Page 29 of Siren Unleashed

  He nearly growled because that was stupid. How could she have run off on her own?

  P.S. I’m not stupid. I made Logan drive me. Unfortunately, I think that means I get Kitten and your sister, too, so maybe I am dumb. Sleep well, babes.

  “Natalie’s gone. She went out to the spa to turn in her notice, but at least she had the good sense to take Logan with her.” She had an entourage. It would be all right, but there was some definite punishment coming her way. She should have woken them up. “Do you think part of Leo’s therapy with Logan is forcing him to be every female at The Club’s whipping boy until he decides sanity is better than being forced to follow around a bunch of women he can’t sleep with?”

  Chase’s fingers were flying across the keys. Ben didn’t take it personally. Chase and his computer had a deep and spiritual connection. The damn thing had been almost like his girlfriend for years. It was a testament to Natalie’s charms that his brother hadn’t touched it in nearly twelve hours.

  And it was time that his almost wife figured out that she was in trouble. It would do her good to have to worry about what her punishment would be all the way back home. He picked up his phone and noticed Chase wasn’t the only one with a couple of texts. The first was from Logan. It was short and pithy and explained that he had a herd of women and he hadn’t signed up for this deal and Ben was an asshole. And there was an emoticon that looked oddly like a pile of smiling poop.

  So Logan was happy.

  Georgia had sent him a text, too. This one was from Kitten’s phone, but as always, it was filled with bright, shiny, confusing emoticons.

  “Georgia texted me. I’ll give you a reading. ‘Hey, bro. Nice work with Natalie.’ Clapping hands. Clapping hands. ‘Can’t wait for the wedding.’ Red heart. Green heart. ‘Will have her back to you in no time at all.’” He stared at the screen. “It looks like an erect caterpillar. Yep. Erect caterpillar. ‘BTW Logan’s a jerk wad.’ Oh, good, she likes the smiling poop one, too. I don’t get the emoticon thing, man.”

  “Hush, I’m onto something.” Chase never looked up. He wasn’t particularly interested in erect caterpillars. Or exploding horns. Georgia had ended her message with a flurry of them. Yeah, she was so not coordinating the wedding.

  He sighed, thinking about the fact that his brothers likely wouldn’t allow them to elope. They would want something big and probably formal. Winter and Mark and Drew would likely give him hell if they didn’t have a proper collaring ceremony, too. When had BDSM become his family’s religion?

  Ben found his shirt and pulled it over his head. If he hurried, he might be able to catch up with Natalie at the spa. Chase would be too involved with his hard drive to come along. He would have a chance to give Natalie his own version of erect caterpillar. Oh, yeah.

  “I’m going to head out to the spa and help Logan out. That’s a whole lot of woman trouble for the poor boy to take care of. Georgia alone is more than any one man could handle.” A thought struck him. “Hey, you don’t think Logan has a friend he shares with, do you?”

  It really would be easier to handle his bratastic baby sister if there were two men to corral her. And she should be collared. She tended to wander off.

  Chase simply frowned down at his computer, the light from the screen shadowing his face and making him look brooding and dark.

  He wasn’t going to get a reply. Ben sighed. Chase was off in la-la land. He was reaching for his wallet and keys when his phone trilled again. Another text.

  A local number, but he didn’t recognize it. No happy emoticons on this one.

  I have something more fun than a little bit of pot happening tonight. If you’re interested and like blondes, maybe you would care to bid. I have a lot of three to auction off this evening. Contact me at this number. Your host.

  Yeah. This was what they’d been waiting for. An auction? Was someone continuing Hawk’s work? A cold shiver made his gut clench. Barnes had mentioned some missing girls. Were they being sold off? It wasn’t unheard of. It happened all the time. All some fucker needed was an Internet connection, the right buyers, and a way to smuggle the girl out of the country because many of the buyers would be from abroad. This was Texas. Getting across the border was no problem at all.

  From Mexico they could move women across the globe.

  But Barnes had only mentioned two girls. Who was the third?

  “Fuck a duck, Chase. I think they’re selling girls.”

  Chase looked up from his computer. “I know they are. And I know who’s doing it. Goddamn it, Ben. I know who tried to buy Natalie from Hawk. He’s found her again, and I think he’s going to nab her. This time he won’t let her get away.”

  * * * *

  Gaby hugged her, pulling Natalie into her embrace. “I’m so, so happy for you.”

  Nat was well aware she was probably glowing. “Thanks, Gaby. I can’t tell you how much working here has meant to me. You and Cal and Chris have been family to me. I couldn’t have asked for more.”

  Gaby grinned at her. “I thought Julian was insane when he mentioned this plan. You know he’s gotten to be quite the matchmaker lately.”

  Nat pulled back. “Matchmaker?”

  Gaby winked before sinking into the chair behind her desk. “Yes. Ever since Danielle got pregnant, he’s been busily trying to match up his Doms. He wants his kid to have a circle of friends, and he’s prepared to strong-arm his employees into happy marriages. A few weeks back he called me and asked if I wouldn’t mind him setting you up with someone.”

  Nat felt her eyes go wide. “Are you serious?”

  Who the hell had Julian Lodge decided she would be good with?

  Gaby laughed. “Yep, he did. I actually argued that you weren’t ready. I told him to give you time, and he said he didn’t have it. I think he giggled with glee when I told him you were in trouble and we needed a PI.”

  Her heart clenched a little. “He wanted to set me up with Ben and Chase?”

  Gaby nodded. “Yep. One way or another you were going to meet those men. Julian has a flare for knowing what a sub needs. Did I tell you the story about how Cal and I met?”

  She’d heard it before. It had given her hope. “You went to a BDSM club.”

  “Yes. Cal and his friend Greg had started one, but they were friends with a man named Julian Lodge. I had been to The Club several times when Julian invited me into his office and said I should try this new club. He introduced me to Heather, Greg’s wife. At the time, I thought he was kicking me out of his own club because I wasn’t pretty enough.”

  Nat knew Julian. He wouldn’t do that. “I don’t think so.”

  “I know that now. He was setting me up. He knew Callum would take one look at me and take me in.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “He’s a good man. He was then. He is now. And he knows what subs and Doms need. Julian thought you were what Ben and Chase needed.”

  “He was right.” They needed her. No doubt. And she was madly in love with them. They had opened her up to possibilities again. Her whole life was in front of her, not something to be endured, but something to be experienced. Something to be devoutly grateful for.

  “I’m so glad for you. I can’t tell you. And I accept your two-week notice with great sadness. I think Julian will find some work for you at The Club.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to work as a massage therapist anymore. Not publicly. She would love to work over her men, and if any of her friends got knots, she would totally work them out, but she was an artist, and it was past time to start behaving like one.

  She might even be a diva artist. Yeah. That would be kind of awesome.

  “I think I’m going to concentrate on my marriage for a while.” She would concentrate on Chase and Ben and getting back to her artistic self. As far as she could tell, they didn’t exactly need her pittance of an income.

  “You be happy, Natalie.” Gaby pushed a piece of paperwork toward her. Her resignation. God, she was really doing this. She was leaving. This place had been
her home for years, the first place she’d felt halfway safe in.

  “Thanks, Gaby. For everything.” She scooted around the desk and hugged her again. She didn’t hold back because she was suddenly full. Full of hope. Full of love. Full of gratitude. “Now is this all you needed? Your text said I had some things to clear up.”

  “Text?” Gaby shook her head. “I didn’t send you a text, sweetie.”

  The text had been specific. It had come from the resort’s main number and explained that she needed to fill out some paperwork for her leave of absence.

  “Could it have been Chris?”

  Gaby shrugged. “Maybe. I think he’s out at the delivery dock. We’re getting a new Vichy Shower today, and he’s overseeing the delivery and installation. He might know about the text, but this is all I need. I can have payroll do your final paperwork from this resignation letter. As far as I’m concerned, you can go and enjoy those men, sweetie. You might want to clear out your locker and say good-bye to the staff, but you’re always welcome back. I hope you’ll come and see us from time to time.”

  She couldn’t see herself staying away. She had friends here. Chris and Gaby and Cal and Gretchen. God, she had to explain this to Gretchen. “I promise. Is Gretch working today?”

  She wanted to get it out of the way. Talking to Gretchen would be a downer most likely. Even though Gretchen had encouraged her to play around with the Dawsons, she had a way of seeing the absolute worst in any given situation.

  “Yes. But I think the spa was light on appointments today, so you should be able to find her.”

  Nat gave Gaby one last hug. She would miss this place.

  Logan sat out in the lobby, his mouth turned down. He hadn’t been thrilled when she’d asked him to come along. He’d been deeply engaged in an Xbox match against Sam Fleetwood. Some football game. When Nat had announced she needed an escort, he’d told her flat out to go and wake the men who got a little something something from her and leave him be.

  It was only after she’d taken the keys to his SUV that he’d decided to come along.

  “You done?” Logan sat outside in the lobby, a grim look on his face. Kitten and Georgia sat talking in the sitting area.

  She really would miss this place.

  “I have to go and clean out my locker. It won’t take long. You can stay here. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” She strode out of the office and out into the sunshine. How had she not noticed how beautiful it was here? Now she felt the warmth of the morning sun on her face and her mind started planning ways to capture the feeling on a canvas.

  “I’ll go with you, damn it.” Logan and the whole entourage started to follow her into the courtyard. She decided to go through the front door of the spa. It was her last time here. She didn’t want to go through the employee entrance. Besides, it was the middle of the week and early in the morning after what she’d heard was a hell of a fun night in the dungeon. Most of the employees and guests would likely be sleeping in. She would be surprised if anyone was in there besides Gretchen and the receptionist.

  Logan started to fall in beside her, Kitten at his side.

  “Okay, but can you wait in the lobby? I kind of need to talk to Gretchen alone,” Nat said. Gretchen was a little bit of a drama queen, and the last thing she needed was for Gretchen to cry and accuse Natalie of leaving her behind because then Kitten would cry and her afternoon would look very different from the sex fest she had planned.

  She would quietly give Gretchen a hug and pray that if she didn’t have an audience, she wouldn’t throw too much of a fit.

  It was kind of sad, but she realized not dealing with Gretchen every day might actually help their friendship. Or kill it, and then she would know if they had really been friends or if it was just that they’d survived together. She knew that she and Kitten were solid. She wasn’t so sure about Gretchen. But it would be better to know.

  Logan stopped her. “I don’t know about that, Nat. I think I should just stick close.”

  “You can’t go in the women’s locker room with me.” Did he expect to accompany her to the bathroom, too?

  Logan sighed. “I’m calling your men. If they tell me it’s fine, then I’ll wait, but I suspect they’ll feel differently about it.”

  He reached into his pants pocket, his hand searching. His face came up and lit right on Georgia, who suddenly found the surroundings utterly fascinating. Yep. Guilt was written on her face.

  “Where is my phone, Georgia?” Logan had the Dom voice thing down. It could freeze water. Although it merely perked up Kitten, Natalie noticed.

  Georgia held the phone out, shaking it tauntingly. “You mean this phone? How do you like having your phone stolen, jackass?”

  God. They should just get a room.

  Logan stared at her, and for the first time, Nat could believe the big guy was really some sort of law enforcement. “Give me my phone now, Georgia.”

  Georgia’s blue eyes went wide and innocent. “I’ll give it to you. The same way you gave it to me.”

  Her arm flew back, and the phone went sailing toward the multitudinous rosebushes that marked the gardens outside the spa.

  “I am going to slap that ass red, Georgia Dawson. You won’t be able to sit for a fucking week when I’m done with you.” His face was a furious red as he turned. “You have until I find my phone, Nat. Get this done because we’re going back to the ranch after this, and I’m done playing the brat’s escort.” His big body twisted as he looked back at Georgia. “Red, Georgia. I swear I’m going to make up for all those times that your daddy should have taken a switch to you.”

  “Promises, promises,” Georgia taunted back.

  Kitten winked. “See, the Master is having so much fun. I’m going to go help him.” She frowned a little. “Say good-bye to Gretchen for me.”

  She hurried off after Logan.

  Georgia smiled brightly. “Come on. We have a little time. I’ll go in with you. Maybe you can work on my shoulders. It’s been a stressful couple of days. Who knew detective work could be so rough? They make it look glamorous on TV, but it’s really a whole lot of watching Chase play with his computer. He frowns so much it makes me sad.”

  She liked Georgia, but she was really going to have to talk to Chase and Ben. She wasn’t sure they would survive working with their sister. “I don’t know about how much time we’ll have. I think Kitten will probably just call his phone and they’ll find it.”

  Georgia’s boobs began to ring. She grinned and pulled the phone out. “See. I’m so much smarter than him. You needed a little time. I needed a phone because I desperately need to text. I’m a little addicted, and Logan deserves whatever revenge I choose. Someone named James has just received a text from Logan declaring his mad gay love for him complete with emoticon hearts and that little caterpillar that looks like an erection.” She winked, turned the ringer to vibrate, and shoved it back into her bra. “We know he won’t look there. Hey, his boss’s number is in there. Later on maybe we could take pictures of things that look like penises and send them to this sheriff person.”

  This was her future sister-in-law. Apparently there were no boring Dawsons. “You’re going to have to give that back to him eventually.”

  They walked through the pretty glass doors, and Nat stopped. The reception desk was empty. That must have been some party the night before if Melissa hadn’t shown up for work.


  “Is it supposed to be this quiet?” Georgia asked.

  Nat looked down at the appointment book. There were three scheduled massages in the spa, and another four for either in-room or poolside for the whole day. “It’s supposed to be peaceful, but maybe not this peaceful.”

  The computer was on. Maybe Melissa was just in the break room. She wondered what Chase would do. He liked to attack computers. This one was a beauty, top of the line with full scheduling and payroll software, and a spreadsheet that looked like it tracked when the therapists came in and out of the building.
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  That was interesting. Apparently Melissa liked to keep notes. Nat sat down at the reception desk. Her curiosity was aroused. “Keep watch for me.”

  Georgia’s eyes went wide. “You don’t want Logan to know you’re on the computer? Are you going to send someone nasty e-mails? I’m really good at those.”

  Melissa had left the file open. Damn. It looked like the receptionist kept tabs on everyone. There were notes on every single therapist. Eva apparently was the one who stole yogurt out of the fridge. Thanks for the hungry days, Eva.

  Nick hit on his clients? Yeah. She could buy that. He hit on just about anything with breasts, but apparently he’d gotten caught with a client, though Nat hadn’t heard anything about it. Nick hadn’t even been called out on it.

  Or had he? Nick had been awfully quiet lately.

  Nat frowned as she read the notes about herself. Melissa didn’t like the pink hair, thought she was rude, and had made a note to watch Natalie for possibly not reporting all her tips to the IRS. There was a small note about how much that information might be worth.

  Holy shit. Was Melissa blackmailing the employees?

  Nat looked around. Still no one. She needed Chase. Chase could figure this out. Chase would be able to look at it and logically deduce the truth. Nat used the mouse to pull out the e-mail, and there it was. A whole file of e-mails sent to her fellow therapists.

  Gretchen? There were several sent to Gretchen. What the hell had Gretchen done?

  Nat knew she should leave well enough alone, but she couldn’t. She had to look. Had Gretchen been stealing tips? Yogurt?

  Natalie gasped because that wasn’t what Gretchen had been doing. Pictures of her with Stan Kirkman had been attached to an e-mail requesting an enormous amount of money or she would tell the sheriff that Gretchen had been screwing Kirkman for months and starting rumors that it had been Natalie. She also threatened to out Gretchen for working at a strip club.