Chapter Sixteen
The first thing Dennis did when he got back to the car was empty his pockets. Spinner looked irritated as ten bullet cartridges were placed in his hand, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he waited as Dennis pulled open his shirt and then helped him remove the microphone.
“Did we get it?”
Spinner nodded, tapping the receiver in his lap. “Loud and clear. You’d make a good private investigator, kid.”
“Thanks, but I think I’m going to stick to writing from now on.” Dennis sighed and sank back, relieved that the ordeal was finally at an end.
“You’re a writer?” Spinner asked.
“Some detective you are.” He turned to address Bobo, but saw that he was quietly snoring in the back seat. Spinner shrugged at the look on Dennis’ face.
“You took your time getting out. Once things were over, he dozed off.” He smiled sheepishly. “I guess you guys had a long night, huh?”
“It’s kind of hard to relax when you’re being followed.” Dennis stretched in his seat, feeling his own fatigue catching up with him. “Would you mind if we stopped by the bar? I have to drop something off.” He looked over at Spinner, who was unmoving and silent. “Is there a problem?”
“Seat belt.”