Page 60 of Naamahs Kiss

Page 60


  "In the name of his Imperial Majesty, Son of Heaven and ruler of the Celestial Empire, I must humbly refuse!" the general retorted.

  The admiral bowed politely. "Then I regret to inform you that your ship will be destroyed by the Divine Thunder!" he shouted in reply. "And all survivors will be put to the sword!"

  Black Sleeve leaned over and spoke to him. Despite my rising fear, I couldn't help but wonder why he was called Black Sleeve when his robes were as crimson as a Priest of Naamah's.

  "Except for the Venerable Master Lo Feng!" the admiral amended his threat.

  Master Lo gazed without blinking at Lord Jiang's physician. A sorcerer and alchemist, a fellow adept of the Way. Mayhap his pupil, once.

  Black Sleeve bowed to him with grace and regret.

  "General Tsieh. " Master Lo spoke under his breath, never shifting his gaze. "If we cannot turn, we must make for the canal itself. It is time to open a bag of wind. "

  "We won't get far," the general warned him. "The canal wasn't built to handle greatships. The first bridge will put a halt to us. "

  The acrid smell grew stronger. Smoke drifted across the water.

  "I believe we're about to experience the alternative," Master Lo said. "General, if you value my counsel, give the order. "

  General Tsieh hesitated.

  On the warship, Admiral Wen Chao raised his voice once more. "This is merely a warning!"

  Soldiers clustered around one of the bronze tubes, raising its angle of elevation. Sparks flared, and then…. .

  Ah, gods! The tube belched fire and there was a sound like a thunderclap, the loudest thunderclap I'd ever heard. An object moving too fast to be seen was spat out of the tube, crashing into the top of the tall center mast and bursting into flame. The mighty ship shuddered at the impact, soldiers and sailors alike crying out in fear. Sparks and bits of slivered wood rained down on us. Bao, cursing, wielded his staff like a demon, warding off the falling debris, protecting Master Lo and me from the worst of it.

  Everywhere, shouting. High-pitched shrieks from the women's quarters. And in the midst of it, General Tsieh's voice raised to a roar.

  "Fetch the Thousand-Cloud Bag!"

  Men raced everywhere; sailors with buckets putting out fires, soldiers obeying the general's order. Another bronze tube belched fire, another clap of Divine Thunder rattled my bones. Another object hurtled through the air, taking out the top of another mast before splashing into the sea beyond us, steam hissing at the impact.

  More scorched debris fell from the skies.

  Two of our sails now slumped in tattered despair beneath their shattered topmasts. But on the rear deck, General Tsieh's men were working feverishly to unfold a vast expanse of embroidered silk.

  "Lord Jiang wishes to be merciful!" his admiral bawled over the din. "Cease your efforts and surrender!"

  Fold upon fold of the bag was opened. Each one was comprised of squares of silk embroidered with clouds, exquisite clouds. Fluffy clouds, wispy clouds, menacing clouds, wrought in shades of white, silver, grey, and sun-shot gold on a sky-blue field. Wholly unfolded, the Thousand-Cloud Bag covered the entire aft of the main deck, laying slack and empty over its expanse. A knotted silk cord pulled its mouth firmly closed.

  Across the water that divided them, Master Lo and Black Sleeve gazed silently at one another.

  "Now!" General Tsieh shouted. "Loose the wind!"

  Feverish fingers worked at the tightly knotted silk cords. Slowly, slowly, the mouth of the Thousand-Cloud Bag opened.

  Without thinking, I breathed the Breath of Wind's Sigh, drew it high up into me and breathed it into the space between my eyes. Remembering the cold winter winds blowing through the bell tower where Master Lo had taught it to me. It could only help.

  And it seemed the world breathed with me, taking a deep, indrawn breath like an endless sigh. The bag rose and billowed, taking in air, towering over the main deck.

  I breathed in.

  I breathed out.

  When it happened, it happened all at once. Another bronze tube barked fire and coughed thunder. The Thousand-Cloud Bag exhaled, filling the massive sails of the Imperial greatship—or at least the three of five yet intact.

  It was enough.

  The Imperial greatship leapt forward, surging past Lord Jiang's warships. Past the projected missile, which fell harmlessly into the sea, another gout of steam arising. Across the harbor, into the narrow confines of the Great Canal.


  I spared a glance behind us and saw the dwindling figure of Black Sleeve unlock his gaze from Master Lo and settle on me. Belatedly, his brows formed a furrow, perplexed at my existence.

  "Too late," I whispered.

  We rode before the wind, leaving him behind.


  It was a terrifying and exhilarating journey. The Thousand-Cloud Bag billowed and blew. We hurtled past the buildings of Guangzhou with their tip-tilted roofs. In peacetime, I daresay we would have wreaked havoc, crashing into lesser vessels and sinking them with our sheer bulk and momentum, but for a mercy, the Grand Canal was largely deserted.

  Buildings gave way to countryside. The canal spilled us into a larger river lined with willow trees. Beyond the trees, peasants working in the fields lifted their heads to stare in wonder as the Imperial greatship rushed past them, its upper decks towering over the trees.

  In the end, it wasn't a bridge that put a halt to our flight. After the better part of two hours, the Thousand-Cloud Bag blew itself empty, settling with a sigh on the aftdeck, its many embroidered squares flat and slack once more.

  Bereft of wind, the greatship drifted to a halt.

  "It's a fighting head start," General Tsieh said philosophically before raising his voice to give a new order. "Unload the ship!"

  A scene of pandemonium ensued. Soldiers and sailors alike worked frantically to unload the greatship. A vast plank was lowered to the shore. Suyin and Mei and several dozen other women emerged, white-faced with fear beneath their cosmetics. Food stores, cargo, and personal belongings were unloaded. Horses were led from the hold on unsteady legs, blinking in the sunlight.

  I led Blossom out myself. I'd visited her many times during our journey, walking her up and down the narrow exercise corridor in the belly of the greatship, and she was the only horse among them to look calm and alert. She listened to me with pricked ears as I spoke softly to her, soothing her thoughts with my mind.

  Peasants gathered to watch. Several of General Tsieh's men interrogated them. They seemed friendly, nodding and pointing toward the north.

  "Good news. " The general strode over to us. "We're only a hundred li or so from the border of Qilu Province. That's as far as Lord Jiang's grasp extends. If we push the horses as hard as we dare, we ought to make it. "

  Master Lo frowned. "There are no mounts for the women and sailors. "

  The general shrugged. "Those without will have to make due. With all we'll be forced to leave behind, they can bribe the peasants to hide them. "

  "My bulbs!" Master Lo said in alarm.

  General Tsieh cast an acerbic eye over the massive pot that Bao had lugged ashore. "I'm sorry, Venerable One. But yes, if you do not wish to be captured by Lord Jiang's men, your bulbs must stay. " He jerked his chin at the two trunks of my clothing. "Those, too. "

  I sighed. There were gowns I'd not seen since we left Terre d'Ange in there, the finest creations of Atelier Favrielle, sumptuous, elegant gowns that were wholly impractical for travel. "Master Lo, I've an idea. Bao, lend me a hand. "

  I emptied out my battered canvas satchel. There wasn't much I truly needed to keep. I put the thong with my mother's signet ring around my neck and tucked the crystal bottle of Jehanne's perfume into the purse at my belt. With Bao's aid, I transferred the bulk of the snowdrop bulbs into my satchel.

  The fragile bulbs protested faintly.

bsp; Sleep. I blew softly over the soil. Deeper and deeper. Sleep.

  "We must go!" the general called impatiently. "Time to ride!"

  "Suyin!" I beckoned to her. She hurried over with the graceful, mincing gait Ch'in women favored, gazing at me with wide, fearful eyes. "There are some items of value in these trunks. Gowns…. . or at least the fabric, mayhap. " I couldn't picture her in one of Benoit Val-

  Ion's immodest creations. "Eardrops, jeweled combs, a headpiece. Share them among the women. Use them as best you may. "

  She looked blankly at me. I'd reverted to speaking D'Angeline without thinking.

  Bao translated.

  Suyin bowed three times in rapid succession, speaking quickly to me in her native dialect.

  "She says thank you and she will pray for you! They will all pray for you!" Bao flung himself effortlessly astride his mount despite being burdened with many of the rest of Master Lo's bags of medicines and possessions. He glanced behind us. There was a faint smear of dust rising on the southern horizon. Lord Jiang's forces were in pursuit. "Moirin, we must go. Now!"

  "All right, all right!" I slung the satchel over one shoulder, my bow and quiver over the other, and hoisted myself into the saddle. "I'm ready!"

  General Tsieh gave the order. "Ride!"

  A hundred li was not a great distance—a little over ten leagues if I understood correctly. A strong, fit mount could easily cover that distance in a day.

  But we were not riding strong, fit mounts.

  Weakened by long months at sea and unsteady on dry land as any of us, the horses stumbled and staggered through the tall fields of wheat. I couldn't help but wince at their struggles, any more than I could help wincing at the swathe we cut, trampling the late-winter grain ready for harvest.

  It was better once we gained the road and sure footing—but not for long. The toll the journey had taken on our mounts was too great. One by one, they began to founder. General Tsieh called for a halt to determine which ones had the strength to continue. There were only a score, Blossom among them.

  Thirty men would stay behind to guard our passage. I watched them string and test their bows, preparing to make a stand.

  "So many lives spent to save one woman," I murmured to Master Lo. "Is it worth it?"

  He looked troubled. "I cannot say, Moirin. But I fear there are greater stakes here that justify their sacrifice. What Black Sleeve has done…. . " He fell silent.

  "The Divine Thunder?" I asked.

  "Sorcery," Bao said darkly.

  "Not sorcery. " Master Lo's voice was filled with sorrow. "Only alchemy and engineering. The possibility to use fire-powder to create such a terrible weapon has existed for many, many years. It is a secret that many of us have kept for a long time, and for many years, I have feared that someone would discover it. Now it seems it has happened. But I never thought it would be him. "

  "Was he your pupil?" I asked.

  "No. " He said no more. I raised my brows at Bao, who shook his head, knowing no more than I did.

  And then General Tsieh gave the order, and we were off once more.

  We rode through the day and into darkness, coaxing and pleading with our mounts. A little while after nightfall, we saw the faint sparks of lanterns on the road behind us. The sacrifice of thirty men may have delayed them, but our pursuers were drawing nearer.

  "Moirin. " Master Lo spoke for the first time in hours. "If we are caught, use your gifts to escape unseen. Bao, go with her. Black Sleeve will see that I come to no harm. I cannot guarantee the same for you. "

  "Aye, Master. " I felt heartsick at the prospect, and too weary to argue. Bao merely nodded, looking as sick as I felt.

  We dismounted to lead our staggering horses up a long mountain pass. My thighs were quivering with exhaustion after hours in the saddle. The satchel over my shoulder seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The sparks behind us were drawing closer. I put my head down and trudged, praying that my diadh-anam hadn't led me halfway around the world to abandon me. All the gods knew, I wouldn't be the first of the Maghuin Dhonn to misunderstand Her intent and pay the price for it.

  At the crest of the mountain, shouting.

  I lifted my heavy head. Bao pointed wordlessly.

  There was a walled city in the valley below, dimly visible in the starlight, lamps burning in its watchtowers.

  "Ride! " General Tsieh shouted. "Ride! "

  I scrambled gracelessly back into the saddle. Sensing our urgency, the horses found one last burst of panicked strength as we plunged down the mountain slope. Feeling Blossom's lungs and valiant heart labor, I prayed for her forgiveness.

  Behind us, more shouting. Our enemy was in hot pursuit.

  Had it been daytime, I daresay we wouldn't have made it. They began loosing arrows at us when we reached level ground. Two soldiers slumped and went down, crying out in pain; then, an order countermanding the attack.

  "They can't see," Bao said breathlessly beside me. "Don't want to hit Master Lo. "

  "Lucky for him!" I gasped.

  "Lucky for us all!"

  General Tsieh was shouting at the watchtowers as our ragtag party drew near. "Emperor's men! We're Emperor's men! If this city is still under the Mandate of Heaven, open the cursed gates!"

  More torches flared atop the walls. Men yelled, ran and scrambled atop the walls.

  Slowly, slowly, the massive gates swung open.

  We swept past them—only to find ourselves trapped in a high-walled courtyard, the inner gates yet closed. Hot on our heels, Lord Jiang's men surged inside after us.

  My heart sank.

  "Disappear!" Bao was yelling at me. "Disappear!"

  Blossom checked and wheeled at the closed inner gate. I lurched in the saddle, the heavy satchel falling from my shoulder. One of Lord Jiang's soldiers was bearing down on me, a fierce grimace on his face. "I can't!"