Page 13 of Kraven

  They’d just hit a dense area of trees when something slammed hard into the side of the truck. It happened so fast that there was only a big bang and then Bat was being thrown.

  Kraven had latched on to her and they hit the ground with her on top of him. He cursed, rolled, and tried to rise up.

  Bat opened her eyes, stunned to find herself flat on her back on the grass.

  A huge hairy monster slammed into Kraven, shoving him back down on top of her. Pain radiated throughout her body and the last thing she heard before everything turned black was Kraven’s cry of pain.

  Kraven twisted his body, fighting the enforcer who had attacked him from behind. The son of a bitch had his claws and fangs dug into his back, tearing into him in an attempt to rip out his spine. He managed to get ahold of its throat and shred major veins with his own claws. The beast fell away, gasping for breath. He watched it almost collapse but it struggled into the thick woods.

  He looked down at Bat. Her eyes were closed but she breathed. The steady rise and fall of her chest assured him. He tried to rise to his feet but his injuries prevented that. A quick glance around told him that his clan fought against some of Decker’s. He needed to get Bat to safety but the pain in his back was too great and his legs refused to respond. The enforcer had succeeded in crippling him.

  He saw two more enforcers from Decker’s clan rush out of the woods and he folded himself over Bat, adjusting his body as best he could to hide her from them. His injures were severe enough that his bleeding might mask her scent. He bent his arms to hold up some of his body weight so she wouldn’t suffocate under him if he lost consciousness.

  He closed his eyes and played dead. The enemy would go after the ones still posing a threat. He really needed to get Bat out of there. His mouth was close to her throat. A decision needed to be made…

  He gripped the tank top she wore and tugged it to the side to reveal her shoulder.

  Forgive me, he thought.

  Then he opened his mouth and sank his fangs into her skin.

  The taste of her blood exploded in his mouth. It only reinforced that Bat was his mate. He drank until he could feel his body beginning to heal. He didn’t want to take too much so he removed his fangs, bit his own tongue, and licked at the puncture marks to seal them.

  It hurt like a motherfucker as the damage to his back continued to heal. It took time for the infusion of fresh blood to work on him, since he was more Lycan than Vampire. He was on the mend though. He just needed the damage to his spine to heal enough so he’d be able to grab Bat and run.

  A loud growl behind him—too close—had him holding his breath. Someone sniffed at his back, the hot breath fanning his skin. The bastard backed away and snarled, going after someone else.

  Kraven took a shallow breath, and then another.

  Come on, he urged his body. Heal, damn it. I need to get my mate to safety.

  He turned his head just slightly, peeking through thick lashes. He spotted the other truck and Dusti. She was crouched near the front of it. She surprised him when she ran toward their truck. She kept low but sprinted with more speed than he’d give a human credit for. It was probably fear motivating her.

  She made it across the opening and disappeared behind the vehicle, which was on its side. She peered around the edge, looking right at him, but her focus seemed to be on his legs instead of his face, or she might have noticed him watching her.

  One of Decker’s enforcers came into view and Kraven closed his eyes when the thing looked at him.


  It growled a few times, calling out the name. Kraven tried to move his legs. They still weren’t working. The blood he’d taken wasn’t healing him fast enough to save them. The bastard would drag Bat out from under him and steal her away.

  “I’m Batina,” Dusti nearly whispered, her voice breaking.

  He was stunned at the courage Bat’s sister showed, his admiration for her immeasurable. She was trying to draw the enforcer away, but Kraven still knew he had to act or she’d be taken. He might be able to fight the enforcer off long enough for others to protect the sisters.

  He sucked in a sharp breath and tried to lung to his feet to attack his enemy—

  A surge of white-hot pain shot up his spine, straight to his head. He passed out.

  Chapter Nine

  Alarm shot through Kraven when someone flipped him over. He tensed, prepared to attack, but it wasn’t the enemy crouched over him and Bat, ready to take her away from him. His father and brother were there.

  His first concern was for her.

  “Bat? Is she breathing? I don’t hear her.”

  “She lives but she’s unconscious.” His father crouched down next to his side and cupped his cheek. “You acted quickly enough when they leapt out of the trees. You took the brunt of the attack with your back and seemed to have cradled her when you were thrown clear of the truck. Don’t try to talk.”

  “We must protect her.” He looked at Drantos then, feeling immense regret. “I heard Dusti claim she was Bat. I couldn’t move but I was conscious. She allowed them to take her to save her sister. She should be safe until Decker realizes she lied to his men to dupe them into taking the wrong woman.”

  Drantos roared out in rage. Fur sprouted along his skin and his fangs elongated as he paced, his fury showing. “I’m going after my mate!”

  Their father stood and stepped in Drantos’s path. “No, you’re not. The clan comes first.”

  “She needs me.”

  “She renounced you. It is forbidden for you to go near her.”

  “She doesn’t understand our ways!” Drantos snarled.

  Kraven opened his mouth to protest their arguing. It wasn’t the time. But they were at it again before he could speak. His father took on a haughty tone.

  “It is still the law. It’s up to our trackers to find her and bring her back.”

  “No.” Drantos refused to back down. “She’s mine.”

  “We’ve been attacked and some of our people are injured. Your own brother is hurt. You need to calm and allow our men to find Decker’s granddaughter. They will bring her to safety. Our people are your priority right now.”

  “Let him go, Dad.” Kraven’s chest felt tight when he spoke and he coughed, blood spilling out. He rolled to his side to make it easier to breathe. He rubbed Bat’s leg, the desire to touch her too strong to resist. “They took what they want. They won’t be back. He needs to go after his mate.”

  “She’s not his mate.” Their father seemed intent on denying the facts.

  “I exchanged blood with her during sex but I didn’t tell her we had begun the mating process. I planned to explain everything once I had her safely inside my home. She’s wearing Red’s jacket. It masks her scent.” Drantos’s temper seemed to fade a little. “Do the trackers know that?”

  Their father hesitated before he spoke. “Take a walk with me.”

  Both men moved away from Kraven. He focused on Bat instead of his arguing family, dragging his body closer, curling around her. She felt chilled but his father had been right. She still breathed. He didn’t see any injuries but he worried about what wasn’t apparent. Her head had been giving her problems. A severe blow could have caused internal injuries. She likely needed more blood but he was too weakened to do it.

  He twisted his head to get Drantos’s attention. His brother could bleed for her—but he watched as his brother shifted and took off into the woods. His father once more tried to prevent him from leaving but couldn’t stop him.

  Kraven cursed, biting into his wrist and pressing it against Bat’s partly open mouth.

  “Goddamn it,” his father roared, grabbing his shoulder and gently trying to pull him away from Bat. “Stop it. You’re injured enough.”

  “She’s hurt.” Kraven didn’t bother to turn his head to see his father’s disapproval. “I’m just giving her a little.”

  His father crouched next to him and yanked his arm away from Bat, lickin
g at his wound. “Could one of my sons show some intelligence? Heal yourself first. Then you can heal her.”

  “She’s got some kind of head injury. I gave her blood before but being thrown from the truck probably caused more damage. She’s too human. She could die.”

  His father bit into his own wrist, pressing it against Bat’s lips. “I’ll bleed for her then. Your mother is going to have a fit, but she’d want me to do it after I tell her why. Have you taken this woman’s blood or just given her yours?”

  “Her name is Bat. Use it. We’ve exchanged blood. I bit her before I passed out. The mating process has begun.”

  “These females are weak.”

  Bat came around a little, tried to turn her head and she choked. Kraven gripped her chin gently. “Drink, my little hellion. Swallow for me.”

  She did but her eyes remained closed. It made Kraven worry more. He moved his leg, his spine finally repaired enough. He sat up carefully.

  His father stopped bleeding for her and licked his wounds. “That’s enough. We need to get the hell out of here.” He stood, addressing the people around him. “Shove that truck back on its wheels. Get the injured loaded. We move out in one minute.”

  Carver appeared next to Velder. “This is bad. Decker’s enforcers severely injured a few of ours. Two of theirs are dead. They had surprise on their side but we had rage.”

  Kraven tried to stand but he was too weak. His father jerked his head at Carver. “Put him in one of the trucks.”

  His friend wrapped his arm around his waist and dragged him to the truck that had just been righted, lifting him up to sit on one of the benches. His father carried Bat to Kraven, placing her in his arms. His dad looked grim as he backed away.

  “We’ll speak of this later.”

  “There’s nothing to say. You either accept Bat as mine or I leave with her.”

  “Stubborn bastard.”

  “I get it from you.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “I’m also going to tell Mother you called me a bastard. She might have something to say about that.”

  Velder actually snorted, some of his anger fading. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Blackmail works.”

  “Shut up, Kraven. Your blood loss is making you say silly things.” His father strode away, issuing orders to their clan.

  The trucks were loaded with the injured and Kraven seethed inside over the attack as he cradled Bat to his chest. The bumping around hurt his back when they started the engines and got underway, but he’d live. He stared down at his mate.

  Halfway home, Bat finally opened her eyes. “What happened?”

  “We were attacked.”


  “Drantos is with her,” he lied. He didn’t want her to worry. He knew his brother well. Drantos would track the enforcer who had taken her sister away and kill the son of a bitch to bring his mate home.

  She relaxed until her gaze drifted to his shoulder. Her eyes widened and she paled. “You’re covered in blood.”

  “I’ll be fine. I heal fast.” He could control both of his legs now, even had strength in them. “How are you? You blacked out. Is your head hurting again?”

  “I feel like I survived a tumble cycle in a washing machine but nothing really hurts.” She attempted to sit up to get off his lap.

  He tightened his hold. “Be still. The truck is packed and there’s nowhere for you to sit.”

  She tried to twist her head to take a look but he straightened more to prevent her from seeing the injured. It made his back bump against the side of the truck but he managed to hide his grimace of pain.

  “Just relax, Bat. We’ll be home soon.”

  “I have to make sure Dusti’s okay. She’s got to be so freaked-out by all this. She’s not as tough as I am.”

  She didn’t give her baby sister enough credit. Dusti had balls of steel, in Kraven’s opinion, to willingly allow an enforcer to take her away to protect her big sister. Most would have hidden. She’d shown her love for Bat in a way few would.

  “I have a feeling she’s much stronger than you give her credit for.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” She reached up and touched the blood on his shoulder. “What can I do?”

  “Just lay still. Tell me if you’re in any pain or if your headache returns.” He glanced around. “We’re almost to the village.”


  He smiled at her sarcasm. “We’ll be safer with more numbers.”

  “Is your mother young looking too?”

  “Yes. Don’t insult her, Bat. She’s the leader of our women and kind of scary.”

  “I believe that.”

  “I won’t allow anyone to hurt you. Trust in me, if nothing else.”

  “As if I have a choice.” She wiggled her ass over his lap and gripped his shoulders to sit more upright. “How bad are you hurt? Don’t bullshit me.”

  “I’m healing.” He was tempted to tell her that he’d bitten her but decided it could wait. “In just a little bit, I’ll be all good.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. I’m running on adrenaline.” And fresh blood. “It helps us heal at a faster rate.” It happens when a mate is in danger. It’s nature’s way of helping me protect what I love. He left that out too.

  Kraven glanced around, spotting some of his clan in the woods. They’d left the village to meet them, adding extra protection. “Almost there. Just be quiet and let me do the talking.”

  “Of course. You’re terrified I’m going to offend someone.”

  “What if we were in a courtroom and it was your job to defend me? What would your advice be?”

  “To shut up and look pretty. I’d do all the talking. They’d think you were a basket case otherwise.”

  He chuckled. “This is my courtroom, Bat. Shut up and look pretty.”

  “That’s kind of hard to do since I haven’t brushed my hair in days and I’m wearing this getup. It doesn’t even match.”

  She amused him, even under such dire circumstances.

  Guilt surfaced next. He’d have to tell her about Dusti soon, but he wanted to be more healed in case she put up a fight to go after her sister. And she would. Bat was the type to set aside reason and charge into any danger for someone she loved.

  The truck slowed and he looked away from her. They stopped in front of Macy’s home. The healer rushed out with a few of their people, ready to tend to the injured. One of her helpers reached for Bat but Kraven shook his head.

  “I’ve got her.”

  He rose to his feet, glad his legs felt strong enough to support him. He waited for the truck gate to be lowered and walked to the edge. Two men gripped him by his biceps to help lift him down with Bat still in his arms. “Thanks.”

  He strode away from his people and headed directly to his own cabin. Bat twisted her head, staring at the village. “It’s like a movie set.”

  “I’m afraid to ask which one. Be nice.”

  “It’s all woods and cabins.”

  “That’s our village.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Up the hill a little ways. That’s where I live.”

  “Where’s Dusti?”

  “I told you.” He really hated to lie but he’d tell her the truth once they had privacy. She could rant at him then, without witnesses. He made it to his home and adjusted her in his arms, twisting the handle and pushing the door open.

  “That wasn’t locked. What’s wrong with you?”

  “No one is going to steal from me.”

  “That’s nuts.”

  “This isn’t Los Angeles, Bat. It’s Howl. Everyone looks out for their neighbors and VampLycans don’t steal from each other. It would be stupid to do so. We’d pick up their scents inside our home.” He paused and sniffed. “No one has been here since I left.”


  “The name of my village.”

  “Wow. That’s…just wow. Pun intended, right?
Since you guys probably howl at the moon?”

  He resumed walking, carrying her down the hallway and into his bedroom. He shouldered open the partially closed bathroom door and gently deposited her on the counter between his double sinks. “I’m going to shower, and then you can. I’ll fix us food. I know you’re starving. I can hear your stomach rumbling.”

  He backed away and turned to lean into the shower, twisting on the water. Her gasp made him spin back around. Her look of horror had him closing the distance fast, gripping her when she swayed a bit. She looked ready to faint.

  “Easy, Bat.”

  “Your back! It’s all fucked up.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “You’re crazy!” She grabbed his shoulders. “You need a doctor. You should be flat on your ass. Sit down. Where’s your phone? I’ll dial 9-1-1.”

  “I’m not human, remember? I’m healing. Water will help that happen.”

  “You need a trauma surgeon, Kraven!”

  He liked that she worried about him. He smiled. “Your hospitals are of no use to me, Bat. I just need a shower and food. Then we’ll talk.”

  “Or you’ll keel over dead on me and then I’ll probably get blamed for it. I don’t know the laws in Alaska but I could be held legally responsible if I don’t make a reasonable attempt to do something to save your life.”

  “You already did your part.” He’d rather see her angry instead of nearly panicked by the sight of his back. “I drank some of your blood. I’m sorry but I needed it to help me heal.”

  She gawked at him. “What?”

  He released her and gripped the tank top she wore, tugging it off her shoulder. He touched the spot, seeing a faint bruise there but the puncture wounds were gone. “Right there. I bit you when I was hurt and you were out cold. Look in the mirror. I sealed the wound but I bit too hard. I was frantic and worried at the time. I wouldn’t have done it unless I had to. Your blood helped me heal this fast.”

  She twisted on the counter, staring into the mirror. She paled but then color infused her cheeks. “Am I going to turn into a hairy beast now too? Don’t Werewolf bites change people?”

  “No. I needed some blood since I was severely injured. I couldn’t move my legs.”