Page 9 of Rock the Beat

  He tries again, only this time I push him back a little harder. “I mean it, Jackson. I’m with Trip.”

  He grabs my hips, and tries to pull me into him. I need to get out of here before I let him gain the upper hand—like he always does—and completely ruin everything. If I ever get back together with him, I need to be in charge this time around.

  I push him away again. “No, Jackson. It’s not going to be that easy. You hurt me and I don’t trust you anymore.”

  Jackson drops his arms to his side. “I deserve that. I’m going to get you back, Holl. I’ll be damned if I let another man take what’s mine.”

  I step away from him and lock my gaze with his. “Who is to say he hasn’t taken it already.”

  I don’t give Jackson a chance to say another word. I can’t risk standing here and allowing him to call bullshit after the plan to make him suffer is already in motion. I turn and walk away.

  Jackson calls my name, but I don’t bother looking back.

  I take a deep breath once I’m on the porch, and am thankful for the space. I need to clear my head and wrap my mind around what the hell just happened in there. Shit went from zero to sixty too fucking fast. My hand rubs my forehead. I need to find Trip and find out what I need to do next. Hopefully I didn’t screw things up by pushing him away so harshly.

  As soon as my feet hit the gravel in the parking lot, I spot Dad coming out of the garage where we keep extra bikes. He looks worse today. His skin has a sort of grayish tone to it and he moves like he’s about ninety instead of forty-seven.

  He needs to see a doctor soon.

  His feet shuffle over the gravel and smiles the moment he spots me. “Hey, honey. Trip is in garage gearing up to test our track for the first time. Do you mind going out with him? He’ll need your expertise. I already hooked him up with some gear.”

  I nod. “Sure thing. He’s who I’m looking for anyhow.” We pass each other as we head in opposite directions and I turn towards Dad as he goes by. “Jackson Cruze is in the office.”

  Dad tilts his head. “You don’t say. What’s he want?”

  I shrug. “He asked me last night if he could come by and ride.”

  Dad’s eyes narrow with suspicion. “You sure he’s just here for that and not you.”

  “Dad,” I say, dragging out his name. “Jackson and I are over.” Panic hits me as I realize my dad is about to walk in there with my ex who now believes I have a new tattooed, sexy boyfriend. “But, he does think I’m sort of dating Trip.”

  Dad scratched his head. “Why would he think that?”

  “Because Trip and I made Jackson believe we’re a couple.”

  His lips twist. “Why would Trip agree to that?”

  “We ran into Jackson at the restaurant last night. After I filled Trip in, he came up with a brilliant plan to make Jackson jealous by pretending to date each other.”

  He rubs his face. “Honey, I know you’ve been in love with Jackson for a long time, and he hurt you real bad, but this seems like an awfully dangerous way to go about getting his attention. Sometimes things that start out as a game can get very serious and very out of hand quickly when it comes to playing with people’s hearts.”

  I take a step towards him and throw my arms around his thin shoulders. “We’ve got it all under control, Dad. Don’t worry. I promise no one will get hurt.”

  He sighs into my hair. “I can’t help but worry. You’re my baby. I don’t like to see you upset.”

  I hug him tighter. It’s nice to know at least one person in this world loves me.

  Chapter 7

  I Said It


  I yank the black and white jersey over my head and then readjust my vented pants that Bill just gave me to ride in while I’m here. If I go into this business I need to see if Lanie and Aubrey’s new advertising company can get the Black Falcon logo on some track wear. That would be badass.

  “You look good,” Holly says as she walks in the garage. “You look like the real deal.”

  I glance down at my new gear. “It’s pretty sweet. I never knew these pants were part rubber, though.”

  She leans against the bike I’m standing next to. “Haven’t you ridden before?”

  “Of course I have, but only for fun, never on a track like this,” I admit to her.

  She tilts her head. “I was under the impression you were a bike riding expert. That’s why your friend, Mr. Snare, hired you.”

  I laugh. It’s kind of cute that she’s so clueless. “I’m an expert at many things, but riding a bike isn’t one of them. You won’t see me doing any crazy jumps today, not that I’d be afraid to learn.”

  She smiles. “Awesome, now I have something to give you in return for helping me out with Jackson. I’ll teach you some basic tricks.”

  “You can do that shit?” When she nods, I swear she just got a little fucking hotter. “Awesome. I’ll take that deal. Speaking of deals, I’m glad things are going well with the asshole.”

  Holly pinches my arm. “Let’s not call him names. He wanted to kiss me. This actually seems to be working pretty well. He’s totally jealous.”

  I grab the helmet off the bike handle and glance over at her. “You didn’t let him kiss you, did you?” She shakes her head, and for some crazy reason I feel relieved, which is really fucked up. The plan is working. The guy wants her. I should be thrilled. “Good. Don’t let him. You need to play hard to get a while longer.”

  She licks her lips. “So we need to still pretend to date?”

  “Oh, yeah, his suffering has just begun.”

  She laughs. “I think I’m beginning to enjoy your sadistic way of thinking. Payback is exactly what Jackson needs. This is the best I’ve felt in a couple weeks.”

  I tilt my head as I study her. “Are you sure about that? It seemed like you were feeling pretty good at the bar when you were with me.”

  She throws her hands on her hips. “Are you ever going to let that go? I told you I was drunk. I’m not normally so forward.”

  I chuckle. “Oh, believe me, sweetness, I learned that yesterday.”

  Holly wears a smug grin. “Why because I didn’t fall for all the lines you threw me about getting into my pants. Being so direct won’t always get what you want, you know.”

  I shove the helmet back onto the handlebar. “Oh, I don’t know. It’s worked pretty well for me so far in a lot of aspects of my life.” I nod towards the bike that’s parked next to mine. “Come show me around this place.”

  She smiles. “All right. Let me go grab my gear from the house. I’ll meet you in the parking lot.”

  I nod. “I’ll push the bike out and wait for you.”

  Holly turns and walks out of the garage and I can’t help but to watch her ass as she leaves. It’s pretty fucking great. Too great in my opinion for Jackson—guys like us don’t deserve nice girls.

  I flick the kickstand down into the gravel and lean against it while I wait on Holly. The screen door on the office slams shut and Jackson comes sauntering out. The suit he’s wearing is identical to mine—only I wear it better.

  Jackson smirks as he eyes the bike behind me. “You’re a rider? How come I’ve never seen you around here before?”

  I pull a pair of sunglasses out of my pocket and slip them on my face. “I’m new in town.”

  “Is that right?” I don’t care for the snide tone in his voice. No one challenges me even a little bit and gets away with it.

  I stiffen my back. “Yeah. That’s right. What of it?”

  Jackson raises his eyebrows. “It’s just I know all the riders around here.”

  “Like I said, I’m new, and to be honest I don’t care for the fucking third degree you’re trying to give me. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll back off. Now.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Maybe you don’t get how things work around here, so I’m going to fill you in. I run this place. Nothing goes on around here without my okay.”

  I laugh. ?
??That’s funny, because I sure as hell swooped in and stole your girl from under your nose.”

  He shakes his head. “You and I both know I can get Holly back anytime I want her. When I get tired of fucking around and I’m ready to settle down, she’ll take me back. Don’t doubt my hold on her. I own her.”

  My fingers curl into fists at my side. I know the plan is to make him want her back, but after talking to this motherfucker, I know she deserves better. The urge to protect her rages inside me. “That’s what you fucking think. I’d like to see you try and take her from me.”

  Jackson smirks. “Care to place a bet on that?”

  Is this asshole for real? He has no idea who in the hell he’s challenging. “I don’t need to gamble on something that I know is a sure thing.”

  He steps closer, invading my personal space. “I was with her two years. I could fuck her right in front of you if I wanted.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth. I swear if you say one more thing about her—”

  “You’ll what?” he dares me. “Hit me? Do you know who I am, pretty-boy? My lawyers will eat you for breakfast.”

  His threat doesn’t even faze me and it’s obvious he has no clue who I am, and that I don’t give a fuck about the law. It’s never stopped me from ripping into someone’s ass before, and it’s not going to start now. “Talk about her like that again, and see what happens.”

  Jackson’s tongue touches the corner of his mouth as he wears a smug smile. “You don’t know what you’ve fucking started. I’m going to take her away from you now just because I can. Your days are numbered, prick.”

  The muscle in my jaw flexes. “Keep telling yourself that, while I’m in her room at night tasting that sweet pussy.”

  Without warning Jackson sucker punches me square in the nose, knocking the sunglasses off my face. I grab my nose and my eyes water as I stand there stunned. “Motherfucker!”

  He bends his knees, and waves his hands at me. “Come on! I’m not through with you.”

  I wipe the blood away from my nose and smirk. “You hit like a fucking girl. Is that the best you fucking got? You’re a dead man!”

  I lunge at Jackson but I’m halted in my tracks the moment Holly steps between us and shoves a petite hand into each of our chests. “Stop it! What’s wrong with you two?”

  Jackson shakes his head and takes a few steps back while staring me down. “You’re lucky she saved your ass.”

  My nostrils flare as I stare him down. The urge to pull Holly out of the way to chase Jackson down to finish what he started rages through every inch of me. I want to rip his fucking head off and spit down his throat, but the second my eyes meet Holly’s sad expression I still.

  “Let it go, Trip. He’s just being a jealous asshole,” Holly says as she places both hands on the sides of my face so she can inspect the damage. “Are you okay?”

  I glance up at Jackson who seems to be even angrier that Holly has chosen my side. This is the perfect time to drive home the fact that she no longer belongs to him. Playing on her sympathy in front of him will piss him off, which is exactly what I want to do.

  I sigh and poke my lip out a little. “I’m okay, but my nose hurts.”

  She tilts her head and strokes my cheek with thumb. “Let’s go get you some ice.”

  Jackson growls in the background while Holly grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of the house. A smug smile fills my face as the knowledge that this isn’t going to be as easy as he thought fills Jackson’s pea-sized brain.

  When I decide I want something, no one takes it from me. At this moment I’ve decided that Holly needs to be mine for the simple fact that I don’t want Jackson to have her. That motherfucker doesn’t deserve to have her, and I know it fucks with my plan to not get mixed up with her, but damn it, I can’t stand the thought of Jackson with her.

  I have to do whatever I can to prove to her that she can move on and love someone else—even if that someone else is me.

  I know it’s selfish reasoning, like a spoiled child not wanting to share toys, but I never claimed to be a saint. And I can’t deny that I want her. She’s on my mind way too much and it’s driving me crazy. Maybe if I get her to like me enough to sleep with me that feeling will go away.

  Not since Jessica, has one woman been on my mind for so long and it’s got me worried. I thought I was in love with her, but she fucked me over and nearly ruined my entire life with her bullshit. I can’t bring myself to trust women again—they can cause insurmountable damage.

  The challenge of winning Holly over to spite Jackson is something I have to do. If only for my own selfish pride, I can’t let that douchebag win. Making Holly really like me is going to take more than my normal game. I’m going to have to let down my walls and let her in a little to see that I can actually be a nice guy when I want to be.


  I close the front door behind us and lead Trip into the living room. The flat pillows on the couch need a good fluffing to be comfortable, so I pick one up and squeeze and rotate it before tossing it back down. “Lie down here while I get that ice for you.”

  Trip pinches the bridge of his nose and obediently follows my command as I rush off to the kitchen. We don’t have an ice pack, so I grab a bag of peas from the freezer. I turn back and head back to Trip. The length of his long legs occupies nearly all the room on the couch and his feet hang off the end. His large hands rest on top of his chest as he lies there with his eyes closed. He looks so peaceful, like he’s sleeping, I’m almost afraid to disturb him.

  I sit on the edge of the cough at his side and whisper, “Hey. I brought you something for your nose.”

  He opens his eyes as I lay the small bag across his nose and gives me a small smile. “Thank you.”

  For some reason the need to comfort him more washes over me. I smooth back the hair on his forehead. “You’re welcome. Why did he hit you?”

  Trip shrugs. “He told me to stay away from you and I politely refused.”

  I tilt my head. “Why do I doubt that you do anything nicely?”

  “Because I haven’t been very nice to you since I got here…” His eyes search my face. “But I want to change that.”

  I gaze into his green eyes as my heart does a double thump in my chest. “What do you mean?”

  He pulls the peas away from his face and props himself up on an elbow, bringing our faces so close his warm breath blows across my lips. “It means I want us to be real friends—not pretend ones, or someone you feel like you have to be nice to out of obligation. I want you to genuinely like me the way I like you.”

  I lick my lips. “You like me?”

  “You know I do. Would I really agree to pretend to date you if I didn’t? You’re fun to be around and I want to get to know you better.”

  “That sounds like a good plan. After we punish Jackson enough, and I decide to take him back, we can go on as real friends.”

  There’s tightness in his expression when I mention Jackson. “Are you sure you even want that guy back, Holly? He doesn’t seem like he’s that into you.”

  I turn my gaze away from him. “Did he say that?”

  Trip puts his index finger under my chin and turns my face towards his. “No, but some of things he said…someone who really cares about you wouldn’t say those kinds of things.”

  I swallow hard. “What did he say?”

  “He told me he could take you away from me anytime he wanted because he owned you.”

  “Is that why you two were fighting?” I question in almost a whisper.

  Trip nods. “I don’t know what came over me. The things he said, they made me snap and I lost my cool. I said some things I probably shouldn’t have. That’s why he punched me.”

  I bite my lip and reach up to touch his face. “Your nose got broken because you were defending my honor?”

  He smiles. “I guess so.”

  His admission of such a sweet gesture moves me. On instinct I lean forward and kiss him softly. ?
??Thank you.”

  The pull towards him is ridiculous and I know he’s a player, but damn it I can’t help wanting him. The slippery warmth of his mouth closes over mine and I shut my eyes, enjoying every second.

  Desire glazes over his hooded eyes as I pull away. He reaches up and moves a strand of hair away from my face. “You’re welcome.”

  Without warning we throw ourselves together for another kiss. My arms wrap around Trip’s neck and he tugs my hips closer. Our tongues whirl together and Trip sits up, cradling me in his arms, pulling me against his chest. One of his hands snake up my back and finds its way into my hair, while I reposition my legs until I’m straddling him.

  He groans against my neck as I move my hips, rubbing my crotch over the erection in his jeans. The seam of my shorts presses against my clit and I close my eyes imagining what it would be like if we were naked doing this. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be with someone other than Jackson, and Trip makes it feel like it’ll be even better than I imagined.

  My damp panties cling to my skin as I continue to ride Trip. “God, sweetness. You don’t know how much I’ve thought about this over the last couple of days. It’s been so hard to deny myself this.”

  My tongue darts out and I lick his top lip. “Then stop fighting it.”

  Trip slides his hands down my body and finds the hem of my riding shirt and tank-top. Soft fingers find their way onto the bare skin of my lower back before working their way up to my breasts. His nimble fingers slide inside one of the cups of my bra and he pushes it down, allowing my nipple to spring free. He rolls my tightened bud between his fingers and licks the inside of my mouth.

  “I’ve been thinking about getting these titties in my mouth all damn day. I imagine everything on your tight little body tastes like heaven. Please tell me that you want this…”

  I swallow hard. This is so out of character for me, but for some reason I’m drawn to Trip like crazy. I know it’s wrong to want this with him, but my body doesn’t understand that. All it knows is that this feels amazing and it can’t get enough.