When they finished the game of tag and one of the moms handed out chocolate bars to each of the players, Eric got two for being the best sport. He smiled, thanking the mom, then stalked toward Pepper, still smiling.

  When he reached her, she offered her most serious look. “That was cheating.”

  “What? Giving Robby a boost? He needed a little help.” Eric gave her a devil of a smile and one of his candy bars.

  “That was sweet of you.” Then she folded her arms. “I just heard about your house. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Half my pack is taking care of it for me. They said I’d just be in the way.”

  Pepper didn’t believe it.

  “Why do you think I wanted to stay here?”

  “That’s not the reason. How bad is the fire damage?”

  He sighed. “It’ll take a couple of months to rebuild the damaged parts. I’ll stay with Sarandon while the work is being done.”

  “You don’t seem to be too upset with it.”

  “Oh, I am. Believe me. But there’s nothing to be done about it right this instant. I just want to make sure Waldron doesn’t do something like that to your homes. Or the forest. I wouldn’t put that past him if he thinks he’s lost the chance to be with you and wants to take revenge and then leave the area. Maybe that’s what he did at his last location. Do you know where they’re staying now?”

  “No. I don’t know if they’re renting or have bought, or where they are staying exactly.”

  “Next time we catch sight of any of them, we’ll follow them if we can. Trevor tried to follow the Fairhaven boys home, but they ended up going to a pizza place and another five places after that—video game archive, the park finally—and then hiked around for a couple of hours. Trevor couldn’t stay with them the rest of the day and night and finally returned to Silver Town.”

  “What about learning the boys’ home address when they were incarcerated?”

  “All they had was the Idaho one. They hadn’t updated their driver’s licenses yet.”

  She thought maybe she or some of her people could track down Waldron’s residence if they chanced to see any of his pack members. “I can’t believe anyone would do that to your home and the other places. Are you sure you don’t want someone else to stay with me while you go home and check out your place?”

  “Are you kidding?”

  She smiled at the inference. “All right. Well, if you’re ready to go home, I’m ready.” She said good night as everyone began loading the cars with games and food and kids. Then she led Eric to her back deck off the one-story house with views of the forest in all directions.

  Eric was glad he’d been able to convince Pepper to allow him to stay with her, and not just because he wanted to protect her and her pack. He hoped this would help pave the way for a courtship. Before he’d met her, he couldn’t imagine feeling about a woman the way he did about Pepper. Yet in the two weeks that he’d had to wait for the packs to gather for the festivities, he’d dreamed about kissing her, about getting to know her, about her getting to know him in return. And he had every intention of showing her he could give her some space, while at the same time letting her know how interested he truly was in her.

  Once Eric had felt better, he and several other Silver pack members had tried to track down the wolves growing marijuana. They hadn’t had any success yet. Eric had voiced his concern to Darien and Lelandi that the rogue wolves no doubt knew wolves had found their growing patches, and the rogues would now be wearing hunter’s scents, making it impossible for another wolf to trace them. None of the Silver pack wolves had found any more sites where the plants were growing. But as many acres as there were, that didn’t mean there weren’t more.

  Although they’d smelled the strong odor of the cannabis from a distance, he and the others hadn’t found any of the trash that humans created in running illegal marijuana farms either. The wolves were sneakier. They probably assumed that if scent hounds were used to pick up their scents, they would find only wolves in the area. But now with wolves tracking them down? Whoever they were, they had to be angry Eric and his people were “stealing” their stash.

  He just wished they could catch the culprits. He’d been on the lookout, scent-wise, while he was at the gathering, trying to learn if any of Pepper’s wolves had been at any of the marijuana sites. He hadn’t noticed any here, which relieved him. The wolf who had been at the campsite had probably been there after the pack left.

  It was time to mention the situation to Pepper so she could ensure her people were careful if they visited the park and ran into the rogue wolves. “I wanted to talk to you about something I’ve been investigating off duty.”

  She frowned at him. “Sounds ominous.”

  “It’s dangerous—for anyone who might run across the wolves. I discovered some were growing marijuana patches in hard-to-reach places.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped a bit. Then she frowned. “Not my wolves.”

  “No. I’ve smelled several wolves at the locations, but none match your wolves’ scents.”

  She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. “Wait, you thought they were some of mine?”

  He swore if she’d been wearing her wolf coat, she would have growled and snapped her wickedly beautiful teeth at him.

  “I smelled a wolf that had carried the scent of marijuana through your campsite. But since Waldron had been through there too, it might have been one of the men in his pack. Still, I have no hard evidence his pack is involved.”

  “Except we don’t know if he has a job.” Her lips parted and then she frowned again. “Ohmigod. This is really serious business. What if he wanted my land to grow the pot on?”

  “I wondered the same thing. But I wanted to let you know in case any of your people encounter wolves that could be involved. I don’t want anyone in your pack to get hurt.”

  “Maybe I should try to see Waldron and learn what I can.”

  Now Eric frowned at her. “No way.”

  She let out her breath. “All right. My people aren’t involved in this, just for your information if you have any doubt. But thanks for telling me. I’ll warn them.”

  He thought that went over well, considering he had been trying to determine if any of her people were involved. When her deck and stone patio came into view, what really got his attention was the hot tub built into the deck and the sun now setting, its pink-and-purple coloring reflecting in the blue water.

  “Nice,” he said, thinking he’d like to add something like that to his place. “Must be great when you want to unwind.”

  “It is. And it’s fun to sit out here when the snow is piled up around it.”

  He could just imagine how enjoyable that would be—especially if he got to join Pepper in the tub. “With the remodeling I’m going to have to do, I’ll have to check into getting something like this.”

  “Feel free to use it while you’re here tonight.”

  “I’m here to protect and serve.”

  “When you want to take a break. Just don’t swim in it as a wolf.”

  “No fur allowed in the hot tub. Gotcha.”

  She smiled, took him inside the house, and showed him the spare bedroom and bathroom. She had said he was supposed to be sleeping on the enclosed porch. He didn’t comment, glad she had changed her mind about that.

  “Did you need anything? Spare toothbrush, toothpaste?”

  “I always carry an overnight bag with me in my truck in case of emergencies. I’ll just grab it and go for a patrol.”

  She looked a little surprised, but he meant what he said. His business here was to protect her and her pack.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to go. I’ll join you.”

  “All right.” It was her forest, her territory, but he didn’t even want to think what would happen if they ran into some of Waldron’
s wolves in the area.

  After he had stripped and shifted in the guest room, he found her waiting for him outside his door in her wolf form—her face framed with black and brown guard hairs, her muzzle ivory, a dark saddle on her back, and golden fur on her legs and chest. Beautiful.

  She had the most intense look of any she-wolf he’d ever met. If he hadn’t been just as alpha as her, he believed he would have found her gaze intimidating.

  He smiled, showing off his wolf canines, wanting her to know just how much he liked what he saw, and that he wasn’t intimidated in the least.

  She cocked her head to the side a little, as if trying to read his behavior. He couldn’t help the way he saw her, and he wanted to show his attraction. He could tell himself he wasn’t interested in her, but it wouldn’t be true. It had nothing to do with her running a pack. And all to do with what he saw in her. Someone who genuinely cared about her people and others, about the natural habitat and its survival, about taking charge without being brutish. She had a quiet strength that made her all the more appealing. She didn’t appear to be a wolf to challenge either. He wondered if her mate had appreciated her for it. He must have. She didn’t seem to be the kind of wolf who would just mate with any wolf.

  But it made him wonder what her mate had been like. How different Eric and her mate were, besides that he had been a beta. Eric realized he’d never thought in such terms before—wondering if a she-wolf would like him as well or better than another wolf.

  In the case of his lost mate, he hadn’t had any competition. But he had found himself comparing her to Pepper. His mate had been loving and vivacious, daring and fun to be with. A beta. She hadn’t had a care in the world. Not like Pepper did. And that made her seem so much more serious, circumspect. Even when the packs were playing together, she watched everyone. If he hadn’t commented about her lack of skills at playing volleyball and how he could help her, and if he hadn’t taken her hand and led her in the dance, he knew she wouldn’t have joined him. He was grateful she had.

  As far as the kisses went, those were totally unplanned. But now when he dreamed about kissing her, it would be for real.

  Even now as they explored the woods and searched for any sign of other wolves—other than his pack or hers—he noticed that though she was staying close by, which he was glad for, she was concentrating on the mission and not watching him like he was watching her.

  He couldn’t stop observing her because he was so enamored with her, but in addition, he was fascinated with her process—the way she was so focused and so thorough. At the same time, he was ensuring that he followed her lead and making sure he didn’t lose sight of her. With their enhanced senses, wolves could easily multitask.

  At that moment, he realized how nice it would be if she wasn’t the leader of a pack but just a wolf he’d like to pursue. She wouldn’t be worrying about him with her pack then.

  Suddenly, she raised her head and perked her ears, her tail held out straight behind her. He looked in the direction she was watching, listening for any sound she might have heard, smelling the air for any scent she might have gotten a whiff of.

  Another wolf, but it was from her pack. She barked and the wolf appeared from the woods, then headed for them. A big beige male, Richard, the same one who had taken charge when Eric carried Susan to the cabin. He was eyeing Eric warily, but then he must have smelled him and he relaxed considerably. Richard must have been out checking the forest, making sure that everything was all right without telling Pepper, or Eric was certain that she would have let him in on the situation.

  Richard greeted her, head bowed a little.

  The wolf waited, as if getting permission to continue what he’d been doing. Pepper woofed and nodded. He headed out and Eric continued searching her territory with her, ensuring no other wolves had been around. He was surprised none had been. He had expected to smell some sign of one or two investigating what was going on between the Silver pack and hers. Maybe Waldron’s pack members were afraid some of the Silver wolves had stayed with Pepper’s pack after the Silver Town buildings were burned.

  * * *

  Pepper, meanwhile, was trying hard to concentrate on searching for any sign of Waldron or his wolves, but she kept getting glimpses of Eric and catching him watching her. God, he was hot. The way he’d danced with her, up close and totally personal… She wanted more of his attention, to feel alive like that again. She didn’t want to appear desperate, but ohmigod, he was one hunk of a wolf.

  He seemed to be curious about her. He might think she was meek and mild-mannered from her behavior around her wolves and his, but her wolves knew better. If she was faced with real danger, she wouldn’t hesitate to take care of it in the most ferocious way, if necessary.

  She was glad he was running with her tonight. Though he was keeping an eye on her, it wasn’t in a way that made her think he didn’t believe she could manage on her own. She had been surprised to see Richard Oglesby checking out the area without mentioning it to her, but she was glad he was being vigilant too.

  For two hours, she and Eric crisscrossed the area, looking for any sign of Waldron or his men. Yes, they’d been here, but not recently. Even so, it annoyed her to think they had been in her territory without her permission. She also smelled the Fairhaven boys’ scent and hoped Darien would convince them to join the Silver pack so they could learn to be good wolf citizens and not get into trouble in the future.

  When she and Eric returned to her house, he shifted and changed in the guest bedroom while she did the same in her room. Then he joined her in the kitchen.

  “Would you like some wine?” she asked as a way to unwind after the nicest day she’d had in a long time.

  “Love some.”

  She knew what she was doing. She was thanking him for staying to protect her pack, even when his own place was damaged. She was saying she was willing to consider seeing him further. She’d decided it once she learned he was more concerned about her pack’s safety than the condition of his house. Well, and because of how he’d tilted her world on its axis twice at the gathering with the way he kissed and touched her, promising more.

  She didn’t want Waldron harming Eric if she started seeing him socially. On the other hand, she wasn’t about to take any crap from Waldron and bow down to his need to control what she did. As long as Eric thought he could manage the repercussions, she would give him a chance.

  She took two wineglasses and he brought the bottle of wine.

  “At least none of his people were wandering around your place during the gathering,” Eric said, following her outside to the patio.

  “I agree. Maybe they were afraid, with the number of your people and mine, they wouldn’t stand a chance of causing a scene.” She lit a fire in the fire pit next to the deck of the hot tub, and as the night air cooled, they gazed at the stars dotting the black sky above.

  “I’ve got to say, this is really nice.” Eric poured them each a glass of wine and then they settled on chaise lounges. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “It’s really nice in the winter, and I love it on summer nights like this too. Sometimes I just sit out here and stargaze.”

  “As a wolf?”

  “Sure. Sometimes. It’s really peaceful, no sounds of people intruding. Just nature. I love it.”

  “Yet your pack members all have homes scattered throughout the woods. So no one’s very far away.”

  “True, which is convenient, but the woods make it seem as though I’m all alone out here.” Which in a way she was. “Do you ever wish things had turned out differently and you were the leader of Silver Town’s wolf pack?” She still couldn’t believe Eric would be truly happy unless he were running a pack. He wasn’t even a sub-leader because Darien’s own two brothers were.


  She studied his serious expression and thought he was being honest with her. She sipped som
e of her wine. “Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

  “It’s true. Just think of it. I get all the excitement and adventure I need being a park ranger. When I’m through with my shift, I can chill out. Unless the pack needs me for something. Otherwise, I can take off when I want to. Darien can deal with all the headaches of running a pack.”

  “True.” But she still didn’t believe that if given a choice, Eric wouldn’t want to jump in and be the one to deal with all the “headaches.”

  Eric leaned back in the chair, relaxed, looking perfectly content and sexy in his shorts and muscle shirt, and studied the water in the tub. “What about you? Do you ever wish your life had been simpler? That you were just one of the followers, not the leader responsible for the safety and welfare of your pack?”

  “Nope. I’m perfectly happy with what I do.”

  “When was the last time you took a real vacation away from here?”

  Never, she realized, not that it bothered her. “If I wanted to take one, I would.”

  “Now to me, that’s hard to believe.”

  She smiled. That was true. She didn’t feel the need, but she also worried about her people. “When was the last time you took a vacation someplace you’ve always wanted to go?”

  He shook his head.

  “So where have you always dreamed of going?”

  “Hawaii. Just once I’d like to run through a rain forest as a wolf, disappearing into a world that most can never see. What about you? If you weren’t afraid of leaving your pack behind, where would your dream vacation be?”

  “Scotland. I’d like to stay in a Scottish castle and run all over the mountains as a wolf.” Pepper leaned back on the chaise lounge. “Eric, are you sure you don’t want to go home and guard your place? I really don’t believe Waldron or his people are going to hassle us. We’ll be fine.”

  “Sarandon and my other brothers are taking care of it. CJ, the sheriff, and the other deputy are taking turns watching over it in case someone tries something else. I really don’t want to see it right now.”

  “You mean because you’d want to retaliate?” She would, if it had been her property.