Page 25 of Kraven

  “How short?”

  Kraven glanced around, spotting the other parking structure across the street. “Let’s say his lair was invaded and he needed to flee. He could run at full speed from this building to that one and survive. He probably wouldn’t make it much more than a city block. He’d collapse and turn to ash.” He watched her response.

  She peered out the windshield. “Okay. That’s comforting.”

  “It is?”

  “Yeah. It’s not far.”

  She amused him. He couldn’t follow her logic but it obviously made sense to her.

  “So how is Dr. Brent moving around? He’s thirty-six in dead years.”

  “Vamps aren’t really dead.”

  “Whatever. Why isn’t he snoozing? It’s a bright, sunny day. His ass is awake.”

  “He said his master was from the fourteenth century. Feedings from his master would have strengthened him. He’d have kept that strength, even after his master’s death.”

  “Like a blood transfusion? Get enough blood from an old one and their abilities are transferred?”

  “To a certain point, yes.”

  “So Dr. Brent is as strong as his master was?”

  Kraven shook his head. “No. A master would never allow that to happen. Their strength over others is part of what makes them a master to begin with. He’d have fed Brent enough blood to make it possible for him to work during daylight hours but nothing beyond that.”

  “Afraid the ones he made would kill his evil ass if they could take him in a fight?”

  “Yeah.” He chuckled. “Something like that.”

  “Okay. So why do you smell old?”

  “Vampires can’t have children…or at least, they couldn’t until a nest made an alliance with Lycans.”

  “Yeah. You told me this. They were both being hunted by humans and thought it would be safer to band together. Get to the point.”

  “The master who discovered shifters could breed with Vamps invited some of his friends from Europe when the Lycans began to conceive.”


  “Who the fuck knows? Maybe he thought he could trade the knowledge to get his fangs invited into the vein of someone even older. Vampires can be pretty damn greedy that way, wanting to suck on someone stronger to increase their strength. It’s possible he just wanted to rub it in their noses that he’d accomplished something they hadn’t. It could have been to make alliances with stronger nests if he planned to go to Europe. I’ve heard they’re pretty territorial over there and will kill Vampires who aren’t part of their nests. Could be any reason. I’d ask him myself but nobody knows what happened to that betraying asshole. The fact is, he let some very old masters attack Lycan women. He offered them up to be raped and impregnated against their wills. My grandmother was one of them.”

  Bat cringed and squeezed his hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  “He ripped into her mind as easy as if she were human. Lycans aren’t normally easy to mind control. And they’re aware of the intrusion unless that Vamp is really powerful. A Lycan will fight or flee to protect themselves against becoming a suckhead’s puppet. But she didn’t stand a chance. He was too strong physically, and with his abilities…” He took a deep breath. “The bastard knocked her out and killed her mate. Then the son of a bitch convinced her that he was her mate. That’s how they got past the Lycan birth control. Just took over her mind, told her it was safe to get pregnant and urged her to ovulate to breed him a pup. She was kept under his control until her body complied. That’s how my father came to be. Her mind was released from his will after she was pregnant. She woke to the horror of what he’d done.”

  “I hope he’s dead.”

  “It’s uncertain. I told you the strongest males and the older Lycans fought the nest to give the women and younger ones time to escape. It wasn’t like they were willing or able to go back to see who survived and who didn’t. The survivors ended up in Alaska. It still belonged to Russia at the time. They figured it would be remote enough to hide from the Vampires if they were hunting them to retrieve the unborn babies. My father was born with very strong Vampire and Lycan traits. The power and strength were inherited.”

  “So you smell like some old master?”

  “I carry the scent of a powerful Vamp and an alpha Lycan. My grandmother was the daughter of an alpha. It’s probably why that suckhead chose her to be his breeder. She was one of the strongest Lycan females in her pack.”

  “It boils down to you getting the best genetics from both races, and that makes you one tough son of a bitch who scares others.”

  He grinned. She was so damn cute. “Yeah, Hellion. That sums it up.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kraven wanted to kick his own ass. Bat had him wrapped around her little finger. Otherwise she couldn’t have talked him into returning to her condo.

  He slammed the door and locked it. Bat turned and grinned.

  “Don’t gloat,” he warned.

  “I told you no decent hotel was going to accept cash for a room. And I didn’t say anything until the fifth clerk demanded a credit card, did I?”

  “You didn’t have to. The smirk said it all.”

  “I’m impressed by how reasonable you’re being, and the security here is far better than at a five-star hotel.”

  “Let’s drop it.”

  “Thank you.”

  He sighed.

  “Really. I know you’d prefer we stay on the move but I have to meet with a client later. It could cost me my job otherwise.”

  “That’s what you said. I don’t want to have another argument. You gave me a headache.”

  “My job is important and I want to keep it. I’m going to call Marla.” She turned around, heading toward the phone.

  He dropped her bag and shrugged his off his shoulder, stalking after her. “No phone calls.”

  She swung to face him. “Marla works for me. I need her to go grocery shopping so we have some food in the fridge and I have to replace some of the things I lost. She can do that for me.”

  “It can wait until Decker is no longer a threat.”

  “I don’t have a license, Kraven. Marla can get me another one. I need her to call my credit card companies to have them send me replacements. She handles all my personal affairs. I trust her.”

  “It can wait.” He wasn’t backing down. “Your grandfather could be looking for any activity on your accounts.”

  She bit her lip and looked guilty.


  “I ordered food on my card. I didn’t physically need it. They have it on record.” She glanced at the door. “Nobody has come here. I think we’re good. Let me have Marla start getting me replacements.”

  He had assumed she had some kind of tab at the restaurant. “Damn it! Pay in cash from now on.”


  “We’re leaving after your meeting. That’s final. Don’t get too comfortable, Bat. It’s harder for someone to find us if we stay on the move.”

  “Fine!” She shook her head and spun, walking into the kitchen. “I have an idea.”


  She kicked off her shoes behind the counter and opened the fridge, taking out a soda. “Want one?”


  She closed the fridge, opened the can, and took a sip. “We’ll switch condos with someone on another floor. Some are rented out to tenants if they have family come in. I’ll just tell them I need one. How about that? I’ll get my secure building but we won’t be easy to find.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me messing with someone’s mind? I’d have to make them forget they know where we are if we do that.”

  She grimaced. “You’re too paranoid.”

  Kraven arched his eyebrows.

  “It just sounds like a big pain in the ass for my grandfather to send men down here and personally mind-bend every person inside the building, if he even bothers to look here. He’ll figure this is the last place you’d take me.”

  “That’s because it’s incredibly stupid to be here.”

  She put her soda down and approached him. “I suppose you’re going to insist on coming to my meeting with me.”

  “Yes. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She walked around him, staring at his clothing. “Your outfit won’t do. We’re not in Barking Dog anymore.”

  He knew she did that on purpose. “Howl.”

  “Whatever.” She stopped in front of him and grinned. “I say we go shopping. We have a few hours to kill before six.”


  “I’m not talking anything tailored. It’s too late for that. I have some connections but you’re so tall and broad that they’d have to make you a suit. The jeans are fine but you need a nicer shirt and jacket to pull off the security-guard look here. Those boots need to go, too, for some nice dress shoes.”

  “No way in hell. Tell them I’m your boyfriend.”

  “Oh, that will go over great with the partners. I’ll bring my date to a client meet-and-greet for an upcoming criminal case.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m going to this so they don’t can my ass, Kraven. You’re my new bodyguard, as far as they’re concerned. It’s the only way I can take you with me.”

  “I’m not going shopping. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of how I dress or my boots.”

  “Fine. I’ll just tell them I hired you in Alaska. That might explain it—but absolutely no duster. Nobody wears long coats in L.A unless they’re the Hollyweird crowd.”

  “The what?”

  “Movie stars and celebrity types. They wear odd shit just to get attention.”

  “It hides my blade.”

  “You can’t take weapons to a client meet-and-greet. He’s probably got his own security and they’ll pat you down.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without my blade, Hellion.”

  She shoved open his coat, searching and finding his shorter blade strapped to his hip. “Geez. You’ve been wearing that all day?”


  She bit her lower lip and backed off, releasing his coat. “Compromise. Ever heard of that term? I’m agreeing to let you tag along but the coat and blade have to stay here.”

  “You’re one to talk. Do you even know what compromising means? You’re not leaving my sight. I don’t care what you agree to or not. The blade stays. I can’t exactly shift and attack someone coming after you. Claws and fangs won’t do a damn bit of good against a GarLycan anyway. Only steel will hurt them.”

  “I need a stronger drink.” She left him to return to her kitchen, opened a cupboard, and removed a bottle of vodka. “Want one?”

  He followed her and swiped it off the counter. “You’re not drinking. I want your full wits about you since you’re determined to put yourself at risk by being here.”


  He appreciated her caving so quickly. It also made him suspicious. “What are you plotting?”


  “You’re lying.”

  “That’s not nice. You don’t want me to drink. I get it. It’s probably for the best. We have a few hours to kill. I think I’ll take a nice, hot bath. And I know—guest bedroom. You don’t want me near a window.”

  “It’s daylight. No GarLycan can fly right now.”

  She smiled. “Good to know. Okay. You guard the door and I’ll go relax in my bathroom. That tub has jets.”

  He watched her leave but still felt like his Bat was up to something. He waited a few minutes and crept down the hallway. He entered her bedroom and opened the bathroom door to follow the sound of water. Bat turned from the counter.

  “Can I help you? I’m just waiting for the tub to fill, Kraven. I’m about to tweeze my eyebrows, if you were wondering.”

  “I was just checking.” He glanced around but didn’t see anything suspicious.

  “There’s no boogieman hiding in here. Just me. I’d prefer to do my eyebrows in private but you can have a seat if you’re that curious.”

  “I’ll be in the living room.”

  “Okay. I’ll be in here.”

  He backed up and closed the door. He didn’t go far. She remained in there and he listened as she turned off the water. He finally relaxed enough to leave the room when he heard her sink into the tub, sloshing some of the water, followed by the soft motor sound of the jets.

  Kraven ended up in the guest bathroom, studying his reflection. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with the black button-down shirt he wore, or the pants. He sighed and went in search of his bag. He hadn’t packed expecting to go to anything formal. He settled for a pair of jeans and a fresh black long-sleeved shirt, carrying them and his toiletry bag back into the bathroom.

  He shaved with a razor he’d picked up while they were out, and then dressed, taking his time. His boots had seen better days but he really didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of him at Bat’s work meeting. Her safety came first. That’s all that mattered. He quit the room and strode into her bedroom.

  “How are you doing, Bat?”

  “I’m fine. And in the bathroom still. Stay out.”

  He took a seat on her bed. “You’ve been in there for a while.”

  “I’m relaxing, and then I have to do my hair and makeup again. Chill out.”

  He resigned himself to waiting. It would be a lesson in learning patience with a mate. His father swore his mother could take forever to get ready for certain events the clan held.

  He finally heard her moving around after she got out of the water. When the bathroom door opened—nearly two hours later—he gaped.

  “What in the hell?” Kraven was on his feet in an instant.

  Bat grinned. “What do you think?”

  “You look like you got into a fight and lost!” Kraven stepped closer, sniffing. “Makeup?”

  “Of course. I wasn’t really going to hurt myself.” She cocked her head. “How did I do? I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in forever but I once had quite a talent for it. Does it look like my eye is bruised? My cheek?”

  “Yes. Badly.”

  “Good.” She moved past him to her closet, throwing open the door.

  “Why would you do that to your face?” He followed her inside and tried to touch her. It disturbed him seeing her marred skin, even if the injuries weren’t real. It caused his protective instincts to go a bit crazy.

  She jerked away. “Don’t mess it up!” She turned her back on him to evaluate her dresses. “I know the partners. They’re going to demand I start building a defense for our new client immediately. Then you’ll throw a shit-fit and refuse to let me go to work. You’ll probably think the interns I’d need to invite here are possible assassins under mind control.” She chose a black dress suit and lifted it off the rack, turning to stare at Kraven. “This is called the pity maneuver.”

  He just gawked at her.

  “It’ll make Jacob and the other partners look like total dickheads if I show up looking like shit. They’ll have to give me a few days to heal up. I represent the firm. Can you say ‘really bad public relations’? It’d be pretty bad if they have one of their counsel appear before a judge or reporters looking like something that went through the tumble cycle in a washing machine.”

  “This wasn’t necessary.”

  “Bullshit. Give me a break, Kraven. I’m trying to make you happy and save my job. Those two things are working against each other right now. You’re demanding I avoid people and they’ll want me to lead this case. I can’t do both. This is my plan. It will give me some time.”

  “I meant, I could just use mind control to convince your boss to use another attorney and put you on vacation leave.”

  Bat suddenly felt like an idiot. “Shit. I should have thought of that.”

  “I knew you were up to something. This is why you need to learn to talk to me.”

  “Excuse me for forgetting I’m dating a guy with super powers. This is new to me.”

  “We’re not dating. I’m your mate

  She couldn’t miss his anger. “You have two hot spots.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Being called a Werewolf or my boyfriend pisses you off.”

  “Go wash that stuff off your face.”

  She debated it but shook her head. “No. I’m going with my plan.”

  “You don’t need to.”

  “What if they have security cameras in the lounge? I never exactly looked around to find out. I’ve only been there once and that was four years ago. I thought meeting the neighbors at a Christmas party the association held would be fun. It turned out I was wrong. They should have dubbed it the dateless and desperate mixer for losers.”

  “Men made advances on you?”

  “I was the only single woman there. I got out as fast as possible and never went to another association party. They do them a few times a year for the holidays. I make other plans or spend those evenings with Dusti.” The thought of her sister made her sad. “I hope she’s doing okay. Can you turn on your phone and see if there are any new texts?”

  “I said I’d call back tonight with an update.”

  “Why not now?”

  “I keep my word. I said I’d call tonight.”

  Bat sighed, irritated. “Really? You aren’t going to call and check on my sister for me because the sun is still up?”


  She closed her eyes. The sound of his chuckle snapped them back open.

  He looked really amused. “I know that look. I feel that way all the time. You drive me crazy. Turnabout and all that.”

  “You were just messing with me?”

  “Yeah. Of course I’ll make the call.”

  “I want to talk to Dusti.”

  “No. I’m calling my cousin Red and keeping it short.”

  “Come on, Kraven. I just want to hear her voice.”

  “Not until I know the situation there.”

  She debated that. “Fair enough.”

  He strode out of her bedroom and she followed hot on his heels. The outfit he’d changed into looked nicer than the one he’d had on before. She didn’t mention that though. He sure couldn’t return the compliment with her looking as if she’d been battered, thanks to the blue eye shadow she’d used to contour her eye and cheek to look as if she had bruises.