Page 22 of A Ride of Peril

  I looked at Draven, and his sideways glance told me what he was going to say before he said it.

  “We’ll have to try the passage stone, then.”

  Our options were limited, most ending in potential, if not certain death. The passage stone had a slightly higher probability of success. But, as Hansa said, there weren’t enough spells in our arsenal to protect us from everything that could await us on the other side.

  None of us knew what we’d be walking into and whether we’d survive. But we had to try. Billions of lives depended on it.

  I sucked in a deep breath, closing my eyes and thinking of The Shade. Its moonlit beaches and swaying redwoods. Its regal mountains and glistening lake. The vision of home helped calm my racing mind—a calm I desperately needed. Now, more than ever, I had to stay strong.

  I had to do my Novak lineage proud.

  Ready for the next part of the Novak clan’s story?

  Dear Shaddict,

  I hope you enjoyed this latest adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)

  The next book, ASOV 47: A Passage of Threats, releases July 30th, 2017.

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  I’ll see you there.


  Bella xxx

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  P.P.S. At the end of this ebook, I’ve included a Novak family tree.

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  Novak Family Tree (You may need to turn the page to see it!)

  Read more by Bella Forrest


  The Gender Game (Book 1)

  The Gender Secret (Book 2)

  The Gender Lie (Book 3)

  The Gender War (Book 4)

  The Gender Fall (Book 5)

  The Gender Plan (Book 6)

  The Gender End (Book 7)


  The Secret of Spellshadow Manor (Book 1)

  The Breaker (Book 2)

  The Chain (Book 3)

  The Keep (Book 4)


  Series 1: Derek & Sofia’s story

  A Shade of Vampire (Book 1)

  A Shade of Blood (Book 2)

  A Castle of Sand (Book 3)

  A Shadow of Light (Book 4)

  A Blaze of Sun (Book 5)

  A Gate of Night (Book 6)

  A Break of Day (Book 7)

  Series 2: Rose & Caleb’s story

  A Shade of Novak (Book 8)

  A Bond of Blood (Book 9)

  A Spell of Time (Book 10)

  A Chase of Prey (Book 11)

  A Shade of Doubt (Book 12)

  A Turn of Tides (Book 13)

  A Dawn of Strength (Book 14)

  A Fall of Secrets (Book 15)

  An End of Night (Book 16)

  Series 3: The Shade continues with a new hero…

  A Wind of Change (Book 17)

  A Trail of Echoes (Book 18)

  A Soldier of Shadows (Book 19)

  A Hero of Realms (Book 20)

  A Vial of Life (Book 21)

  A Fork of Paths (Book 22)

  A Flight of Souls (Book 23)

  A Bridge of Stars (Book 24)

  Series 4: A Clan of Novaks

  A Clan of Novaks (Book 25)

  A World of New (Book 26)

  A Web of Lies (Book 27)

  A Touch of Truth (Book 28)

  An Hour of Need (Book 29)

  A Game of Risk (Book 30)

  A Twist of Fates (Book 31)

  A Day of Glory (Book 32)

  Series 5: A Dawn of Guardians

  A Dawn of Guardians (Book 33)

  A Sword of Chance (Book 34)

  A Race of Trials (Book 35)

  A King of Shadow (Book 36)

  An Empire of Stones (Book 37)

  A Power of Old (Book 38)

  A Rip of Realms (Book 39)

  A Throne of Fire (Book 40)

  A Tide of War (Book 41)

  Series 6: A Gift of Three

  A Gift of Three (Book 42)

  A House of Mysteries (Book 43)

  A Tangle of Hearts (Book 44)

  A Meet of Tribes (Book 45)

  A Ride of Peril (Book 46)

  A Passage of Threats (Book 47)


  A Shade of Dragon 1

  A Shade of Dragon 2

  A Shade of Dragon 3


  A Shade of Kiev 1

  A Shade of Kiev 2

  A Shade of Kiev 3


  Beautiful Monster 1

  Beautiful Monster 2

  DETECTIVE ERIN BOND (Adult thriller/mystery)

  Lights, Camera, GONE

  Write, Edit, KILL

  For an updated list of Bella’s books, please visit her website:

  Join Bella’s VIP email list and she’ll personally send you an email reminder as soon as her next book is out. Tap here to sign up:



  Bella Forrest, A Ride of Peril

  (Series: A Shade of Vampire # 46)




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