And yet die they did. Without even being able to see, it was clear to Mac that the carnage between him and the exit would be unlike anything he had ever encountered. Shooting began, and he could only guess it was the few remaining soldiers putting horses or comrades out of their misery and trying to pave themselves some macabre exit route over dead bodies.

  Carpathia raised his pathetic head, his Zorro getup hanging as if on a cadaver. “Lucifer,” he managed in that rasping, hollow voice, appearing to squint into the eyes of the being. “My lord king, why have you forsaken me? Why have you withdrawn your spirit from me? Have I not given myself wholly to you, to serve you with my entire heart and being?”

  “Silence!” came the response in a voice so phantasmagorically piercing and awful that it made Mac recoil and want to cover his ears. “You disgust me! Look at you! You dare suggest you have anything to offer me besides your pathetic frame?! You are drunk with a power whose source is far beyond your own! You are merely a vessel, a tool, a jar of clay for my purposes, and yet you parade yourself as if you had a shred of value!”

  “Oh, my king!” Carpathia gasped. “No! I—”

  “You do not even understand the meaning of the word silence! You are nothing! Nothing! You had no power to rise from the dead! You were a carcass, stiff and decaying. Look at you now. Aside from my grace, you would return to the earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust.”

  “Spare me, oh, my lord! I love you and long to serve you! I will do anything for—”

  “Oh, spirit of nothingness, mere speck of my imagination. I will borrow your otherwise worthless skeleton yet again. But you must know, and if you cannot fathom it, I must myself remind you who you are and who you are not. You are not me! I am not you! You are mere inventory, goods and services. You are a piece of equipment, and you must never dare imagine otherwise.”

  “I have never, divine one! Never! I am humbly at your serv—”

  “I am the lord your god, and I will not share my glory!”

  “Absolutely,” Carpathia said, panting. “O king of heaven and earth.”

  “Do not think it was by accident that my Adversary, in His own words, acknowledged that I originated in heaven and called me the son of the morning! Do you not know, as He knows, that it is I who have weakened the nations?”

  “I know,” Carpathia sobbed. “I know!”

  “I, not you, not anyone else in all of the evolved world, am the one who shall ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.”

  “Yes, precious master. Yes!”

  “Yet my Enemy claims I shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit.”

  “No, lord, no!”

  “He claims that those who see me will gaze at me and consider me, saying, ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities, who did not open the house of his prisoners?’”

  “May it never be so, my sovereign!”

  “Oh yes, my Enemy derides me! He claims all the kings of the nations, all of them, die in glory, every one in his own grand tomb, but that I—I—shall be cast out of my grave like an abominable branch, like the garment of those who are slain, thrust through with a sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a corpse trodden underfoot. I will be buried like a common soldier killed in battle?”

  “Never!” Carpathia sobbed. “Never! Not as long as I have breath!”

  “Are you so thick you do not understand? It is I who give you breath!”

  “I know! Yes, I know!”

  “And what shall be your contribution, knave, when the Enemy attempts to make good on His promise that no monument will be given me, for I have destroyed my nation Babylon and slain my people? He taunts me that my son will not succeed me as king.”

  “Oh, let me be your son,” Carpathia blubbered. “And you shall be my father!”

  “But no! The Enemy derides me. He says, ‘Slay the children of this sinner. Do not let them rise and conquer the land nor rebuild the cities of the world. I, myself, have risen against him,’ and He has the audacity to call Himself the Lord of heaven’s armies.”

  “But that is you, O beautiful star! It is you alone!”

  “He has already destroyed my beloved Babylon, but He will not be content until He makes her into ‘a desolate land of porcupines, full of swamps and marshes.’ He promises to ‘sweep the land with the broom of destruction,’ this so-called Lord of the armies of heaven.”

  “We shall never let that happen, Your Grace.”

  “But He has taken an oath to do it! He says this is His purpose and plan. He has decided to break the Assyrian army when they are in Israel and to crush them on His mountains, saying, ‘My people shall no longer be their slaves. This is My plan for the whole earth—I will do it by My mighty power that reaches everywhere around the world.’”

  “But His power is nothing compared to yours, conquering king! We will prove it even today, will we not?”

  “We? We?”

  “You! You, exalted one!”

  “Who are you to speak? What have you to offer me when the Enemy, who calls Himself the Lord, the God of battle, has spoken—who can change His plans? When His hand moves, who can stop Him?”

  “You can, all-powerful one. I believe in you.”

  “I can. And do not forget it. Who does He think stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel, when clearly his God had forbidden it?”

  “He knows. I know He knows!”

  “Of course He knows! It is I who have gone to and fro in the earth, walking up and down in it. It was I who tested and tempted Job to nearly abandon and curse his God. When Joshua the high priest stood before the Angel of the Lord, it was I who stood at his right hand to oppose him. It was I who tempted the Enemy’s own Son in the wilderness.”

  “And you nearly succeeded.”

  “Success comes today.”

  “I believe it, my lord.”

  “I am the one who took the Enemy’s Son up into the Holy City and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple. I said to Him, ‘If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: “He shall give His angels charge over You” and “In their hands they shall bear You up, lest you dash Your foot against a stone.”’ But He would not! He Himself did not believe! He countered as a coward, with mere words. He tried to tell me, as if I did not know, that ‘It is written again, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”’ Well, He is not my Lord or God!”

  “Nor mine, prince of the power of the air.”

  “It was I who took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. I offered Him all of these if He would but fall down and worship me. But He would not.”

  “He was a fool.”

  “But I did not bow to Him either.”

  “And you never will.”

  “I never shall. He spoke the truth and told it well when He called his own disciple Satan. I had hold of Peter for a time then. The Enemy’s Son rightly accused him of not being mindful of the things of God, but of the things of men.”

  “May it ever be so!” Carpathia gushed.

  “Oh, the Son knew well that when men heard His message, it was I who came immediately and took away the word that was sown in their hearts.”

  “That has always been your strength.”

  “It was I who entered Judas, who was numbered among the Son’s disciples. And it was I who asked for Simon Peter yet again, that I might sift him as wheat. He was so weak that night.”

  “I will not be weak in your hour of need, master.”

  “I do not need you! I will not be weak! You, sad one, are unteachable.”

  “Forgive me, lord.”

  “It was I who filled Ananias’s heart to lie and keep back part of the price of his land f
or himself.”

  “A masterpiece!”

  “Silence! I am wearying of you. I am preparing for battle with the One who calls Himself the God of peace and claims He will crush me under His feet. I, the one who takes advantage when men are ignorant of my devices. I am the god of this age, able to blind the minds of those who do not believe—as I do not—in what my Enemy calls the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. I am more than His image. I am His superior and shall be His conqueror. I was crafty enough to deceive Eve, His second creation. Am I not up to this task?”

  “You are, and the universe shall sing your praises and call you blessed.”

  “You have well said that I am the prince of the power of the air. I am the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience toward the Enemy. I work among them to fulfill the lusts of their flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. None shall stand against my wiles. They do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against my principalities, against my powers, against my rulers of this age, against spiritual hosts in the heavenly places.”

  “That is you, O blessed one.”

  “I have fiery darts that cannot be quenched.”

  “Amen and amen!”

  “I hindered even the Enemy’s favored servant, Paul, thwarting his plans time and again. And in his absence from his followers, I tempted them from their faith. I was their adversary, and they referred to me as akin to a roaring lion, seeking whom I might devour.”

  “Today shall be a feast for you.”

  “The Enemy who calls Himself God has decreed that His Son was manifested, that He might destroy my works.”


  “He called me the great dragon, called me that serpent of old, called me the devil and Satan, and acknowledged that it is I who deceives the whole world. But He erred when He cast me to the earth and my angels with me.”

  “He made an eternal blunder, lord. How excellent is your name in all the earth! Be exalted above the heavens. Let your glory be above all the earth. You, my lord, are high above all nations, and your glory above the heavens. Who is like unto you who dwells on high?”

  “I have need of your shell again for a brief season.”

  “I am yours,” Carpathia said.

  And with that the light disappeared and Nicolae stood, chin lifted, arrogance restored. His color returned as he buttoned his shirt and straightened his clothes. It was as if he had come back to life, his voice again crisp and sure.

  “Return to your seats, ladies and gentlemen, please. Ms. Ivins, please. Reverend Fortunato.” He deliberately moved the chair Leon had provided for him and held it as the holy man awkwardly disentangled himself from his garments and stood, then sat.

  “Sub-potentates, generals, assistants, sit, please. Soldiers, return to attention.”

  It was plain to Mac that the room was full of shocked and shaken people. Their eyes shone with fear. Their bodies were hesitant and unsure. They returned to their places fearful and stunned.

  “Your discomfort will soon cease,” Nicolae said. “When you are all in place, I shall tell you what you just witnessed and what you will remember.”

  An Asian dignitary raised a hand, consternation on his face.

  “Please hold all questions, just for a moment.”

  An African stood, hand also raised.

  “Please honor my request, sir,” Carpathia said. “I will get to you in a moment if you will extend this courtesy.”

  The African sat, clearly troubled. Others looked at each other, eyes narrow, shaking their heads.

  “Ladies and gentlemen and soldiers,” Carpathia began, but he was interrupted by a man at the door. “What is it?”

  “Because of the carnage outside, Excellency, we have been unable to find a paramedic unit for this room.”

  “Thank you. No longer needed.”

  “And, Your Grace, neither have we been able to determine the source of the heat that caused the stampede.”

  “I believe that issue is moot now, is it not? Anyone uncomfortable?”

  “Not from the heat,” an Aussie said, “but I have some serious questions about what just—”

  “I shall ask you too, sir, to hold all questions and comments for another moment. Thank you. And, sir?” he added, addressing the one in the archway. “Would you mind staying as I offer an explanation?”

  The man moved past Mac and stood behind those seated at the far end of the table from Carpathia.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Nicolae began in his most mellow, persuasive tone, slowly scanning the room and looking briefly but directly into the eyes of everyone. “Do not feel obligated to look away this time. I am choosing to connect with you visually. You have just been privileged to enjoy a unique experience. You were present when I left this mortal body and took on my divine form. I charged you with all the rights and privileges that attend your station as loyal followers and encouraged you in the battle to come.

  “You shall become aware as we leave this place and mount up to ride into our glorious victory that the enemy has succeeded in penetrating the ground above, essentially our ceiling. I divinely protected myself, you included, but they caused a stampede that has caused many casualties among our troops and our livestock, which, as you know, we value as highly as our human resources. But do not be alarmed. Do not fear. Our resources are limitless. I shall lead you up and out, and there will be enough mounts for all. Now, there were some comments and questions?”

  The Asian stood, bowing. “I just wanted to thank you, Excellency, for the privilege you have extended to me and my party. To have been here for this most momentous and historic moment will become the memory of a lifetime, and we are most grateful.”

  “Thank you. Yes, sir?”

  The African stood. “I would like to echo that sentiment, your holiness, on behalf of my staff. You are most worthy to be praised, and we look forward to joining you in your ultimate victory, after which the world shall see you for who you truly are.”

  Mac wanted to shout an amen. If he was the only believer in the room—and he couldn’t imagine otherwise—he was the only one not hypnotically hoodwinked by Carpathia.

  The exit to the surface was surreal. The men and women were led and followed by contingents of the soldiers, giving Mac a perfect view of their response to what had befallen everyone else. The place was worse than any war zone. Hundreds of horses and even more men and women lay dead in hideous repose, broken, trampled, crushed, torn to pieces. The stench of the stables was nothing compared to the steaming entrails of human and beast, and yet the men and women from the meeting room stepped on and over the remains as if traipsing through a meadow.

  No one made a face, held his nose, or had a comment. It was as if they could not see the slaughter that soaked their shoes and caused dirt to adhere to the blood. As they reached the surface they blithely stamped their feet and thanked the soldiers for their assistance. The mood was festive as great steeds were moved into line for them and each was helped into the saddle.

  Bound for Armageddon, they smiled and laughed and chatted as if on their way to a day at the races. Mac noticed for the first time that day that puffy, fluffy clouds had begun to dot the sky. The sun was still visible, turning orange on the horizon. All he wanted was to slip away and be with his brothers and sisters in Christ when the end came.

  Rayford had his misgivings about both the vehicles. There was room on Abdullah’s for the both of them, but not much. And it was a thin, whiny, violent machine built for speed, hardly comfort. Leah’s ATV was wider and sturdier and slower, but unless they left her supplies behind there would not be room for two people. As the second rider, Rayford needed stability. And speed would be his enemy. The angles, the inclines, the acceleration, the turns and bounces and jostling would be torture.

  The alternative was not acceptable. He didn’t want to stay in the barren, rocky hills any longer. Who knew what the global earthquake would do out there? He didn’t expect
to die in it, but he hadn’t expected to be pitched off his ATV either.

  His ATV. Now there was a solution. Not his, of course. It lay in ruins. But there were more where that came from. They called Sebastian.

  “Camel Jockey to Big Dog,” Smitty said.

  “This’s Dog, Jockey. Go.”

  “Can you get us an ATV to transport Captain Steele to Petra?”

  “If I can drive it.”

  “Affirmative, but should you leave your troops?”

  “Kidding, Smitty. I’ll send Razor.”

  “You know our position?”

  “Affirmative. Chang zeroed you in for me. Rayford going to make it?”

  “If he survives the trip. How does Mr. Razor drive?”

  “I think he knows what’s at stake. What do you make of the clouds?”

  “First ones all day, Big Dog. I think Somebody’s coming.”

  “I’ve got to get out of here,” Chang said, rubbing his eyes.

  “That’s all I need to hear,” Naomi said, virtually lifting him from his chair.

  “Let me log off first,” he said, resisting.

  “Not on your life. Now let’s go. Nobody’s going to suffer if you don’t log off. This is supposed to be a spectacular sunset.”

  “With no clouds? How do you figure?”

  “You’ll see. You’ve been so busy, you don’t even know what’s going on.”

  When they got outside, Chang was stunned. The sun was dropping, big and wide, and there were indeed clouds. They seemed to appear from nowhere, more and more by the minute. There was something festive about them—bouncy, fleecy, and yet moving quickly as if there were strong winds high in the atmosphere. Before long they were joining each other, making shadow-forming canopies south of the sun while individual clouds continued to form to the north.

  These, too, soon began to join. Chang and Naomi went to their favorite high spot and lay on their backs, hands behind their heads. “I’ve never seen that before,” Chang said, pointing straight up. Clouds seemed to be forming directly above, not on the horizon as usual. They began as long, narrow formations in the stratosphere, quickly forming into stratocumulus.