Super Edition


  Bluestar’s Prophecy

  Erin Hunter





  Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the…

  Chapter 1

  “Shouldn’t she have opened her eyes by now?”

  Chapter 2

  Bluekit watched Snowkit’s tail flick enticingly, and pushed away the…

  Chapter 3

  Deep in a dream, Bluekit pounced at a butterfly, swiping…

  Chapter 4

  “Bluepaw! Bluepaw!”

  Chapter 5

  I’m going hunting!

  Chapter 6

  “Well?” Snowpaw danced around Bluepaw, who padded wearily toward the…

  Chapter 7

  “What’s happening?” Pinestar was at the medicine cat’s side in…

  Chapter 8

  Bluepaw woke with a jolt.

  Chapter 9

  Swiftbreeze stiffened, her ears flat. “Leopardpaw?”

  Chapter 10

  Mouse dung!

  Chapter 11

  Bluepaw’s ear tips ached with cold by the time they…

  Chapter 12

  Sun sparkled on the snow piled at the edge of…

  Chapter 13

  ThunderClan surged forward.

  Chapter 14

  Green buds softened the bushes, and for the first time…

  Chapter 15

  As Bluepaw scrambled into the darkness, cold earth pressed against…

  Chapter 16

  “Bluepaw, from this moment you will be known as Bluefur.

  Chapter 17

  A full moon lit the clearing, dappling the Clans. For…

  Chapter 18

  “Welcome to Mothermouth.” Pinestar brushed his tail lightly over Bluefur’s…

  Chapter 19

  Bluefur followed Adderfang, Thistlepaw, and Thrushpelt through the trees as…

  Chapter 20

  It was still dark when stabbing pains woke Bluefur, clutching…

  Chapter 21

  A few sunrises later Bluefur approached Sunfall, who was washing…

  Chapter 22

  “She won’t wake up! She won’t wake up!”

  Chapter 23

  “We drove them off,” Sunfall announced to the waiting Clan…

  Chapter 24

  As the sun set the following day, Bluefur was on…

  Chapter 25

  “Quick! Get Featherwhisker!” Bluefur gasped. Goosefeather still hadn’t formally retired,…

  Chapter 26

  The sun was mellower now that the lush greens of…

  Chapter 27

  Bluefur led her sister through the trees, following the route…

  Chapter 28

  The monster’s roar faded quickly away. Bluefur could see the…

  Chapter 29

  Bluefur hooked the dead mouse absently on her claw and…

  Chapter 30

  When sleep came, it came furiously, chaotic with images and…

  Chapter 31

  Bluefur curled her lip. “I’d like to see you try,”…

  Chapter 32

  “Look!” Whitekit trotted across the clearing and tossed a moss…

  Chapter 33

  “StarClan honors you for your wisdom and your loyalty. I…

  Chapter 34

  “We need to take back Sunningrocks!”

  Chapter 35

  Give me a chance!

  Chapter 36

  He waited!

  Chapter 37

  A soft tail-tip stroked Bluefur’s cheek.

  Chapter 38

  The yew branches rustled as Bluefur’s Clanmates filed into the…

  Chapter 39

  Her belly rumbling with hunger, Bluefur padded home through the…

  Chapter 40

  “Are they coming yet?” White-eye called. She tugged Runningkit back…

  Chapter 41

  “Wake up.” Bluefur kept her voice low so she didn’t…

  Chapter 42

  Adderfang spoke gently. “Bluefur, would you like to join a…

  Chapter 43

  “Come!” Featherwhisker called softly from the shadows inside Mothermouth.

  Chapter 44

  StarClan has never regretted its choice.

  Chapter 45

  Bluestar sat alone in the clearing and gazed up at…


  About the Author

  Other Books by Erin Hunter



  About the Publisher




  PINESTAR—red-brown tom with green eyes


  SUNFALL—bright giner tom with yellow eyes


  GOOSEFEATHER—speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes



  (toms, and she-cats without kits)

  STONEPELT—gray tom

  STORMTAIL—blue-gray tom with blue eyes

  ADDERFANG—mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

  TAWNYSPOTS—light gray tabby tom with amber eyes

  SPARROWPELT—big, dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

  SMALLEAR—gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes


  THRUSHPELT—sandy-gray tom with white flash on his chest and green eyes

  ROBINWING—small, energetic brown she-cat with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyes

  FUZZYPELT—black tom with fur that stands on end and yellow eyes

  WINDFLIGHT—gray tabby tom with pale green eyes


  SPECKLETAIL—pale tabby she-cat with amber eyes


  (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

  FEATHERWHISKER—pale silvery tom with bright amber eyes, long whiskers, sweeping, plumy tail; apprentice to the medicine cat

  DAPPLEPAW—tortoiseshell she-cat with beautiful dappled coat

  WHITEPAW—pale gray she-cat, blind in one eye


  (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

  SWIFTBREEZE—tabby-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes (mother of Leopardkit, black she-cat with green eyes, and Patchkit, black-and-white tom with amber eyes)

  MOONFLOWER—silver-gray she-cat with pale yellow eyes (mother of Bluekit, gray she-cat with blue eyes, and Snowkit, white she-cat with blue eyes)

  POPPYDAWN—long-haired, dark red she-cat with a bushy tail and amber eyes


  (former warriors and queens, now retired)

  WEEDWHISKER—pale orange tom with yellow eyes

  MUMBLEFOOT—brown tom, slightly clumsy, with amber eyes

  LARKSONG—tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes



  CEDARSTAR—very dark gray tom with a white belly


  STONETOOTH—gray tabby tom with long teeth


  SAGEWHISKER—white she-cat with long whiskers


  RAGGEDPELT—large, dark brown tabby tom

  FOXHEAR—bright ginger tom

  CROWTAIL—black tabby she-cat


  BRACKENFOOT—pale ginger tom with dark ginger legs

  ARCHEYE—gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over eye

  HOLLYFLOWER—dark-gray-and-white she-cat


  FEATHERSTORM—brown tabby she-cat

  POOLCLOUD—gray-and-white she-cat


  LITTLEBIRD—small, ginger tabby she-cat

  LIZARDFANG—light brown tabby tom with one hooked tooth



  HEATHERSTAR—pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes


  REEDFEATHER—light brown tabby tom


  HAWKHEART—mottled dark brown tom with yellow eyes


  DAWNSTRIPE—pale gold tabby with creamy stripes


  REDCLAW—dark ginger tom



  WHITEBERRY, pure white tom



  HAILSTAR—thick-pelted gray tom


  SHELLHEART—dappled gray tom


  BRAMBLEBERRY—pretty white she-cat with black spotted fur and blue eyes


  RIPPLECLAW—black-and-silver tabby tom

  TIMBERFUR—brown tom

  OWLFUR—brown-and-white tom

  OTTERSPLASH—white-and-pale-ginger she-cat


  LILYSTEM—pale gray queen (mother to Crookedkit and Oakkit)

  FALLOWTAIL—light brown queen (mother to Graykit and Willowkit)


  TROUTCLAW—gray tabby tom



  Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the slope; the stench of dogs hit her throat. Below, the ferns shook as dark shapes swarmed through the gully. Fireheart’s orange pelt flashed like flame through the greenery. He was keeping a good distance between himself and the pack, but the lead dog was breaking away and closing fast on the ThunderClan deputy.

  No! Not that one! You cannot use him as prey!

  Bluestar flung herself down the slope. Gulping air, muscles burning, she weaved around the trees, her paws skidding on the leafy forest floor. She hurtled through a swath of ferns, running blind as the leaves whipped her face. The gorge was close by. She could hear the river crashing between the sheer gray walls. Would Fireheart really be able to lure the dog pack over the edge? What if the pack’s leader caught him first?

  She erupted from the bracken and scrabbled to a stop in a clearing at the edge of the cliff. Leaves sprayed into the chasm as her paws slipped and slid.

  Oh, StarClan, no!

  Fireheart was dangling from the glistening jaws of a huge dog. The ThunderClan deputy struggled, spitting with fury. The dog shook him, its eyes shining with triumph, but its clumsy paws were skittering dangerously close to the edge of the gorge.

  “I will not let you destroy my Clan!” Bluestar roared. She flung herself at Fireheart’s tormentor, slamming headfirst into its flank.

  The dog dropped Fireheart and spun around in surprise.

  Bluestar crouched and unsheathed her claws. Blood roared in her ears but she felt no fear. She had not felt this alive for moons. She lashed out at the dog’s muzzle, but her claws raked empty air. The dog was sliding away from her! The ground beneath its hind legs was crumbling. Shards of stone showered down the steep face of the gorge as the dog’s paws scrabbled to get a grip, but its blunt claws were slithering on the leaf-strewn forest floor as its haunches dragged its hind legs backward over the cliff.

  The pack thundered closer.

  “Bluestar!” Fireheart warned.

  But Bluestar didn’t take her eyes from the pack leader. She was locked in its panicked gaze as dogs began to crash through the bracken behind her.

  The pack was upon them.

  Bluestar dug her claws into the soft earth as the air suddenly soured with fear. The lunging dogs had seen the gorge, and their howls turned to yelps as they skidded at its edge. Bluestar held her ground as a desperate yowl echoed down the chasm. The first dog had fallen. Its body thumped against the cliff, and there was a moment of quiet before she heard it splash into the roaring water below.

  Bluestar narrowed her eyes, still fixed on the pack leader. “You should never have threatened ThunderClan!” she hissed.

  Suddenly the dog stretched its head forward and grasped her foreleg in its jaws. She felt the ground slide beneath her as the dog dragged her with it over the edge. Wind roared around her, blasting her pelt as she fell. The river swirled and foamed below. She scrabbled desperately against the cold wet air and struggled free of the dog just a moment before she hit the water.

  The freezing river knocked the breath from her body. Blind, she struggled against the current, fighting her way toward air, her heart gripped by panic. Goosefeather’s prophecy burned in her mind: Water will destroy you.

  Her thick fur, heavy with water, dragged her down. The river tumbled all around her; she didn’t know which way was up. Her lungs screamed for air. Terror scorched through her. She was going to drown, there in the foaming waters of the gorge.

  Don’t give up! A meow sounded clear and familiar through the roar of the water.


  The father of her kits was murmuring in her ears: It’s like running through the forest. Let your paws do the work. Raise your chin. Let the water carry you up.

  His voice seemed to lift her, calming her panic, and she found that her paws were churning steadily through the water. Her heart, tight with pain, slowed as she strained to raise her chin, until at last the wind whipped her face. Coughing and gagging, she snatched a gulp of air.

  That’s the way, Oakheart whispered in her ear.

  His voice sounded so gentle, so welcoming. Perhaps she should just let the river sweep her away into the softness of his fur.

  Bluestar, swim! Head for the bank! Oakheart’s mew was sharp now. Our kits are waiting.

  Our kits! The thought of them hit her like a lightning bolt.

  You can’t leave them without saying good-bye.

  Energy surged through Bluestar, and she began to fight once more. A dark shape buffeted her, knocking her underwater again, but she struggled to the surface, spluttering as water filled her mouth and caught in her throat. The rolling body of a dog tumbled past her and was swept downstream.

  If a dog can’t fight this current, how can I?

  The treetops blurred overhead as the river swirled her along.

  You can do it! Oakheart urged. Bluestar churned at the water, but her exhausted legs felt like sodden leaves, flailing uselessly.

  Suddenly teeth grasped her scruff. Was Oakheart going to drag her to safety? Bluestar blinked water from her eyes long enough to glimpse orange fur.


  The ThunderClan deputy had gotten hold of her.

  “Keep your head up!” he growled through clenched jaws.

  Bluestar tried to help him, but her pelt was heavy and her paws were too tired to fight the weight of water. Fireheart’s teeth tore at her scruff as the water dragged her down.

  Then another body brushed hers.

  One of the dogs?

  More teeth bit her scruff. Paws clutched at her flanks, heaving her upward.

  She felt the strong, gentle movement of cats around her. Was StarClan carrying her to its hunting grounds?

  Barely conscious, she let herself be dragged through the water until pebbles scraped her flank and she felt solid earth beneath her. Paws and teeth heaved her up the gritty shore and laid her on soft grass. Her chest felt as if it were packed with stones, making each breath a struggle. Her eyes stung, too filled with water to see.


  She recognized the mew of Mistyfoot. What about Stonefur? Is he here, too?

  “We’re both here.” A strong paw pressed against her flank.

  Oakheart had been right. Their kits had been waiting for her.

  Bluestar fought to open her eyes. She could just make out the shape of Stonefur. His wide shoulders were silhouetted against the green canopy of trees. So much like his father. Mistyfoot stood beside him, her sodden pelt clinging to her frame.

  Bluestar felt breath on he
r cheek.

  “Is she okay?” came the voice of her daughter.

  Fireheart was leaning in. “Bluestar, it’s Fireheart. You’re all right now. You’re safe.”

  Bluestar hardly heard him. She was gazing at her kits. “You saved me,” she murmured.

  “Shhh. Don’t try to talk,” Mistyfoot urged.

  But there’s so much to say! Bluestar stretched her muzzle forward. “I want to tell you something…. I want to ask you to forgive me for sending you away.” As she coughed, water bubbled at her lips, but she forced herself to keep going. “Oakheart promised me Graypool would be a good mother to you.”