“Thanks, Ms. Sears.” He inched toward the computers, and she got the message.

  “Okay, then,” she said. “Have fun.”

  He nodded, then sat down at a computer as soon as she walked away. His mind still spun, the clues of M.G. bouncing around his brain like renegade alphabet soup. He knew several things for sure, and he also knew what he still needed to figure out. For some reason, on May sixth he needed to close his eyes, say some magic words that he didn’t know, and hit the ground ten times with an object still left to be determined. Piece of cake.

  After logging into his e-mail Web site, he hesitated a second before hitting the INBOX button. He’d checked his e-mail almost every day for weeks, and he was always disappointed to find nothing there. But what are the odds? he thought. Who knew if anyone else out there had received anything, much less went searching the Internet for others. But Tick felt like he’d explode if he didn’t find someone with whom to swap ideas and thoughts.

  He clicked the mouse.

  The INBOX page only took a couple of seconds to load and a subject line written all in capital letters caught his eye the instant it appeared. His breath caught in his throat. He stood up in excitement, his chair tipping backward to the ground with a ringing metallic clang. He noticed a few scowls from the other library patrons as he righted the chair and sat down, the skin of his face on fire. Once settled, he looked at the screen again, hoping his eyes hadn’t been lying to his brain.

  But there it was, in black capital letters, bold against the white background:






  Talking to Sofia

  As he opened the e-mail, Tick’s heart pounded so much he felt like he was trying to breathe underwater. He could hardly believe it; to receive an e-mail from another person experiencing the same mysteries as he was would validate everything once and for all—even more than meeting Mothball or being attacked by the Gnat Rat.

  Forcing his eyes to slow down and take in each word, Tick read the e-mail.

  Dear Atticus Higginbottom,

  I’ll write to you in English, since I know you must be a typical American who can only speak Americanese, and my English is, well, brilliant. My name is Sofia Pacini and I live in the pretty Alps in the country of Italy. Do you know where Italy is? Probably not. You’re too busy studying the Big Mac and the Spider-Man and not world geography. Maybe you can learn from Sofia and be smart. I’m just teasing you, so please don’t cry. :)

  I saw your post on the Pen Pal Web site and almost swallowed my shoe. No, I didn’t have a shoe in my mouth, it just sounds like something a funny Americanese boy would say.

  Tick paused, trying to hold in a laugh since he’d already embarrassed himself enough in front of the library crowd. But this Italian girl . . . was she for real? He continued reading.

  I got a letter from a person named M.G. in November. You too? At first I laughed and thought it was my friend Tony, but the letter came from Alaska, so I don’t know. Then more came, and I met a really tall lady called Mothball. Did you meet her? She’s like a walking tree with clothes, but I like her.

  So what do you think? Is this for real? What will happen on the day? Did you figure everything out? Find anyone else? Write me back.

  Your new friend,


  P.S. You have a weird name, btw.

  Tick hated when the e-mail ended, wishing she’d written him pages and pages of what she thought and felt and if she’d figured out the magic words or anything else. He clicked the REPLY TO SENDER button.

  Dear Sofia,

  He paused, wondering what in the world he should write to her. The chilling thought hit him that maybe he shouldn’t trust her. Maybe she was on the side of whoever or whatever had sent the Tingle Wraith and Gnat Rat. Maybe she was a spy, ready to feed him information leading him away from the solution, not toward it.

  That’s just a chance I’ll have to take, he thought. Shrugging the worry away, he began typing his message.

  I know I have a weird name. Everyone calls me Tick, so you can, too.

  Sounds like we’re in the same boat. I’ve received three clues now, one of them on a tape. How about you? I met Mothball, too. She gave me the second clue. Maybe we can help each other?

  He almost started telling her the things he’d figured out and which ones had him stumped, but decided to wait to see if she would write him back. One more e-mail from her ought to help him know for sure if she was okay. After thinking for a minute, he finished his letter.

  I wonder how many others like us are out there. I hope someone else writes me. Let me know if anyone writes to you, OK?

  Have you seen anything like a ghost made out of smoke that turns into a grandpa face? What about a Gnat Rat? That thing put me in the hospital, but I’m OK now. How old are you? I’m thirteen, and I live in Washington, though you already know that because I guess you saw my Pen Pal account.

  You’re from Italy? That’s way awesome. I wish we could meet and talk face to face about this stuff. I’m keeping all my notes in a book called Tick Higginbottom’s Journal of Curious Letters. Pretty cool, huh?

  Talk to you later,


  He clicked SEND, knowing Sofia probably wouldn’t read the e-mail until tomorrow because it was already past bedtime in Italy. His initial excitement tempered by the thought that he wouldn’t hear back from Sofia for at least a day, he logged off the computer and grabbed his backpack.

  On his way out, Ms. Sears reminded him of the book she had held for him and he checked it out just to be nice. With everything going on in his life, reading a new book suddenly seemed dull in comparison. Tick shook his head; he never would’ve thought he’d say that.

  The book tucked safely in his backpack next to his journal, Tick exited the library and headed home.

  Halfway there, he figured out the answer to the third clue.


  It came to him when he tripped over a big stick in the middle of the sidewalk. As he rubbed his knee while sitting on the cold ground, he looked at the soles of his shoes, which were caked with chunky black sludge. He wondered where they’d gotten so dirty and had just had the thought that it must’ve been from the mud caused by the melting snow when both of the important phrases from the third clue seemed to solve themselves simultaneously, several words flashing across his mind’s eye in a rush of understanding.

  Opposite of wrong but not correct.

  Opposite of wrong but not the word correct. The word right!

  Soul is stronger than mine.

  Sole is stronger than mine.

  Sole of his shoe.

  Sole of his right shoe.

  Not bothering to get up from the sidewalk, Tick whipped out his journal and turned to the page where he’d written the words from the audio tape. He’d misunderstood when M.G. said he hoped Tick’s soul was stronger than his. The real word was sole, not soul, meaning M.G. hoped the sole of his shoe was strong enough to protect his foot, his right foot, as he hit the ground with it ten times.

  Tick scribbled his thoughts down then stood up, his blood surging through his veins. Though he still felt so clueless it was ridiculous, he’d taken another small step. On May sixth, Tick needed to say magic words that he didn’t know then stomp the ground with his right foot ten times.

  As he ran the rest of the way home, he couldn’t help but marvel at how completely stupid that sounded.


  Three days passed with no reply from Sofia, and though he’d never met her, Tick felt worried sick that something terrible had happened to her. Or that maybe she’d given up and burned the letter from M.G., surrendering once and for all. Tick could barely think of anything else, losing his focus in school; he actually got a B on a test, shocking his English teacher beyond words. Every morning and night he checked his e-mail at home, and he swung by the library every chance he got.

an entire week had passed in silence, his heart felt completely ill and he didn’t know what else to do but give up on her.

  The Thursday before Christmas vacation started, he walked home from school, his head down, staring at his feet through the falling snow. They’d had a couple of weeks’ break from the white stuff, but it had come back with a fury the night before and hadn’t let up. Tick didn’t complain, of course, he loved the heavy snow. But he couldn’t cheer up, feeling sad about Sofia and the lack of any more clues from his mysterious stranger.

  He was just passing the patch of woods where he’d met Mothball when something caught his eye on the other side of the road. A wooden sign had been hastily nailed to a sharpened stick and hammered into the ground. Some words were painted on it in messy blue paint, the letters dripping like blood. He couldn’t tell what most of the sign said from his position, but two of the words stood out like a pair of leprechauns in a hamster cage.

  Atticus Higginbottom




  Shoes and Mittens

  Tick ran over to the sign, squinting his eyes through the swirling snow to read the smaller words underneath his name. His brow crinkled in confusion. He read the sign over again, almost expecting the words to change the second time. Just when he thought he was used to how bizarre his life had become, he received a message that seemed to make no sense.

  Atticus Higginbottom

  Meet me when night is a backwards dim

  Don’t look for a her ’cause I am a him

  The steps of your porch will do just fine

  But don’t bring snakes, spiders, or swine

  For you I have important news

  In return I ask for children’s shoes

  One more thing, or see me spittin’

  Be sure to bring two nice soft mittens

  If Tick had woken up that morning and guessed one thousand things a special sign made just for him might have said, a request for children’s shoes and mittens would not have made the list. Not knowing what else to do, and not real keen on anyone else seeing the sign, he yanked it up out of the ground and carried it home with him, trying to sort out

  the message. There didn’t really seem to be too many clues in the poem, just a request to meet on the steps of his porch.

  Meet me when night is a backwards dim

  Tick figured that one out almost instantly. “Dim” spelled backward was “mid,” which meant the stranger wanted him to be waiting on his porch at midnight—presumably tonight. The now familiar shiver of excitement tickled Tick’s spine as he looked at his watch and saw he still had almost seven hours to wait.

  Bummer, he thought. It was going to be a long evening.


  At dinner that night, Tick sat with his whole family eating meatloaf, the one thing in the universe his mom cooked that disgusted him like fried toenails. If given the choice, it would’ve been a tough decision between the two. He absolutely hated, despised, and loathed meatloaf. Yuck.

  He forced down a bite or two, then did his best to smash the gray-green blobs of meat into a little ball so it looked like he’d eaten more than he really had. Kayla devoured hers, though she put just as much on the floor as she did in her mouth.

  “What’s the latest at school?” Dad asked, reaching for the bowl of mashed potatoes.

  “Not much. I’m doing okay.” Tick realized he’d let his mind get too occupied lately, spending less time with his family. He resolved to do better. They were, after all, just about the only friends he had in the world, besides Mr. Chu.

  And Mothball, he thought. And Sofia. Maybe.

  “Just okay?” Lisa said. “What? Did Einstein Junior get a bad grade or something?”

  “Oh, please,” his mom said through a snicker as though the idea was the funniest thing that had ever been spoken aloud.

  “Well . . . I did get a B on my last English test.”

  Dead silence settled around the table like he’d just announced he was an alien and was about to have a baby because on Mars the men were the ones who got pregnant. Even Kayla had dropped her wad of meatloaf, staring at him with blank eyes.

  “What?” Tick asked, knowing very well what the answer would be.

  “Son,” his dad said, “you haven’t gotten a B on anything since I’ve known you. And I’ve known you since the day you were born.”

  “Yeah,” Lisa agreed. “I think the world has stopped spinning.”

  Tick shrugged, scooping up a mouthful of green beans. “Ah, it’s nothing. Maybe I had bad gas that day.”

  Kayla laughed out loud, then yelled in a sing-songy voice, “Tick had tooty-buns! Tick had tooty-buns!”

  That broke everyone up, and dinner continued like normal.

  “Anything happen lately with your Pen Pal account?” Mom asked.

  Tick almost choked on his potatoes, for a split second worried that somehow his mom had logged into his account and seen the e-mail from Sofia. But then he realized he was just being a worrywart, her question totally innocent. He’d been doing the Pen Pal thing for a couple of years, still having never really connected with anyone for more than a few letters here and there. No one had ever seemed interesting enough for him to want to stay in touch—or maybe it was the other way around.

  “Not really. I got an e-mail from some girl in Italy, but she seems kind of psycho.”

  “Psycho?” Dad asked. “Why, what did she say?”

  “She called me an Americanese boy and asked me a million dumb questions.”

  Mom tsked. “Last time I checked, not speaking English well and being curious did not make someone a psycho. Give her a chance. Maybe she likes chess.”

  “Maybe she’s cute,” Lisa added. “You could marry her and join the mafia.”

  “Sweetheart,” Dad said. “I don’t think everyone from Italy is in the mob.”

  “Yeah, it’s probably only like half,” Tick said. He expected Lisa to laugh at his joke, but was disappointed to see she thought he’d been serious.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “It was a joke, sis.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I knew that.”

  “Well, anyway,” Dad said, moving on. “I think this weekend we should all go see a movie, go bowling or something. Who’s in?”

  By habit, everyone around the table raised their hand. Kayla shrieked as she waved both arms in the air.

  “All right, plan on it. Everyone meet right here at noon on Saturday.”

  For some reason, right at that moment, the thought hit Tick that he should tell his dad about everything. Keeping the secret was eating away at his insides and now with nothing but silence from Sofia, the feeling was getting worse, not better. Just thinking about telling someone seemed to take a thirty-pound dumbbell off his shoulders.

  Next time Mom’s out shopping, he thought. I’ll tell him. Maybe he can help me figure everything out. If he believes me.

  Tick put his dishes away, then watched some ridiculous game show on TV with his family. The whole time, he thought of one thing and one thing only.



  It was time for bed, but Tick wanted to check his e-mail one more time. He felt obsessed, checking it constantly in hopes that Sofia would finally write him back.

  He sipped a cup of hot chocolate as he logged into the computer in the living room, almost spilling his drink when he saw Sofia’s name in the INBOX. He put his cup down and leaned forward, clicking on her e-mail.

  Dear Tick,

  Someone needs to teach you how to answer a stinking question. I asked you many and all you did was write back asking me more. If I lived in the USA, I would smack your head with a pogo stick. I am a good, smart Italian girl, and so I will actually answer your questions.

  First, I have to tell you that I had a very hard week. Something is chasing me, and I’m very scared. I almost burned the letter five times. Well, not really. When a Pacini makes a decision, a Pacini never goes back. I made my choice, and I’l
l stick to it like butter on a peanut, or whatever you crazy Americans say.

  Anyway, I will now answer your questions.

  I have four clues now. I got the last one last night. Maybe you did, too. It’s about dead people, which doesn’t sound good.

  We should definitely help each other.

  Saw the ghost thing, but not the rat thing. Don’t want to talk about it.

  I’m twelve years old, almost thirteen.

  I like your journal idea. I made one, too. Hope it’s okay to steal your name. Mine is called Sofia Pacini’s Journal of Curious Letters. I even used English to make it seem like yours.

  I joke a lot, and if we meet you will think I’m crazy. Last summer I beat up seventeen boys. Glad we can be friends.

  Ciao (that’s Italiano, smart boy)


  He’d just finished reading the e-mail when his dad told him to log off and go up to bed. Grumbling, he obeyed, hating that he’d have to wait until tomorrow to write Sofia back. He thought about sneaking downstairs after his parents were asleep, but he knew Edgar “Light Sleeper” Higginbottom would catch him as soon as he heard the buzz of the computer fan. It was going to be hard enough to tiptoe through the house and open the door to the front porch at midnight without waking him.

  He brushed his teeth and said good night to everyone, then got into bed, his lamp on for reading. He decided to take a break from the fantasy novel he had been reading and pulled out the book by Savage, flipping to Chapter One.