“I understand. If I had run a pack and some she-wolf started chasing after me because she wanted to be a pack leader…”

  Pepper chuckled. “There are more male wolves than she-wolves, and a lot more male wolves running packs alone than she-wolves, I imagine.”

  “True, but if you had said you were walking away and letting someone else be in charge of the pack, like Susan or any number of other she-wolves, I wouldn’t have been hanging around for her or anyone else. I would have been chasing after you. I don’t understand how Waldron’s cousin thought killing your mate would make you give in to him.”

  “I believe he intended to make it look like someone else had killed Harold, and then he would comfort me and protect me from the big, bad wolf. Only he was the big, bad wolf. He really hadn’t expected me to arrive on the scene, which gave me the advantage.” She let out a heavy breath. “Enough about me. What about you? You said everyone has a past. Were you mated before?”

  “Yeah, once. My father hated red wolves with a passion. I learned later it all had to do with him being rejected by a red she-wolf and her family before he met my mother, who was a gray like him. Anyway, I fell in love with a red wolf, but her family didn’t want me mating her because I was a gray, and my dad was furious with me.”

  “Darien’s mated to a red wolf,” Pepper observed. “Your father must have been Darien’s uncle.”

  “He was. And he murdered Darien’s first mate, a red. So there’s a history there. So when Darien took a red mate, Dad was just as angry with him over it.”

  “How did your mate die?”

  “I…mated her in secret. I thought eventually I could take her home to the Silver pack, but her own pack learned of it and ambushed us. Her father nearly killed me, and when she got in the way to protect me, one of her uncles killed her. I don’t think he meant to. The fighting abruptly stopped. They left me for dead and carried her body home. Sarandon found me and brought me home, where he cared for me until I was able to manage on my own. My father was still angry with me, said I deserved what I got, and that was the last time we ever spoke.

  “I was angry with my father about his feelings toward the woman I loved. I grieved for four years over her death. I left home but returned every once in a while to see how my brothers were faring. On one of the return visits, I stayed longer with Sarandon than I had in a long time, missing the pack and the camaraderie. I learned of my father’s hand in Darien’s mate’s death. Darien killed my father for it, which was his right as pack leader. And my brothers and I left the pack.”

  “Oh, Eric. That must have been awful for you. All of it.”

  “Yeah. It was. CJ was homesick and wanted to return to the pack. I felt what my father had done was all my fault. I felt that the pack would see us as our father’s sons, like him, not to be trusted. But we couldn’t stay away and finally returned to the pack.”

  “No one treats you ill for what your father did, do they?”

  “No. Despite how much my father angered me, he was still our father. And if my mother hadn’t died early on, maybe my father would have been all right. At least I always believed he would have been.”

  “How do you feel about it now?”

  “I thought I’d never mate again. As soon as I met you, it was different. When I saw you that first night and you didn’t want me to help out, I was instantly attracted to you.” He smiled. “Probably because of the challenge in your eyes. Well, before that even. When I was carrying Susan to the cabin and saw you playing in the creek with the other women, I thought you looked like a goddess.”

  She laughed. “No.”

  “Hell yeah. You were wearing that beautiful, pale-blue silky creation in the water and were half wet and, well, yeah, you looked like a goddess—totally seductive and desirable. I worried you were human and would see me carrying an injured wolf in my arms, surrounded by wolves. Then I figured you had to be part of the pack. Even though my priority was getting Susan some help for her injured leg, I sure wanted to meet the she-wolf of my dreams.”

  Smiling, Pepper shook her head, then finished eating and carried their plates into the kitchen while Eric poured them each another cup of coffee.

  “It’s true. I even dreamed about you that night. I wanted in the worst way to meet you and let you know I was a good guy. All of you packed up the campsite so quickly, and with what I thought was one of your pack members staying behind and attacking me, I felt I’d left a bad first impression with you and your pack. I wanted to meet you again and do it properly this time.”

  “Did you, in your dream?”

  “No. Waldron attacked me again, only I was in human form. Then my brother knocked at the door and woke me from the dream completely, and I realized I was just having a nightmare. You were the dream. Waldron put a bite into it. Probably because my shoulder was still hurting.”

  “And you were burning up. I can’t believe you wanted to make the right impression on me. You were an angel to have carried Susan all that way. She was annoyed with me for not thanking you more.”

  “No problem. Because of all the trouble you’ve had with alpha males, I totally understand.”

  “We were making so much noise, we didn’t even see you step on the beach for a moment before you disappeared back into the woods on the path to our camp. But one of the wolves running with you came and told me Susan had been injured. He didn’t tell me a perfect stranger had carried Susan into camp. I thought one of our people had brought her back. So I was shocked to see you standing there, all six-foot-one of you.”

  “Like a god, right?”

  She laughed.

  “Well, just so you know, I couldn’t fight the attraction I have for you. I couldn’t quit thinking about you. When I had to inspect one of the campgrounds on my double shift, I took the same footpath as your people had. If me seeing you, meeting you—”

  “And getting horribly bitten.”

  “Yeah, I have to say that did cross my mind. That Waldron was out there stalking me, especially after the threat he made about my job.”

  “I still worry about that.”

  Eric tightened his hold on her. “Don’t. I’m not a beta wolf, Pepper. I’ll never be like Harold in that regard. But I’m good at standing back and letting others take charge. When I’m needed, I’m capable and willing to step right in and take care of the situation.”

  “I like that about you. And I like how passionate you are with me. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me.”

  “Are you kidding?”


  He frowned.

  “Harold was like a brother to me.”

  “You mean…”

  “There wasn’t any passion. If you wonder why we didn’t have any kids, that probably had a lot to do with it.”

  “I can’t even imagine being around you and not feel hotly attracted.”

  “Thanks. You don’t know how much that means to me. Harold and I had known each other for so long, we were way too much like brother and sister.”

  “I don’t feel brotherly toward you in the least.”

  She smiled and nipped at his chin. “Goddess, huh?”

  He smiled and began to kiss her again to show her just how desirable she was.

  She sighed. “I guess next we have to tell everyone.”

  “Next is work, then tonight more loving—lots more loving—and then the day after tomorrow I’m off and you’ll have to take the day off, and we’ll do more of this, and…”

  She laughed. “I knew you would take over.”

  And she loved him for it as he began kissing her again. But she also suspected that as soon as Waldron learned of their mating, he would cause more trouble for them, just like his cousin had.

  Chapter 20

  They had so much to discuss yet. Pepper hated that they had to go off in different directions and wo
rk. At least she could talk on her phone while she was conducting business today. Eric had a two-hour drive to the park, and since he could receive calls on his truck panel, he could drive safely and talk to her.

  Hating to let him go, she kissed his lips once more, gave him another warm hug, and sighed. “I’ll call you as soon as I get to work.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  A few minutes later, she was on the phone, feeling like it had been forever since she had talked to him.

  “Are you ready to tell everyone we’re mated?” Pepper asked.

  “Hell yeah. Lelandi will want to throw a big celebration with the Silver pack.”

  “That would be nice. What will your brothers think? Your cousins?” She sounded a little worried.

  “I don’t believe they’ll be surprised in the least. What about your pack?”

  “I think they figured it was coming. What are you going to do about your house?”

  “Our house. Fix it up and sell it, unless you think we should rent it out or keep it as our ski resort home.”

  “Then I’d have to take up skiing. I’ve never thought of doing anything like that.”

  “Hey, Susan already said she wanted to, and a pack leader’s got to lead, so…”

  Pepper laughed. “All right. How about if we keep the place for anyone from the pack who wants to use it for visits into Silver Town? Doctor visits, ski trips, or anything else they might need.”

  “Works for me.”

  “What about our honeymoon?”

  He chuckled. “Do you really think you could leave your pack alone for a week or two?”

  “Yeah, I do. Once we resolve the issue with Waldron and learn if he’s responsible for the marijuana.”

  “Knowing my brothers and my cousins, any one of them would be more than happy to look in on the pack while we’re gone.”

  “I can… We can talk to Richard and Susan about it. So when are we going? And where?”

  “You have your heart set on Scotland. This is our busy season for visitors to the park, so after Labor Day? Scotland? I’ve heard that a couple of Highland wolf packs even own castles. Maybe we could see if they would allow us to rent a room.”

  She sighed. “I knew there was a reason I mated you.”

  He chuckled. “You mated me because you love me.”

  “True. What about your trip to Hawaii?”

  “Next year. How about we go there to celebrate our first anniversary? But we’ll go after the busy season.”

  “We should have waited to mate until it wasn’t the busy season for the park.”

  “Not on your life. I sure wish we could be snuggling in bed while we’re having this conversation.”

  “Me too. I can’t wait until you come home. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  They talked for two hours straight about their dreams and plans for the pack and themselves. She realized she hadn’t really thought anything about her personal future—just the pack. Eric was definitely a wonderful influence in her life.

  Everyone was thrilled to learn about the mating and wanted to celebrate it in high fashion. The rest of the day she was fielding calls from both the Silver pack and her own, congratulating them on the union.

  That night, Pepper fixed Eric the steaks that he’d bought and served wine, salads, and baked potatoes, while each talked about the day they’d had. Then they repeated the run, the hot tub and shower sex, and ended up in bed, tired, happy, complete. But not too tired to fool around in bed for half the night.

  * * *

  When they woke early the next morning, Eric started to kiss Pepper’s neck as he spooned her in bed, loving that they were now mated wolves. He didn’t want to think of anything else—just of her and this, enjoying the heat of her body, the feel of her softness pressed up against him, the smell of her sweet fragrance. He was just starting to kiss her again, wishing he could just take time off work, when his phone rang.

  As soon as he took the call, Pepper left the bed, and he groaned at having to let her go. “Darien? Did the man talk?”

  Pepper stopped in her footsteps, her naked body so beautiful that he wanted her beneath him again, to make love to her until the sun went down.

  “He turned,” Darien said. “You’re not going to believe this. It’s Ted Fairhaven, the teens’ father. He’s not a royal, and he knew the new moon was fast approaching. Because he’d been confined to a cage, he couldn’t take it any further.”

  “What did he say?” Eric asked.

  “He accused you of an unprovoked attack. Said he found the weed but was just curious about it. He had nothing to do with it.”

  “Right. And you told him we’d found that he’d been to other patches?”

  “Sure did. And his scent was discovered on some of the tubing they had hidden in the brush and used to irrigate the plants. Once he knew he wasn’t talking his way out of this, he implicated a member of Pepper’s pack.”

  “Ah hell.” He knew this was going to upset her.

  “So you might want to discuss this with your mate.”

  “Who did he say was involved?” Eric asked.


  “He’s lying.” Eric wondered if Ted was just making up a story. Eric had thought Pauline seemed interested in some of the bachelor males at the gathering. Why would she be if she was involved with someone in Waldron’s pack?

  “He said Waldron offered her a chance to be a sub-leader if he became the pack leader. She’s been seeing one of the wolves named Turbo.”

  Hell. Still, it could be a lie. “On the sly?”

  “Must be if you haven’t smelled his scent around the place at all. And Turbo is Ted’s brother.”

  “Figures. He attacked me when we went on a run. I wonder if he knew I had taken his brother down. Or suspected it.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” Darien let out his breath. “I take it you’re all right.”

  “Yeah, Pepper bit his tail though.” Eric smiled at her, proud of her.

  “Sounds like you have a real winner.”

  “I do.”

  “Well, it could be that he’s learned his brother was taken into custody with all our wolf scents up in that area. All he’d have to do was return to the marijuana patch and smell us, and then he could have tracked where you and his brother fought.”

  “Right. I’ve got to tell Pepper the news and I need to go to work. I’d take off, but I can’t do that again, not with the need they have for us at the park. I’ve had to take off so much already.”

  “I’ll let you handle this then. Ted won’t testify against the pack. Said we can’t prove they were growing the weed. But we reminded him he’s staying put and no bail. This business is too serious for our kind to get caught at. Let me know if you need our help concerning this, and watch your back at the park. In fact, I want you to call in to one of your brothers or someone in the pack on a regular basis until we catch these people.”

  “Agreed, Darien. I’ll talk to you later.” Eric felt sick about having to give Pepper the news, but he reminded himself Pauline might not have anything to do with this, and it was just Ted’s word that Pepper’s pack was involved too. He belatedly realized Darien was still giving him orders when Eric was now a pack leader in his own right. He smiled a little at the irony, and for the first time, it really didn’t bother him, knowing his cousin only worried about him. It was hard to let go of that need to protect others.

  Eric set the phone on the table and joined Pepper, her arms folded across her chest, looking like she was ready to turn into a wolf and take someone down.

  “This could be bad news or all a lie,” he said.

  * * *

  Pepper was beyond furious as she yanked on her clothes. “He’s got to be lying. If he isn’t, Pauline has a hell of a lot of explaining to

  “We’ve been trying to uncover the culprits for weeks. I can’t believe we didn’t learn anything about this beforehand,” Eric said, pulling on his own clothes.

  “No, back it up a bit. You suspected someone in my pack at first—when you smelled someone who had come to the camp who smelled of weed. Had he been trying to see her then? Damn it anyway.”

  “I suspected the man was with Waldron’s pack. That he had visited your camp under Waldron’s orders, and I just happened to return and smell the scent, which was the same as one of the wolves who had visited several of the marijuana patches. I didn’t think he was seeing any of your people. And I knew he wasn’t one of your people. We’ve been trying to catch the wolves at this. Not one of your wolves’ scents was found up there. Even if Pauline was seeing the guy, I don’t believe she would be a turncoat.”

  “You’ve got to get to work. You’ll be late.” Pepper ground her teeth.

  Eric pulled her into his embrace and held her tight.

  Pepper was really upset over this whole business, but she had to keep reminding herself Ted might have lied about his brother seeing Pauline. Yet Pepper couldn’t ignore that it might be true.

  “Pepper…” Eric let his breath out on a heavy sigh. “If I had suspected any of your people were involved, I would have told you.”

  “You had no idea. What am I saying? I had no idea!” She relaxed a little. None of this was Eric’s fault.

  “I love you,” he said, stroking her back with one hand, his other wrapped around her waist, keeping her close and not allowing her to pull away. “However you think we need to handle the business with Pauline is up to you. It could all be a lie. She’s completely innocent in my view unless we learn something that says otherwise. I need to grab a bite to eat and head on in before I’m late to work.”

  “What if they go after you again? At the park?”

  Eric was at risk every time he was in the park alone because of Waldron and his wolves.

  Her phone howled and she pulled away from Eric to get it. When she saw it was Susan, she immediately worried that her cousin had somehow learned about Pauline and this mess. “Susan?”