Lord, there was something extra delicious about morning sex—all that residual heaviness in her muscles, the smell of sleep-warmed sheets, and the feel of these men pressing her into the mattress so deeply she felt like she could melt right into it. “Best wake-up call ever.”

  Jace made a low, sexy sound. “Fuck yes, it is.”

  She peered up at Andre. “But I think someone may be getting a little left out. I’m not sure my B-cup is going to be very effective for this position.”

  Andre laughed, the attempt a little choked. “Oh, I’m doing just fine, bella. All that satiny smooth skin rubbing up against my cock . . . I’m not complaining.”

  “And I’m not done with him,” Jace said, the ominous sound of the cap of lube being flicked open, punctuating his promise. Andre paused for a second, and before he could rock forward again, Jace grabbed his hip, stilling him. “I’m about to give you a real nice view, Ev.”

  Evan lifted her head to look down their bodies, at the scant separation between her and Andre, and she saw Jace’s hand dip between Andre’s spread thighs to cup his balls and gloss them with more lube.

  “Fuuuck.” Andre hummed at the touch and Evan groaned at the sight.

  The guys knew nothing did it for her like seeing the two of them touch each other. There was something so sexy and forbidden about it, like she was getting to see what no woman usually did. And all that masculinity clashing together . . . Hot damn.

  Jace continued to thrust into her, but his hand worked Andre, who was braced above her with a hell yeah expression on his face. Jace’s hand cupped and fondled and slid farther back, stroking Andre’s opening.

  “Look how much you like this,” Andre teased, his voice filled with grit. “You look high.”

  She gave him a lazy smile. “Have you seen you two? How else could I feel?”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, his jaw tensing, and she knew Jace had penetrated him with his fingers. And now Jace was pumping into her in the same rhythm he was using to stroke Andre.

  Andre shifted slightly, putting his weight on one arm, and reached in between them to find her clit. The second he brushed his fingers over it, she had to fight not to buck both men right off of her. She felt so on edge already. But he knew how to finesse things and rubbed around the spot, giving her pleasure, but not giving too much too quick.

  That’s when everything aligned in that perfect way she loved so much. It didn’t always happen. But often when they were all together like this, there were these perfect moments where somehow they all heard the same music and found the rhythm together without using words. Harmony. Pleasure. Love.

  Jace thrust into her in long, grinding strokes, Andre circled her clit with the perfect amount of roughness, and the sight of the two of them indulging in each other finally hit the point of being too much. Evan’s hands fisted in the bindings, the pressure building and building, the sounds and scents and sensations all whirling through her, and everything inside her broke open at once.

  She cried out, arching beneath them and yanking at the leather cuffs as she tried to lift herself to meet Jace’s thrusts, to beg him for harder, faster, now. And even if she couldn’t say it, he heard it. His hips pistoned forward, taking her fully and chasing his own pleasure now, and Andre began to gasp above her. The bed creaked and protested beneath them as if it too was going to break apart.

  But she couldn’t worry about that. Her orgasm hijacked every part of her focus—so much so that she barely registered when Andre moved his hand away and grabbed his cock to start pumping furiously, the pleasure crashing over his face like a revelation. All she could do was watch him lose it and listen to the dirty, sexy grunts Jace was making behind them as she rode the wave of her own release—her cries getting louder and louder until she probably sounded ridiculous. But she couldn’t help it.

  The boys didn’t seem to mind it, though. In fact, her shrieks seemed to flip the switch in them both.

  “Fuck, baby.” Jace groaned, burying deep, and thrusting hard. “Listen to you take it. Take it all. You’re so hot and tight around me.”

  Andre lost it then, his fist jerking as he fucked his hand with abandon, and hot streaks of his release jetted out, landing on her skin.

  Jace made a sound almost as loud as hers at the sight of Andre’s come sliding over her body, and he gave in at that point, too, spilling inside her and calling her sexy, filthy names as he rode her through the end of his release.

  Then finally things went quiet. After all the noise they’d made, only the sound of their gasping breaths filled the morning air.

  Evan closed her eyes and let her mind drift in the afterglow, drowning in the feel of being so completely undone by these men. Both of them marking every part of her inside and out. A declaration.


  She sagged into the mattress, her body limp and sated. This was enough for her. She had more love in this room than most people had in two lifetimes. Jace and Andre made her happy. Her feelings yesterday and the weird grief she’d felt at the negative sign on that test could be dealt with. She had what she needed right here.

  She wouldn’t get greedy.

  She wouldn’t screw this up.

  They had time to tackle those bigger life decisions later.

  Chapter 5

  While Evan showered, Andre tucked the last few things into his suitcase and zipped up the bag. After their morning romp and finding out Jace’s plan, he felt lighter than he had in weeks. Jace could be a wild card at times, but often that spontaneity was exactly what Andre and Evan needed. If left to their own devices, he and Evan could overplan and overanalyze everything until it lost all of its fun. And clearly all three of them were in desperate need of some relaxation.

  He rolled his bag into the foyer and his cell buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, not recognizing the number flashing on the screen. But it was local, so he clicked to answer, praying it wasn’t someone from the station calling with a last-minute crisis.

  He put the phone to his ear. “Medina.”

  “Andre?” said a tentative female voice.

  “Yeah. And who’s this?”

  She let out a nervous half-laugh. “Oh, hi, it’s Martine.”

  “Martine?” He glanced down the hallway and headed into the kitchen, trying to keep his annoyance from bleeding into his voice. “How did you get this number?”

  “Don’t be mad, but I called your mom. My mother still had her number. Apparently, they still go to the flea market together sometimes on the weekend.”

  “I see.” Great, now his mom would be calling him about that nice Velasquez girl. Because although his parents knew about his unconventional relationship, they weren’t exactly enthusiastic fans. His mother wanted big church weddings and piles of grandkids from her children, not a son who brought home a tattooed gringo and the girl they shared. He had a feeling his mom hadn’t completely gone off on him yet because she thought he was going through a phase.

  “So I know I’m supposed to wait for you to call me or whatever, but I have the afternoon off today and I thought maybe we could grab that lunch.”


  “I know it’s last minute, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about seeing you the other night, and I just want to talk and catch up. Things haven’t been—well, they haven’t been so great for me lately, and it’d be nice to spend some time with an old friend from back home.”

  The request was delivered with that trademark sweetness of hers that wedged guilt right through him. He knew this was more than an I-want-to-catch-up-with-an-old-friend thing. But he also sensed she was being honest about going through a tough time. He could hear that lonely edge to her voice. He also had no interest in being the guy to fix that for her. “I’m sorry to hear things aren’t going well, but I’m leaving town for a week in a little while. And even if I weren’t, it’s not a good idea for us to strike up that kind of friendship.”

  “Don’t trust yourself with me?” she asked, her ton
e light and teasing but the challenge there.

  He raked a hand through his hair, his patience on a short tether. “It’s not that at all. But I’m friends with people who respect my relationship and my choices, and I get the feeling that you don’t.”

  He could picture her pressing her lips together on the other end. “Your mother said you have problems with commitment and that’s why you can’t decide between your boyfriend and your girlfriend. She said I should—”

  Unbelievable. “This conversation is done, Martine.”


  He blew out a breath, silently counting to ten in his head.

  “Look, I’m sorry. This is all coming out wrong. Of course, I wouldn’t try to mess up things for you if you’re happy, but I don’t see why we can’t be friends.”

  “Fine. You want new friends? When I come back, you can have lunch with me . . . and Evan and Jace. You’ll have three new people to talk to.”

  “You want me to—? I—”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” she said quickly, sounding not at all confident. She was probably already picturing Andre open-mouth kissing Jace in public or something. “I mean, I guess that could work.”

  “Great. I’ll give you a call when we get back. Until then, don’t call this number. I’m on vacation from everything and everyone.”

  They exchanged a quick good-bye and he tossed his phone on the counter with a sound of frustration.

  “Was that the ex?”

  Andre whirled around, finding Jace standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “Yeah. Fucking tracked down my number through my mother.”

  Jace smirked. “Mama Medina still trying to play matchmaker to get you away from your life of sin?”

  Andre shook his head. “Something like that. My mom informed her that I have issues with commitment. I can’t even decide on a gender to love.”

  Jace laughed. “Nice. Think what we have in mind will make a difference for her?”

  “Doubtful unless there’s a priest involved at some point,” Andre said, picking up his phone and tucking it in his pocket. “But I’m over it. I’m too old to worry about what other people think, even if those people are in my own family.”

  “At least your sister is on your side.”

  Andre smiled. That’s because Cela was doing her own living in sin with her boyfriend/dom and was thankful that most of the family’s frowns were aimed Andre’s way instead of hers. Though, he didn’t doubt that Cela was also genuinely happy for him. “So is our girl all ready?”

  “Yeah, the water turned off a few minutes ago.”

  “Think she’s figured anything out yet?”

  “Nope. I put the bags in the car so she wouldn’t see them and told her we were going to drop her off at work today.” Jace’s grin was devious, and childlike enthusiasm lit his face.

  Andre walked over and threw his arm over Jace’s shoulders. “Ready to do some kidnapping?”

  “Think if we tie her up and carry her out, a neighbor will report us?”

  Andre snorted. “Yes. Let’s not get thrown in jail today, all right?”

  “Damn. That would’ve been fun.”

  “You’re a sick fucker, J.”

  “And you two love me, so what does that make y’all?”

  Andre led him out and toward the bedroom. “Gluttons for punishment.”

  Jace glanced over at him, giving him that slow up-and-down look that could make Andre’s best intentions derail in a flash. “Lucky for us all, that’s my favorite kind of people.”


  Evan stepped out of the bathroom, slipping on the two cuff bracelets she wore every day—one silver and one copper—the discreet symbols of ownership Andre and Jace had given her during their private collaring ceremony. In her head, she was already constructing her To-Do list for the day. She’d learned from experience with her bouts of depression that when melancholy hit her like it did yesterday, she could chase it off with keeping busy, setting goals. Her mistakes in the past had been to let the feelings invade and overtake her like she had no say in the matter, like she was an unarmed victim of circumstance and faulty genes. But that wasn’t who she was anymore. She’d done the work, the therapy, made the life changes, gotten her confidence back. She’d learned how to fight that old demon with real weapons. And one of her best tactics was activity. A long, interesting list of tasks was great medicine for her. And she had a lot to check off today. She needed to go over the photos Finn had worked on yesterday, call up the couple who’d come in for an intro meeting, order a new—

  An arm banded around her shoulders from behind, dragging her a step back and drawing her against a hard chest. She yelped in surprise, glancing down at the tattooed arm holding her. “Jace, what the hell are you doing?”

  “What I want,” he said against her ear, using that hard-edged tone he used when they were in D/s mode. Fabric slipped over her eyes and the light disappeared.

  What? Oh, shit. She could smell Andre’s minty shampoo, letting her know he had to be behind her, too. This was a hostile takeover. The boys wanted to play. Normally a welcome thing, but she didn’t have time. She was already behind. “Guys, after this morning, I don’t know if I have another go in me. Plus, I have to get to the studio. I have—”

  “Shh.” A finger pressed against her lips—presumably from Andre, who must’ve stepped in front of her. “Quiet, bella.”

  God, she knew the guys could be insatiable, but why let her get all showered and made-up if they were only going to undo her again?

  “You’re not going to work today or for the next few days,” Jace said, his voice calm but firm. “You’re coming with us. Trust that we’ve taken care of whatever you have on your plate at the studio.”

  “But—” she said from behind Andre’s finger.

  Jace’s other hand moved to her hair and gave it a little tug. The move was simple, but it lit a match inside her. These men knew her buttons. And damn if they weren’t pushing that big fat one that got her pulse pounding. “This isn’t a choice, baby. You’re ours, and we’ll take you where we want you to go. Be cooperative, and we won’t make it hard on you. Fight and we’ll be forced to find creative ways to make you comply.”

  Lord. Her body was going feverish all over. Most women would probably freak out at those words, but she’d played out a capture fantasy with these two once before, and it had turned out to be one of the best nights of her life. It was one of her darker kinks—that idea of being captured against her will. Being able to indulge in such a taboo fantasy with two people she trusted implicitly was a gift she didn’t take lightly. And after the stress she’d been going through, slipping into a role sounded damn enticing.

  But she had so much work to do. And her head was all over the place after yesterday. She didn’t know if she could give herself over to this the way she’d need to for it to work. “Guys, I love that you’re trying this, but I have so much—”

  “Ah, hard way it is, then,” Jace said and grabbed her wrists. He raised her arms out in front of her and Andre snapped cuffs around her wrists with practiced ease. Click. Click.


  “Is that your safe word, bella?” Andre asked pointedly, drawing out the pet name, be-yah.

  Goddammit. They knew she only called her safe word as a last resort. She’d had to use it once with them when she’d gotten an unexpected wave of dizziness during a scene. Otherwise, she’d only used her “give me a minute and check in” word—yellow. Of course, they’d respect the safe word, regardless of how she used it. But the satisfaction she got from their dynamic was deeply tied to that trust to let them push her boundaries. If she started safe-ing out just because something was inconvenient, the submissive role would lose its punch for her. So she kept the eject button tucked away only for emergencies. “No, it’s not. But—”

  “Good.” Jace hiked up her skirt and pushed down her underwear, startling her with the quick movements. He tapped her calves, indicating sh
e should lift her feet. Not sure how to frame an argument, she did as she was told, her mind spinning, and he swept the panties away. “You won’t be needing those for the next few days anyway.”

  “What? A few days?” she asked, her body warring with her practical side when the cool air drifted over her bare skin. Hormones versus To-Do list—that could be an epic battle.

  Jace straightened behind her and gently kicked her legs wider. Andre held on to her arms, keeping her steady the whole time, a game piece being moved around their board. She had no idea what they were planning. But a few days was a luxury she couldn’t afford this week. Were they going to keep her captive in the apartment and fuck her silly? Or were they taking her to The Ranch? The hedonistic part of her jumped at the thought of either. But they were grown-ups with responsibilities. They couldn’t just decide on a whim to spend days in bed.

  But before she could contemplate further, Jace reached between her legs and stroked her with expert skill. Her body revved like the gas pedal had been stomped on, her physical reaction to the two guys an ingrained, uncontrollable response. When they touched her, she melted. Period. So after only a few caresses, her skin had gone hot and arousal coated Jace’s fingers, his touch becoming slippery against her.

  She let go of a breath she’d been holding.

  “Dre, our girl likes this more than she’s admitting. You should feel how creamy she is for us already. But she’s still thinking way too much. We didn’t ask her to think, did we?”

  “No, I believe we told her to obey,” Andre said, and she knew the sexy bastard was smiling.

  “Well, let’s see if we can get her focused on the right things,” Jace said, a dangerous but playful edge in his voice.

  Jace shifted behind her, adjusting his hold. Then something smooth pushed against her heated flesh—a toy of some kind. Jace ran the tip of it around her entrance, teasing the sensitive nerve endings there, and then dipped it in and out in a shallow thrust. She bit her lip and balled her fists, the quivering sensations making her forget for a moment that she was supposed to be protesting.