He chuckled. “I’ll remember that.”

  “Baby is nice, too,” she sighed.

  A second later her eyes went wide. She wiggled around and forced herself into a sitting position. “Where am I? Is this a dream?” She turned to him, grabbed his arm. “Are you real? Please be real. Not the snakes. You. Be real.”

  “I am,” he promised. “I am. The Guardians attacked you, but they are gone. We’re at the ranch.”

  “How? Wait. The ring? Where is the ring?”

  “Safe with Cullen.”

  “And the Knights?”

  “Safe. Everyone is safe.”

  She kissed him. Pressed those warm, velvet lips to his and kissed him. He tried to restrain himself, tried to hold back. But the soft play of her tongue sliding into his mouth pushed him over the edge. He tried to uncurl her hand from his hair.

  “I need to tell you something.” She had to know that this time it was forever, that he wouldn’t have the ability to hold back.

  “Later,” she said, her leg wrapping around his. “I want to feel you close, Lucan. I need . . . " She kissed him again, her body pressed tightly to his. Hunger for her beat at him. The beast was rising, free from the Guardians, primitive with desire.

  He rolled her on top of her back, ravished her lips with his own, his hand stroking her breast, tongue demanding her submission. Long, drugged minutes pulled him into a haze. Somehow, they were naked, her soft, delicate curves beneath him, his body hard, pulsing with need. Control. Yourself. He repeated the words to himself. He kissed her. Touched her. Slid his cock along the wet heat of her body and barely stopped himself from sliding inside her.

  Somehow, he detached himself, landing with heaviness on his back. “No.” Somehow, he'd found a hair of control. “Not like this.” Resistance was futile, control, a facade. Kresley followed him, climbing on top of him, and he had no will to stop her as she took him inside her. “I want to ask … I ..”

  She leaned down and whispered against his lips. “Will you be my mate, Lucan?” She leaned back and smiled. “Is that proper enough for you?”

  Those words were gold, the keys to his heart and soul, but also the ones to his sense of honor. She had to know everything. His palm splayed along her back. “Do not move. Just listen.”

  He quickly relayed the events that had taken place. The shots. The pain as his Beast battled the Guardians for possession. Both losing in the end as man mated with woman. “Your serum saved me,” she whispered against his lips. “I can’t imagine anything more perfect. I love you, Lucan. I want this. I want you. More than I can ever express in words.”

  Lucan kissed her then, and he held nothing back. Their passion a lifetime of pain, a lifetime of need.

  When finally three centuries of need were released, his beast freed to mate, Lucan sank his teeth into her neck, marking her as his mate. A war raged within him as the Guardians reached out to bond with Kresley – the beast within him battling for control. Every muscle in his body ached, his chest so tight, he thought it might explode. Kresley held him through it all, murmuring soft comforts.

  Slowly, the pain became pleasure, and the passion ignited again. The Guardians were gone. The Beast bound forever. There was only Kresley and Lucan. They’d proven they could make it through anything – together.

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  Table of Contents





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  Lisa Renee Jones, Beast of Fire -- a Demon Hunting Sexy Romance



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