Page 16 of Acceptable Risk

  After speeding through his morning ritual, which included taking Buffer for a short walk, Edward drove to his lab. It was before seven when he entered, and Eleanor was already there.

  “I’m having trouble sleeping,” she admitted. Her usually carefully combed long blond hair was in mild disarray.

  “Me too,” Edward said.

  They had worked Saturday night until one A.M. and all day Sunday. With success in sight, Edward had even begged off plans to see Kim Sunday evening. When he’d explained to her how close he and Eleanor were to their goal, Kim had been understanding.

  Finally, just after midnight Sunday, Edward and Eleanor had perfected a separation technique. The difficulties had been mostly due to the fact that two of the alkaloids shared many physical properties. Now all they needed was more material, and as if an answer to a prayer, Kevin Scranton had called saying that he’d be sending over another batch of sclerotia that morning.

  “I want everything to be ready when the material arrives,” Edward said.

  “Aye, aye,” Eleanor said as she clicked her heels and made a playful salute. Edward tried to swat her on the top of her head but she was much more agile than he.

  After they had been feverishly working for more than an hour, Eleanor tapped Edward on the arm.

  “Are you intentionally ignoring your flock?” she asked quietly while motioning over her shoulder.

  Edward straightened up and glanced around at the students who were milling aimlessly about, waiting for him to acknowledge them. He hadn’t been aware of their presence. The group had been gradually enlarging as more and more people arrived at the lab. They all had their usual questions and were in need of his advice.

  “Listen!” Edward called out. “You’re on your own today. I’m tied up. I’m busy with a project that can’t wait.”

  With some grumblings the crowd reluctantly dispersed. Edward did not notice their reaction. He went right back to work, and when he worked, his powers of concentration were legendary.

  A few minutes later Eleanor again tapped his arm. “I hate to be a bother,” she said, “but what about your nine o’clock lecture?”

  “Damn!” Edward said. “I’d conveniently forgotten that. Find Ralph Carter and send him over.” Ralph Carter was one of the senior assistants.

  Within a short time Ralph appeared. He was a thin, bearded fellow with a surprisingly broad red-cheeked face.

  “I want you to take over teaching the basic biochem summer course,” Edward said.

  “For how long?” Ralph asked. He was obviously not enthused.

  “I’ll let you know,” Edward said.

  After Ralph had left, Edward turned to Eleanor. “I hate that kind of passive-aggressive nonsense. It’s the first time I’ve ever asked anyone to stand in for me for basic chemistry.”

  “That’s because no one else has your commitment to teaching undergraduates,” Eleanor explained.

  As promised, the sclerotia arrived just after nine. They came in a small glass jar. Edward unscrewed the lid and carefully spread the dark, ricelike grains onto a piece of filter paper as if they were gold nuggets.

  “Kinda ugly little things,” Eleanor said. “They could almost be mouse droppings.”

  “I like to think they look more like seeds in rye bread,” Edward said. “It’s a more historically significant metaphor.”

  “Are you ready to get to work?” Eleanor asked.

  “Let’s do it,” Edward said.

  Before noon Edward and Eleanor had succeeded in producing a tiny amount of each alkaloid. The samples were in the bases of small, conical-shaped test tubes labeled A, B, and C. Outwardly the alkaloids appeared identical. They were all a white powder.

  “What’s the next step?” Eleanor asked as she held up one of the test tubes to the light.

  “We have to find out which are psychoactive,” Edward said. “Once we find out which ones are, we’ll concentrate on them.”

  “What should we use for a test?” Eleanor asked. “I suppose we could use Aplasia fasciata ganglia preparations. They would certainly tell us which ones are neuroactive.”

  Edward shook his head. “It’s not good enough,” he said. “I want to know which ones cause hallucinogenic reactions, and I want quick answers. For that we need a human cerebrum.”

  “We can’t use paid volunteers!” Eleanor said with consternation. “That would be flagrantly unethical.”

  “You are right,” Edward said. “But I have no intention of using paid volunteers. I think you and I will do fine.”

  “I’m not sure I want to be involved in this,” Eleanor said dubiously. She was beginning to get the drift of Edward’s intentions.

  “Excuse me!” called another voice. Edward and Eleanor turned to see Cindy, one of the departmental secretaries. “I hate to interrupt, Dr. Armstrong, but a Dr. Stanton Lewis is in the office, and he’d like a word with you.”

  “Tell him I’m busy,” Edward said. But as soon as Cindy started back toward the office, Edward called her back. “On second thought,” he said, “send him in.”

  “I don’t like that twinkle in your eye,” Eleanor said as they waited for Stanton to appear.

  “It’s perfectly innocent,” Edward said with a smile. “Of course if Mr. Lewis would like to become a principal investigator in this study I won’t stand in his way. Seriously, though, I do want to talk to him about what we are doing here.”

  Stanton breezed into the lab with his usual glib hellos. He was particularly pleased to get Edward and Eleanor together.

  “My two favorite people,” he said, “but for different parts of my brain.” He laughed at what he thought was an off-color joke. Eleanor proved to be faster than he when she said she’d not known he’d changed his sexual orientation.

  “What are you talking about?” Stanton asked. He was genuinely perplexed.

  “Simply that I’m confident you are attracted to me because of my intellect,” Eleanor said. “That leaves your instinctual brain for Edward.”

  Edward chortled. Repartee was Stanton’s forte, and Edward had never seen him bested. Stanton laughed as well and assured Eleanor that her wit had always blinded him to any of her other charms.

  Stanton then turned to Edward. “All right,” he said. “Fun and games are over. What’s the story on the Genetrix prospectus?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to look at it,” Edward admitted.

  “You promised,” Stanton warned. “Am I going to have to tell my cousin she’s not to see you anymore because you’re not to be trusted?”

  “Who’s this cousin?” Eleanor asked, giving Edward a gentle poke in the ribs.

  Edward’s face blushed with color. Rarely did his mild stutter affect his speech in the lab, but it did at that moment. He did not want to discuss Kim. “I haven’t had time for any reading,” he told Stanton with some difficulty. “Something has come up that might particularly interest you.”

  “This better be good,” Stanton teased. He slapped Edward on the back and told him he was only kidding about Kim. “I would never interfere with you two love doves. I heard from my aunt that old man Stewart surprised you two up in Salem. I hope it wasn’t flagrante delicto, you old rogue.”

  Edward coughed nervously while he motioned for Stanton to pull up a chair. He then quickly changed the subject by launching into the story about the new fungus and the new alkaloids. He told Stanton that at least one of them was psychotropic, and he told him exactly how he knew. He even handed Stanton the three test tubes, saying they’d just finished isolating the new compounds.

  “Quite a story,” Stanton said. He put the test tubes down on the counter. “But why did you think it might interest me in particular? I’m a practical guy. I’m not titillated by esoteric exotica which you academics thrive on.”

  “I think these alkaloids could have a practical payoff,” Edward said. “We could be on the brink of finding a whole new group of psychotropic drugs which at the very least will have research applications

  Stanton visibly straightened up in his seat. The casual air that he affected vanished. “New drugs?” he questioned. “This does sound interesting. What do you think the possibilities are they might be clinically useful?”

  “I think the chances are excellent,” Edward said. “Especially considering the molecular modification techniques which are now available in modern synthetic chemistry. Also, after the psychedelic episode with the crude extract, I felt strangely energized and my mind seemed especially clear. I believe these drugs might be more than merely hallucinogenic.”

  “Oh, my goodness!” Stanton exclaimed. His entrepreneurial proclivity had quickened his pulse. “This could be something huge.”

  “That’s what we have been thinking,” Edward said.

  “I’m talking about you seeing a major league economic reward,” Stanton said.

  “Our interest is primarily what a new group of psychoactive drugs can do for science,” Edward said. “Everyone is anticipating some new breakthrough in the understanding of brain function. Who knows? This could be it. If it were to be so, we’d have to figure out a way to finance its production on a large scale. Researchers around the world would be clamoring for it.”

  “That’s fine and dandy,” Stanton said. “I’m happy you have such lofty goals. But why not have both? I’m talking about you making some serious money.”

  “I’m not concerned about becoming a millionaire,” Edward said. “You should know that by now.”

  “Millionaire?” Stanton questioned with a derisive chortle. “If this new line of drugs is efficacious for depression or anxiety or some combination, you could be looking at a billion-dollar molecule.”

  Edward started to remind Stanton that they had different value systems, but he stopped in midsentence. His face went slack. He asked Stanton if he’d said billion.

  “I said billion-dollar molecule!” Stanton repeated. “I’m not exaggerating. Experience with Librium, then Valium, and now with Prozac has proved society’s insatiable appetite for clinically effective psychotropic drugs.”

  Edward assumed a thousand-yard stare out across the Harvard Medical School quad. When he spoke his voice had a flat, trancelike quality. “From your point of view and experience, what would have to be done to take advantage of such a discovery?”

  “Not much,” Stanton said. “All you’d have to do is form a company and patent the drug. It’s that simple. But until you do that, secrecy is paramount.”

  “There’s been secrecy,” Edward said. He was still acting distracted. “It’s only been a few days that we’ve known we were dealing with something new. Eleanor and I are the only ones involved.” He didn’t mention Kim’s name for fear of the conversation reverting to her.

  “I’d say the fewer people you tell the better,” Stanton said. “Also, I could just go ahead and form a company just in case things begin to look promising.”

  Edward massaged his eye sockets and then his face. He took a deep breath and appeared to awaken from a trance. “I think we are jumping the gun,” he said. “Eleanor and I have a lot of work to do before we have any idea of what we might have stumbled on.”

  “What’s the next step?” Stanton asked.

  “I’m glad you asked,” Edward said. He pushed away from the counter and walked over to a glassware cabinet. “Eleanor and I were just talking about that. The first thing we have to do is determine which of these compounds is psychotropic.” Edward brought three flasks back to where they were sitting. He then placed a minuscule amount of each new alkaloid in each flask and filled them all with a liter of distilled water. He shook each briskly.

  “How will you do that?” Stanton asked even though from Edward’s story he had an idea.

  Edward took three one-milliliter pipettes out of a drawer. “Anybody care to join me?” he asked. Neither Eleanor nor Stanton said a word.

  “Such chickens,” Edward said with a laugh. Then he added: “I’m only kidding. Actually I want you around just in case. This is my party.”

  Stanton looked at Eleanor. “Is this guy nuts or what?”

  Eleanor eyed Edward. She knew he was not foolhardy, and she’d never met anyone as smart as he was, especially when it came to biochemistry. “You’re convinced this is safe, aren’t you?” she said.

  “No worse than taking a few tokes on a joint,” he said. “At best a milliliter will contain a few millionths of a gram. Besides, I took a comparatively crude extract with no ill effect whatsoever. In fact it was mildly enjoyable. These are relatively pure samples.”

  “All right!” Eleanor said. “Give me one of those pipettes.”

  “Are you sure?” Edward questioned. “There’s no coercion here. I don’t mind taking all three.”

  “I’m sure,” Eleanor said. She took a pipette.

  “What about you, Stanton?” Edward asked. “Here’s your chance to participate in some real science. Plus if you really want me to read that damn prospectus, you can do me a favor as well.”

  “I suppose if you two screwballs think it is safe enough, I can do it,” Stanton said reluctantly. “But you’d better read that prospectus or you’ll be hearing from some of my North End mafia friends.” Stanton took a pipette.

  “Each can choose his own poison,” Edward said, motioning toward the flasks.

  “Reword that or I’m backing out,” Stanton said.

  Edward laughed. He was enjoying Stanton’s discomfiture. Too often it had been the other way around.

  Stanton let Eleanor choose first, then he took one of the two remaining flasks. “This strikes me as a kind of pharmacological Russian roulette,” he said.

  Eleanor laughed. She told Stanton he was too clever for his own good.

  “Not clever enough to keep myself from getting involved with you two oddballs,” he said.

  “Ladies first,” Edward said.

  Eleanor filled the pipette and placed a milliliter on her tongue. Edward encouraged her to follow it with a glass of water.

  The two men watched her. No one spoke. Several minutes went by. Finally Eleanor shrugged. “Nothing,” she said. “Except my pulse rate went up slightly.”

  “That’s from pure terror,” Stanton said.

  “You’re next,” Edward said, motioning to Stanton.

  Stanton filled his pipette. “It’s a crime what I have to go through to get you on a scientific advisory board,” he complained to Edward. He deposited the tiny amount of liquid on his tongue, then chased it with a glass of water.

  “It’s bitter,” he said. “But I don’t feel anything.”

  “Wait another few seconds for circulation time,” Edward said. Edward filled his own pipette. He began to have doubts, wondering if there could have been some other water-soluble compound in the crude extract that had caused his psychedelic reaction.

  “I think I’m feeling slightly dizzy,” Stanton said.

  “Good,” Edward said. His doubts faded. He remembered dizziness had been his first symptom with the crude extract. “Anything else?”

  Stanton suddenly tensed and then made a grimace as his eyes darted around the room.

  “What are you seeing?” Edward asked.

  “Colors!” Stanton said. “I’m seeing moving colors.” He started to describe the colors in more detail, but then he interrupted himself with a cry of fear. Leaping to his feet, he began to frantically wipe off his arms.

  “What’s the matter?” Edward asked.

  “I’m being bitten by insects,” Stanton said. He continued to try to brush away imaginary pests until he began to choke.

  “What’s happening now?” Edward asked.

  “My chest is tight!” Stanton croaked. “I can’t swallow.”

  Edward reached out and gripped Stanton’s arm. Eleanor picked up the phone and started dialing, but Edward told her it was okay. Stanton had instantly calmed down. His eyes closed and a smile spread across his face. Edward backed him up a step and sat him back down in his chair.

  Stanton resp
onded to questions slowly and reluctantly. He said he was busy and didn’t want to be bothered. When asked what he was busy doing, he merely said: “Things.”

  After twenty minutes Stanton’s smile waned. For a few minutes it appeared as if he were asleep, then his eyes slowly opened.

  The first thing he did was swallow. “My mouth feels like the Gobi Desert,” he said. “I need a drink.”

  Edward poured a glass of water and gave it to him. He drank it with gusto and had a second.

  “I’d say that was a busy couple of minutes,” Stanton said. “It was also kind of fun.”

  “It was more like twenty minutes,” Edward said.

  “Are you serious?” Stanton questioned.

  “How do you feel generally?” Edward asked.

  “Wonderfully calm,” Stanton said.

  “How about clairvoyant?” Edward asked.

  “That’s a good way to describe it,” Stanton said. “I feel as if I can remember all sorts of things with startling clarity.”

  “That’s exactly how I felt,” Edward said. “What about the choking sensation?”

  “What choking sensation?” Stanton asked.

  “You were complaining about a choking sensation,” Edward said. “You were also complaining about being bitten by insects.”

  “I don’t remember that at all,” Stanton said.

  “Well, no matter,” Edward said. “The point is we know that compound B is definitely hallucinogenic. Let’s see about the last one.”

  Edward took his dose. As they did with Eleanor, they waited for several minutes. Nothing happened.

  “One for three is fine with me,” Edward said. “Now we know which of the alkaloids we will concentrate our efforts on.”

  “Maybe we should just bottle this stuff and sell it the way it is,” Stanton joked. “The sixties generation would have loved it. I mean I feel great, almost euphoric. Of course, maybe I’m just reacting to the relief of the ordeal being over. I have to admit I was scared.”

  “I thought I experienced some euphoria as well,” Edward said. “Since we both felt it, maybe it’s a result of the alkaloid. One way or the other, I’m encouraged. I think we’ve got a psychedelic drug with some calming properties as well as some amnestic properties.”