Page 16 of The Cash Boy



  No sooner had John Wade parted from our hero than he saw approaching hima dark, sinister-looking man, whom he had known years before.

  "Good-morning, Mr. Wade," said the newcomer.

  "Good-morning, Mr. Graves. Are you busy just now?"

  "No, sir; I am out of employment. I have been unfortunate."

  "Then I will give you a job. Do you see that boy?" said John Wade,rapidly.

  "Yes, I see him."

  "I want you to follow him. Find out where he lives, and let me know thisevening. Do you understand?"

  "I understand. You may rely upon me, sir," answered Nathan Graves; andquickening his pace, he soon came within a hundred feet of our hero.

  After fulfilling his errand, Frank walked downtown again, but did notsucceed in obtaining any further employment. Wherever he went, he wasfollowed by Graves. Unconsciously, he exhausted the patience of thatgentleman, who got heartily tired of his tramp about the streets. Butthe longest day will come to an end, and at last he had the satisfactionof tracking Frank to his humble lodging. Then, and not till then, hefelt justified in leaving him.

  Nathan Graves sought the residence of John Wade. He rang the bell as theclock struck eight.

  "Well, what success?" asked Wade, when they met.

  "I have tracked the boy. What more can I do for you?" asked Graves.

  "I want to get him away from the city. The fact is--I may as well tellyou--my uncle has taken a great fancy to the boy, and might be inducedto adopt him, and cut me off from my rightful inheritance. The boy isan artful young rascal, and has been doing all he could to get into thegood graces of my uncle, who is old and weak-minded."

  It was nine o'clock when Nathan Graves left the house, John Wade himselfaccompanying him to the door.

  "How soon do you think you can carry out my instructions?" asked Wade.

  "To-morrow, if possible."

  "The sooner the better."

  "It is lucky I fell in with him," said Nathan Graves to himself, withsatisfaction, as he slowly walked down Fifth Avenue. "It's a queerbusiness, but that's none of my business. The main thing for me toconsider is that it brings money to my purse, and of that I have needenough."

  Graves left the house richer by a hundred dollars than he entered it.

  It was eleven o'clock on the forenoon of the next day when Frank walkedup Canal Street toward Broadway. He had been down to the wharvessince early in the morning, seeking for employment. He had offered hisservices to many, but as yet had been unable to secure a job.

  As he was walking along a man addressed him:

  "Will you be kind enough to direct me to Broadway?"

  It was Nathan Graves, with whom Frank was destined to have someunpleasant experiences.

  "Straight ahead," answered Frank. "I am going there, and will show you,if you like."

  "Thank you, I wish you would. I live only fifteen or twenty milesdistant," said Graves, "but I don't often come to the city, and am notmuch acquainted. I keep a dry-goods store, but my partner generallycomes here to buy goods. By the way, perhaps you can help me about theerrand that calls me here today."

  "I will, sir, if I can," said Frank, politely.

  "My youngest clerk has just left me, and I want to find a successor--aboy about your age, say. Do you know any one who would like such aposition?"

  "I am out of employment myself just now. Do you think I will suit?"

  "I think you will," said Mr. Graves.

  "You won't object to go into the country?"

  "No, sir."

  "I will give you five dollars a week and your board for the present. Ifyou suit me, your pay will be raised at the end of six months. Will thatbe satisfactory?" asked his companion.

  "Quite so, sir. When do you wish me to come?"

  "Can you go out with me this afternoon?"

  "Yes, sir. I only want to go home and pack up my trunk."

  "To save time, I will go with you, and we will start as soon aspossible."

  Nathan Graves accompanied Frank to his room, where his scanty wardrobewas soon packed. A hack was called, and they were speedily on their wayto the Cortland Street ferry.

  They crossed the ferry, and Mr. Graves purchased two tickets toElizabeth. He bought a paper, and occupied himself in reading. Frankfelt that fortune had begun to shine upon him once more. By and by, hecould send for Grace, and get her boarded near him. As soon as his wageswere raised, he determined to do this. While engaged in these pleasantspeculations, they reached the station.

  "We get out here," said Mr. Graves.

  "Is your store in this place?" asked Frank.

  "No; it is in the next town."

  Nathan Graves looked about him for a conveyance. He finally drove abargain with a man driving a shabby-looking vehicle, and the two tooktheir seats.

  They were driven about six miles through a flat, unpicturesque country,when they reached a branch road leading away from the main one.

  It was a narrow road, and apparently not much frequented. Frank couldsee no houses on either side.

  "Is your store on this road?" he asked.

  "Oh, no; but I am not going to the store yet. We will go to my house,and leave your trunk."

  At length the wagon stopped, by Graves' orders, in front of a gatehanging loosely by one hinge.

  "We'll get out here," said Graves.

  Frank looked with some curiosity, and some disappointment, at his futurehome. It was a square, unpainted house, discolored by time, and lookedfar from attractive. There were no outward signs of occupation, andeverything about it appeared to have fallen into decay. Not far off wasa barn, looking even more dilapidated than the house.

  At the front door, instead of knocking--there was no bell--Graves drewa rusty key from his pocket and inserted it in the lock. They foundthemselves in a small entry, uncarpeted and dingy.

  "We'll go upstairs," said Graves.

  Arrived on the landing, he threw open a door, and ushered in our hero.

  "This will be your room," he said.

  Frank looked around in dismay.

  It was a large, square room, uncarpeted, and containing only a bed, twochairs and a washstand, all of the cheapest and rudest manufacture.

  "I hope you will soon feel at home here," said Graves. "I'll go down andsee if I can find something to eat."

  He went out, locking the door behind him

  "What does this mean?" thought Frank, with a strange sensation.