Page 32 of Kraven

  Lake nodded. “He’s a bit of a loner but not someone to fuck with. I was also warned by my sister to avoid speaking or even getting too close to a particular woman in the clan. She smells completely human but her father is a VampLycan. Lorn is her protector.”

  “The kid I met said something about a human,” Kraven remembered.

  “Kira. That’s a mystery I couldn’t solve. Nobody seems to know why Decker would allow her to live there, unless it has something to do with her father. Davis runs their community center and hosts events for the clan. Maybe he and Decker are friends or they made a deal.” Lake shrugged. “I was surprised to smell a human there but was assured Davis is her biological father.”

  “Is Lorn her mate?”

  “She’s an outcast, Velder. I witnessed the way she was treated on occasion while visiting that clan. No one speaks to her and they avoid contact. I think Lorn might feel sorry for her. My sister does.”

  “That is strange. Davis must have something on Decker,” Drantos assessed. “I’d love to know what that secret could be. Friends wouldn’t allow the daughter of one to be shunned. Are you close to Davis, Lake?”

  The enforcer shook his head. “No. He keeps to himself too. Decker’s clan isn’t as social as ours. It’s got a whole different vibe there.”

  Their father leaned back in his chair. “Do you think Lorn would be interested in taking over his clan?”

  Lake took his time before he spoke. “I’m not sure, but he’d make a good leader.”

  “What makes you think so?” Their father’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’ve seen him interact with the clan. Kids like him and he’s good with them. One of the enforcers, Nabby, tends to be cruel. He picked on a group of teens, trying to assert his dominance. None of the youths challenged him. He just seemed to want a fight. Lorn went chest to chest with him and forced him to back down. My sister told me that people go to Lorn for help if they have problems with Decker’s enforcers. He makes them back off.”

  “I’m surprised Decker hasn’t killed him.” Their father scowled. “This Lorn sounds like a natural enforcer, yet he won’t work for him?”

  “Decker is longtime friends with Ladius. He might not want to infuriate him by killing his only sons. Decker needs every ally he can keep. The brothers are tight. They’d kill or die to defend each other.” Lake stood. “May I go? I’m on duty in a few minutes.”

  “Go. Thank you.” Their father gazed at Kraven and Drantos, waited until Lake closed the door. “We’ll reach out to Lorn by phone and test the waters. It would be best if the clans remain divided, providing this VampLycan has honor.”

  “Agreed.” Kraven wanted to go home too. “Are we done?”

  “Yes.” Their father snorted. “I forget you’re both newly mated.”

  Kraven led the way back to his cabin. “How did Mom take meeting Dusti?”

  “Bad. I mean, she didn’t attack Dusti or anything. Mom advised her to get pregnant right away since she’s so human.”

  Kraven winced. Bat would lose her temper if their mother ever said something like that to her. “Shit. How pissed is your mate at you?”

  “She damn near got herself killed confronting Decker to prove her worth to the clan and our parents. Dusti will say otherwise but it boils down to that. We’re good, but you’d better point out to our mother that your mate is less tolerant than her sister.”

  “You’re the first son. I’m not under pressure to produce offspring for future generations.”

  Drantos growled. “Fuck you.”

  Kraven chuckled. “It’s good to be the younger brother.”

  “I’m just glad you’re finally here. It will give Dusti more support to have her sister to talk to and commiserate with.”

  His good mood fled. “Bat wants to return to L.A.”

  Drantos stopped and gripped his arm. “You’d hate it there.”

  He faced him. “I know, but she’s my mate. I’m not giving her up, regardless of what it takes to keep her.”

  His brother studied him with narrowed eyes. “You fear if given the choice between the life she had and the one you could offer her, she won’t chose you?”

  “We’ve barely exchanged blood. The bond isn’t strong. Hell, I’m not even sure if we can form the kind you have with Dusti. Those Vampire traits help with the telepathy link with a mate. Bat is barely Lycan, and I don’t taste any Vamp in her at all.”

  “You’d feel trapped in the city.”

  “It would be worse being without her.”

  Drantos released him and sighed. “I’m so sorry. Why’d we think finding mates would be so damn easy?”

  “We were younger and naïve. She’s worth it. Whatever the cost, I’m not letting her go. She’s mine.”

  “I understand.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The front door opened and a tall dark-haired woman entered.

  Bat frowned, assessing the uninvited intruder into Kraven’s home. She stood, ready to confront her. Suspicion that it was one of his ex-lovers immediately came to mind. Dusti rushed to her side.

  “Hi, Crayla.” Dusti elbowed Bat. “This is Drantos and Kraven’s mother.”

  Bat managed to keep her mouth from falling open. Kraven had warned her that his mother looked young, but she seemed to be the same age as her sons. “Hello.”

  Crayla closed the door and openly studied her. Her nostrils flared as she sniffed the air. “You smell just as human as your sister. That’s a disappointment. I was hoping you’d carry a Lycan scent but I can’t pick it up.”

  “Excuse me?” Bat took offense.

  “You’re as weak as your sister. It’s disappointing. Isn’t that clear enough?”

  Her temper boiled fast. “Listen up, bitch. Don’t you dare walk in here like you own the place and―”

  “Okay,” Dusti yelled, slapping her hand over Bat’s mouth. “Let’s not get off to a bad start.”

  Bat reached up and yanked Dusti’s fingers away, glaring at Kraven’s mother. “Don’t ever do that again, Dusti.”

  “She can shift,” Dusti whispered. “Calm down.”

  “As if I care.” Bat took a step forward and lifted her chin, refusing to look away from Crayla’s steady gaze. “I won’t be talked to that way. My sister let me in on how you treated her. How dare you? We might be more human than you’d like but at least I don’t have to spend a fortune on razors.” She glanced down at Crayla’s body. “I hope you invested in one of those companies, what with those long legs of yours. That’s a hell of a lot of space to keep shaved.”

  Crayla’s mouth parted and she appeared a bit stunned.

  “What? I’m sure you don’t see turning into a big dog as a bad thing but from my point of view, that has to suck. I spent a small fortune on laser hair removal. That’s how much I detest body hair. I won’t put you down if you lay off the insults too. That’s the only way we’re going to get along. Is that clear?”

  Crayla firmly sealed her lips.

  “That’s right. I don’t take any shit, lady. I’m also not getting pregnant anytime soon, so don’t even go there. I’m Kraven’s mate. You don’t have to like it but it seems pretty set in stone, from what your son told me. We can either call a truce to get along or holidays are going to be pure hell. That’s entirely up to you.”

  “I see.” Crayla crossed her arms over her chest but then smiled. “I can respect that.”

  “Great,” Dusti muttered.

  Bat relaxed. “I don’t want to have a bitch war with you, Crayla. I love your son and he loves me. Dusti and I aren’t used to having family besides each other, but I want us to all get along. It’s not a requirement though if you keep being nasty.”

  “I like you. You’re very outspoken.”

  “That’s who I am,” Bat admitted. “So, truce?”

  Crayla grinned. “Yes. It’s a shame you can’t shift. I bet you’d have made a wonderful predator.”

  “I don’t need claws or fangs. I’ve got a mouth and a
mean temperament when riled. I have no qualms about picking up the nearest sharp object and going after someone if I’m pissed.”

  “You’ll do.” Crayla chuckled. “I approve.”

  “That’s just great,” Dusti mumbled again.

  Both Crayla and Bat looked at her.

  Dusti shook her head. “I tried to be nice to keep the peace. Did she approve of me right away? Hell no. It’s not fair.”

  Bat put her arm around her and smiled. “That’s because you’re the nice one.”

  “You are very polite,” Crayla admitted. “You’re living with VampLycans, Dusti. We’re a tough race. You need to stand up for yourself more.”

  “That’s what I’ve always told her.” Bat smiled at Kraven’s mom. “Maybe we will get along.”

  “I hate you both right now.” Dusti pulled away from Bat. “Really. You’re both assholes.”

  “That’s better.” Crayla laughed.

  The front door opened and Kraven and Drantos stepped in. Kraven’s horrified expression at seeing his mother amused Bat. “Hi, baby.”

  He strode to her side quickly. “Is everything okay?”

  “We’re great.” She put her arm around him and leaned in close to press against his side.

  Drantos cleared his throat. “Dad could really use your attention right now, Mom.”

  She glared at him. “Are you trying to get me to leave?”

  “He’s irritated that both his sons want to spend more time with their mates, rather than sitting with him in his office discussing politics. Could you please talk to him? We’d appreciate it.”

  She walked toward him. “I’m old, not stupid. Fine. I’ll leave.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll talk to them later.”

  The tension eased from everyone once she’d left. Drantos held out his hand. “Let’s go home, Dusti.”

  Her sister almost ran to Biker Bear. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” He lifted her and planted a kiss on her lips. “Later. Dinner tonight? My place? Say six o’clock?”

  “Sounds good,” Kraven answered. “We’ll be there.”

  Kraven eased away from Bat and locked the door after the couple left. “I’m sorry about my mom. I didn’t know she’d come over so soon.” He approached. “Did she upset you?”

  “She’s a bit aggressive but she’s also part Lycan. That’s to be expected, right?”

  He smiled. “You’re not mad?”

  “I was. We had a few words but she backed off.”

  “My mother?”

  “I speak bitch,” Bat explained. “Any word about my grandfather?”

  “He’s still missing but everyone is looking for him. It’s only a matter of time before he’s caught.”

  “You don’t look convinced.”

  “Like you said, it’s a big world and we don’t leave ours too often. It will help if someone else takes leadership of Decker’s clan. That way, he’ll lose all hope of starting his war. He can’t wage it with only a handful of enforcers.”

  Bat let that sink in and felt dread. “Are they asking you to take his place in that clan?”

  “No. They’d never accept an outsider.”

  “That’s good.” She could breathe easier.

  He stepped close and peered down at her. “I gave you my word that I’d take you back to L.A. as soon as the danger has passed. I’d never ask you to give up your life for me. This is just temporary.”

  I’m just asking you to give up yours. Dusti’s words replayed in her head. Kraven would be miserable living in a city.

  She made a decision. “Take off your clothes.”

  He tilted his head a little but amusement showed in his eyes. “You want to have sex?”

  “I want to see you shifted.”

  His expression sobered in an instant. “I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  “I am.” She took a seat on the couch. “Show me. I won’t run away or scream. I need to see all of you, Kraven.”

  He bent down, pulling off his boots. “I’d never hurt you. I might look vastly different but it’s still me.”

  “I understand. You’re not going to turn into a mindless animal.”


  Bat pulled up her legs and tucked them under her. Her heart pounded; she was nervous. In order to make plans for the future, she needed to face the present. That meant knowing all the facts. It was one thing to see Carver change into a big dog beast but she needed to see Kraven that way. He was her mate.

  Kraven revealed his beautiful body. He stood straight, letting her see every inch of him bared. “Are you sure about this, Hellion?”

  “Absolutely. Rip off the bandage and let’s get this over with.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Here goes.” He slowly crouched, his gaze locked with hers. “I’d never hurt you.”

  “I’m counting on that. I won’t scream or run out into the woods. I’m not a lumberjack. I like being indoors.”

  “My eyes turn black. Don’t be afraid.”

  “Thank you for the warning. Just do what you’re going to do. I’m ready.”

  He took a deep breath and blew it out, watching her. Bat tensed when hair began to slowly grow on his cheeks. Her gaze traveled over his body, watching hair spread everywhere. The sounds came next as his bones seemed to pop and adjust to the way his body changed. His form took on a more animal one, and became hairier by the second, but it was his face that stunned her the most.

  His nose and mouth pushed out, becoming snout-like. His forehead stretched back a little and his ears became a bit pointy. She stared into his eyes, watching the color of them disappear, changing from light blue to total black. Even the whites of his eyes bled away until they were nearly impossible to see.

  It ended when he sat on his haunches, watching her from a few feet away.

  Kraven wasn’t a man anymore. Bat felt fear but she pushed it back. He wasn’t about to hurt her, despite the fact that the hell dog version of him could give most people nightmares for life. She regulated her breathing and forced her legs to move. She slid off the couch to the floor, just studying him.

  He held unnaturally still and she appreciated that, realizing he was doing his best to alleviate her fear of him. She inched closer, crawling to him. His size was about the same, a little bigger, but his shape had completely changed. Her hand trembled as she reached out and gently stroked one of his shoulders. The fur was softer than she expected.

  He tilted his head just a tiny bit, watching her.

  “I’m okay,” she got out. “Can I see the teeth?”

  His eyes narrowed but he actually opened his mouth just enough to flash some wicked-sharp fangs. A soft whine came from him. It wasn’t a scary sound.

  “I’m going to stand. Just hold still.”

  She got to her feet and carefully walked around him, taking in every inch. He had a tail. His paws were massive, with some fierce claws. They were thick, curved, and a few inches long. She brushed her hand down his back and her thoughts returned to what her sister had said about a VampLycan living in the city. There was no way anyone could confuse Kraven for some domesticated dog. It would cause complete panic if he were seen. People would scream, call 9-1-1, and probably whip out their camera phones to get some footage for YouTube. He looked like something right out of a horror movie.

  Bat sat down in front of him again, staring up into his eyes. She’d thought Carver looked evil, but not Kraven. The shape and color of his eyes weren’t anything close to human but he didn’t have that dead look some killers carried. She’d seen that plenty of times over the years in her line of work. Kraven’s gaze felt warm, almost loving.

  He moved slowly and lowered his muzzle closer.

  All her fear evaporated and her hand no longer shook when she reached up to stroke the side of his face. “I can deal with this. I get it.”

  Boy, do I. It all hit her at once. Dusti was absolutely right. Kraven couldn’t shift and run anywhere in L.A. He’d only be able to
transform inside her condo. Her condo was big, but Kraven was a huge hulk of a beast. It would be like owning two Great Danes in a tiny apartment. She’d always felt it was cruel to contain dogs in small spaces without a yard, one of the reasons she didn’t own a pet.

  He started to shift to skin and Bat scooted away until she had the couch at her back. Kraven’s light blue eyes were a welcome sight, along with all that smooth skin. He sat down in front of her and drew up his knees, silent.

  “How often to you usually change and go for a run here?”


  “Dusti said her Biker Bear likes to go running every morning. Do you?”

  He nodded. “What are you thinking? You look sad, Hellion.”

  “It’s not going to work.”

  His mouth pressed into a firm line and he glanced away, then back. “I knew it was too soon. You’re my mate, Bat. I’m not letting you just walk away. I’ll fight to keep you. We belong together.”

  “I wasn’t talking about us. What happens if you don’t shift for days or weeks?”

  “I can deal with it.”

  “What happens? Don’t bullshit me. Does it make you sick or something?”

  “Not sick but the urge gets stronger. It’s a part of me. Over time it can weaken me a bit, trying to contain my other side.” He seemed to guess her thoughts. “I’ll be fine in L.A.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Kraven. Please.”

  “You know what I look like now. I can shift inside your condo if the urge becomes too strong to resist.”

  “It’s sixteen hundred square feet of living space. What do you plan to do? Buy a treadmill for the guest bedroom?”

  “If I have to.”

  “You’d be happier here, wouldn’t you?”

  “You’d be unhappy. I can withstand anything for you.”

  “God, I feel like a selfish bitch right now. I didn’t get it until this moment.”

  “We’ll make it work. I can’t lose you, Bat.”

  She bent forward and crawled to him. He lowered his legs and she just climbed onto his lap. It helped being close to him. She hugged his waist.

  “I don’t want to lose you either. I just need to think.”

  “There’s nothing to think about. We’re here until Decker is captured and then we’ll return to L.A. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine as long as I have you.”