
  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Other Books

  Eligible Billionaire: Alpha Mated #1 (Alpha Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Romance)


  Text copyright 2016 by Mac Flynn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission in writing from the author.

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  Who knew a werewolf billionaire playboy would fall for Plain-Jane me? Or that werewolf billionaire playboys even existed?

  But that's starting at the almost-beginning of my story. I'll rewind a little ways to get you guys caught up on my sensual dealings with a certain handsome devil, and our little pleasure adventures in the paranormal world.

  It all began one late-winter day not too long ago. The world was awash in holiday colors provided by the twinkling lights, the glistening snow and the cheery faces walking on the streets. It was a pity I was trapped in my cubicle far from any window. The only view I had was the one on the calendar, and that just showed me a bunch of adorable kittens playing in a field.

  I leaned my elbow on the desk and stared at those happy kittens. A sigh escaped my lips. "Lucky dogs-er, cats," I whispered to myself.

  A head popped over the top of my cubicle wall. The red-haired cranium belonged to my best friend, Ruth Reid. She had her usual wide grin on her face as she slung her arms over the top of my wall and leaned over.

  "You talking to yourself again?" she asked me.

  I leaned back in my chair and smiled. "I'm always guaranteed to have an intelligent conversation."

  She set her chin on her crossed hands and furrowed her brow. "You sure you were talking to yourself?"

  I studied the wall and my friend. "Are you sure you should be up there?"

  Ruth grinned. "So it's 'no' to both those questions?"

  I rolled my eyes and slid my chair closer to the wall. I placed my palm against the wall and gave it a soft shake. "Come on, get down before you-"

  "Miss Reid, what are you doing up there?" a voice barked.

  I groaned and Ruth winced. She slowly slid out of view. I rolled my chair to the opening of my small prison and peeked around the corner. A wide, short man stood in her doorway with his arms crossed. He wore a blue suit that did nothing for his figure, and only seemed to accentuate his increasing baldness on the back of his head. The man was our portly supervisor, John Bulla.

  He glared at my friend as she sat cowed in her chair with a nervous smile on her face. "Miss Reid, I've warned you time and again about climbing on the walls."

  She nodded her head like a bobble doll. "I know, Mr. Bulla, but I was just-" He held up his hand and shook his head.

  "No excuses. If I catch you one more time you're out. Do you understand?"

  Ruth cringed. "Yes, sir."

  "Good." Bulla turned to me and pursed his lips. "Was there something you wanted, Miss Combes?"

  Combes was my last name. My other handle was Dakota.

  I shook my head. "No, Mr. Bulla. If you'll excuse me I'll get back to work." I pressed my heels in the thinly carpeted floor and pushed myself back into my cubicle.

  Bulla's heavy footsteps retreated from our little domains. After five minutes of typing madly away at a report I barely understood a head peeked out from the side of my cubicle entrance.

  Ruth studied my typing fingers. "How can you do anything on a Friday?"

  I didn't look away from the screen. "Because I'm paid to do stuff on Friday." She pulled herself in her computer chair into my cubicle until our arm rests bumped together. I stopped my work and glared at her. "You're going to get us both fired."

  She leaned her cheek on my shoulder and smiled up at me. "Then we can look for new jobs together."

  I pursed my lips. "What do you want?"

  She started back and dramatically pressed her splayed fingers to her chest. "Moi? Want something?"

  My face fell and my eyes narrowed. "You only give me those brown eyes when you want something."

  Ruth dropped her hand and shrugged. "Well, there is a little favor I wanted-"

  "He's here!" a voice in a neighboring cubicle giggled.

  "Oh my god!"

  Ruth jumped to her feet and looked over my cubicle wall. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. "It's really him!"

  I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

  She clasped her hands and her eyes sparkled. Her voice resembled the squealing of tires on a hard corner. "He's so handsome! I wonder if he's still dating?"

  This was going nowhere. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I followed her gaze and my eyes fell on a handsome man with short black hair. His face was perfectly sculpted and he wore the custom-made suit like a glove. Or a suit. Anyway, he was about six feet tall which is a head taller than me, and he had smiles for all the employees who ogled him.

  This was Mr. David Dives, the billionaire playboy who owned and played with the company, and some of its employees. He stood near the elevator on the far side of the room in the hall that ran between the rows of cubicles and the wall. A gaggle of supervisors and women stood around him, many of them with starry eyes.

  Several of our fellow female employees peeked over the tops of their cubicles, and their whispered conversations floated over to me.

  "I heard he has a girlfriend for every day of the week."

  "I heard he has two."

  I snorted. I could just imagine him paying out to have a woman for each arm, not that he needed the money. He was handsome, to say the least.

  "I heard he bought another yacht."

  "Doesn't that make three?"

  "Something like that."

  "How does he run the business and have all this fun?"

  The first woman snorted and waved her hand at her friend. "He doesn't run the business. The board does that, and all the slave drivers on the floors."

  "Then what's he doing here?"

  Her friend rolled her eyes. "Don't you know? He always makes a yearly scouting of the place, just to pretend he's in charge of the company he inherited."

  The other one sighed and they both looked back to their idol. "I wish I could live like that."

  Ruth tugged on my sleeve and nodded at Dives. Her voice was a ghost of a whisper. "I want you to get me a date with him."

  I rolled my eyes. "I can't even get the time from him, much less you a date."

  Her shoulders drooped. The figure of worship was joined by Bulla, and the pair walked down the walls of cubicles and into our supervisor's office. Ruth sighed and dropped into my spare seat close beside my desk.

  "Damn. . ." she mumbled.

  I slipped into my chair and shook my head. "None of us has a chance with a guy like that. We may as well be hoping to meet a mythical creature."

  A nervous smile slipped onto Ruth's lips. "Speaking of mythical creature, I kind of have a date after work tonight."

  I raised an eyebrow. "You were just asking for-" She rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

  "I know, I know, but a girl can dream for better things, can't she? I mean, Barney can't exactly give me a yacht, can he?"

  I snorted. "You're going out with the front desk man?"

  She put her hands on her hips and wagged a
finger at me. "He's nice, and he knows how to greet a girl."

  "He knows how to greet everybody," I quipped.

  Ruth sighed and slumped back in her seat. "Anyway, he's going to take me out for some Unicorns, but I-well, I haven't really got my work done today."

  I frowned. "You want me to do you work so you can go out on a date?"

  She gave me a wide smile and clasped her hands together. "Please? Perdy please with sugar on top?"

  I pursed my lips. My eyes fell on the dwindling stack of papers beside me. They were data sheets to be typed in. The clock on my computer screen read fifteen minutes till five which was when we were all released like schoolchildren to run amok through the city for the weekend.

  I closed my eyes and massaged my forehead. "Let me see the paperwork."

  Ruth's face lit up and she nodded. "Sure! Sure thing!" She hurried to her cubicle and returned with a pile twice as large as mine.

  My face fell and my eyes flickered up to her face. "All right, but you owe me big, especially since we don't get paid for overtime."

  She dropped her pile onto mine and saluted me. "I promise you won't regret doing it."

  Oh boy was she wrong. At least at the beginning.


  The clocks struck five o'clock and a human wave swept towards the two elevators. They chatted, laughed, threw paper airplanes, and looped their arms over one another's shoulders in celebration of another week of their lives swallowed by the tedium of the required occupation. The floor was cleared in five minutes, and I was left alone with only the sound of the keys to comfort me.

  I, however, remained diligently at my post. The paperwork beside me was paper-thin. Another minute more and some furious typing, and I'd be released into the wilds of the streets.

  That's when I heard a door open. I stood and peeked over the top of my cubicle. Bulla stepped out of his office and behind him came Dives. My supervisor was all smiles while the one on Dives's face looked strained.

  "Now could I interest you in some dinner? My treat," Bulla offered.

  Dives held up his palm and shook his head. "No, that's fine. I wanted to look over the floor for a while."

  My supervisor set his hand on Dives' back. "Then I can show you around."

  Dives slipped from the shaky grasp and shook his head. "No, I think I can manage."

  Bulla laughed and nudged Dives in the side with his elbow. "All right, but don't keep the janitors waiting."

  Dives's smile grew more strained. "I won't."

  Bulla patted him on the back and strode over to the elevator. Dives turned away just as Bulla stepped into the lift. My supervisor turned and his smile slipped into a scowl that was directed at Dives. The elevator doors shut before the billionaire noticed the look of disdain.

  Dives swept his eyes over the area. I ducked down and cringed. If Dives caught me here he might find out about Ruth giving me her papers. That was a big no-no in company policy, and the prospect of joining the unemployment line didn't appeal to me.

  I got back to my typing, but winced at every clack of the keyboard. Dives's footsteps came closer. I cringed and furiously typed the last page into the computer. The last entry was finished and the work saved. I grabbed my purse and swung my chair towards the entrance to my cubicle.

  David Dives leaned against one side of the entrance with his arms folded and a real smile on his face. "You do know you don't get overtime, right?"

  I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, I know, but I had to get this work done."

  His gaze fell on the stack of papers beside my computer tower. "They give out a lot of work lately, don't they?"

  I stood and tried to scoot past him, but the doorway was small and he wasn't. "I guess, but could I leave?"

  He grinned and shrugged. "That depends."

  I frowned. "On what?"

  "On whether you can give me your name," he teased.

  My frown deepened and I crossed my arms over my chest. "I might work for you, Mr. Dives-"

  "David." I blinked at him, and he chuckled. "Call me David."

  "Listen, Mr. Dives, I really want to get home. It's-" I fumbled to bring out my cellphone to check the time.

  He glanced at his Rolex watch. "It's five-fifteen."

  "That's fifteen minutes longer than I wanted, so if you'll excuse me." I slipped past him and into the hall.

  My feet clacked against the hard carpet, and I heard his follow me to the elevators. I reached for the button, but he beat me to it.

  "Going my way?" he asked me.

  I turned my face away from him and stared at the closed elevator doors. "That depends on if you're going to the underground garage."

  He chuckled. "By some strange chance, I am. My chauffeur is sick and couldn't come in today, so I drove myself."

  "That must have been a traumatic experience for you," I quipped.

  He slipped closer to me and lowered his voice to a sultry whisper. "I get the feeling you don't like me."

  A wave of heat swept over my body. Here was this rich, handsome man putting the moves on me. He was also a notorious playboy who used women like Kleenex's and discarded them just as quickly.

  I shook the blush off my cheeks and took a half step away from him. "What makes you think that?"

  "Because you won't look at me," he pointed out.

  I was saved by the opening of the elevator doors, and I stepped inside. Dives joined me. As I turned around I noticed the last few rays of sunlight break through the tall, wide windows at the opposite end of the floor. Evening was coming.

  The doors shut. Dives positioned himself near the buttons while I took the rear. He pressed the button for the underground garage and looked to me with a smile. "You sure I couldn't offer you a ride home?"

  "You'd have to offer me a ride back to work. It's the only car I've got," I told him.

  He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at me. "I could do that. I wouldn't even need to pick you up."

  My eyebrows crashed down and I turned to face the doors. The numbers above the doors counted down to the uppercase 'G,' but not fast enough for me. "I think I'll pass."

  Dives leaned his back against the side wall and folded his arms over his chest. He studied me with a mix of admiration and perplexity. "Did I do something wrong? Because you're giving me a really hard time."

  I pursed my lips and my eyes flickered to him. "You're not exactly known for your reliability, especially when it comes to women."

  He sighed and shrugged. "I suppose you're right, but we all can't be beautiful angels like you."

  That damn blush came back to my cheeks. He was good, real good. A strong, musky scent filled the small space. I breathed deep and regretted it as my body warmed with desire. I tamped down the rising lustful interest in him and shifted feet. The numbers above the door ticked down to the last few floors, and below those was the parking garage. Just a little further and-Dives pushed off from the wall and dropped his arms. He held out his hand to me and smiled.

  I glanced from the offered hand to his face, and raised an eyebrow. "What's this for?"

  He shrugged. "For a good match. I can respect a woman who know who she wants to sleep with, even if it's not me."

  I ignored his hand and looked back at the numbers. "Thanks. I think. . ." I mumbled.

  He dropped his hand. "No problem, but if you-" He winced and clutched at his stomach. I half-turned to him and watch his face scrunch up and his body double over. Dives wrapped both arms around his stomach and fell to his knees. His hoarse, strained words reached me. "Damn it!"

  I frowned. "If this is some weird way to get me interested in you, it's not working."

  He didn't look up at me before he shook his head. "No, it's my-my stomach," he choked out. He leaned over and clapped one palm down on the floor. "Damn it! What the hell. . .is happening to me?"

  His face was pale and I noticed sweat form on the side of his temples. I knelt down beside him and grasped his shoulders. They shook like leaves in a

  "Is it your heart?" I asked him.

  He ground his teeth together and shook his head. "No. It's. . .it's everything. Ah!" He scrunched into himself and shuddered. I noticed the hand on the floor tensed and his long nails dug into the metal.

  "Let me get you to a hospital," I offered.

  He closed his eyes and nodded. His face was a mask of pain and I noticed his clothes were stretched and covered in sweat.

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened. The parking garage was one of those dimly lit concrete constructions with thick columns that dotted the urban landscape. The three levels were separated by a railing and a drop of five feet. My breath drifted from my mouth. White puffs of air blew out of Mr. Dives's parted lips.

  I slipped one of his arms over my shoulders and helped him to his unsteady feet. "Come on. My car's not far."

  The distance was only fifty yards, but it felt like forever. The place was mostly empty except for my car that sat near one of the railings. The light above my vehicle flickered on and off, and cast the area in semi-darkness.

  We reached the rear passenger door when two shadows slipped beneath the lower rung of the railing. They were gang-bangers with tattoos, bandannas, and no sense of hygiene. The pair leered at me with yellowed teeth rotted by drugs, and in their hands they each held a long metal pipe.

  "Hey, lady, watcha doing here so late?" one of them asked me.

  I took a step back. Dives let out another groan. His whole body shuddered. He didn't seem to be completely conscious.

  "Please, I've got to get him to a hospital," I told the pair.

  One of the thugs glanced down at Dives and his eyes widened. He looked to his friend and jerked his head to Dives's wrist. "Look at that watch."

  His friend smirked. "Nice watch. We'll take that, and your purse."

  I clasped my purse with my free hand. "Fine, but let me get out my car keys first."

  The second thug snorted. "Like we're that fucking stupid, lady. Watcha got in there, a gun?"

  The other one stalked around Dives and me. "Nah, she wouldn't have a gun. Probably mace."

  His friend laughed. "

  Dives let out a horrible, strangled gasp. His body convulsed. I lost my grip on him and he fell onto his stomach. He curled into a ball with his arms and knees beneath him. I knelt by his side and grasped his shoulders and whipped my head up to the thugs.

  "Just back off! This guy could be dying!" I snapped at them.