You're a long way from home," David said kindly.

  "Yes. Some days very long."

  "Did you work at a restaurant in Czechoslovakia?"

  "No," Sophie smiled slightly. "This has been new-" She hesitated.

  "Experience?" David supplied, and Sophie nodded, her cheeks a little pink that she hadn't been able to find such a simple word.

  "I am not a late person," she continued softly. "I like sunrise, so this is hardest-this staying up until late and missing the early day."

  "Do you ever have afternoons off, Sophie?" Janet asked. "I would love for you to come to lunch."

  Before Sophie could answer, her boss stuck his head in the door and told her that she was needed back on the floor and would have to cut it short. Sophie excused herself quietly and moved across the room. Mr. Markham was on his way out, but Sophie called to him. When he stopped, she said respectfully, "I need my break, Mr. Markham. I cannot come back early tonight."

  Mr. Markham frowned intimidatingly, but Sophie didn't so much as flinch. Inside, she was feeling shaken, but her outside composure was admirable.

  "I need you back on the floor."

  "I will come as soon as break is finished."

  "Come now, Sophie." His voice brooked no argument, but Sophie was not going to back down. She shook her dark head, still calm and completely in control.

  "This is not first. From last time I know I cannot work well without full break. I cannot do this, Mr. Markham. Not now or later."


  "Do you want your job here, Sophie?" the man asked, thinking this would end the whole conversation.

  "Do you want law here, Mr. Markham?"

  Sophie watched him blink and went on gently with consideration for both of their positions.

  "Everyone here thinks I am stupid woman. I am not. I have read laws. You must give me full break. I need full break."

  To Sophie's amazement, Mr. Markham's mouth stretched into a smile, his eyes alive with genuine amusement.

  "Take your break," he said simply, and Sophie had to give herself a little shake in order to turn and go back to the table.

  "Everything all right?" Janet asked.

  "Everything is fine," Sophie told her sincerely.

  "Can you come to lunch?"

  "I would like that."

  "Here," Janet said as she drew out some paper and a pen from her purse. "Give me your phone number."

  Sophie beamed at them. She had had a phone for just one week and was feeling very pleased. The time together finished with an exchange of phone numbers and addresses.

  "What did you think of her?" Janet asked David as they drove home.

  "She's nice," he said, then hesitated. He, too, had seen something special in Sophie, but it wasn't easy to put into words.

  "I can't wait to have her over. I don't think she has much fellowship."

  "I think you're probably right," David replied, as he stifled a yawn.

  "I've never met anyone who seemed so capable and yet vulnerable. Did that make sense?"

  "Uh-huh. I get the impression that she stood up to her boss for the first time and felt pretty good about it."

  Janet answered him, but for the moment David was not attending. His mind was on Sophie and then Alec. He wasn't matchmaking. Actually, he didn't know what he was thinking, but the two kept coming to mind. David couldn't shake the idea that Sophie might become very involved in their family before it was all over. He then told himself he was too tired to be giving this much thought, and concentrated on getting them home safely.



  TEN DAYS LATER SOPHIE AWOKE to her day off. She was going to Janet's for lunch that day, but she had plenty of time before she had to leave. From the cot that served as her bed, she reached for the Bible that lay on the floor and opened to the book of Isaiah. After paging to the last verses of chapter 40, she read aloud softly:

  Why do you say,Jacob, and assert,Israel, "My way is hidden from the Lord, and the justice due me escapes the notice of my God?" Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.

  Iam so glad that You never tire, Lord,Sophie now prayed in her heart. Iam so often weary of my life here. Please forgive my lack of praise. Thank You for my job and this roof over my head. Please bless those at work. Help me to show You in my life. In Your will and in Your time, Father, please take me from this place. While I am here, I will serve You, but you know, Father, how I long for a quieter place.

  Sophie's thoughts then turned to her grandmother and the small apartment in Prague. She lifted the older woman in prayer for a long time before lying quietly and thinking about the day to come. There really was much to be thankful for-Janet for one. She had had so little contact with other believers since coming to America that Sophie felt a bit starved.


  It was so unlike their dreams. America was to have been the land of opportunity. Sophie had not as yet been able to bring herself to tell her grandmother just how different it all was. She didn't have the heart to tell her that people thought you were stupid if you didn't speak perfect English. In Sophie's heart she dreamed that somehow her grandmother would join her someday, but she knew the older woman's English to be even more heavily accented than her own. She was afraid of doing anything that might hinder their being together again. Sophie saw it for the pipe dream that it was, but she wished for it nonetheless and would do nothing that might make her grandmother hesitate should the opportunity ever arrive.

  Sophie gave a huge sigh and then had to confess her lack of faith. If God wanted her grandmother here, she would come. She lay still for a moment longer, her heart asking God to bless her day, before rising to get some things done.


  "So to leave Czechoslovakia you must put your name on a list?"

  "That is right," Sophie agreed. "But my grandmother was ill, and we did not think..."

  Sophie finished with a helpless shrug, and Janet wisely let the subject drop. Lunch was over, but Janet did not have to pick up her kids for another hour, so they had plenty of time to converse in Janet's elegant living room.

  Sophia Velikonja was one of the most fascinating people Janet had ever met. She was kind and gentle, and the more relaxed she became, the easier she was to understand. However, Janet had not really learned very much about her. She knew that Sophie had left her homeland by choice and that her grandmother had remained behind. But even though she had answered all questions asked of her, Sophie's reserved air did not lend to pressing her overly much.

  "These are your children?" Sophie now asked, gesturing to the portraits on the top of the piano, her eyes caressing the instrument as well.

  "Yes. We have two boys and a girl. Brian is the oldest, he's 16. Then Jeremy, he's 14, and Bethany is 11."

  "Bethany is a beautiful name."

  "Isn't it, though?" Janet agreed with a smile. "They all go to the Christian school on Park Avenue."


  "How wonderful for them. Do they enjoy it?"

  "For the most part. Christian schools are not without their problems, but the academic standard is excellent, and having Christ at the center of the classroom is an added blessing. Our local public schools are good as well, but we started Brian at Park when he went to kinderga
rten, and each and every year the Lord provided the funds for one more year, so we've stayed with it."

  They talked on for some time, and then Sophie thanked Janet for the delicious lunch and told her she really should be going. Janet felt rescued since it was time to get the kids, and she hadn't known how to cut things off. Janet walked her to the door and out onto the porch, telling her she looked forward to seeing her at Bible study.

  "Or will I see you at church?" Janet suddenly thought.

  Sophie gave a reluctant shake of her head. "On Saturdays I work very late and then again on Sunday night, so I am not able to be at church."

  Janet then remembered that she'd told them at Tony's how well she liked the morning. "It would be great if you could get a day job."

  Sophie looked thoughtful. "That would be good, but mostly I wish I could move to a quiet place. Chicago is noisy."

  Janet nodded with understanding, and with a wave Sophie started down the driveway. She was quite a distance away when Janet realized she was not walking to a car.

  "Sophie," she called to her as she started forward. "Where is your car?"

  Sophie stopped. "I do not have car. I do not drive."

  "How did you get here?"

  "The bus," she stated simply.

  "But the bus doesn't come this far."

  Sophie had to hide a smile over Janet's concerned look. "It is not far to walk."

  Janet was feeling so flustered that she didn't know what to say. She never dreamed when she asked Sophie to lunch that she didn't have a car. Every woman she knew had a vehicle at her disposal, and Janet knew then that she'd taken such a luxury for granted. She was still working on a reply when David pulled in.

  Both Janet and Sophie moved out of the way and waited for him to park and emerge from the depths of a green PontiacBonneville. He was dressed in a light-gray suit, and he approached the women with a briefcase in his hand.


  "Hello, dear," Janet greeted him.

  David kissed her cheek and held his hand out to Sophie.

  "It's good to see you again, Sophie."

  "Hello, David."

  "David," Janet began before the other two had even finished their handshake, "is there any chance you could pick up the kids?"

  "Sure. Right now?"