Page 13 of Instinct

  "Bebelle, cher." Though he still remained in full Malachai form, she heard the slight softening of his demonic voice in the whispered endearment he only used for her.

  You better be right about this, Xev.

  Completely petrified, she buried her hand in his sleek black hair and slowly lowered his lips to hers. At first, he growled angrily, and started to pull away, but the moment her tongue swept against his, he changed. His arms hesitantly wrapped around her body to hold her in a gentle embrace as his wings came down. Those wings cocooned them in a feathery caress before they finally vanished with the lightest stirring of air.

  He brought his hands up to cup her head in a gentle, familiar hold. His hair changed from the sleek demon texture to the soft waves she was used to burying her hands in.

  When Kody opened her eyes, she no longer stared into those red, searing orbs, but the beautiful blue eyes that held a part of her no one else ever had. She had no idea why Nick thought Zavid, Xev, and Caleb were more handsome than he was. They had nothing on her sharp-witted, smart-aleck Cajun.

  Well, maybe a better wardrobe.

  But even in his wrinkled mass of oversized, tacky, hideous Hawaiian shirts, Nicholas Gautier turned heads and left her breathless.

  Smiling up at him, she ran her fingertip over his bottom lip. "Ca c'est bon, n'est pas?"

  That familiar charming grin that never failed to turn her to mush and get him out of any amount of trouble where she and his mother were concerned curved his lips. "Oui. Toujours, cher."

  How could any male be so dang charismatic? Yes, he had the Malachai's glamour that charmed people, but his went deeper than that. There was something much more compelling about Nick. Something that made her feel warm and safe whenever he was near. Honestly, she never wanted to leave his company. Never wanted to be any place except right here, in his embrace.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Xev gave her a smug smirk. "Our weaknesses. Forever."

  Kody paused at that thought and let it roll around in her mind.

  Had they changed the future already? Could it be possible? If she could call Nick back from his full Malachai form, could she prevent him from ending the world?

  Was this the answer they sought?

  Dagon laughed bitterly as he pushed himself up from the floor. Pale and weak from what Nick had done to him, he struggled to stand. "You're a naive child, aren't you?"

  "What?" she asked.

  "I can hear the thoughts churning in your mind. They're written all over your face. It doesn't matter how much sway you hold over him. In fact, the more of him you hold, the weaker he becomes."

  "How so?"

  Xev met Dagon's gaze before he answered Kody's question. "Because whatever weakness you have becomes Nick's weakness. Don't you understand? What happened to me happened not because I was vulnerable. It happened because my wife and Caleb's wife were threatened and couldn't protect themselves. The actions we took were to keep them safe from our enemies. That was our mistake and our damnation. Even Dagon was punished and condemned over his wife's compassion for her brother, Lycaon. Not his own."

  Nodding, Dagon wiped at his neck. His gaze returned to Cherise. "I have to have the woman. She is a blood tie to the Source. Azura needs her body to enter this world. If I help her cross over, she will free Shala."

  When he took a step forward, Menyara blocked him. "Azura can't do that."


  "Dagon ... Shala's dead. You know she is. Noir killed her long ago. Use your powers and ask your mother. Look into your heart and tap the Source yourself. You know I speak the truth, honey."

  Shaking his head in denial, he staggered back. "No. She lives. She has to. I gave up my freedom ... my life for hers. That was the bargain I made with them."

  "They lied to you and I'm sorry. A part of her essence still exists in Eleos, but the Shala you knew ... they destroyed her centuries ago."

  Dagon stood frozen, as if the words were so much more than he could bear to hear.

  Tears welled in Kody's eyes as she saw the raw pain in his. She felt terrible for the ancient god.

  A tic started in his jaw as a single tear slid down his cheek. "I should have known better than to trust my father when he swore to me that he'd never harm her. I should have known he'd never keep his word to me." His lips trembled as he met Menyara's gaze. "Did she suffer?"


  But they all knew she was lying, too.

  Placing his hand on Dagon's shoulder, Xev ground his teeth. "I'm so sorry."

  Fire rolled over his shoulders, forcing Xev to jerk his hand back with a grimace. Dagon pulled a small, ornate bottle from his sleeve. "They wanted me to give this to the woman so that Azura could be reborn into her body."

  Menyara shook her head. "Don't do what you're thinking, Dagon."

  An evil smile spread across his handsome face. "Why not? A little divine retribution might go a long way in making all of us feel better."

  "Do I want to know what you're thinking?" Xev asked.

  "Not if you wish to remain in one piece. I'm sure your mother would rip you to shreds should you participate in my plans to have Azura reborn as a pig."

  Suddenly, there was a deep, dark crash of thunder followed by lightning so bright, it was blinding. It shook the entire building.

  Nick grabbed the back of the couch to steady himself. "What the hell-monkey visits us now?"

  His features pale, Xev went to the window and opened the curtains so that Nick could see that it wasn't just the Memitim on the street. The sky was now filled with more birds than he'd ever seen in his life.

  At least to human eyes they appeared as birds. With his perspicacity, Nick saw them for what they really were.

  Soldiers in an army that was here to kill Nick and everyone who stood with him.

  Nick sighed heavily. "I really shouldn't have said hell-monkey."


  Xev turned on Dagon. "Claim a side to die for."

  Dagon frowned as his gaze went from Simi to Kody to Menyara and Nick. "Fine, but I'm not sure what side this is. Are you?"


  He scowled at Nick's hand on Kody's. "Since when does the Malachai fight beside Cam and the daughter of Bathymaas?"

  Nick flashed him a devilish grin. "I'm not your average Malachai."

  "So it's true, then. There is a Malachai born of the light?"

  Xev hesitated about confirming it in so many words. "He fights against Noir and Azura."

  "And the usumgallu?" Dagon asked. Not that Nick blamed him for being suspicious. Before picking a side in a war this deadly and scary, it paid to ask a few questions and do some homework. Once a flag was chosen, it was hard to surrender it. "Where do they and their allies stand in this?"

  "Mostly undeclared. Malphas is temporarily down, but fights with us, unequivocally. Livia is with us. Bane undecided. We know nothing of Grim or Laguerre. We assume Yrre is against us, but we don't know for certain."

  Nick grimaced as he realized his allies were even fewer than he'd thought.


  Dagon's gaze went to the window, where it narrowed sharply. "I'd say they've declared enmity. Those carrions are seeking Malachai blood. Once they have it, you'll have no choice. You either ride with Death and War. Or die." He scowled at Nick. "Why didn't you drain your sarras while you could?"

  In retrospect?


  But that wasn't what he said out loud. He answered with the truth. "I didn't think I had to. Caleb said all I had to do was confront them, show them who's boss, and seal the gate. We did that. Yrre was never released. Only Livia and Xev, and they relented to me. At least that's what I was told."

  "Someone lied to you. Yrre made it through to this side, and is roaming free."

  Nick searched his memory as he tried to remember who'd told him that Yrre had stayed sealed in. For his life, he couldn't recall who'd said that.

  Crap. Where had that come from? He knew he hadn't imagined it. Someone ha
d told him that. Had they set him up intentionally? Could they have meant to betray him or was it a misunderstanding or mistake?

  And if it was intentional ...

  I'm so screwed.

  No, worse than that. Someone would have intentionally betrayed him. Set him up for this so that they'd all get their butts handed to them in this massacre.

  He passed a look between Kody, Xev, and Dagon. "So what do we do?"

  Dagon hesitated before he answered. "Where are the Arelim or Sephiroth?"

  Snorting with bitter amusement, Xev looked at Nick with a smirk that said he'd let him explain. Oh goody!

  Nick was less than amused as he ran with the cue. "The last Sephiroth is imprisoned. I have no idea where. From what I've been told, I don't want to know where, either, as it's highly unpleasant. The Arelim are in the middle of a horrific civil war, and both sides hate my guts with a passion that burns brighter than a binary star system. Needless to say, we're a little low on allies. I do have a few Dark-Hunters and two lunatics I can count on. Along with one awesome Charonte."

  Simi grinned.

  Menyara sighed heavily. "He's right. Rezar is missing. Verlyn captured. Our side has been losing ground for a long time now, which is another reason why we had to secure the Malachai and limit his powers any way we could. But that being said, I can summon Acheron and Savitar, as well as Thorn."

  Dagon cocked his head. "Thorn?"

  "Leucious of the Brakadians," Menyara explained. "He and his Hellchasers are still firmly against Noir and Azura. Though their numbers aren't many, they're as strong as ever, and they fight them every chance they get."

  Xev inclined his head to Menyara. "Summon them all and do it fast. We need every sword."

  No sooner had he spoken than a strange light permeated the room, washing it with a weird glow that came from outside.

  Dread filled every pore of Nick's body. "What is that?"

  "Takiramon," Dagon and Xev said in unison.

  "And that would be what brand of Pokemon, Ash Ketchum? Should I fetch Pikachu's ball and have at it? I choose you, Dagon!"

  Rolling her eyes at Nick's sarcasm that went over Xev's and Dagon's heads, Kody let go of Nick's hand and summoned her Arelim battle armor and swords. "It's the veil of mortal sleep."

  "The who ... what?"

  Kody checked her weapons. "Veil of mortal sleep. There aren't many creatures strong enough to conjure it. It casts that red glow over the earth and puts the humans into a trance so that they are unaware of us.... Like your mother, they sleep, completely safe, and totally ignorant of what's happening around them." Kody jerked her chin toward the window. "See for yourself."

  Nick went to look, and sure enough. Everyone outside, who'd been walking around just a few minutes ago, was lying sprawled out on the sidewalks like corpses in open graves. It was creepy and chilling--not something anyone wanted to see outside of a zombie movie.

  His blood ran cold at the unnatural sight that left him terrified for the world and everyone in it. Worse, it made him feel powerless against who or whatever had sent that. How could they even begin to fight against something so powerful? Were they nuts?

  "Are they okay?" he asked Xev.

  "For the moment."


  Kody sighed nervously. "They're easy pickings. If we don't do something, they won't be okay for long. Anything or anyone could attack them. And if they stay that way until morning, they're all dead. There won't be any way to bring them back, then. Including your mom."

  Simi spread her wings and broke out her barbecue sauce. "The Simi ready to battle and chow down. Show me them demons! It's snack time!"

  Kody turned to Nick as he felt his eyes starting to change to demon red. "You need to stay mortal. Keep your Malachai powers leashed."


  "Because you can't control them. Every time you break them out, we lose a part of you. Can't you feel it?"

  At the moment, what he felt was sick to his stomach that all of this was happening to innocent people because of him and what they'd failed to do.

  Protect them.

  "She's right, Nick." Xev stepped closer to him. "I saw it, too. We barely got you back earlier. Another minute, and I'm not sure we would have."

  Dagon brushed at the bloody wound on his neck. "Since I was the one bitten and I'm still weak from it, I concur. You don't need to invoke powers you can't control. It's just a real bad idea."

  Menyara strengthened the spells for the condo. "We're still hidden here. They can't find us. Stay with Cherise while I get our reinforcements." She vanished instantly.

  "I don't like staying here and waiting," Nick shouted at Menyara, but she was already gone and didn't hear a word of it.

  Irritated, he watched as the birds began to land on the ground and transform into demonic warriors who searched the bodies as if looking for someone. And he had a bad idea that person was either him or Caleb. "We need to get to Caleb's and protect him."

  Dagon snorted. "You use that kind of power and they will sense it instantly, follow you, and attack."

  "He's right," Xev concurred. "They'd be all over us."

  "So what do we do? The Hokey-Pokey? Turn ourselves around? Feed them my best friend and say bon appetit? 'Cause no offense, I'm not really okay with that. Caleb's been there for me since the very beginning. He's bled for me when no one else has, and has never failed to save my butt. So you can stand here, watching Demon Kingdom out there, which is a fascinating show, all you want to, but I'm going to stand and fight for my friend."

  Dagon's frown deepened. "Is he always like this?"

  Xev nodded. "I told you. He's not like the others of his ilk."

  "No ... definitely not. All the Malachais I've known would have hand-fed Malphas to their enemies to buy themselves time to get soldiers." His tone said Dagon wasn't so sure that was a good thing, though.

  Nick's grin widened. "Relax. It's just all the paint chips I ate as a kid. No real lasting damage. Ignore the extra finger and toe. They actually come in handy and toey at times."

  And that, too, appeared lost on the ancient god who had no measurable sense of humor. How very sad for him.

  Groaning as if his bad jokes caused her physical pain, Kody shook her head.

  Simi wrapped her arm around Nick's shoulder. "So, it demon chow time? The Simi getting hungry while the buffet is down there and getting bigger in number. I vote the Simi go cull the herd while we wait." She flashed an eager grin.

  Nick returned his attention to the army that was marching nearer, searching for them. As he watched, a strange thought went through him.

  Maybe, just maybe, there was some hope left.

  He glanced over to the two ancient former gods. "I'm Patton, right?"

  They exchanged a puzzled frown.

  "Patton?" Xev asked.

  Yeah, that reference was probably lost on them. "General of the great demon horde out there? I guess in your days, a like comparison would have been Styxx of Didymos, since you both predate Alexander the Great."

  Nick scowled as he realized what he'd just said. "Wait. How do I know that? I know nothing about history. Holy crap, I was actually listening when Ash and Kyrian talk? Don't nobody ever tell them that. They might get more egotistical and we'd have to find a bigger house for it." He jerked his chin toward the demons. "Anyway, they might answer to another commander for now, but ultimately that commander is my bitch, right?"

  Dagon had an expression that said Nick had lost him around the bend.

  Luckily, Xev was keeping pace. "Yes. Your point?"

  "What would I need to do to go out there and claim them as my guys?"

  Kody snorted. "A miracle."

  "Not helping," Nick said drily.

  Xev took a deep breath before he slid a speculative glance toward Simi. "A miracle," he repeated and concurred.

  Nick rolled his eyes.

  Xev cracked an irritating grin. "You can always go out there with your charming personality and try to win them
over." He nudged Nick toward the door. "Go on. I dare you."

  Nick headed for the door. "I will. I mean, think about it. Everyone attacks them, right? They're used to fighting. If I go out there to talk to them, it'll throw them off guard. It worked earlier when I talked to the Memitims. No one attacked me. They actually seemed kind of reasonable. So if I go out there and assert myself, tell them that I'm their supreme poobah, they'll fall in line, right?"

  "To kill you?" Xev asked. "Most likely. To listen and obey? Wouldn't stake my life on it. But far be it from me to interfere with your stupidity, in any way."

  Nick shrugged his hold off. "Ha, ha. Real funny." He swept his gaze over them. "Anyone got something better?"

  "Molotov cocktails?" Simi volunteered. "That way, they be cooking while they fleeing."

  Choking on Simi's solution, Kody bit her lip in a most adorable way. "I might have an idea. But I'm not sure you're going to like it."

  "Okay. Let's hear it."

  Before Kody could tell Nick her plan, everything in the room froze. Even time itself.

  Only Nick seemed unaffected by whatever was causing it. Was this the Takiramon? Could it also affect preters? He had no other explanation.

  At least nothing that made any sense.

  Even Simi was frozen in place and that never happened. Nothing like this ever affected her. Nick waved his hand before her face, half expecting her to bite at his fingers and laugh at him for being so gullible.

  She didn't.

  What is this?

  He poked gently at Simi. She didn't move or flinch at all. His heart pounding, he heard the shrieking sound of a horse from outside his window. Literally, right outside his window.

  With a fierce scowl, he went to investigate. As soon as he parted the curtains, he jumped back with a startled piercing shout that would have rivaled scream-queen Marilyn Burns confronting Leatherface. Not the manliest sound he'd ever made. Thank goodness none of the others could bear witness to it.

  Outside the window, floating in midair, was the king of the plague doctors. Only this guy looked like he'd not only gotten the plague, he'd picked up scabies, rabies, and a few other flesh-rotting diseases along the way.

  A bony finger emerged from bloody robes to point at Nick and motion him outside.

  Nick shook his head. "Sorry. I'm grounded. My mom won't let me come out and play until all my homework and chores are done. Should be at least a decade or so ... maybe a couple of centuries."