Page 12 of Siren Unleashed

  Nat started picking up Kitten’s clothes. “So that was your sister. Wow. She’s so not in the lifestyle. Are you and Ben the black sheep of the family?”

  Ben had jeans on and tugged a T-shirt out of his suitcase. “Nope. We have three other brothers. Who do you think took us to our first club? I’ll be back. And I’ll take a look at this while I’m at it.”

  Ben walked out, carrying the police report.

  And he needed to move this little investigation along so he could settle Georgia down somewhere and perhaps take a nice long vacation right here. Stanley. The victim. He’d come on to her almost immediately and he’d backed down. “How long ago did Stanley first become a client?”

  There was a long pause and then an almost incredulous answer. “Over a year. I don’t know. I would have to look at my records.”

  An asshole like Stanley should have sought out more intriguing prey. Surely not everyone on staff was so unwilling to make some extra cash. “What did he offer you? For the happy ending.”

  It was a first. It was the absolute first time he’d ever questioned a witness, much less a prime suspect, while trying to hide his junk from his sister.

  “He said he tipped generously. I said I would generously take off his balls along with his dick if he touched me in a sexual way.”

  So he was willing to pony up some cash. “But he still came to you?”

  The door slammed. Georgia, he hoped. She tended to run whenever the conversation wasn’t about lip gloss or handbags or shit.

  “You can come out, now. The big dude shoved your sister out and took Kitten with him.” Nat sat on the bed, her expression bleak. He wanted to go back to that moment when she first decided to try the damn Danish. She’d been so scared, and then her face had softened.

  That was what he could give her. Freedom.

  He couldn’t afford freedom right now. Georgia could be back any minute. He rolled to his knees and started looking for his jeans. “So, he came back to you even though you wouldn’t love him a long time?”

  She snorted. “Not at first. But six weeks later, he gave me a shot. I think he went through all of us. There are five therapists. At the time he started there were only three, but we grew fast and not as a spa. We offer therapeutic massage. And some physical therapy, though only me and Helen are certified. He came back to me when he slipped a couple of discs and needed therapy. I took pity on him and by the time we were done with the therapy, we’d settled into a nice business relationship. He never asked for extras again. Well, nothing sexual.”

  That perked his ears right up. “What did he ask for?”

  She sighed. “This is so stupid. I could probably get fired for it, but it seemed innocuous at the time. About six months ago he asked if I wouldn’t mind locking him in and letting him sleep after the first sixty-minute massage. He claimed it was the only time he got to really rest. He booked and paid for a two-hour session, but I didn’t actually work on him the last hour. Gaby knows about it now, but technically it’s against regulations.”

  “Don’t worry about your job. If Gaby fires you, I’ll get you a new one.” Actually that might be the best thing that could happen to him. If she needed a job, she needed him. He could move her right into The Club and begin herding her into the relationship he wanted. Yes. He would like that. Julian had a personal massage therapist, but there was always room for more. He’d pay her salary himself if he had to. Not that he would tell her that.

  She sighed. “I like this job. I like this place. I don’t really want to move. I have some great clients. I’ve finally made a little home for myself, and I fuck it up.”

  He was losing her. “Natalie. Focus. This isn’t your fault.” He reached out and tilted her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “You look at me right now and tell me if you killed this man. I don’t give a shit if you did. If you did, he probably deserved it, and I’ll help you out. If you didn’t, I’ll help you out. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  A little light came into her formerly hollow eyes. “You’re going to help me out?”

  At least she had one thing right. And it was way past time to start staking a claim. His brother already knew what it felt like to slide inside her, and Chase hadn’t even gotten a kiss. He’d been the one to break through her walls, but did he get her sugar? No. He had to take it. Story of his life.

  He crowded her, bumping against her body, his skin starting to hum because something about this woman just flat did it for him. His cock, previously wilted from being in Georgia’s line of sight, perked right back up.

  Nat took a step back. “I don’t know that this is a good idea.”

  A little spark of anger sizzled through him. “So you’ve had Ben and decided you don’t want me?”

  Those gorgeous eyes rolled and her body lost the tension, slacking in a way he could only describe as sarcastic. “Yes, I had a little Ben and now no other man will do. No, Chase. I don’t really know either one of you. It occurs to me that maybe I should take some time to figure out what I want.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. If he gave her too much time, she might decide she could do better than him. “I think you at least owe me the courtesy of a kiss.”

  Her eyebrows rose, arching in question. “Owe?”

  “Well, sweetness, you were looking for me last night. That pussy of yours should have been mine. Little brother got it. Don’t you think I should get a little something?”

  She crossed her arms over those breasts that she couldn’t quite hide in the voluminous T-shirt. “Just a kiss. Because I learned my lesson last night. You don’t have a triplet, do you?”

  God, she would be so much fun to spank, but she wasn’t wearing his collar. “No, Cotton Candy. I don’t have another clone. Just a couple of distant brothers and one sister who is way too close. Now are you going to give me my kiss or not?”

  She sighed. “It’s a bad idea.”

  “Most things are.” And he couldn’t think of a single worse idea than letting her walk out the door without putting something of a brand on her. He had so little time here. He needed to make sure he got to spend some of it with her. And he didn’t intend to spend every second he had interrogating her. He wanted to get her in bed. When he had her there, he would prove she could trust him.

  He waited, his eyes steady on hers, unwilling to allow her a single moment to herself. If he wanted her, and he fucking did, he needed to start getting her used to just how intense he could be.

  Her eyes were clear and wide as she looked up at him. “You aren’t going to stay around here.”

  Him? Stay in a small town? “No, I won’t.”

  She sighed. “Well, I guess that was honest.”

  “I won’t be anything less than honest with you. Ever.” It was a gift he could give her. “I’m not cut out for small-town life. But I’m also not willing to limit this little thing. Dallas isn’t so far away.”

  He wouldn’t lie to her, but that didn’t mean he had to tell her what he really meant. He would let her think he was talking about seeing her every now and then. He was really thinking that he could easily move her into his world.

  And then what the fuck would he do about Ben? Was he really going to try to cut Ben out because he was terrified she would prefer him? He couldn’t stand the thought of being the distant third with her.

  But nothing mattered if she wouldn’t even kiss him.

  She nodded and, just for a moment, he was worried she would walk away. “Okay then.”

  Chase took a deep breath and prayed he survived without completely terrifying her because all he wanted to do was get her under him. And she wasn’t ready for that.

  * * * *

  She wasn’t ready for this. It was stupid. She’d screwed his brother the night before, thinking it was him. She’d kissed Ben, but Chase was so much more intense. And she knew if she turned him away, he’d be hurt.

  And she didn’t want to turn him away. Not at all.

took a single step forward, her face turning up toward his. He loomed over her, but in a good, sexy, protective way. She went up on her toes, pressing her body up to reach toward his. His hands came out, cupping her arms. He leaned down just a little, his lips a hard, unforgiving line. It should have made her run, but instead she just wanted to soften him, to see if she could make him smile. She wanted those lips curving up because he was happy with her.

  She pressed her mouth to his, a slow melding of flesh. She’d sort of meant to make it a quick buss, but the minute her lips met his, she stopped, unwilling to break the connection.

  His hands skimmed up her arms, cupping her shoulders and then finding their way into her hair.

  “So fucking sweet.” He groaned against her lips and then took over.

  His tongue traced her bottom lip, his hands winding in her hair, pulling her back so her face was lifted to his. His mouth opened over hers and every nerve in her body lit up like a match on the first strike as he devoured her.

  So hungry. She could feel how hungry he was. For dominance, yes. But he needed affection more. It was easy to submit. He would stop if she gave him any indication that she wasn’t happy. He’d proven his control. He’d slept in a chair across the room from her though the bed was certainly big enough for all three. Ben had taken the couch as though neither brother was willing to concede the guardian role to the other.

  He’d lain beside her in bed this morning, offering up everything he had, but not taking.

  She was safe with him. His tongue danced and played against hers, his body crowding her. Her breasts rubbed against his chest and suddenly she wanted to be against him, nothing but skin touching skin.

  She let go, allowing her instincts to lead her. What had Gaby said? Sometimes the worst mistakes led to the best future. She wouldn’t have a future with them, but she could have a hell of a present. She broke away.

  “Natalie.” Chase growled her name, his hands tightening as though he wouldn’t let her go. “I’m not going to do anything. Just let me kiss you for a while, sweetness. I promise it won’t go anywhere.”

  But she wanted it to go somewhere. She pulled her shirt over her head. She was naked. God, she hadn’t been naked in front of Chase. He’d only seen her backside. Ben had seen even less. She hadn’t been naked except for a shower in forever. She’d forgotten how good it felt to have air on her skin and warm, appreciative eyes.

  Not cold, assessing ones. Funny how it came back in little bursts. Things she’d thought she’d forgotten. Little moments she’d buried down.

  You’re getting fat, Bunny. Do you think I want a fat slave? Who will buy you when I’ve used you up? Daisy in there is going to have to go because she’s too old. No one will buy her. If you keep getting fat, you’ll end up where I’m going to put her. Where useless slaves go.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  Chase’s rough voice pulled her out of that terrible moment when she’d known Gretchen was going to die. Bunny. Kitten. Daisy. He hadn’t let them keep their names.

  Chase’s voice was gravelly, but the words behind it were so vulnerable.

  Tears, sweet piercing tears, filled her eyes. God, it felt so fucking good to be here, on the verge of crying. She wouldn’t. Not yet, but it would happen. “I’m so sorry, Sir.”

  “What did he do?” His hands came up, but he hesitated, not taking what he so obviously wanted.

  She moved in close, again, those instincts she’d buried rising to the surface. The need to please, to be comforted. Instincts she’d simply followed before were coming back in spurts almost as though balancing the bad memories. They had done this for her. Where there had been only the bad shit before, Chase and Ben were reminding her that there had been good in life, too.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. She didn’t like talking about it, but her therapist claimed it was the best remedy. There was poison in her system, injected by a snake of a man. She had to get it out. “He would inspect me, all of us really. He never said anything good.”

  There was no pulling away, no treating her like she was damaged. In fact, he rubbed that big cock against her belly as though it needed a little comfort, too. “Sweetness, I don’t need to say it again, but he was a psychotic asshole and he obviously had horrible taste in women because you’re so fucking gorgeous, I can’t stand it.”

  “Really gorgeous,” a second voice said.

  Chase growled again. It seemed to be his default mode of communication. “My brother is back. And he’s looking at your ass. Can I tell him to go away?”

  She tilted her chin up. “I thought you two shared.”

  His face was blank. “Usually. What if I want you to myself?”

  She didn’t want to choose. The thought actively made her stomach ache. She pulled away and reached for her shirt.

  Ben frowned at his brother, his hair falling over his forehead in a perfect wave. “You really should get dressed, Natalie. Your friend is here, and she’s got some important news.”

  She forced the T-shirt over her head, trying to forget about the horrible position Chase was putting her in. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to start some war between brothers. She’d thought she could keep them for a little while, but this wasn’t worth the heartache.

  Chase’s jaw hardened stubbornly. “Natalie, we need to talk about this.”

  She shook her head. “There’s nothing to talk about. Thank you for listening, Sir.” He was just a Dom, nothing more. If she opened up to the other Doms, she might discover that this kindness had been waiting for her all along. She couldn’t cuddle with Cal. He was married, but there were unattached Doms. It would be like therapy. She would just ask them to spank her and then hug her afterward. Chase was right. She needed to be trained all over again, like a computer rebooting.

  Ben was holding a pair of jeans and a T-shirt that didn’t belong to her.

  “Where are my clothes? You said Gretchen was here.” Had Gretchen not had a chance to go to her place? She was anxious to get back into her own things. Wearing Chase’s T-shirt made her think about them too much.

  Ben handed her the clothes. “I took these from Georgia’s suitcase. Sweetheart, Gretchen got into your room, but someone had gotten there first. Everything was ruined. Someone destroyed the place.”

  Her little apartment? The only place where she felt really safe? A sob nearly escaped her lips as she ran out the door toward Gretchen.

  Chapter Eight

  “You’re such an asshole.” Ben pushed past Chase, starting toward the lobby. Chris Linwood was meeting them at Nat’s apartment and had promised to leave a golf cart in the parking lot for them. If he hurried, he could leave his asswipe, selfish-beyond-all-compare brother behind.

  Ben let the door swing behind him, kind of hoping it would hit his brother in the face. Chase hadn’t said a damn word, preferring to allow Ben to deal with all the fallout, including forcing Nat to stay behind until they decided it was safe.

  Yeah, he’d let Ben be the bad guy on that one. He’d just fucking stood there watching everyone.

  Now he simply walked behind Ben like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t tried to cut him out. Like he hadn’t nearly broken Natalie.

  Ben located the golf cart and everything was exactly as Chris had described it. The little key was in the ignition. He could see the employee quarters in the distance. Natalie’s tiny apartment was on the second floor with a view of the pool.

  The cart shifted as Chase sat down in the passenger seat.

  As much as he wanted to leave him, this really was Chase’s strong suit. He was an amazing investigator. He just didn’t have a functioning heart.

  “I want to leave.” Ben forced the words out. It had been building for weeks, months, a good portion of his life really. Maybe it would be better to have half a life than nothing at all. He turned the key and the little cart sparked to life. He put it in reverse. “After this is done, I’m going to move. Without you.”

  He’d only lived withou
t his brother during those years in the Navy. And despite what Chase thought, those fleeting moments of joy had been punctuated with a deep sense that he was hollow on the inside without his brother. But after today, he couldn’t forgive him.

  “I understand.” Chase’s eyes never left the road. “I’ll leave if you would prefer. You have more friends in Dallas than I do.”

  This was what he got? He wanted a fight, and Chase gave him logic. Well, it was true. “Good. I’ll expect you out by the end of the month. And we’ll just split the accounts.”


  Goddamn him. “That’s all you have to say?”

  Chase shrugged. “I deserve it.”

  Somehow his honesty didn’t ease Ben’s anger. “Damn straight you do. You hurt her.”

  “I know.”

  The fucking golf cart puttered on. He wanted to drive recklessly. He needed some speed. He needed to take a curve at ninety miles an hour just to prove he could do it. But no. He got five miles an hour and shitty shocks. His head nearly brushed the top of the vehicle as he hit a speed bump.

  “Well, I’m glad you know.”

  Chase sighed. “Stop the cart. This is stupid. We could walk faster.”

  Ben stopped the cart, slamming on the squealing brakes. “Feel free.”

  He just sat there. “She’ll prefer you and I don’t want her to. I want her to like me.”

  Ben’s head whirled around way faster than the golf cart could move. Chase sounded almost human. Vulnerable. “I think she likes you. She went looking for you.”

  He just stared forward. “She won’t like me once she’s been around you for a while. She needed a Dom. She needed a hard-ass to spank her and get her to cry. I make little girls with pink hair cry. How long do you think that fascination is going to last? Not long, brother. She’ll want to take her perfectly nice boyfriend out with her. She’ll find friends and they’ll all hate me. I’ll end up being the second dick.”

  Ben felt his anxiety. Fuck all, Chase was falling for her. Really falling for her. A spark of hope lit inside Ben. Natalie was a little ray of sunshine. Oh, sure, she had a black cloud over her head and might be headed to prison, but he would take the chance. “I don’t think she’s like other women we’ve dated.”