“I got them puzzles.” She suspected as active as the boys were, they’d love the balls more.

  “Perfect. You’ve given them something to stimulate their brains, and me—”

  “Their brawn.” Speaking of brawn, she wouldn’t mind seeing more of Eric’s brawny side again, and with that in mind, she was planning a trip to the hot tub after the party.

  Then they were off to Pauline’s birthday party for the boys.

  “They’re my nephews,” Pepper explained on the way over. “They’re good kids, but they can be a handful sometimes. We have a number of pack members who take them in to help with schooling or playdates at various times of the week so everyone can get a break and play with and teach the kids.”

  “I take it Pauline lost her mate?”

  “Yes. Three years ago. She’s…an alpha. So sometimes I have to remind her that she’s one of my pack members, not a sub-leader and not the leader. I do it in a subtle way. She’s so not like her brother was. I love her, but I just have to be firm with her. I could never have given her the role of being a sub-leader, or she would have thought anything she said was the law.”

  “Do you feel that she wouldn’t like it if you took another mate?”

  “I’ve considered it, yes. She was close to her brother and glad I had mated him. I think it filled a need for her to be able to say she was connected to the leaders in a family way. She was just as upset as the rest of us when the wolf killed him. If I hadn’t taken the wolf down, she would have. I’m really close to my nephews, so I would love it if they grew up in the pack. But I really think she needs a mate of her own.”

  “Was her mate an alpha or beta?”

  “Beta. She needed someone to boss around.”

  Eric cleared his throat. “If my observations were correct, she’s looking at prospects in the Silver pack. Which could be a good thing. We have a lot of bachelor males, and it’s not that far away from your pack. If one of our males mates her and moves here, he’ll still be close enough to family in Silver Town. Same if she moved to be with him.”

  “I have to admit that troubles me a little. It’s inevitable and it shouldn’t bother me, but I have had some concerns about that.”

  “About her moving?”

  “About several of my people finding mates among your pack and all moving away.”

  He smiled. “I don’t think you’d find that happening. At least with me, I’d be moving right in. If the wolf were agreeable.”

  She smiled back at him but didn’t comment as she parked the car and hurried to get her gifts for the boys. She was still thinking about Eric wearing her apron, only she envisioned him not wearing anything else.

  The birthday party was a great success. Pepper couldn’t help but notice that the adults seemed curious about Eric staying with her. They asked him many more questions about his job and listened to some of the exciting stuff he’d had to deal with as a park ranger, while keeping an eye on the kids and making sure everyone was playing nicely. She thought her pack members figured they should get to know him better in case he ended up being a permanent member of the pack—as their alpha male leader.

  She normally didn’t hesitate when deciding she needed to move forward on something. But this was different. Mating with him would change her life, her pack’s life, and his. She couldn’t be too impulsive in determining this. Yet she was sure leaning in that direction.

  One of the boys, Matthew, the redhead, talked Pauline into turning into a wolf so he could test out the wolf ball. And then the other boy, Adair, his towheaded brother, shifted, just as eager to see if he could get the ball away from his brother. They were always doing that: Matthew, the more alpha, always took the lead to try things out.

  During the party, Pepper hadn’t acted like she was courting Eric, but she noticed everyone watching the two of them whenever they moved together, spoke with each other, or interacted with each other. Her people could guess from their verbal and physical actions and reactions just where this was headed. Unless something big happened to change their minds.

  Eric acted like she did, not possessively toward her, just sociable and casual. And yet everyone knew there wasn’t anything casual about their interest in each other. Wolf scents would prove it. And the way she and he smiled at each other said much more. Or the way they touched when she handed him a plate of cake, or he brushed his hand against hers when he offered her a cup of punch. Just the fact that they were serving each other showed a mutual respect and a hint of something more.

  Yet they hadn’t declared anything officially yet.

  The Fairhaven boys were there too, and Pepper was pleased to see them shift into wolves and play in a way that showed they knew how to interact with younger kids. She thought the boys would do all right with the pack. It really was important that the pack members supported one another.

  When it was time for everyone to leave, they said their good-byes. Pauline went out of her way to thank Eric for coming and giving the boys gifts for their birthday. “The wolf balls really drew all the kids together, more than any other gift. To me, that was pure genius.”

  Eric smiled. “Sometimes the simplest toys can be the best. When my brothers and I were that age, that’s what we had the most fun with. And got the most exercise out of too. I’m glad they enjoyed playing with the other kids, and they all joined in on the fun. Thank you for inviting me at the last minute.”

  “We all benefitted from you coming.” Pauline glanced at Pepper. “Thanks for asking if Eric could come. I think you’ve found a real winner there.” And her genuine smile made all the difference in the world to Pepper.

  With tears in both their eyes, Pepper hugged Pauline. Both had been devastated when their mates died. Pauline’s husband had been killed in a car accident while driving on an icy road through the mountains. He’d been perfect for her, and she’d been shattered. Pepper wondered if Pauline would really look closely at some of the Silver pack members and find a mate of her own.

  Most of all, she was glad that Pauline didn’t seem to harbor any hard feelings about Pepper being interested in Eric. She wanted to tell Pauline that if she found a mate, Pepper hoped the two of them would stay with her pack.

  When Pepper and Eric returned to her house that night for champagne and a dip in the hot tub, she knew he was ready for this, the grown-up part of the night, every bit as much as she was. She dressed in her shimmering blue bathing suit that showed off the swell of her breasts and was cut high on the thigh—super tantalizing for a she-wolf who wanted to catch a he-wolf’s attention. She suspected anything she wore would prove sexy to him. He wore black briefs, since he hadn’t known he’d be enjoying a hot tub night with her, looking perfectly hot as she grabbed a couple of beach towels and tossed them on a cushioned bench chest.

  With their glasses sitting on the drink tables next to the tub, Pepper settled back into the hot bubbles and finally relaxed. Even though she’d picked up candles, she didn’t use them, afraid it might seem a little overboard at this point. Later, she could use them, if she felt she needed the extra romantic touch.

  “About the courting…” He raised his brows a little, a smile settling on his lips. He looked like he was ready for more than just talking about it.

  “Right. I was considering what you said—about running a pack and all the trouble that could entail. Do you really feel that way?” She had decided if she did take another mate, he wouldn’t be a follower like Harold. She wanted someone who would help in the decision making. Not take charge and leave her out of the plans either, but someone who was more of an equal partner.

  Eric sighed. “Sometimes. But you must feel that way sometimes too.”

  “I do.” A pack was a lot of work, and so were the businesses they ran. Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if she were free to do her own thing. But then she’d be working for others, and she really did love being in char

  He studied her as a couple of solar lamps cast a soft glow over them and the water, and she couldn’t think of a more perfect setting.

  “Just think,” Eric said, “if you and I could simply see each other like this. You wouldn’t be worried about an alpha male taking over the pack, and I wouldn’t be worried about how you’d view me because of it.”

  She let out her breath on a heavy sigh, knowing this discussion was important, but wanting to have a romantic night. “You’re a leader at heart. Every time I see the way you act and react to situations, I know you are. Even tonight with something as simple as picking up balls for the kids’ birthday party. I think part of the reason they loved them so much is not because of the toy, but because you picked it out for them. They loved you when you were playing tag with them at the social gathering. You have a real knack with kids of all ages.” And with her.

  “True, I do seem to have leadership ability and I won’t deny it. But when I returned with my brothers to the Silver pack, I realized being a follower wasn’t so bad.”

  “Even if you’re not the leader of a wolf pack, you still tell park visitors what to do. When you go to rescue people or find them, you take charge.”

  He smiled. “When I met you, I realized how much more there is to life than leading a pack. I like the way you run your pack. You do a great job with it. You really don’t need a mate to help.”

  “You’re right. But I would want my mate to be just as active in running things as I am. If you had a say in the way things are accomplished with the pack, you might want them done differently.”

  “If I can see something might be better by doing it a different way, I’d certainly mention it. That’s how Darien and Lelandi run the Silver pack. I think pack members are happiest when they have some say. I don’t have any trouble with listening to others, taking orders, or taking charge if necessary.”

  “What if…” Pepper said, moving closer so she was sitting beside Eric, her leg brushing against his. The intensity of his gaze deepened, a small smile playing on his lips. “I had my heart set on something and you didn’t agree.”

  He pondered this as they finished their glasses of champagne and set them aside.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, settling her against his hot body, his skin smooth, his muscles powerful. “It depends on what you had your heart set on. If it endangered you?” He shook his head.

  That’s what she wanted to hear. That he wouldn’t be a beta follower and just let her have her way because she was used to it. That he would want to ensure it was the best thing for her and the pack.

  She slid her hand over his thigh. “If you’re interested—”

  “Oh yeah.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then each cheek. “I’m way more than interested. But I want to make it clear that what exists between us has nothing to do with your pack.”

  Because he didn’t want her to think he was anything like Waldron.

  Eric leaned down to kiss her mouth, his hands cradling her face as she hungrily gave in to the kiss. This was so right, so good. She’d missed being thought of in a sexier, more intimate way. Eric made her feel alive, sexy, and much more like a she-wolf who had appeal, not based on the land she owned and the pack she ran, but for herself.

  His mouth was on hers, the champagne flavoring his tongue and lips, his sexy scent reaching her over the warm, bubbling water. She stroked his arms, loving the feel of his mouth against hers, hot and hungry. Just like hers was, unable to get enough, not wanting to give this up, wanting to kiss him until the sun rose in the morning.

  He pulled her bathing suit straps off her shoulders, lowering her top until her breasts were exposed, making her feel decadently wicked. Her breasts ached for his touch, her nipples sensitive and aroused. He leaned down and kissed her breasts almost reverently before he began to nuzzle his cheek against one rigid tip, and she wanted to cry out in pure ecstasy. She loved the way Eric took charge of the seduction, not waiting for her to initiate anything. She put her hand on his thigh, telling him she was ready for this. She did appreciate that he was willing to let her decide how far to take this.

  He licked the nipple he had nuzzled, then latched on and sucked and licked it tenderly, hotly, rousingly. She felt as though she was melting into the hot water as Eric began to lick the other nipple. He took it in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, making her tingle all over. He moved to kiss her mouth again, his fingers stroking her nipples as she ran her hand over his briefs, his arousal full blown. She loved feeling him like that, knowing that she had done this to him, that he seemed to love her touching him as much as she loved him touching her. As soon as she began to rub his erection, he paused in kissing her. She pulled down his waistband, wanting to see his gorgeous cock, and it sprang free in the water. He was already large, but the water made his erection appear even larger.

  She began to stroke him, and he shook his head. “You first.” He pulled her bathing suit down in the silky water. He stroked between her legs, touching her most erotic spot, giving her the ride of her life, and making her reach for the sliver of a moon. The stars twinkled in the midnight-blue sky like tiny candles, perfect for a night like this. She knew beyond a doubt she didn’t want to give him up for anything.

  She practically climbed onto his lap, wanting to howl at the moon when she felt the orgasm coming. “Harder,” she whispered against his whiskery cheek, and he obliged, stroking her tenderly, faster, harder, until she hit the pinnacle and cried out into the night.

  She felt boneless, afraid she couldn’t do him justice. She began to stroke him, but instead of melting under her touch like she did his, he tensed with the pleasure and caressed her breasts, making her want to take him to bed with her and never let him go. “Would it be too impulsive of us,” she said breathlessly, “to go for a full mating?”

  His mouth curved up appreciably. “I love you.” And Eric meant it with all his heart.

  “Let’s take this inside.”

  He helped her out of the tub. What a hell of a wonderful way to begin a mated relationship.

  “I never thought I’d be saying this to another mate, but I love you, Eric. You complete me, make me feel alive again,” she said. Before she could grab a towel, he wrapped one around her and pulled her into his arms for a warm embrace and kissed her again.

  “You mean everything in the world to me.”

  Then he released her long enough to wrap a towel around his waist. As she grabbed her bathing suit and snagged his briefs, he grabbed the champagne glasses and empty bottle. She left the wet clothes in the laundry room off the kitchen while he dumped the champagne bottle in the trash and set the glasses on the kitchen counter.

  As soon as she came out of the laundry room, still wearing the towel, he stalked toward her. She smiled, tilting her head to the side a little in question, right before he scooped her into his arms, whipped around, and carried her to the bedroom. “Guest room or—”

  “Master bedroom. We’re going to be coleaders of the pack now, right?” She lifted one beautiful brow and he smiled.

  “I never thought I’d be coleading a pack. But with you, it feels just right.”

  “I should have warned you… I didn’t have any children with Harold. I might not be able to have them. And you’re so good with children—”

  He realized then that might have been another reason for her reluctance to have another mate: the worry that she couldn’t have offspring. “A pack always has children of varying ages. Either my birth pack, or yours. I love kids, it’s true, but I work with them on the job and with the packs. I won’t feel I’m missing out if I don’t have a couple of rug rats to call my very own.”

  He set her on her feet next to the bed. He knew it would take time to get used to each other leading the pack, but loving her—no difficulty at all. “I love everything about you, Pepper Grayling. You can
’t imagine all the dreams I’ve had about you, but believe me, dreams just don’t hack it.”

  She laughed. “Even if we continue to call it the Grayling pack, in honor of my parents and my father’s father and grandfather before them?”

  “Yes. And I will even be a Grayling if you wish it.”

  She gave him a heartfelt hug, which made his cock swell even more as her lithe body pressed against it. “I would love it. But I want you to truly colead with me. If you can think of a better way to do something, please share it.”

  “And if I sound too bossy, just tell me.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  They climbed into bed and she pressed her body against his, and he loved how wickedly sexy she felt as she moved against him.

  Pepper was amazed how intensely she wanted Eric, needed him, needed this—his tenderness, his passion, the raw and sensual smell of him, the feel of his hand exploring her body, the feel of his skin and muscles beneath her fingertips. Exploring. Enjoying. Energizing.

  Kissing him, she felt her concentration on his masculine lips slipping as he pressed his rigid erection against her mound, not entering her, but rubbing against her in a way that said he wanted in.

  His gaze on her was just as hot as the rest of him. Searing into her soul, claiming her for his own. As she claimed him.

  She surrendered to him, something she’d never done with anyone in her life. It felt good to roll over on her back and soak in the feel of Eric’s touch, to focus on the way his tongue caressed her taut nipples.

  His tongue was touching the tip of hers, teasing and solicitous. She matched his actions, move for move. She knew this was right—the passion between them igniting every time they kissed. She knew that’s what she’d been missing before.

  He rubbed his wickedly intriguing scent over her body as she moved against him, doing the same with her scent on him—claiming the wolf as her own. His mouth covered hers, kissing her, alternating between soft and hard.

  He moved his scorching mouth over her cheek, down her throat, lower still over her collarbone in a sweet slide. His fingers glided down her body, garnering most of her attention as he worked his way down her abdomen.