Page 7 of Siren Unleashed

  She wanted to forget a lot. She wanted to erase the whole day. She knew she couldn’t do that, but she could forget for the night. She could lie down beside him and revel in that big body because Gaby was right. He was safe.

  Julian Lodge was sort of like Satan. No one fucked with him. Julian didn’t care if a person hadn’t known they were fucking with him. He didn’t give passes or listen to logic. Tony hadn’t realized when he sold her to Hawk that he would come under Julian Lodge’s special brand of justice. After Julian had discovered Tony’s involvement in her slave stint, Tony had lost his job, found he no longer had a credit rating, and got his ass put on the no-fly list. He’d committed suicide rather than going to jail, and Nat didn’t feel bad about it. Certainly not after she’d learned she hadn’t been the only woman Tony had sold.

  But Sir Dawson was Julian Lodge approved.

  And he was so lickable it hurt. Her girl parts, which had seemed to be in a deep freeze, had come roaring back to life. Yes, Sir Dawson was a weirdo, but so was she. His awkward growl was practically a fucking mating call.

  She had pink hair and a tongue piercing, and another little jewel in a place that might shock her tattooed hottie. They were a good, casual match.

  She’d just never really done casual before. Despite her previous lifestyle, she’d only had sex with two guys, a high school boyfriend and a Dom she’d seen for a few months after college. What happened with Hawk didn’t count. She’d only chosen to sleep with two men.

  Sir Dawson would make three.

  But more importantly, he would mean she’d survived. But she still worried. “What if he doesn’t want me?”

  Gaby sat down beside her, rubbing her shoulders in a way Nat wouldn’t have accepted a few hours before. “He wants you. He sat there holding you for half an hour. He wants you bad. He didn’t find another sub. He went to the bar. As far as I know, he’s still there. Nat, if you want him, you should take him, but there’s something you should know first.”

  “He’s the investigator Julian sent.” She wasn’t stupid. A Julian-approved Dom showed up just as she was being investigated for murder. Duh.

  Gaby slumped a little. “You’re not mad?”

  That Julian gave a shit? “No. Gaby, I didn’t do this. I didn’t know that Stan had a drug problem. I didn’t really know anything. He won’t find bad stuff on me.”

  So it was okay to play around with him. Right? It was okay to lose herself in him, just for a night or for however long he stuck around.

  Gaby put a hand over hers. “I know that, sweetie. I just don’t want you to ever think I would betray you.”

  Nat understood the meaning of betrayal. Gaby hadn’t even come close. “I knew it when I pointed him out. Just tell me I don’t seem slutty.”

  Gaby’s smile broke over her face. “Sweetie, you’re the least slutty girl I know. Go for it. Have fun. Live. I don’t know a single person who deserves a little happiness more than you. If Dawson moves you, if you feel a connection to him, then you should follow it. He’s not a dating kind of guy. He’s a D/s guy. I met Cal one night, slept with him because I knew he was the one for me, and then it all went to hell. And we still got married, and we still had kids, and we still have an amazing life. I wouldn’t take back the ‘mistake’ of sleeping with him for anything.”

  It was a mistake. But it was one she was willing to make.

  It was just a little pleasure. Just a little sex. She hadn’t had a male hand on her body for years until tonight, and she felt a little drugged by it.

  She felt more like herself than she had in years. She leaned over and kissed Gaby on the cheek. “Are you having breakfast?”

  “You know Saturday morning breakfast is sacred.” Gaby winked her way.

  “Well, maybe I will be there this time and maybe I will be having breakfast in bed so don’t wait for me.” She stood up. A giddy joy rushed through her. It was stupid but it was her mistake to make. Hers. Not something forced on her by someone else or by her own fear. This was a stupid-ass mistake she would make because her pussy was attuned to Sir Dawson.

  She walked out of the locker room and turned toward the bar, hoping he was still there and hadn’t left for his room where he’d assured her he would be masturbating to thoughts of her. And he’d taken her panties. They’d been in his pocket when she’d walked away from him. The thought of him pulling out her dumb-ass printed panties and playing with them should have creeped her out, but it was all a part of Sir Dawson’s weirdness.

  And then she saw him. Big, strong, seemingly cold. He stepped out from the men’s locker room and put his hands on his lean hips as if he was looking for something—or someone. Her? She stopped, giving him a soft smile. He was a Dom. He deserved her softness since he’d given her his gentleness when she’d needed it most.

  Sir Dawson stopped, a curious look coming over his face.

  She took the initiative. He knew her background. He likely wouldn’t make the first move. “Hey.”

  His lips curled up in the hottest smile. “Hi. Your hair reminds me of cotton candy. I like it.”

  Yeah, he’d made that clear. It was one of the things she liked about him. He didn’t judge her on her not-so-normal hair choices. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, sweetheart.” He seemed more relaxed, his whole body moving from tension to an anticipatory stance. “I’m looking for my brother, but he can wait. What can I do for you?”

  “Let me make love to you.” That was as boldly as she could put it.

  He shook his head as though to clear it, but then a sunny smile came over him. She’d brought that out in him. He’d been so closed off, but now he was grinning at her like he’d hit the lottery. It made it ridiculously easy to walk straight up to him and put her hands on his chest the way she had before, though she didn’t hesitate this time. She ran her hands up his abs, every single cut muscle a pleasure to her fingers. She pushed the vest back, looking at that sexy tat.

  “What does it mean?” It was an eagle clutching a rifle, an anchor, and a trident. It looked very patriotic.

  He leaned back just a bit, allowing her to see it fully. “It means I got my ass shot off in Afghanistan and various other foreign countries. It’s a SEAL tat. We get them when we leave active duty.”

  She could buy that. A Navy SEAL. He’d fought for his country. A warrior. Maybe that was why she felt safe with him.

  “Sweetheart, are you sure you want to play with me?” His hands came up, tracing the line of her jaw. “You should be careful.”

  “Are you going to hurt me?” He hadn’t before. He’d given her exactly what she needed.

  “No.” His thumb found her lower lip, his eyes catching there. “Not at all. Actually I’ve had a horrible day. I’ll be honest with you, I normally wouldn’t do this, but I’ll take it today.” He crowded her, leaning over. “Come up to my room. But not before you tell a friend where you’re going.”

  She looked back at Gaby. “Gaby knows. She runs the place.”

  He shot Gaby a smile. “Yeah, that’s good, sweetheart. Let’s go upstairs and hope my brother’s not hanging around. I heard he’s in the dungeon. He’s probably playing with a sub, but he can manage on his own for a night.”

  She wondered about his brother, the nice one. But he was all she needed. “Can you kiss me, Sir?”

  “How do you like to be kissed, sweetheart? I don’t know how your relationships work. Do you want it soft or rough?”

  “I want it every way.” She wanted to lose herself. That was all.

  He leaned over and pressed his beautiful mouth on hers. Men’s lips shouldn’t be so full and sensual. He was softer than she’d expected, but it was a revelation all the same. He didn’t pull her to him, rather let her cuddle up, her body molding to his. He had to lean over to kiss her, making her feel petite and delicate and feminine, a state she thought she’d left long ago.

  He kissed her, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips, asking for entry. He was tentative, not a
t all the strong dominating presence of before, but she was okay with that. He knew her story. He was treating her with caution. One more reason to like the man.

  “You’re awfully sweet.”

  She felt sweet. “I’m in a mood, Sir. Take me to your room.”

  He took her hand and led her away. Nat followed, her heart pounding. She was ready to find out just how far she’d come.

  Chapter Five

  Ben hit the button for the tenth floor and wondered briefly what the hell the sweet-faced girl with the pink hair was doing, but then he saw the swell of her breasts and the way her eyes heated up and he didn’t give a shit.

  Everything could wait. He’d known it the minute he saw her. A connection had sparked as if he already knew her. Sweetness. The word had played along his head, a little whisper he couldn’t ignore. She would be sweet once he got past her armor.

  He could still feel Chase, but he ignored his brother’s pull. Chase was brooding. What was different about that? Chase was bemoaning his existence or drinking because he was bored. Ben wasn’t sure what had happened earlier. He’d felt an odd sense of contentment rush through his system, blanketing him in peace. It had to be Chase since at the time Ben himself had simply been pissed off because Georgia wouldn’t stop complaining about her broken nail. Now Chase was right back to his brooding self. It was a regular old Dawson Friday night. Being weirdly connected to his brother was the bane of his life.

  But the girl with the pink hair was different.

  He’d looked at her across the dungeon and his dick had leapt at the sight. She was different, and the way she looked at him made him feel ten fucking feet tall. She looked like she could eat him alive, and he would love the process of feeding her.

  He needed this, and she’d shown up like freaking manna from heaven. He pulled her close, his hands sliding over the curve of her ass, and she winced slightly.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I’m still a little sore from earlier.”

  Ah, now he understood what she was doing. It wasn’t the first time he’d had to help out a poor little submissive who’d been horribly treated by a Dom. It could happen for a lot of reasons. Sometimes the Dom wasn’t available sexually. Sometimes the Dom was just a nasty asshole who believed in withholding orgasms. Ben did not agree with withholding orgasms. Orgasms made the world a happier place. And he really wanted an orgasm. “Did some mean old Dom get you all hot and bothered and then leave you aching, sweetheart?”

  She smiled, shy sensuality coming off her in waves. She was tentative, but she wanted this. He could tell. He wondered just how much experience she had. “He did. He was actually really amazing, but I need more. But I was so grateful for the discipline.”

  And he was grateful that dumb-ass Dom hadn’t taken her up on all that sweetness she promised. He thought briefly about texting Chase. He would be crazy about the girl with the cotton candy hair and doe eyes. She was exactly Chase’s type, but he didn’t want to scare her off. Hey, I want to share you with my twin brother. By the way, what’s your name, seemed to be just asking for trouble.

  Chase could wait. Ben wanted to forget his craptastic day and the fact that he was working a murder case that might hurt his boss, and all the shit with Georgie. He didn’t need the pink-haired girl’s name. He just needed to get inside her, to remind himself that he was fucking good at something. He could satisfy her and take a little something for himself.

  “No playing, okay, sweetheart? I just want to fuck for a good long while. Can you just let me make you feel good?” He was too fucking tired to tie her up and play all the games Chase insisted on.

  Her bottom lip trembled just a little. “Good. I don’t know how I would handle it. I might need to be on top, if that’s all right. Actually I don’t want to be under you. I need to be on top, okay?”

  Girl on top was perfect. She could do most of the work. “I’m fine with that. I’d like to kiss you again.”

  She nodded, and he didn’t wait for more. He pulled her close, reveling in the feel of her against him. It was an oddly comfortable feeling, as though he’d held her before. Even her scent seemed familiar and soothing. Everything about her calmed him. Well, the parts of him that weren’t standing at rigid attention and begging to dip inside what promised to be a tight pussy.

  He kissed her, his tongue tangling and finding the hard metal nub of her tongue piercing. That would feel like heaven on his cock. He could hold that pink hair of hers and let her run that little stud across his dick until he was just about ready to blow. Then he could pull her off and mount her, fucking her until she cried out.

  Her nipples rubbed against his chest, her hands exploring.

  The elevator door opened. They were on ten. His room. He hoped the bellman had done his job and brought his luggage up already. That bag had his condoms. He’d tossed them in because he was going to a sex club, and despite the crappy job he had to do, there was sex to be had at sex clubs. He’d spent the last year or so of his damn life watching after Kitten and being forced to stare as his friends all settled into relationships where they got regular, happy sex.

  Ben wasn’t about to feel bad about his hookup, no-name quickie.

  He took her hand and led her down the hall, his heart thudding in his chest because this freaking no-name quickie was making him feel more alive than he had in forever.

  She pulled back just a little. He turned and softened. She looked so vulnerable. His hands covered hers, surrounding her because he wasn’t about to let her go. He would coax her, make her feel safe because he just knew he had to have her.

  “What’s your name?” It came out of her mouth so softly he almost didn’t hear it.

  He smiled, bringing her hand to his lips. Her skin was so soft, her scent feminine and, fuck, citrusy. God, he loved that smell. “Benjamin. It’s Ben Dawson. How about you, sweetheart?”

  That spark of spunk was back in her eyes, making his cock jump. “Ah, the formal introduction. Nat. Though I do answer to Cotton Candy.”

  Nat. He liked it. It fit her. “Well, you are definitely as sweet as cotton candy.” He pulled his key card with one hand and tugged her close with the other. “Are you still sure? We don’t have to do this. We can go downstairs and talk. I can buy you a drink.”

  He didn’t want that. The need to fuck her was riding him hard. He wasn’t even sure what it was about her that had him so fucking on edge, but he was going with it. The emotion felt so good. He’d been dead inside for a while, the world around him bland and black and white, and when he looked at her he saw colors.

  Fuck. Was he feeling something Chase was feeling? Was Chase flirting with some pretty woman and Ben was getting the edge of his arousal?

  “I don’t want a drink. I want this.” The door closed behind Nat and it didn’t matter who was feeling what. All that mattered was getting her out of those clothes and onto his cock. He could deal with the rest of it later. For right now a gorgeous woman wanted him, and that felt really fucking good.

  He tossed the leather vest aside, puffing up with male pride as her eyes got wide. He was pushing thirty-six, but he kept himself in shape, the rigors of his past military life never quite leaving him. “Come here.”

  He was done playing. He wanted his hands on her.

  She took a deep breath, stepping forward. He could feel her nerves. He put a hand on her hair, smoothing it back. His other hand cupped her hip, running over her curves. He let her hips bump against him. She was so petite. He wanted her to feel the length of his erection, wanted to rub it against her pussy, but he caught the gentle curve of her belly. If he wanted to kiss her, he would nearly have to bend in half. Groaning with frustration, he reached down and picked her up. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She gasped, but did as he asked. “You picked me up.”

  Her mouth was slack like she couldn’t believe it. He liked this position. If her clothes were off, he could sink right in and control the penetration by moving her up and down on his cock. As it was,
he could feel her heat against his crotch, and fuck, he loved the way her ass felt in his hands. He grinned at her. “You don’t weigh a thing, sweetheart. And this way, you can kiss me.”

  She bit into that hot-as-fuck, bee-stung bottom lip but seemed to come to a decision. Her hands sunk into his hair, and she tugged back a little. Yeah, that got him hot, too. Chase was the one who wanted to be in control all the time. Ben liked a little push back. Ben liked the give-and-take of a really strong woman. He wanted to argue and fight and fuck like animals afterward.

  He allowed her to lead, her tongue tentative at first and then demanding. Her hands pulled at his hair, and he sank his fingers against the flesh of her ass. No panties. Good girl. He didn’t want to have to deal with underwear. He wanted to shove that skirt up and fuck into her. There would be plenty of time later for a longer, leisurely fuck. Hell, if he got her off well enough, she might still be around when Chase got back, and they could show her the joys of a little double penetration.

  He walked to the bed, bypassing the living area and heading for the bedroom portion of the suite, hoping she wouldn’t notice that his brother was staying here, too, and Chase was a slob from hell. Of course it would be way better if she didn’t figure out that he and Chase had shared quarters most of their lives because they had some freaky fucking twin thing where they could feel each other’s emotions, so it felt stupid to have separate apartments when they couldn’t have separate lives.

  His knees hit the bed, and he turned until he could fall back on it. She wanted to be on top. Said she needed it. He meant to give it to her. He loved the weight of her on his cock. Which was wretchedly hard and practically banging out of his leathers.

  She pulled up, her torso coming over him. “Dawson, I need this. Can you make me forget everything just for a little while?”

  Oh, yeah. He could do that for her. Her every word dripped like honey. “Grab a condom out of that leather bag at the end of the bed and you can do whatever you like to me. Consider me your slave tonight, sweetheart.”