Page 6 of Remember When

  Instead of having to share him with Doug and Barb Hayward and Doug’s father plus one of Spence’s innumerable and inevitable girlfriends, as Corey and Diana had expected, Corey had him entirely to herself. The Haywards had at the last minute remembered a relative’s birthday party and were attending that, and Spence was by himself.

  Diana’s evening hadn’t turned out badly, either. She’d had Cole entirely to herself. Managing to see him as often as she could without having it seem contrived had been the second hardest thing she’d ever done—second only to keeping her feelings for him a complete secret from him and everyone else.

  Nearly all of Barb’s friends had wild crushes on him. He was tall, tanned, wide-shouldered, and narrow-hipped. In snug, soft jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, every inch of his muscled body exuded power and raw sex appeal. His complete lack of social standing, his lack of money, and his lowly job at the stable made him off-limits to them. Which made him infinitely more attractive.

  He refused to talk about himself to them, which made him mysterious and all the more fascinating.

  He was unattainable, which made him even more desirable.

  He was immune to their looks, their money, and their ploys. And that made him a challenge.

  Since Cole couldn’t be coerced or tricked into talking about himself, they spent endless hours speculating about his family and his friends back home and inventing dire experiences that might have made him want to forget or bury his past.

  They did everything to get his attention, from trying to flirt with him, to wearing their tightest pants and most revealing tops, to asking him to examine nonexistent ankle sprains and hurt wrists, to pretending to fall against him when they dismounted.

  One by one, Diana had watched Cole’s reactions to each girl’s attempt to flirt with him, and she soon realized that the more blatant the attempt was, the stronger his retaliation. Milder transgressors were treated like children, subjected to his open amusement and spoken to in a condescendingly superior way that made the transgressor squirm. More daring transgressors received a much more unbearable punishment: they were subjected to weeks of cool and distant behavior. Unfortunately, both of his tactics made it necessary to find ways to get back into his good graces, which made him seem even more powerful and desirable.

  At one point or another, during the last two years, practically every girl who rode at the Haywards’ place had claimed that he’d done or said something to indicate he had some secret interest in her. In April of this year, nine of the girls had each bet ten dollars on who would be the first to kiss him. Diana had abstained, claiming he simply didn’t appeal to her, but she volunteered to be the treasurer—and silently prayed she’d never have to hand the booty over to a winner. Earlier that spring, at a sleepover at the Haywards’, Barb had claimed she’d won the bet the night before. For a half hour, she provided her girlfriends with dozens of titillating, imaginative, and highly improbable details about the nature of the kissing and the extent of the petting that followed.

  Just when Diana thought she would surely throw up if she had to listen to another description of their body positions, Barb had flopped back on the bed and burst out laughing. “April Fools!” she called, and was immediately bombarded with handfuls of popcorn for her joke.

  As miserable as Diana had been before Barb admitted to the joke, Diana hadn’t betrayed by expression or word how she felt. Not then and not now.

  She glanced over her shoulder and saw Cole pouring feed into the bucket in the last stall, and she knew he’d come back outside to join her in a minute. She knew a lot more about him than the other girls did, because she alone had spent substantial amounts of time with him.

  She knew exactly how sunlight turned his hair to polished ebony; she’d seen the way his sudden white smile could soften the hard planes of his face and turn his eyes to liquid silver; she’d felt his hands at her waist when he came up behind her and jokingly picked her up to lift her out of his way. She’d heard the awful fury in his voice when he dragged outside one of Doug’s friends who was smoking in the stable and verbally flayed him for creating a fire hazard for the horses.

  She’d also seen him deliver a litter of kittens while he murmured gentle encouragement to the mother, and she’d seen him revive what had appeared to be a stillborn kitten by massaging it with his fingers.

  She’d actually experienced some of the fantasies the other girls could only dream of, but there were two enormous differences between Diana and the others: she was smart enough not to try to make her fantasies into reality, and she was wise enough to understand and accept that this casual friendship she shared with him was all there was ever going to be.

  She realized that she would never know how it felt to have his mouth cover hers in a kiss, or his arms close around her, or his hands press her tightly against him. She accepted all that with only a little regret. Because she was also smart enough to know that if he ever made up his mind to kiss her, she probably wouldn’t be able to handle it or control him.

  Cole wouldn’t bother with a lot of smooth talk and rehearsed strategies; he’d expect her to be a match for him in every way. But she wasn’t, and she knew it. Even if she weren’t hopelessly naive compared to him, they were as different as two people could possibly be.

  Cole was blunt, reckless, and earthy. Diana was reserved, cautious, and hopelessly proper.

  He was motorcycles and blue jeans and battered duffel bags, with a need to blaze his own trails through life.

  She was BMWs and prom gowns and matched luggage, with a need to stay on smooth, paved roads.

  Despite her philosophical understanding of the situation, Diana sighed as she watched Corey walking beside Spence. Corey was inviting disappointment and unhappiness by chasing Spencer Addison, but she was willing to take all the risks. Diana couldn’t and wouldn’t.

  Cole finished feeding the horses and walked up silently behind her. “I sincerely hope all that sighing you’re doing isn’t because of Addison,” he said dryly.

  Diana jumped guiltily, her senses going into instant overload at his nearness. His voice sounded as dark and sultry as the night; he smelled like soap and fresh hay; he seemed to loom over her—as indomitable and rugged as the mountains in the Texas hill country to the west. “What do you mean by that?”

  Moving to a position beside her, he braced his foot on the lowest railing of the fence and tipped his head toward the couple coming slowly toward them. “I mean I’d hate to see anything come between you and Corey. The two of you are closer than any natural sisters I’ve ever known, and it’s embarrassingly obvious that Corey wants him for herself.”

  “Is it that obvious?” Diana asked, peering at him in the darkness, trying not to notice that his shirt sleeve was touching her upper arm.

  “Not at first. You have to watch her for thirty seconds or so when he’s around to see what’s going on in her mind.”

  Ill at ease with that topic, and unable to think of a different one when he was standing so close, Diana followed his gaze. “Spence is a terrific horseman,” she said.

  Cole shrugged. “He’s not bad.”

  Diana had known Spence since she was a little girl, and she couldn’t let that slur on his ability pass without argument. “He’s better than ‘not bad’! Everyone says he could become a professional polo player!”

  “What a paragon,” Cole said in a scoffing tone she’d never heard him use before. “A college football hero, a ‘professional’ polo player, and an Olympic-class ladies’ man.”

  “What makes you say that last thing?” Diana asked, worried for Corey’s sake.

  He shot her a sardonic look. “I’ve never seen him here when he didn’t have a beautiful girl along to lavish him with the sort of hero worship he’s getting from Corey and you tonight.”

  “Me?” Diana burst out, gaping at him and on the verge of laughter. “Me?”

  Cole surveyed her upturned face. “Evidently not,” he admitted with a slow grin. He looked back a
t Corey and Spence, who were making their slow way toward the stable now. “I hope Corey doesn’t get her heart broken. She’s got one hell of a crush on Addison. She used up a roll of film on him tonight.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” Diana fibbed. “You know how serious Corey is about her photography. She’s working on action shots now, and since Spence was riding . . .”

  “He hadn’t gotten on the horse yet, Diana.”

  “Oh.” Diana bit her lip, and then hesitantly asked, “Do you think Spence notices how she feels?”

  Cole knew the answer to that was an emphatic yes, but he didn’t want to distress Diana, and now that he knew she wasn’t another one of Addison’s army of admirers, he felt charitable enough to give the man some credit. “If he does know, he either doesn’t find it annoying, or else he’s too much of a gentleman to hurt her feelings.”

  Cole propped both of his elbows on the fence, and he and Diana lapsed into companionable silence for several moments. Finally, Cole said, “If it isn’t Addison, then who’s the latest guy who makes your heart beat faster?”

  “George Sigourney,” Diana quipped.

  “And is this Sigourney a jock like Addison? Or is he just a rich preppie?”

  “Mr. Sigourney happens to be the dean of admissions at Southern Methodist—he signed my college admission letter and made my little heart flutter.”

  “Diana, that’s wonderful!” he interrupted with a heart-stopping smile. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  Because when I’m with you, nothing else seems to matter, Diana thought. “I was waiting for the right moment,” she said.

  He gave her a puzzled look, but he didn’t argue. “Have you decided on a major?”

  When she shook her head, he adopted the patronizing tone of a wise old adult counseling a mere child. “Don’t worry about it. You have plenty of time to decide all that.”

  “Thank you,” Diana returned with a sideways smile. “And what about you? Have you already decided what you’re going to be when you grow up?”

  He chuckled at her impertinent question. “Yep,” he said.


  “Rich,” he replied with absolute conviction.

  Diana knew that he was a finance major at college, but the details of his objective were unknown. “Do you have some sort of plan in mind?”

  “I have some ideas.”

  In the riding ring, Spence turned the horse toward the stable, and Corey knew her time with him was coming to an end even before Spence said, “I have to get going.” She tried to think of something clever or witty to say, but whenever he was near, Corey could hardly think at all. “I promised Lisa I’d pick her up at nine,” he added.

  “Oh,” she said glumly, her spirits plummeting with this new piece of depressing information. “Lisa.”

  “Don’t you like her?” Spence asked, looking surprised.

  Corey marveled at the denseness of the human male. She positively loathed Lisa Murphy, and Lisa returned the feeling.

  A month before, Corey’s family had attended a charity horse show near San Antonio, and Corey had been surprised and elated to see Spence there. Since she’d brought her camera, she managed to get several excellent candid shots of Spence along with some fine shots of the horses. When Lisa led her horse back into the barn after taking a blue ribbon in the gaited-pleasure-horse class, Spence accompanied her, and Corey naturally followed at a discreet distance, hoping for a few more glimpses of him.

  The huge barn was crowded with horses, grooms, trainers, owners, and riders, and Corey felt certain she wouldn’t be noticed. Pretending to inspect the horses, she moved slowly down the gangway, pausing now and then as if to talk to some of the riders. She was almost directly across from Lisa’s assigned stall when Spence passed her en route to get a Coke for his current flame. Corey turned her back quickly, and he didn’t see her, but Lisa did. She marched out of her horse’s stall and stormed up behind Corey. “Why do you have to be such a pest!” Lisa exploded in a low, incensed voice. “Can’t you see that you’re making a fool of yourself by tagging after Spence everywhere he goes? Now, go away and stay away!”

  Humiliated and angry, Corey had returned to the arena and joined her family in the bleachers, but she’d kept her camera ready in case she saw Spence again. That turned out to be a very good thing because, although she didn’t see Spence, she did see Lisa get thrown from her horse in the next round. As Lisa landed on her rump in the dirt with her hat off and her hair in her face, Corey had gotten that shot and several others. One of them became a favorite of hers, and it was prominently displayed in her room even though Spence wasn’t in it.

  Since Spence was still waiting for an answer, she shrugged and said mildly, “Lisa isn’t my favorite of your girlfriends.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’d probably think it isn’t important.”

  “Let’s hear it,” he ordered.

  “Okay, she’s meaner than a two-headed snake!”

  He laughed at that, and in a rare gesture of open affection, he put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick squeeze. Corey knew it had been a brotherly hug, but she was so ecstatic that she almost overlooked a highly revealing sight: Diana was standing at the fence beside Cole, and his arm was so close to hers that they were nearly touching. What’s more, Diana and the Haywards’ sexy, uncommunicative stable hand seemed to be completely absorbed in their conversation.

  It had seemed incredible to her earlier, but seeing them together that way was enough to convince her that no matter how ill-suited they seemed, or how well Diana had hidden it, she was in love with him. Corey immediately racked her brain for some way to prolong their time together, and in the process she hit upon a possible means to spend a little more time with Spence as well. “Spence,” she burst out, “could you give me a ride home?”

  He shifted his glance from the couple at the fence to hers. “Isn’t Diana going to take you home when she leaves?”

  “That was the plan,” Corey admitted; then she flashed him a conspiratorial smile and nodded toward her unsuspecting sister. “It’s just that I hate to break up their evening.”

  His gaze narrowed on her face; then it sliced to Diana and Cole, and his expression went from disbelief to amused skepticism. “You aren’t actually implying that Diana is interested in Cole Harrison, are you?”

  “You don’t think it’s possible?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Why, because he works in a stable?” Corey held her breath, hoping her idol wouldn’t betray the flaw of snobbery.

  “No, that’s not it.”

  “Then why isn’t it possible?”

  He looked at Diana and shook his head, chuckling. “I can’t believe you haven’t realized that Diana is the last girl on earth to go for the dark, brooding, earthy type. Among other things, he’d completely intimidate her.”

  “What makes you so sure?” Corey asked, even though she’d felt exactly the same way earlier that day, when she first suspected how Diana really felt.

  “My superior knowledge of women,” he said with an outrageous sense of male arrogance, “combined with excellent insight.”

  “Insight!” she scoffed indignantly, thinking of how Lisa Murphy was getting her claws into him. “How can you talk about insight when you think Lisa Murphy is a cream puff?”

  “We’re talking about Diana, not Lisa,” he reminded her in a pleasant, but firm tone.

  Since he obviously wasn’t going to believe Diana was romantically interested in Cole, Corey thought madly for some other reason to explain why Diana should stay and Spence should take her home. Diana wanted to spend time with Cole, and Corey uttered the only feasible explanation that came to mind. “Okay, but you’re ruining the surprise if you make me tell you more than this: Diana got thrown a couple years ago, and she’s been afraid to ride ever since.”

  “I know that.”

  Trying very hard to stick to the truth, she said, “And Cole’s been urgi
ng her to ride, but you know how Diana is—she doesn’t like anyone to see that she’s really nervous or afraid—”

  Understanding dawned and Spence grinned. “Diana’s getting some private riding lessons!” he concluded—appropriately, if incorrectly. “That’s great!” He nodded toward his white Jeep Cherokee as they neared the couple at the fence. “Get your things together, and I’ll drop you off on the way home.”

  Corey nodded and hurried forward in hopes of preventing Diana from objecting and spoiling Corey’s ploy. “Spence said he’d drop me off at home,” she said, giving Diana a pleading look that was so obvious that Cole had to bite back a smile. “That way, you can stay here as long as you like.”

  Diana stared at her in embarrassed dismay. Without Corey as an excuse, she couldn’t and wouldn’t linger with Cole; yet she wanted Corey to be able to ride home with Spence. “Okay,” she said, deciding she’d leave immediately after they did.

  While Cole took the reins of the sorrel and led the stable’s newest resident back into his stall, Diana watched her sister and Spence get into his car. She waited until the Jeep’s taillights vanished around a curve; then she went into the stable to get her purse and car keys. At the end of the long hallway around a corner, Cole was emptying the grocery bag of goodies she’d brought onto the sink counter beside his small refrigerator, and Diana walked back there to say good-bye. “Thanks for the company,” she said.

  “You can’t leave yet,” he said, and Diana’s heart soared. “If you leave too soon, you’ll end up passing them on the way home,” he added with a knowing smile. “Which will completely confuse Addison and embarrass the hell out of Corey. Why don’t you stay and share some of this food with me?”

  It occurred to Diana that she could avoid encountering Corey and Spence simply by taking a circuitous route home, but since that evidently hadn’t occurred to Cole, she accepted his invitation with a happy smile. “I’ve already eaten, but I’ll have a cookie for dessert with you.”