Page 21 of Retribution

Chapter 20


  Bonus Scene

  New Orleans

  April 16, 2011

  Holding on to her husband's huge, strong hand for dear life while they were surrounded by their closest friends and family in the bedroom of their home, Soteria Parthenopaeus leaned her head against the stacked pillows behind her and pushed with everything she had.

  Ah, gah, it hurt.

  It really, really hurt!

  And it hadn't stopped for hours or was it days or weeks? Funny thing about labor, it made time slow down so that one minute in human time equaled three hours to a laboring mom. Maybe longer.

  Yeah, definitely longer.

  She reverted to her breathing techniques that all three (because her husband's paranoia feared one might not be good enough) of her midwives had taught her, but that was about as useful as all the pushing she'd been doing.

  And the breathing was making her feel like a hyperventilating dog after a long race. Not to mention dizzy. She glanced at her husband who was coated in as much sweat as she was. He hadn't left her side for a single second since it started. His long black hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail and his swirling silver eyes stared at her with pride and love.

  She adored, loved, and worshiped him so incredibly much, would crawl naked over broken glass just to see him smile, but right now in the throes of ten hours of hard labor pains, she really wanted to grab the most tender part of his body in a set of pliers and squeeze his junk until he could fully understand how much childbirth sucked. "I swear if that's a pair of demon horns digging into my belly and stabbing me right now, Ash, I'm going to beat you after it's born. "

  'Cause face it, horns on the head didn't come from my side of the family or genetic code.

  He actually had the nerve to laugh at her threat. Was he out of his mind? Just because he was an eleven-thousand-year-old Atlantean god with omnipotent powers didn't mean she couldn't make him suffer. Not that she ever would, but still. The least he could do was pretend to be afraid of her.

  He kissed her cheek and brushed her hair back from her face. "It's all right, Sota. I have you. "

  "Apostolos, adjust her pillows higher," her mother-in-law snapped at her husband. "She doesn't look comfortable. I don't want my daughter in any more pain than necessary. You men have no idea what you put us through. " While Apollymi couldn't physically leave her prison realm, her astral projection could travel without her. And it'd been pacing near Ash's oldest daughter Simi since the labor had started.

  Simi rolled back and forth and spun around on Ash's wheeled desk chair. Dressed in a neon pink lab coat and black and white striped leggings with thigh high laced platform boots that went all the way up to her black lace miniskirt, she was adorable. Her face was mostly covered by a black surgical mask with a matching pink skull and crossbones on the right side of it. Her glowing red eyes were empathized by her solid jet-black pigtails and dark purple eyeliner. She'd been so excited about the impending birth of the baby, that she'd been dressing that way for a month and shadowing Tory's every step. If Tory so much as hiccuped, Simi had whipped out a black baseball glove and asked, "is it time yet? The Simi's gots her glove all ready to catch it if it is,'cause sometimes they come out flying. "

  Simi couldn't wait to be a big sister again.

  Kat, Ash's other daughter who was married to Sin Nana, sat in the window seat, holding her sleeping daughter on her lap. Her long flowing blue jersey dress was as serene as she was. "Grandma, please. It's okay. Dad's doing a great job. I give him kudos for at least being calm and rational, and not losing his temper with everyone around him who isn't in childbirth. And he has yet to start shooting lightning bolts at people. Poor Damien still has a burn scar. "

  That thought actually made Soteria laugh as she pictured it. Sin did have a temper where his wife was concerned.

  Breathtaking, blond, and statuesque as the daughter of two gods should be, Kat smiled at Tory. "If it makes you feel any better Tory, they were just as bad when Mia was born. At least you don't have Sin, Kish and Damien running around, trying to boil water for no other reason than that's what someone had told Sin husbands are supposed to do and since Sin doesn't know how to boil water, he had to micromanage the other two incompetents who'd never done it either. I'm amazed they didn't band together to kill him during it or burn down the casino. And don't get me started on my mother trying to murder my husband in the middle of it or her fighting with grandma over whose labors were more painful. Or," she cast a meaningful glance to Simi, "someone setting my mother's hair on fire and trying to barbecue her to celebrate the birth. "

  Simi stopped rolling and pulled her black surgical mask down to show them her proud fanged grin. "That an old Charonte custom that go back forever 'cause we a really old race of demons who go back even before forever. " She looked over to where Danger's shade glittered in the opposite corner while the former Dark-Huntress was assisting Pam and Kim with the birth, and explained the custom to her. "When a new baby is born you kill off an old annoying family member who gets on everyone's nerves which for all of us would be the heifer-goddess 'cause the only person who like her be you, Akra-Kat. I know she you mother and all, but sometimes you just gotta say no thank you. You a mean old heifer-goddess who need to go play in traffic and get run over by something big like a steamroller or bus or something else really painful that would hurt her a lot and make the rest of us laugh. " She put her mask back on. "Not to mention the Simi barbecue would have been fun too if someone, Akra-Kat, hadn't stopped the Simi from it. I personally think it would have been a most magnificent gift for the baby. Barbecued heifer-goddess Artemis. Yum! No better meal. Oh then again baby got a delicate constitution and that might give the poor thing indigestion. Artemis definitely give the Simi indigestion and I ain't even ate her yet. "

  Kat let out an exaggerated sigh as she passed a bemused stare to Tory. "There's a reason Mia is currently an only child. Family drama takes on a whole new meaning when they're feuding gods who can't stand the sight of each other and always try to kill one another whenever they're in the same room. "

  Tory laughed, knowing just how right Kat was. It was why Xirena was downstairs with Alexian and Urian, eating her out of house and home. Simi's older sister couldn't stand Apollymi and the two of them had been fighting so badly that Alexian had volunteered to babysit the demon downstairs until the birth.

  Tory loved her huge family, quirks, thorns, fangs, horns and all. She only wished her cousin, Geary, who was like a sister to her could have been here too. But Geary was about to give birth herself and was on bed rest for it.

  She couldn't wait. Their babies would be like twins.

  Acheron brushed her damp hair back from her face and started massaging her temples. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

  She grimaced as more agony lacerated her abdomen. "Stop the pain. "

  He pressed his cheek against hers and gave her a gentle squeeze. "You know I can't. "

  Because they weren't sure what it might do to the baby or how it might unknowingly affect it and they'd decided together, as a family, that no one was going to lay a preternatural hand on the infant no matter what.

  Not after what had been done to Acheron when he'd been born.

  "Fine," she breathed. "But next time you're the one who's doing labor duty. I get to sit there and hold your hand. "

  And again he laughed.

  She glared at him. "You have no sense of self preservation, do you?"

  "Not really. "

  "Akra-Tory want some of my barbecue sauce to use on akri if he don't behave?"

  Tory laughed again. "It's all right, Simi. I'll. . . " she screamed as something twisted inside her that felt like a broken bottle scraping her stomach lining.

  Ash went pale. "Tory? Is something wrong?"

  She couldn't answer. All she could do was try to breathe.

  Ash looked at Tory's best friend Kim who was their lead midwi
fe. Her features were drawn tight as she and Tory's other best friend, Pam talked in a low whisper.

  "What's going on?" Ash demanded.

  Kim turned to Danger. "Hon, can you go get Essie from downstairs?" Esmerelda Deveraux was another friend who was practically family. While Kim was a medical practitioner and experienced midwife, Essie was a medical doctor with an additional twelve years of experience with delivering babies at home.

  Danger left immediately.

  Tory screamed as the pain worsened.

  Acheron's skin turned from olive to mottled blue as his panic rose. "Answer me, Kim. What's happening?" Oh yeah, the god tone came out. It was so deep a growl that it vibrated the room.

  Luckily, Kim knew he was a god and she never panicked over anything. "I don't know, sweetie. I've never delivered a nonhuman infant before. I don't know if this is normal or not. That's why I want a second opinion. "

  "How about a third?" Menyara asked as she, Essie, and Danger spilled into the room.

  Ash stood up. "Don't touch the baby, Mennie. "

  Menyara cocked her hip and head at his concern. Dressed in a flowing orange skirt and cream peasant blouse, she had her sisterlocks held back from her face by a striped red scarf. "Now I know you didn't just come at me with your attitude, Mr. High And Mighty Atlantean God. Believe you me, if there's one thing I know how to do it's birth nonhuman infants. Been doing it since before even your old ass was born. "


  She held up her hand, cutting him off. "You know me better than that. I would never do anything to harm your baby and I'm not about to curse or mark it. Now let me take a look and see what's going on. "

  Ash stood down. "I'm sorry, Mennie. "

  "It's all right. I know where you're coming from and I know you're stressed. But don't worry. We'll take care of it. "

  Ash returned to Tory's side.

  Tory took his hand again and did her best not to scream out anymore. Her poor baby. From the moment she'd told him she was pregnant, he'd been terrified. He didn't say it, but she knew. His childhood had been made so violent and traumatic by those who sought to destroy him that it'd left scars inside him that not even eleven thousand years could ease.

  And all because his goddess aunt had touched his skin when she delivered him.

  "It's okay, baby," she said to him.

  But still she saw the fear in his eyes. I can't lose you, Sota. I can't. He sent those words to her and her alone.

  She smiled at him through her pain as she used the powers he'd given her to respond. I have no intention of leaving you. Ever.

  "Is it supposed to do that?" Kim asked Menyara.

  Menyara swallowed. "I've never seen anything like this. "

  "What's wrong?" Tory's heart pounded as her panic rose. For Menyara to say something like that . . .

  It was bad.

  "We need to do a c-section. " Menyara directed the others as they scrambled to make preparations.

  Ash went to look, then stepped back.

  Tory panicked even more. "What is it?"

  "Stay calm," Apollymi said. "It's fine. "

  But it wasn't fine and she knew it. That fact was etched in the horror on all their faces. More pain stabbed at her.

  Within minutes, they had her prepped. But when Essie went to make the cut, the blade snapped in two.

  The room began to shake.

  Tory screamed as the baby rolled inside her. It was as if he was angry at all of them and taking it out on her.

  The midwives looked hopelessly at each other. "What do we do?"

  Tory's vision dimmed. She was shaking uncontrollably.

  "Do something!" Acheron shouted.

  Essie swallowed. "We don't know what to do. "

  They couldn't take her to a hospital because of the fact that the baby wasn't human. If he were like his father and had mottled blue skin and horns, it was going to be a little difficult to explain.

  Apollymi gestured to Menyara and Acheron. "Use your powers to pull it out. "

  Ash paled even more. "What if it damages the baby?"

  "Oh for goodness sakes, child. The baby will never be left alone and unprotected. " She gestured to the crowded room. "There's not a being here who wouldn't lay their life down for him. He is not you, Apostolos. We don't have to hide him. "

  Pam looked up from the monitors. "Tory's blood pressure's too high. We have to calm her down or she's going to have a stroke. "

  "Calm her down? How?"

  Tory screamed as the baby moved again. It felt like he was trying to rip her in half.

  Kim blanched. "We're going to lose them both. "

  Ash couldn't breathe as he heard those words.

  In all of his extremely long life, he'd never been more terrified. He couldn't lose his wife. He couldn't.

  Hoping he didn't do it wrong, he reached with his powers to pull the baby out.

  Lightning burst in the room, ricocheting all over it. He had to duck to keep from getting blasted.

  Tory screamed even louder.

  And the baby stayed inside her.

  "Oh that's not good," Menyara whispered. She moved him aside. "Let me try. "

  This time, the lightning slammed her into the wall.

  Ash looked at his mother who shook her head. "I've never seen anything like this. "

  Pam turned the monitors toward them. "She can't take much more. "

  Ash met Tory's gaze. The utter agony and terror there stabbed him. What were they going to do?

  "Her heart's failing. "

  Tears welled in his eyes. If she died because of this, because of him, he'd never forgive himself.

  "Call Mom. "

  Ash frowned at Kat. "What?"

  "She's a goddess of childbirth. She was only a few hours old when she delivered Apollo from her own mother. If anyone knows what to do. . . "

  Yes, but she was also his worst enemy. They hated each other. Why would she help?

  And then another fear stabbed him. What if Artemis was doing this? She'd been known to kill women in the throes of labor. Could she hate him so much that she would kill Tory just to get back at him?

  Of course she would

  Tory screamed again.

  Wincing, Ash teleported himself from his home to Artemis's temple on Mount Olympus. He would rather be flayed, which he'd been many times, than come here. Only fear for Tory's life would have him in this hated place.

  Her receiving hall was completely empty. "Artemis!" he called, heading toward her bedroom. If she did have something to do with this, he would turn Simi loose on her. Fate and order be damned.

  Artemis appeared in front of the doors.

  Ash hesitated. There was something different about her. She still had the flawless beauty that had always been hers. The long curly red hair and eyes so green they betrayed her divine status, but there was a serenity to her that had never been there before.

  "Are you all right?" She actually managed to look concerned.

  "Tory. . . " he choked at saying her name as unimaginable fear and pain ripped him apart. "She's in trouble. The baby won't come and she can't survive it. I need your help. "

  Her eyes darkened. "You would dare come here about that after all you've put me through?"

  Oh yeah, there was the old Artemis he knew and hated. No mention of the fact that she'd stood and watched while her brother disemboweled him at her feet. Or of all the times he'd been beaten and humiliated while she watched on.

  But none of that mattered to him.

  Only Tory did.

  Swallowing his pride, he kept the hatred from his gaze. "Please. Whatever price you demand of me, I will pay it. Anything, Artie. Just don't let her die. "

  "She, a pathetic human, really means that much to you?"

  "I would die for her. "

  Artemis pressed her lips together as tears glistened in her eyes. "You loved me like that o
nce. "

  And he'd paid for that love in the most violent ways imaginable. "Please, Artemis. If you ever loved me, don't make Tory pay. I'm the one who wronged you. Not her. "

  A single tear slid down her cheek. "Would you have ever begged for my life?"

  "When I was human. Yes. "

  She reached out and laid her hand on his cheek. "I did love you, Acheron. As I have never loved anything else, other than the child you gave me. And you're right to hate me. Because I'd never loved anything, I didn't know how to take care of it. I didn't know how to take care of you. " She pulled his head down to hers and whispered softly in his ear. "I'm sorry. " She placed her lips to his cheek and kissed it.

  Then she vanished.

  Ash scanned the room, trying to locate her. "Artemis?" Where had she gone? He shoved open the doors to her bedroom. "Artie?"

  Still no answer.

  Had her apology meant that she was sorry she wouldn't help? Terror tore through him.

  What have I done?

  Ash raked his hands through his hair as he fought down his panic and rage. Fine, if Artemis wanted to be a bitch, he'd find some way to save his wife.

  Closing his eyes, he went home.

  And froze in the corner as he saw the most shocking thing of all time.

  Artemis with Tory.

  "That's it, Soteria. Breathe easy. " Artemis had one hand on Tory's forehead while she gently rubbed the other over Tory's stomach. "See how calm he is now?"

  Tory nodded.

  "He feels what you feel. He's trying to protect you both. " Artemis looked at the others. "All of you need to leave. "

  Kat stood up slowly. "Mom. . . "

  "Leave, Katra. The baby wants peace. "

  "We'll be downstairs," Menyara said.

  Ash hesitated. "Am I to leave too?"

  Artemis shook her head. "If you go, you'll always think I've done something to the child to get back at you. Stay and know that I'm not hurting him. "

  One by one, she pulled all the monitoring devices from Tory. Then she cupped Tory's face in her hand.

  "Breathe slow and easy, then push. Not hard, but gently. Let him know that it's safe and that you want him here to be loved. "

  Licking her lips, Tory nodded and did what she ordered.

  "Again. "

  After the fourth time, Artemis went to her feet. Then turned toward Ash. "Come, Acheron. Be the first to welcome your son into his new life. "

  She was right, he was still suspicious of her. All their centuries together, the only thing he'd ever been able to count on was her willingness to hurt him anyway she could.

  But he did as she said. He went to Tory and with one more push, his son slid into his hands.

  For a full minute, he couldn't breathe as he stared at the tiniest, most perfect creature he'd ever seen in his life.

  "Is it a smurf?" Tory asked.

  Ash laughed. Since he was blue in his natural god skin, Tory had been joking with him that she wasn't having a baby, but rather a smurf. Artemis cut and sealed the cord, then took the baby and woke him.

  He let loose a wail that would have shamed Simi.

  Artemis wrapped him in a blanket, then took him to Tory. "Meet your son, Soteria. "

  Tory stared in wonder at the tiny baby who, even now, looked just like her husband. He was perfect in every way. From the top of his head that was covered with blond fuzz to the bottom of his itsy bitsy toes.

  Artemis started to move away.

  Tory took her hand to stop her. Her emotions swelled inside, choking her. "Thank you, Artemis. Thank you. "

  Artemis smiled at her. "I hope he brings you as much happiness and pride as Katra has always brought me. "

  Ash came closer. "Thank you, Artie. "

  She inclined her head to him, then moved to leave.

  "Aren't you forgetting something?"

  She paused at Ash's question. "What?"

  "Your payment. "

  Artemis shook her head. "The happiness on your face when first you touched him was enough. I only wish you'd been there when your daughter was born, but that was my fault. I've had a lifetime of joy, hugs and love from her and you missed all of that because of my stupidity and fear. His life is my gift to both of you. Let's hope the future is much kinder to all of us than the past has been. " And then she was gone.

  Tory stared in confounded disbelief. "What did you do to her?"

  Ash shook his head. "I don't think it was my influence. "

  "Then who? 'Cause that's not the Artemis who came at me over you. "

  Ash shrugged. "I don't know. She's been hanging out with Nick. "

  "Nick? As in I-hate-your-guts-Ash-go-die Nick?"

  He nodded.

  "Whoa. " Tory looked down at her son while he kicked and squirmed. There was no way to describe what she felt in that moment. This was her baby. A part of her and Ash. The best part of them.

  Ash held his hand so that the baby could wrap his tiny hand around his pinky. "So what are we going call him?"

  "Bob. "

  Ash laughed at the name Zarek used for his son because he detested the name Astrid had picked out. "Really?"

  Her smile set his entire world on fire. "No. I think I'd like to name him Sebastos Eudorus. "

  Ash arched a brow at her choice. "Why that?"

  "Sebastos was the name my parents picked out for me, had I been a boy and I always thought it would make a great name for my son. And Eudorus because he was the son of Hermes and Polymele. As a boy he danced in Artemis's chair to celebrate her. When he grew up, he was one of the fiercest, most venerated of Achilles' Myrmidons and Homer wrote more lines about him than anyone else. Plus it means gift of joy, which he is. And while we've had our issues with Artemis, but for her I wouldn't have you and neither of us would have had the baby today. "

  Only his wife would know all of that off the top of her head. Ash laughed. "Sebastos Eudorus Parthenopaeus. He is really going to hate us when he has to learn to spell all that. "

  "Probably, but I think I'll call him Sebastian. That way he can grow up and confuse people with his name just like his father does. "

  "Yeah well, I still haven't figured out how you got Tory out of Soteria. " He leaned down and kissed her gently. "Thank you for my son. "

  Her eyes glistened and the love he saw there never ceased to amaze him. "Thank you for my life. "

  He could stare into her beautiful face all day.

  She patted him lightly on the cheek. "You should probably let the thundering horde in from downstairs. Let them know Artemis didn't kill us. "

  "All right. You sure you're ready?"

  "Absolutely. And before you start posting photos on Facebook for the rest of the Dark-Hunters to see, make sure I have on makeup. "

  He scoffed. "You don't need makeup to be beautiful. "

  "And that's part of why I love you so much. But the rest of the world doesn't look at me through silver swirling eyes. "

  "I love you, Tory. I know I say it a lot, but. . . "

  "I know, baby. I feel the same way about you. Those words never convey what goes through my mind and heart every time I look up and see you sitting in my house. Funny thing is, I always thought my house was full and that there was nothing missing in my life. I had a job I loved. Family who loved me. Good friends to keep me sane. Everything a human could want. And then I met an infuriating, impossible man who added the one thing I didn't know wasn't there. "

  "Dirty socks on the floor?"

  She laughed. "No, the other part of my heart. The last face I see before I go to sleep and the first one I see when I get up. I'm so glad it was you. "

  Those words both thrilled and scared him. Mostly because he knew firsthand that if love went untended it turned into profound hatred. "And I hope you never change your mind about that. "

  "Never. "

  Foolish or not, he believed her. But the one thing he knew for
certain. He would never be able to live without her.

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