Page 7 of Dead After Dark

  He stepped back and pulled her shirt over her head. His eyes flashing, he ran his hands over her bra, gently massaging her. She smiled at his hesitancy. "They won't bite you."

  A slow smile curled his lips. "No, but their owner might."

  Laughing, she nipped at his chin as she reached around to unfasten her bra.

  Fury sucked his breath in sharply as she dropped the bra to the floor. On the small side, her breasts were still the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. His blood thrumming in his ears, he dipped his head down to taste her.

  Angelia shuddered at the way his tongue teased her nipple. He nuzzled and suckled her in such a way that she actually came from it a few moments later. Crying out, she felt her knees give way from the ferocity of her orgasm.

  Fury scooped her up in his arms and held her close as he carried her to the bed.

  "How did you do that?" she asked breathlessly. "I didn't even know that could cause that."

  He made a rumbling sound deep in his throat that was purely animalistic as he laid her back on the mattress. He bent his head down to sweep his hair against her breasts while he unfastened her jeans. "I'm a wolf, Lia. Licking and tasting is our foreplay." He slid her pants and panties down her legs before he removed them and her shoes.

  Her heart hammering, she waited for him to return to her.

  He jerked his shirt off over his head, showing her a body that was perfect in spite of the scars and bruises that marred the deep tawny skin. Cocking his head, he watched her. "Why are you hesitating?"

  "I'm not hesitating."

  "Yes, you are. I might be a wolf, but I know what Arcadian wolfswans do when they take a lover for the first time. Are you rejecting me?"

  "Never," she said emphatically.

  "Then why aren't you welcoming me?"

  "I was afraid it would insult you. I don't know what Katagaria do. Should I turn over?"

  Anger darkened his eyes. "Do you want to be screwed by an animal, or loved by a man?"

  She sighed in frustration. No matter what she did, she made him angry. "I want to be with Fury as his lover."

  Fury savored those words. "Then show me like you would any lover."

  Her smile warmed him completely as she spread her legs wide. Her gaze never wavered from his as she reached down to carefully spread the folds of her body and hold herself open to him so that he could see exactly how wet she was for him. How ready and willing she was.

  Arcadian custom dictated that he enter her while she was like that. They would mate face-to-face with very little tasting.

  But that wasn't what he wanted. Removing his pants, he crawled up the bed between her legs.

  Angelia trembled, waiting for him to enter her with one forceful thrust. Instead, he nipped her fingers, licking her moisture from them. His gaze on hers, he held her hand in his before he took her into his mouth.

  Arching her back, she groaned at how good he felt there. His tongue swirled around her, delving deep inside her body. Her head swam from the intense pleasure that kept increasing more and more until she feared she'd explode from it. Unable to stand it, she buried her hand in his hair while he continued to please her.

  And when she came again, he stayed there, wringing every single spasm out of her until she thought she would weep from the sweet ecstasy.

  Fury was panting from the pain in his cock as he ached to take her. Among his kind, the female must be fully sated. If not, she'd take another lover after him. It was a mark of shame to have a female call for another male to satisfy her, and though he hadn't taken many lovers, he'd never had one call in for a second.

  There was no way he was going to allow Angelia to be his first.

  Sitting back on his haunches, he held his hand out to her.

  She took it and frowned. "Is something wrong?"

  He pulled her up slowly until she was sitting on the bed. "No. You wanted to know how a wolf takes his woman . . ." He moved her to the foot of the bed where he put her hands on the brass poles.

  Angelia wasn't sure about this. "What are you doing?"

  He kissed her passionately before he indicated the dresser with a tilt of his head. "Look in the mirror."

  She did and watched as he moved around to her back. The moment he was there, he lifted her up so that they were kneeling on the bed with his chest pressed against her back. He brushed the hair away from her neck so that he could nip her skin. Wrapping her in his arms, he nuzzled her and breathed in her ear.

  His muscles flexed around her as he cupped her breasts in his hands. He nudged her legs wider apart, then dipped his hand down to tease the tender folds.

  Angelia watched his play, entranced by it. How could someone so fierce and dangerous be so gentle?

  When she was wet and aching again, he lifted his head to meet her gaze in the mirror. With their gazes locked, he slid himself deep inside her.

  She gasped at the girth and length of him there. Biting his lip, he thrust against her hips, sinking in even deeper while his hand continued to tease her. She felt her powers surging. Sex had always made her kind more powerful. Stronger. But never had she felt like this.

  It was as if he were feeding her from a primal power source.

  Fury buried his face against her nape as his senses swirled over how good she felt. There was nothing sweeter than the feel of her body around his. If she were a wolf, she'd be clawing at him by now, demanding he ride her harder and faster.

  Instead, she let him take his time and savor her softness. Savor the beauty of intimacy. This was a side of himself that he'd seldom shared with any female.

  And deep in his heart he knew why that was.

  Because they'd never been his Lia. How many times had he closed his eyes and pretended it was Lia he held? Pretended it was her he smelled.

  Now there was no pretending. She was here and she was his.

  "Say my name, Lia," he whispered in her ear.

  She frowned at him. "What?"

  He thrust deep inside her and paused to look at her in the mirror. "I want to hear my name on your lips while I'm inside you. Look at me like this and tell me again that you love me."

  Angelia cried out in pleasure as he thrust against her again. "I love you, Fury."

  She could feel him growing larger inside her. It was something all the males of their species did. The more pleasure they felt, the more they expanded. The thick fullness caused her powers to soar even more. Arching her back, she reached over her head to cup his cheek.

  He quickened his strokes while his hand continued to tease her cleft. There was a ferocity to his strokes now. One that was both commanding and possessive. She'd always heard the term of being taken by a lover, but this was the first time she'd experienced it.

  And this time when she came, she actually howled from the sheer ecstasy of it.

  Fury ground his teeth at the sound of her orgasm. At the sensation of her body spasming against his. It ignited his powers, arcing them until they caused the lamp on the nightstand to shatter. Still he pleased her, wanting to wring every last sigh and murmur from her.

  It was only after she collapsed back against him that he allowed himself to come, too. He growled at the sudden burst as his release exploded and he finally felt his own relief.

  Angelia smiled at the sight of Fury in the mirror as he buried his head against her shoulder and shuddered. His panting mixed with hers while he held her in his arms and kept her there. Unlike regular humans, they would be locked together like this until his orgasm finished--which would take several minutes. Normally, an Arcadian male would fall against her and wait for it to end.

  Instead, Fury took the brunt of her weight while he nuzzled her neck and held her tight.

  "Did I hurt you?" he asked.


  He laid his cheek against hers and rocked her gently. Angelia smiled, placing her hand to his cheek. In all her life she'd never experienced a more tender moment.

  And to think it was in the arms of an animal that she'd foun
d it. It was inconceivable.

  They stayed there like that until he finally was soft enough to pull out without hurting her. Angelia fell back on the bed.

  Fury lay down beside her so that he could stare at her naked body. "You are so beautiful." He traced the Sentinel markings on her face.

  "I'll bet you never thought you'd mate with an Arcadian."

  "I did until I turned out to be a wolf."

  She looked away at his blunt truth. "Why did you keep that secret from me?"

  He laughed bitterly. "Oh gee, I can't imagine. Maybe because I was afraid you'd freak out and hate me. What a ridiculous thought that was, huh?"

  Blushing, she looked away, ashamed of the fact that he'd been right about her and he shouldn't have been. "I'm sorry for that."

  "It's all right. You weren't the only one who tried to kill me."

  No, his entire patria, including his mother, siblings and grandfather had tried to kill him. And still he'd managed to survive.

  "Did your father welcome you in?"

  "I never gave him the chance to reject me. I found his pack and when I saw how little respect he had for Vane and Fang, I decided to lay low and not tell him I was his son. I figured one near-death experience at the hands of a parent was enough for anyone." He traced circles around her breasts. "You've really never shapeshifted?"

  "Why would I?"

  He stopped to stare at her. "I think you should."


  "It's part of who and what you are."

  So what? "It's a part I don't have to accept or like."

  "Yes, you do."

  She tensed at his tone. "What are you saying?"

  "I'm saying either you shift into a wolf, or I'm going to shock you and make you."

  She gasped at his threat. "You wouldn't dare."

  "Try me."

  Horrified, she sat up. "This isn't funny, Fury. I don't want to be a wolf."

  His turquoise eyes were relentless. "For one minute, humor me. You need to know what it is you hunt, and what it is you hate."


  "Because it's what I am and I want you to understand me."

  She wanted to tell him to shove that. She did understand him, but before she could say that, she stopped.

  He was right. How could she understand what he was when she'd never experienced it herself? If it was important to him, then she would do this.

  "Then for you only, and only for one minute."

  He inclined his head and waited.

  And waited.

  When a full three minutes had gone by and she was still human, he arched a brow at her. "Well?"

  "Okay. I'm doing it." Glaring at him, she flashed into her wolf's form.

  Fury smiled at the sight of her on his bed. Dark brown with black and red, she was as beautiful in this form as she was in her human one. He ran his hand through her fur. "See, it's not so bad, is it?"

  Can you understand me?

  "Of course I can. Just like you can understand me. Now look around the room. See how different things look. How much sharper sounds and scents are."

  She looked up at him.

  "You're still human, Lia. Even as a wolf. You retain all of yourself in this form."

  She flashed back to herself. "Do you--"

  "Yes. What we are in one form, we are in the other. Nothing changes."

  Angelia sat there thinking that over. She'd assumed as a wolf that they became animals with no rational thought at all . . . but that hadn't been true. She'd kept all her cognizance. The only difference had been heightened senses.

  Gratitude swept through her, and as she went to kiss him, a searing pain tore through her hand. Gasping, she sat back, shaking it to help alleviate the pain.

  Fury cursed before he lifted his hand and blew air across it. As he did so, the geometric pattern of his pack appeared on his palm.

  It was identical to the one on hers.

  Holy shit . . .

  "We're mates?" Angelia gasped.

  Fury looked at her in disbelief. "How?"

  She continued staring at her palm. In their world, the Fates determined who they would mate with at their births. The only way to find the mate was to sleep with them and if it was meant to be, they would have matching marks.

  Those marks would only appear for three weeks, and if the woman failed to accept her mate within that time, she would be free to live out her life free of him. But she would never be able to have children with anyone else.

  The male was left celibate until the day she died. Once mated, he could only sleep with his wife. He would never be able to have an erection for anyone else.

  "We were chosen." She placed her palm to his and smiled. "You are my mate."

  Fury was having a hard time with this. He'd always wondered what it would feel like to be mated. The Dark-Hunter Acheron had told him that he'd already met his mate, but he hadn't really believed him.

  To have it be the one woman he'd always loved . . .

  It just didn't happen like this.

  He looked at Angelia, his heart pounding. "Will you accept me?"

  She rolled her eyes. "No. I'm here naked with you because all my clothes fell off by accident and I can't find them."

  "You're a sarcastic little critter, aren't you?"

  "I learned it from you."

  Laughing, Fury leaned forward to kiss her, but before he could make contact with her lips, a bright flash exploded. He pulled back and scowled as four lions appeared in his room.

  Their expressions were furious as they threw something at him.

  He caught it and then grimaced before he dropped the jackal's gruesome head to the floor. "What the hell is this?"

  "I'm Paris Sabastienne," the tallest lion said, "and I'm here to kill the bitch who killed and ruined my brothers."


  Angelia used her powers to clothe them as she braced herself for Fury to hand her over to the Litarians for their dinner.

  Instead, he rose from the bed with an aura so deadly it gave her chills. "I don't know what you think you're doing here, tree-humper, but you don't come into my brother's house with that attitude and tone." He looked down to the severed head on the floor. "And you damn sure don't bring filth into the presence of my mate."

  "We've tracked her scent here."

  Fury gave him a sinister smirk. "And do you smell it in my room?"

  One of the lions moved to grab Fury. Faster than she could blink, he twirled away from the lion and then pinned him against the wall. Hard.

  "You really don't want to test me," Fury snarled, banging his head into the wall. "I'm not a gazelle on the savannah, punk. I'll have your throat faster than you took the jackal's head."

  Paris took a step forward. "There are four of us and one of you."

  "Two of us," Angelia corrected, cutting him off from Fury. "And the only thing deadlier than a wolf is his mate when he's threatened."

  Paris approached her. He sniffed the air around her as he eyed her warily.

  "Is it her?" one of the other lions asked him.

  "No," he said disgustedly. "We've lost the scent." He turned toward Fury. This isn't over, Wolf. We won't stop until we're satisfied. If I find the bitch responsible, I will feast on her entrails."

  Fury shoved the lion he held at Paris. "You're not welcome here. Really. Get out."

  Paris made a feral growl before they vanished.

  "And take your nasty trophy head with you," Fury snarled as he slung it into the portal with them so that it went wherever it was they were going.

  Angelia let out a slow breath in relief. "What just happened? How did they not smell me?"

  Fury shrugged. "The one power I did develop was the ability to mask my scent. Since it's now part of yours, I was able to mask yours, too."

  "That's why you don't smell like a Katagari!"

  He inclined his head to her in a sarcastic salute.

  But that raised another question in her mind. "So how is it Dare found out about your base f
orm if he couldn't smell it?"

  Fury looked away as pain swept through him. To this day, the betrayal of it shredded his soul.

  Angelia placed her hand on his cheek where he had his teeth clenched tight. "Tell me."

  He didn't know why he confided in her when it went against his nature. But before he could stop himself, the truth came pouring out. "We were attacked by a group of outlaw humans in the forest. They shot an arrow. Dare didn't see it, but I did. I shoved him out of the way and took it for him."

  She winced as she understood what had happened. "The pain made you change forms."

  Fury nodded. "He knew as soon as I fell down. I tried to stop him before he reached the village, but by the time I got there, my mother had already been told."

  The rest she remembered with crystal clarity. She'd heard the shouting and had gone to the main hall where they'd all gathered. Fury had been bleeding, but he was still in human form.

  Dare had shoved him at their mother. "He's a fucking Wolf, Mum. I saw it."

  Bryani had grabbed Fury by the hair. "Tell me the truth. Are you a Katagari?"

  Fury's gaze had gone to Angelia's. Pain, shame and torment had shone deep in his eyes. But it was the pleading look there that had taken her breath. He'd silently begged her to stand with him.

  "Answer me!" His mother had demanded.

  "I'm a wolf."

  They'd set on him with a vengeance so fierce that she found it hard to believe that she'd ever taken part in it. But there, in that moment . . .

  She was such a fool.

  "Will you ever trust me again?" she asked him.

  He took her marked palm into his hand. "Do I have a choice?"

  "Yes, you do. This only means I can bear your children. It has nothing to do with our hearts."

  Fury sighed. No, it didn't. His parents hated one another. Even now all they did was plot each other's murders.

  "If you can lay aside your hatred of my kind, I'm willing to forget the past."

  Angelia looked around the room. "I will have to live here in your time, won't I?"

  "Do you really think you can go home wearing the mark of a Katagari?"

  He was right. They'd destroy her.

  Fury stepped away from her. "You have three weeks to decide if you can live with me."

  "I don't need three weeks, Fury. I agreed to den down with you, and so I have. I will even bond with you."

  Anger sparked in his eyes at her suggestion. "No, you won't. I have too many enemies who want me dead. I won't bond your life force to mine. It's too dangerous."

  She laughed. "You have enemies? What was that lion tessera that just left? Who were they after?" She cupped his face in her hands. "You and I should have had a lifetime together already. I allowed my stupidity to rob us of four hundred years. I don't want to lose another minute of being with you."