Page 1 of Dirty Royals

  Dirty Royals

  Michelle A Valentine






  Also by Michelle A Valentine

  1. NYC Bound

  2. Rough Air

  3. Unexpected Welcome

  4. Through the Darkness

  5. Late Night Rendezvous

  6. Shall We Dance

  7. Crash and Burn

  8. I Should’ve Known Better

  9. It Must’ve Been Love

  10. New Game Plan

  11. Getting The Girl

  12. Unexpected Surprise

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2016 by Michelle A. Valentine Books, LLC

  Published by: Michelle A. Valentine Books, LLC

  E-Book Edition

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Art by:

  Romantic Book Affairs Designs

  (stock photos purchased)

  Edited by:

  Editing for Indies

  Holly Malgieri, Holly’s Red Hot Reviews

  The edition is written by Michelle A. Valentine Books, LLC. No reproduction or utilization of this edition is allowed without the written permission of the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental

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  This book is intended for an adult audience due to strong language and naughty sexual situations.

  T o My Readers,

  Thank you for giving the Naughty King a chance!


  Also by Michelle A Valentine

  The Black Falcon Series








  The Collectors Series



  A Sexy Manhattan Fairytale




  The Hard Knocks Series



  Stand Alone Romance Novels


  NYC Bound

  Chapter 1


  I stand there frozen in place—unable to move a muscle or tear myself away from Alexander’s embrace. Time slips away as Alexander holds me tightly against his chest. Right now, I need someone to hold me. I’ve been stunned since Mother phoned to inform me Daddy passed away. My brain can’t comprehend that I’ll never see my father again.

  The doctors have been warning Daddy to change his lifestyle—to cut back on the high cholesterol foods, reduce his stress and exercise—but he loved to indulge and didn’t seem capable of following his physician’s health plan. It eats me up to know that if he had listened, he could’ve avoided the massive heart attack that suddenly ended his life.

  God, this doesn’t even seem real.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Alexander’s tone is soft and kind—a definite change from the condescending attitude I’m used to getting from him.

  I sniff as I pull back from his embrace. “Yes. Can you get me back to New York as soon as possible?”

  He gazes at my face for a long moment before reaching up and swiping a tear off my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “I’ll make the call for the chopper.”

  “Thank you.”

  He stares deeply into my eyes, and I see a rare glimpse of sincerity in his expression. “I’m really sorry, Margo. Losing my father was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through, so I know how you’re feeling. I still miss him like crazy every day, and I want you to know that I’m here for you—anything you need, I’m at your service.”

  Knowing he can relate to what I’m going through makes me feel even closer to him. This pain isn’t something I’d wish on my worst enemy. “My heart hurts so badly. I don’t think I can make it through this.”

  Alexander’s lips turn down into a tight frown. “The pain always stays with you, but I’ve learned to embrace it, as will you. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever known, Margo. You will make it through this, and I’ll be there for you to lean on if you let me. The physical pain I feel from losing my father is the one thing that helps me hold on to his memory. It’s a reminder that I had the privilege of knowing one of the greatest men on the planet was my father. I know you loved yours just as fiercely, so hold the good memories of him close.”

  Hearing Alexander speak so fondly of his father gives me insight into how deep of a connection he had with his dad. I can see how we really aren’t that different. Alexander takes my hand and raises it to his lips before placing a soft kiss on my skin. “Let’s go back to the main house and find out where Yamada put our luggage. It might take the pilot a while to make it back to get us.”

  I nod. Suddenly, I feel grateful Alexander is by my side right now so I don’t feel so alone in my grief.

  He keeps a tight grip on my hand as we walk up the secluded path back to the house where the party is still in full swing. Hanging out with a bunch of people I don’t even know isn’t something I’m up to at the moment. As it is, it’s taking everything in me to hold the tears back that teeter in my eyes.

  “Keep a lookout for Yamada. He has to be around here somewhere.”

  I glance around, scanning the sea of faces, and my eyes land on Jess. She doesn’t attempt to hide that she’s staring me down, and the smirk on her face makes me think she enjoys the idea of me being upset. No doubt she believes my jealousy of her is the cause for these tears in my eyes.

  Alexander stills next to me, and when I follow his line of sight he’s looking at Jess. He appears to be angry at the very sight of her and the urge to comfort him comes over me.

  I tug on his hand. “Forget about her. Don’t let her get to you.”

  “She pisses me the hell off. I don’t know why she insists on ruining things for me. It’s like she doesn’t want to see me happy.”

  “Why is she even here?” I ask, curious.

  “She’s here to spy on us for her father who sits on the board of my company. She’s out to gather intel and prove that I don’t really love you, so her father and the board can overthrow my decisions.”

  My heart squeezes. I know our marriage is one hundred percent fake, but over the past couple of weeks, since we’ve been pretending to be the real deal, I’ve grown rather fond of Alexander King. So much so that my chest physically hurts when the idea of no longer being with him crosses my mind. I know it’s silly to even entertain the idea that Alexander feels as deeply about me as I do for him. However, it would be nice to know exactly where his head is at re
garding our relationship.

  “Do you think she’s convinced we’re in love?”

  He stares down at me and then touches my cheek. “I think anyone who has ever witnessed the way I look at you would be convinced that I feel something for you.”

  His words wrap around my brain and I lick my lips slowly, not wanting to let this topic go just yet. “Do you think people will have the same reaction when they see the way I look at you?”

  His cool gray eyes bore into mine. “If they see what I see right now, they’ll believe it.”

  “Do you?” My question comes out just above a whisper, and I can’t believe we’re having such a deep conversation in the middle of a crowded party. More than anything, I want to know if there’s a chance he feels even remotely as I do because my heart can’t take any additional damage right now.

  His Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows hard. “Margo…I—”

  “Madafakas! Where you been?” Yamada’s inquiry instantly stops Alexander’s confession. “Yamada is ready to bring out the wedding cake. Bitches be hungry around here. Yamada already had to smack a hottie’s hand for sticking a finger in the icing for a little taste.”

  I whip my gaze over to Yamada while Alexander sighs next to me.

  “Sorry, buddy, but we won’t have any time for more partying. We need to leave as soon as possible.”

  “Leave? What you talking about? Did you not hear what Yamada said? There’s cake.”

  “I heard, but we really have to return to Manhattan as quickly as possible.”

  Yamada adjusts the white, flat-billed cap on the top of his head. “Aww, man—but Yamada threw you and Dime Piece this bomb party to celebrate your wedding and to prove your love is real.”

  A perfectly manicured female hand slides over Yamada’s shoulder and Jess slinks up to his side. “Did you say real love?”

  Alexander stiffens and his eyes narrow as he stares at his ex. She seems to love inserting herself into any situation concerning Alexander while she’s around.

  “No one asked you, Jess, so fuck off,” Alexander says.

  Her lips turn down into a dramatic pout. “I’m only looking out for you, sweetie. I just can’t let any woman come around and get her hooks into you.”

  “You mean the way you had yours in me?” Alexander fires back in a sharp tone.

  “Dime Piece isn’t like that, Jess. She’s the real deal and cares for King. Yamada can tell when it comes to matters of the heart.”

  Jess pats Yamada on the chest. “I think you’re wrong this time.”

  He shakes his head. “Yamada never wrong—always right. Yamada a smart madafaka.”

  Unable to take any more of Jess’ shit, I shove my hand into my hair to push it away from my face. “Look, Jess. I don’t know you, but I don’t like you, and you need to stay the hell away from Alexander and me. What we do is none of your concern.”

  A wicked smile crosses Jess’ lips. “That’s where you’re wrong. When it comes to Alexander, it is my business. He’s mine, and I refuse to let some spoiled little daddy’s girl take away what belongs to me.”

  The mere mention of my father sends me into a blind rage, and I instantly lunge for her, but Alexander quickly restrains me, keeping me from getting my hands on her.

  “Let me go!” I order.

  Alexander refuses to loosen his hold on me. “She’s not worth it. Trust me.”

  He takes a step back, pulling me with him. “Come on. Don’t give her what she wants. She’s only doing this to get to you.”

  I stare up at him, knowing he’s absolutely correct. My brain just isn’t thinking clearly. I cannot allow her to get under my skin and cause me to act irrationally.

  My eyes flit to Yamada. “Can you tell me where our things are? I have to get back to New York. There’s an emergency I must attend to.”

  “In the honeymoon suite—the best room on the island. Come.” Yamada steps away from Jess. “Yamada show you the way.”

  Alexander places his hand on the small of my back as we follow Yamada through the crowds of dancing people.

  It’s comforting. It’s nice not to feel so alone on what is unquestionably the worst day of my life. I just never dreamed in a million years the one person who would be my rock in life would be the Naughty King.

  Rough Air

  Chapter 2


  The helicopter arrives within the hour, and I help Margo inside. It’s difficult for me to even look at her without feeling a bit choked up. Even though it’s been years now, the pain of losing my own father still feels so fresh. When he died, the carefree world as I knew it left along with him. I had to grow up and figure out how to balance the weight of the money-making empire that was left for me to run against finishing my last year and a half of college and becoming the caretaker of my baby sister.

  Margo may not have a sibling to raise, but she will have to rely on herself when it comes to taking care of Buchanan Industries, and that alone will extremely rough.

  I will only complicate everything for her.

  My agenda hasn’t always been on the up and up. Even now, I know Buchanan Industries is at its weakest, and the business shark in me wants to move in for the kill. But I know when I do, that’ll be the end of my relationship with Margo.

  I’ve never felt this fucking conflicted over a business deal.

  No matter how I feel about her—how much I crave the taste of her on my tongue—being with her will end. When she figures out that I still plan to tear her company apart and sell it off piece by piece to the highest bidder to benefit the King Corporation, she’ll never give me the time of day again. It’s a cold, hard fact I’m going to have to deal with, which is why I must put some distance between us…and soon. I just don’t know if I’m going to be strong enough to walk away from her when the time comes.

  “Alexander! Wait!” The sound of Diem’s voice catches my attention before I have the chance to get into the chopper.

  I turn in time to see my sister jumping out of a Jeep with Jack on her heels.

  “What is it?” I shout as she approaches me.

  The wind from the swirling blades whips Diem’s blond hair in her face. “Jack and I are heading back to New York with you.”

  My eyes slide to my best friend. More than anything, I want to get back into what’s going on between them, but I know now is not the time or place.

  I nod and hold out my hand to help her inside. “Come on, then.”

  After she’s inside, I take her suitcase from Jack and hand it inside to a member of the crew before I throw my hand into Jack’s chest. “You’re not getting into this chopper. You’re going to turn around and put some fucking space between you and my sister, understand?”

  The muscle in Jack’s jaw flexes as he meets my stare. He knows I’m pissed about the little scene between him and my sister earlier. It wasn’t just my fucking imagination and I’m putting a stop to this bullshit right now.

  Jack knows me well enough to know I won’t allow one of my best friends to date my innocent little sister. Especially, a friend I know who gets around just as much as I do.

  No way in hell will I allow Jack to group Diem in with the rest of the loose-legged women he fucks from the Upper East Side.

  “You’re really not going to let me come with you?” Jack’s question is heated, but he knows better than to try me when I’m heated.

  “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you on here. Whatever was going on between the two of you is now over. Get back in the jeep and I’ll send the chopper and jet back for you.”

  Jack’s mouth falls open. “Come on, Alexander. Don’t—”

  My eyes narrow and Jack instantly throws his hands in the air and takes a step back. “Whatever man. You explain to Diem why I’m not coming then.”

  “I don’t have to explain shit,” I yell before I hoist myself up into the aircraft.

  The door slams shut behind me and I slap the communication headphones on my head.

  Diem stares at me with wide eyes. “Where’s Jack?”

  Her voice cuts through the noise as the chopper lifts off the ground and I know there’s no way of avoiding explaining things to her.

  “I told him to stay behind and take care of a few things,” I say to appease her.

  Within a few minutes, Yamada’s island, along with the party that’s celebrating our wedding, is nothing more than a speck behind us.

  No one says anything, and my suspicions are on high alert as my sight zeroes in Diem, who sits across from me. Her body language speaks volumes about how pissed at me she is right now. I wonder how long whatever this is between them has been going on for and how the fuck did I miss the signs.

  A soft sob echoes into my headphones, pulling me away from my thoughts and refocusing my attention on Margo. She bites her lower lip as she covers her mouth with her hand, attempting to hide her emotions from the rest of us.

  Margo Buchanan is a strong woman, but even she can’t conceal how much pain she’s in now. I reach over and take her hand, threading our fingers together so she knows I’m here for her. When my father died, I reached out to Jess for support in the toughest time of my life, and she did nothing but break my heart even more. The day my father died, Jess left me for the tennis pro, shredding my heart in the process and hardening me to the world. I see a lot of myself in Margo, and I don’t want to ruin her chance of finding love by being an insensitive dick.

  Not all men are bastards like me. I’m a rare breed.

  I do want her to find happiness in the future because I care about her that much.

  I want her to know that I’m here for her—that I know what this pain is like—and for now, that means calling a business truce.

  Margo stares down at our intertwined fingers as she bats away her falling tears with her other hand.