Page 18 of One to Keep

  “Let me suck you. Let me lick you. Give me your cum, Stefan. I want

  to taste you so badly.”

  His cock seemed to swell against her, and he pulled his hand out

  of her hair. Before she could move, he was hauling her up. He turned

  her around, and his face was ferocious with desire. His breath came

  out in short pants. “Yes. That will do. I’m going to teach you how to

  One to Keep


  suck my cock, sub. I’m going to teach you how to please your


  He pressed his lips against hers in an oddly innocent kiss. He

  brushed her mouth, barely a touch, but she felt it deep inside her

  body. He released her and sat down in his big-backed chair, slouching

  down slightly so his cock was up and easily accessible. “Get on your

  knees, but hold those cheeks together. Don’t lose the plug. Hold your

  knees wide, as wide as you can, and clench that rosy little ass.”

  Jen did as he asked. It was hard, but she held the plug tight as she

  gingerly dropped to her knees in front of him.

  “Open my jeans.”

  Jen put her shaky hands on the fly of his jeans. She’d dreamed

  about this. She’d fantasized about the moment when she would hold

  him in her hands and blow his mind, but it was different. Her fantasies had been about proving to him that she was his match. Now, as she

  slid her hands into his jeans, all she could think about was how much

  she wanted to taste him. She wanted to run her tongue all over him

  and listen to him moan, and beyond anything, she wanted that

  moment when they connected, when he flowed into her. Before, she’d

  wanted power over him. Now, she simply wanted to be with him.

  “I’m crazy about you.” Stef’s voice was quiet in the room, but

  there was no way she could miss his husky declaration.

  Her heart filled as he looked down at her. She was crazy about

  him, too. She loved him. She wouldn’t ever love anyone the way she

  loved Stefan Talbot. Saying he was crazy about her wasn’t exactly a

  declaration of love, but she was closer than she had been.

  “Kiss my cock, love.”

  She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on the silky head of

  his dick. His cock was truly a thing of beauty. Thick and long, Stef’s cock rose from between his powerfully muscled legs. The head was a

  deep, rich plum. She kissed the lovely V on his dick, letting her

  tongue come out to trace the edges. A drop of pearly fluid pulsed out.

  She licked it up, his taste a salty intoxication.


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  “That’s right,” he encouraged her. His hand came out to cup her

  hair. “That feels perfect. Suck me in, just a little at a time.”

  She would have to take him a bit at a time. He was large, and he

  would fill her mouth in no time. She gently sucked the head into her

  mouth, her tongue swirling around, gathering his cream. She groaned

  as she took him in, inch by inch by inch. All the while, as she sucked and loved him with a worshipping tongue, she imagined the big cock

  in her mouth plundering her pussy. She never felt closer to another

  human being than she did when Stef slid in and out of her body.

  “I don’t have to tell you anything, do I, love? You know what I

  need. Make me come.”

  He threaded his hands in her hair and thrust his cock up. She

  opened her jaw wide, taking in more and more of him. She was

  patient, licking gently on the way down and sucking with strength as

  she made her way back up. She let her hand run down to cup his

  heavy balls.

  Stef groaned. His breath was ragged, rattling out of his chest.

  “Yes, love. Harder. Suck me hard. Pull the cum out of my balls.”

  Jen gave up on subtleties. She sucked, drawing the cock into her

  mouth all the way to the back of her throat. She drew on him over and

  over, all the while aware of how he surrounded her. She could taste

  the masculine salt of his cum, smell his clean, musky scent. Though

  he was only touching her hair, she felt him everywhere. She felt the

  clamps on her breasts, and the plug in her ass, all signs of his

  possession. Her body felt hot, as though she was the one about to

  come. His cock swelled in her mouth. He whispered her name over

  and over, like a mantra. Jen took him as far as she could and

  swallowed around him as he came.

  Hot, salty spurts coated her tongue. Jen groaned as she licked it all


  When she looked at him, Stef’s head was thrown back. His hands

  stroked her hair, but his eyes were closed as he caught his breath. His cock was still big even after he’d given her all the cum he’d had.

  One to Keep


  Relaxed, he was still an impressive specimen. Jen couldn’t help but

  kiss him again, her mouth playing over the head. His cock twitched

  and seemed to come back to life.

  It was perfect, because Jen needed to play. The ache in her body

  was becoming unbearable. She needed him so badly. A deliciously

  wicked feeling came over her. She would suck him back to life, and

  then he would fuck her hard until she screamed out his name.

  Being Stef’s sub was going to be heaven.

  “Very good, love,” he said, pushing the chair back. “You may


  All of the warmth had left his voice. She looked up, and there was

  a hardness to his eyes that had been absent even when he’d placed the

  clips on her breasts.

  Jen struggled to her feet, the plug in her butt an annoyance now.

  She clenched her cheeks to keep it in. For the first time since they’d begun to play, she felt the chill in the air.

  Stef quickly tucked his stiffening cock into his jeans and buttoned

  his fly. He took a deep breath and stood. He towered over her, his jaw set like granite as he stared down at her.

  “You did well for a novice. No swats today, though if you disobey

  again you’ll spend some time on my whipping bench. You’ll wear the

  plug for the rest of the afternoon. I’ll take it out when we get home. If I find out you’ve removed it yourself, it’s twenty swats and I won’t

  take you with me tomorrow. Is that understood?”

  A sick feeling began in the pit of her stomach. She’d thought they

  were playing, but this felt like something else. She’d read about

  BDSM and the importance of punishment and reward, but she’d never

  realized how it would feel. As connected as she’d felt to him before,

  she felt alone now. Alone and naked and wanting.

  A little smirk played at his mouth. “Oh, love, did you think I

  would take care of you? You disobeyed. Disobedient little subs don’t

  deserve their Master’s cock. This is what it means to be my sub. This

  is what it means to be with me. Changing your mind?”


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  She said nothing, very aware that the Jen of months ago would

  have told him to go to hell and walked out. Now, she just felt an

  aching sadness. They could be more than this, but he either didn’t see it or didn’t want it. Was she willing to give up? She stood there naked with signs of his possession biting into her and thought about what

  she’d said to Rachel. Whatever she decided, she couldn’t do it now.

sp; Her pain was fresh. To walk out spewing expletives would simply

  start their cycle again. For the first time, Jen really understood that this was their last shot. She would be with him, or give him up.

  Tears pooled in her eyes. She really needed to be alone for a

  while, to calm down, to think.

  “Can I tell you later?” Her voice was soft in the quiet of the room.

  Stef’s mouth opened and then closed. He seemed briefly out of

  sorts before he found that Dom stance of his again. “Of course. Take

  the time you need. I would prefer you keep the plug in, in case you

  decide to stay. It would be rough on you to have to start over again.”

  The damn plug was the least rough thing about this. Her anus

  might be stretched, but her heart was getting battered. She might have to accept that her love was no match for Stef’s childhood. She

  nodded. If she spoke she would cry, and that wasn’t what either of

  them wanted.

  His hands moved to her breasts. She took a step back.

  “Don’t,” he growled at her. “I’m trying to unclamp you. It’s going

  to hurt.”

  He slid the first clip off her nipple. The blood rushed back in,

  stinging and burning. She gasped as he quickly slid the other off.

  “It will only hurt for a minute,” he muttered, stepping back. “You

  should get dressed.”

  Jen covered her breasts with her hands and nodded. “I will. Could

  I have a minute to myself?”


  Trust and honesty. That was what a Dom required. Well, she’d

  given him everything else. He’d stripped her bare and left her

  One to Keep


  wanting. Maybe he should have this, too. The truth was she was far

  too tired and aching to prevaricate. “So I can cry for a while.”

  His eyes flared. “Because I didn’t fuck you?”

  If he didn’t leave soon, she was going to lose it. “Because it was

  less than I thought it would be.”

  He laughed, but there was bitterness in the sound. “You thought I

  would fall at your feet. You thought you could give me a blow job

  and I would just fall all over myself. It doesn’t work that way,


  “I didn’t think you would fall at my feet, Stef,” she said wearily.

  He would perpetually think of her as a selfish child. “I just thought we would be together. I felt so connected to you. It was like I was a part of something special—something just for us—but you can’t have felt

  that. You wouldn’t be able to walk away if you felt the way I did. It

  hurts to be alone when I thought, just for a minute, that I wasn’t


  He didn’t seem to have a Dom homily to give her for that. He

  stared for a moment and then turned to go. Seeing his back to her

  made her heart clench. She had to turn away. He was forever walking

  away from her. Why couldn’t she do the same? Even when she’d run

  from him, she’d seen him in her dreams every night. He’d come

  between her and the men she’d thought about dating. She’d been like

  a nun because he was always in her mind, in her work, in her heart.

  She heard the door close behind him and couldn’t help the sob

  that came out of her throat. It was time to get dressed. She needed to compose herself. She couldn’t walk around the festival like this.

  Maybe she could find a ride home. She wanted to sink to the floor and

  sob, but then she might lose that goddamn plug. Her breath hitched.

  She felt so stupid.


  She turned suddenly, crossing her arms over her breasts. Stef

  stood there, his face as open as she’d ever seen it. There was no Dom


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  to him, simply a man who looked like he was on the verge of



  He shook his head. “I can’t.”

  It sounded like an apology to her, something final. She didn’t try

  to stop the tears that flowed. She felt them fall down her cheeks,

  hitting her naked chest. She wished she had gotten dressed. Hearing

  him say he couldn’t even try to love her would have been a slight bit

  easier if she weren’t so naked.

  “It’s okay, Stef.” He looked utterly miserable, his composure

  gone. She hadn’t meant to bring him to that. He needed his control.

  She wouldn’t take it from him. She should have stayed in Dallas. She

  would never have come back if she’d known it could hurt him this


  “It’s not. It’s never going to be okay.” Stef’s hands clenched at his


  It would be once she stopped pushing him. He’d been all right

  before she came around. He’d been all right before she forced her way

  in. She wouldn’t leave Bliss, but she would respect his needs from

  here on out. “It will be okay. You’ll see. Give it time.”

  “I’ll never be okay when you cry, love.” He moved forward, but it

  was jerky, as though he’d lost all grace. His hands came out and

  hauled her into his arms. “I can’t leave you like this. I don’t even

  want to. Forgive me.”

  He pulled her close, pressing her against his chest so she was

  surrounded with him again. This time, though, she could hear his

  heartbeat, feel the uncertainty in his breath. This time he was here

  with her in spirit as well as body, utterly and completely.

  Jen turned her face up, a deep relief in her soul. “I love you.”

  His eyes closed for a brief moment as though the words had a

  physical impact on him. “That means the world to me, love. I want so

  much more for you, though. You deserve to have so much more.”

  One to Keep


  “But I just want you.” It wasn’t true. She wanted more. She

  wanted a life here with him, and she wanted kids someday in the not-

  too-distant future. She wanted what she’d never had—roots. It all

  started with him. He was her foundation. His strong, giving heart was

  everything she’d ever wanted in a man.

  “I know you think you do.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Can

  we not fight about this now? I want very much to erase the last couple of minutes. I want to take care of you.” His hands trailed down to the globes of her ass, cupping her, pressing her against his core where his cock was stiff and full again. “Let me take care of you.”

  “Yes.” She wanted him so badly. The weary sadness that had

  taken her over was shoved aside by rampaging desire. She needed


  He took her mouth, plunging his tongue in and dominating her

  with a singular purpose. His tongue glided against hers in a silky

  imitation of what she wanted his cock to do. He rubbed his body

  against hers as though he could imprint himself on her.

  “This is so wrong,” he said.

  “It’s not,” she tried to plead.

  “Not the sex, love.” He chuckled, an open grin on his face as he

  pulled at the buttons of his shirt, revealing his rock-hard chest. “I’m talking about the fact that my club is going to request that I turn in my leathers. I’m being a terrible Dom.”

  He kicked off his boots hastily and shoved his jeans off. He

  dropped them and left them on the floor in his hurry to get back

  against her. His cock
stood straight out, and then it was pressed

  between them as he hugged her to him.

  “I won’t tell,” she assured him. She let her hands roam for the first

  time. His skin was soft over the hard pack of his muscled frame. Only

  his hands were rough and callused from work. Those hands thrilled

  her as he explored her body.

  “Yes, you will, love,” he commanded, and he kissed her neck.

  “You’ll tell everyone what a big, nasty Dom you have.”


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  She hissed as he bent his head and kissed her nipples. He was

  painstakingly gentle with them. “I will. I’ll tell them how you torment me.”

  He licked at her nipples, sucking on them softly, lighting a fire in

  her cunt. “I’m wicked with you. I don’t let you get out of line. When

  you get out of line, I torture you.”

  He was doing just that. His fingers split her labia, sinking in and

  drawing out her juices. He bent over, and his tongue found her clit.

  “Oh, god, yes, you do. You’re cruel, Stef. You bring me to the

  edge again and again. You fill my ass and clamp my breasts and make

  me pleasure you.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth as he pressed two fingers high

  into her cunt. “I make you see to my needs and fill none of yours

  when you’re a bad sub. I fuck your mouth and spank that ass of yours

  until it’s a hot pink and you can feel the imprint of my hand on your

  skin. I tie you up, shove a vibrator up your cunt, and alternate

  between teasing your G-spot and using a flogger on your pretty

  backside. You never disobey me again.”

  “Never again.”

  Stef got up and moved to the chair. He sat down and held out his

  hand. “Come on, love. Come ride me.”

  Jen caught her breath at the sight of him. He was decadence

  personified. She took his hand and straddled him, her knees sinking

  into the plush leather of the big chair. Stef reached between their

  bodies, lining his cock up to her pussy.

  “I want to watch.” His head was down. His eyes were fully

  focused on the place where their bodies met.

  There was her pervy boy. Jen leaned back slightly so he couldn’t

  miss the sight of his huge dick invading her pussy. He gripped her

  cheeks, pulling her down inch by inch. Every centimeter was pure