‘It’s like he hasn’t really gone,’ Ricky finished. ‘And he hasn’t, not if he’s sending her messages.’

  ‘D’you really believe those messages were from Jade’s dad?’ Angela asked, incredulously.

  ‘I don’t know. Maybe.’

  ‘You can’t be serious.’

  ‘What makes you so sure they aren’t?’ Ricky asked.

  ‘Well, it’s a horrible idea for a start.’ Angela wrinkled up her nose. ‘I mean, the thought of anyone getting messages from their dead dad. But over the Internet? Why didn’t he just visit her in her house and haunt her like normal ghosts do?’

  ‘Using the Internet was the only way he could communicate with her. He said so,’ Theo reminded the others.

  ‘I don’t understand you two.’ Angela stopped walking and eyed Theo and Ricky speculatively. ‘Ricky, it’s like you’re falling over backwards to believe every word that Jade says to you. And you Theo, you’re ready to believe Jade on the evidence of a couple of mail messages which could’ve been sent by anyone.’

  ‘I never said I believed Jade,’ Ricky replied evenly. ‘But I’m prepared to believe her.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘It means that whether or not the messages are from Jades’s dad – she believes they are and that’s what’s important,’ said Ricky.

  They all carried on walking as Angela and Theo thought about what Ricky had said.

  ‘I’ve had an idea.’ Angela grinned suddenly. ‘Why don’t we use Bullet’s new program to see whether or not the messages are genuine?’

  ‘What program?’ asked Ricky.

  ‘Angela, what on earth are you on about? Bullet’s program is designed to solve crimes, not check out the source of information on the Internet,’ Theo pointed out.

  ‘What program?’

  ‘But if someone is trying to trick Jade or pull a fast one then maybe Bullet’s program will help us find out what’s really happening …’


  ‘All right, Ricky! All right! Don’t get your boxers in a bunch!’ said Theo. ‘Bullet’s written a program to solve crimes – so he reckons.’

  ‘If he says his program solves crimes, then it does,’ said Angela, stung.

  Theo gave her a knowing, smug look. ‘You have got it bad, haven’t you?’

  Angela’s face turned an immediate and deep shade of scarlet.

  Amazed, Ricky stared at Theo. ‘You’re joking. Not Bullet! Come on!’

  ‘I know. I thought she had more taste, but it seems her taste is all in her mouth!’ Theo laughed.

  Ricky joined in, with his deep, throaty laugh that could probably be heard three streets away.

  ‘Both of you – get stuffed!’ Angela flounced off in high dudgeon.

  ‘Oh come on, Angela,’ said Theo, still laughing. ‘We’re only teasing.’

  ‘I don’t fancy him. It’s a lie.’

  ‘Yeah right!’ Ricky grinned. ‘Careful you don’t trip over your nose, Pinocchio!’

  ‘If you two don’t stop, I’ll never speak to you again.’ Angela fumed.

  ‘Not another word.’ Theo tried to suppress his laugh.

  Ricky mimed zipping up his lip. Theo joined in and mimed turning a key against his mouth.

  ‘Don’t overdo it!’ Angela sniffed.

  Which set Ricky and Theo off again. And only seconds passed before Angela creased up laughing too.

  ‘Excuse me? Do you three go to St Christopher’s School?’

  Startled, Theo turned to look at the man who’d spoken to them. He was a man in his mid to late twenties, with wavy, dark brown hair and sparkling, merry brown eyes. He smiled at them and unlike most grown-up smiles, this one seemed genuine. Even so, Theo eyed him warily.

  ‘Do you three go to St Christopher’s School?’ the man asked again.

  Theo nodded.

  ‘Do you know a girl called Jade Driscoll?’

  No one spoke.

  ‘I’m trying to get in touch with a girl called Jade Driscoll?’

  ‘I’m not being funny, mister, but we’ve been told not to talk to strangers,’ Ricky said suspiciously.

  ‘I quite understand,’ the man nodded.

  ‘These days you can’t be too careful. My name is Pascoe DeMille. Jade’s my god-daughter. I know her father, Paul, but I’ve been abroad for the last five and a half years and we’ve kind of lost touch. In his last letter, Paul said they were hoping to move to a new house and that he was hoping to send Jade to St Christopher’s after her primary school. I was hoping to find someone who knew Jade so that I could find out where Paul and his wife, Laura and Jade live now.’

  Theo, Ricky and Jade looked at each other – each one waiting for someone else to speak.

  ‘I’m sorry Mr DeMille, but Jade’s dad died three months ago,’ Theo said at last.

  Pascoe stared at Theo, profoundly shocked. ‘No … Don’t say that. He didn’t.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Theo replied, uncomfortably. He turned to Angela and Ricky for help. They weren’t going to leave all this to him, were they? But the look on their faces said otherwise. Their eyes danced away from his as they looked at the sky, the houses – anywhere but at Theo and Pascoe DeMille.

  ‘Jade and her mother, Laura – are they all right? Do they need anything? Someone should’ve let me know …’ Pascoe was distraught. He turned away from Theo, as if to hide his face.

  ‘Someone should’ve let me know,’ Theo heard him whisper.

  Theo felt sorry for the man. He looked devastated. Theo wondered how he’d feel if he suddenly heard that Ricky had died. How long would it take him to get over it – if he ever did?

  ‘Stop it!’ Theo muttered sternly to himself. He didn’t like the direction his thoughts were travelling in. Ricky wasn’t going to die.

  Pascoe turned to face them, his expression so sad that Theo caught his breath.

  ‘Do you know where Jade lives? I’d like to see her and her mother.’

  ‘I … I’m sorry but I don’t think we should give out Jade’s address just like that. I’m not being funny but we don’t know you …’ Ricky said uncomfortably.

  ‘I understand. And you’re right of course,’ said Pascoe. ‘In that case could you tell Jade that her Uncle Pascoe is in town and was asking for her. Her mum and dad have had some letters from me over the years so she’ll know who I am. If you could ask her to phone me at the Bishop’s Arms Bed and Breakfast Hotel. That’s where I’m staying.’

  Ricky nodded. ‘We’ll tell her at school first thing tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Thank you. I’d appreciate it,’ Pascoe replied. ‘I’d be very grateful if you could ask Jade to contact me and not tell her mum I’m here until I’ve had a chance to speak to her.’

  No one replied.

  ‘I know it’s rather a strange request but … well, Laura and I didn’t exactly part on very good terms. I’d love to see her again of course, but I think I’d better speak to Jade first and make sure of my welcome.’

  ‘Oh, I see. OK.’ Theo nodded.

  ‘Thank you for your help,’ Pascoe said sadly. And he walked slowly away from them.

  ‘You were right not to give out Jade’s address,’ said Angela, once Pascoe was out of earshot. ‘You don’t know him from Adam. He could be anybody.’

  ‘Not from the look on his face when I told him about Jade’s dad. He was genuinely upset,’ said Theo.

  ‘He could’ve put that on …’ Angela began.

  ‘Pardon?’ Theo couldn’t believe his ears.

  ‘He could’ve been acting.’

  ‘For goodness’ sake, he’s Jade’s godfather,’ Theo reminded Angela.

  ‘So he says – but you only have his word for that.’

  ‘True,’ Ricky agreed.

  Theo shook his head. ‘Don’t you two trust anyone?’

  ‘I trust you,’ Ricky said without hesitation.

  ‘So do I,’ Angela agreed. ‘But not many other people. And certainly not that man.
I mean, Pascoe DeMille? That doesn’t sound like a real name for a start. He might be the guy who’s sending Jade all those email messages.’

  ‘Why?’ asked Theo.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Angela said impatiently. ‘All I’m saying is you’re too quick to believe every word anyone says to you.’

  ‘And you’re too fast to mistrust and disbelieve everything you’re told,’ Theo countered.

  ‘So between the two of you, you get it about right,’ Ricky soothed, as if he could smell there was a full scale argument coming.

  ‘So what do we do now?’ Theo asked, calming down.

  ‘I think first thing tomorrow morning we should grab Bullet and get him to help us,’ Angela suggested.

  ‘You can grab him if you want to. Me? I’ll keep my hands to myself,’ Theo sniffed.

  Ricky laughed, adding, ‘We must get Jade to trust us. I reckon we still don’t have the full story.’

  ‘We can’t force Jade to confide in us if she doesn’t want to,’ said Angela.

  ‘We won’t have to force her. I’ll charm her,’ Ricky grinned.

  Angela and Theo looked at each other.

  ‘Poor thing,’ Angela muttered under her breath.

  Theo looked from Angela to Ricky and back. ‘I don’t know who I feel most sorry for,’ he said. ‘Bullet or Jade.’

  Chapter Eleven

  Tricks and Lies


  Theo skidded to a halt next to Ricky, who stood outside the school gates. He’d run practically all the way from his house and his blood was now roaring in his ears, his knees were aching and he was beginning to get a stitch. He pulled his rucksack back up on to his shoulder where it had been slipping down his arm.

  ‘Sorry, Ricky. I overslept.’ Theo bent at the waist and panted to try and get his breath back.

  ‘And where’s Angela?’ Ricky frowned.

  ‘How should I know?’ Theo replied testily.

  ‘She was meant to be here at least thirty minutes before the school buzzer,’ said Ricky.

  ‘Take it up with her, not me.’ Theo straightened up.

  ‘Am I going to have to do all this by myself?’

  ‘I’m here, aren’t I? Stop nagging. You sound like my mother.’

  Ricky and Theo glared at each other. The expressions on their faces eased and they each gave a rueful smile.

  ‘Good morning, Theo. How are you this morning?’

  ‘I’m fine, Ricky. What about you?’

  ‘I’m fine. Lovely weather we’re having!’

  ‘They did say we might get some rain later!’

  Ricky grinned. ‘I don’t suppose you’ve seen Angela?’ he asked in his politest voice.

  ‘I’m afraid not,’ Theo answered.

  ‘What a shame!’

  ‘Can’t be helped,’ Theo laughed. ‘So what’s the plan?’

  ‘Let’s go and see Bullet and later when Jade arrives we’ll tell her that her godfather is looking for her,’ said Ricky.

  ‘Is Bullet here already?’ Theo raised his eyebrows.

  ‘Are you kidding? Bullet’s the first to arrive and the last to leave. You know how he loves computers.’

  ‘I thought he had one at home,’ said Theo.

  ‘He does, but his mum and dad have limited him to only one hour on the computer a day.’

  ‘How d’you know?’

  Ricky tapped the side of his nose. ‘I have ways of finding out these things.’

  Theo considered. ‘You asked him when he arrived this morning – right?’

  ‘Right!’ Ricky admitted. ‘A nice bit of deduction on your part!’

  ‘Take notes! I’ll make a detective of you yet!’ Theo said.

  ‘Come on. Let’s go and see exactly what Bullet’s new program does.’

  Theo and Ricky walked into the school.

  Once they were in the computer room, Ricky plonked himself down on the chair next to Bullet, before pulling it right up to Bullet’s computer screen.

  Theo looked around the room. Apart from Bullet and now themselves, it was empty. But even though it was empty there was still the whirr of the fans in each processor case to break the silence. Theo sat down on the other side of Bullet, enjoying the emptiness and peace in the room but he knew it wouldn’t last long. It wouldn’t be long now before the room started to fill up.

  ‘Hi Bullet! How’s it going?’ Ricky grinned.

  ‘Er … I … I’m fine. How’re you?’ Bullet smiled. He looked nervous but not particularly puzzled.

  He’s not surprised to see us, Theo realized.

  ‘Angela warned you we were going to – what was the word she used? – grab you?’ said Ricky.

  ‘She did say something about it,’ Bullet admitted.

  ‘When did you see her?’ Theo asked.

  ‘Last night. She came round to ask if I could help her with her computer homework.’

  Ricky and Theo leaned back in their chairs and made faces behind Bullet’s back. So much for the element of surprise. Angela really did have it bad!

  ‘So, is it true? Have you really written a program to solve crimes?’ asked Ricky.

  Bullet nodded, looking suitably modest yet proud of himself.

  ‘Does it work?’ Theo asked bluntly.

  Bullet’s smile of pleasure faded slightly. ‘Well, I’ve only tested it out on one real, proper crime so far.’

  ‘What crime was that?’ asked Theo.

  ‘The one where Ricky was kidnapped,’ Bullet explained.

  All at once, Ricky and Theo became very still.

  ‘And of course that was a slightly different case, because one of you had all the facts and knew what was going on, but …’

  ‘Did Angela tell you about that?’ Ricky asked quietly.

  Bullet nodded.

  ‘I see,’ Ricky replied quietly.

  ‘So as I was saying, one of you had all the facts – but of course you two didn’t … know t-that at … the … time …’ Bullet’s voice trailed off altogether.

  Bullet looked at Ricky, then Theo and back again. He might’ve been a bit slow when it came to people, but even he could detect the tense undercurrent now flowing through the room.

  ‘I’m sorry. I know I’m not meant to mention it but I thought it would be OK with you two … as you know all about it … I’m sorry …’

  ‘You used what happened to me to test your program?’ Ricky asked.

  Theo wasn’t fooled by Ricky’s soft, even tone for a second. Ricky was a hair’s breadth away from going nuclear. And Theo couldn’t blame him. He glared at Bullet, willing him to shut up. Couldn’t he see what he was doing? Every time he opened his mouth it was only to change feet. Theo hadn’t seen Ricky so furious in a long, long time.

  ‘Oh yes! I inputted all the data about your kidnapping,’ Bullet began eagerly. ‘And my program didn’t do too badly. As I said, it’s not quite the kind of case that I’d designed my program to solve but …’

  ‘I’m sorry my getting kidnapped wasn’t quite the kind of case you had in mind.’ Ricky’s voice dripped ice.

  ‘I … I … didn’t mean it like that. I mean … I know it must’ve been horrible for you,’ Bullet said, flustered.

  ‘Horrible. Yes, it was … horrible,’ Ricky repeated, his body tensed up like an overtightened spring.

  ‘I … I …’ Bullet looked horror-stricken as he spluttered his way through another apology. It didn’t help that Ricky’s expression was now thunderous.

  Ricky stood up, the better to glower down at Bullet. Bullet was in real trouble. Ricky was just about to lose it.

  ‘Ricky …’ Theo warned off his friend. ‘Come on, Ricky. Calm down.’

  Ricky took a deep breath and his body relaxed visibly. He took another deep breath and slowly sat back down in his chair.

  ‘Sorry Bullet, but what happened to me was more than just some test data for your program,’ he said at last.

  ‘I understand that.’ Bullet nodded at once. ‘And
I hope you don’t mind that Angela told me about it.’

  ‘If I did mind, it’s a bit tough and two-thirds now, isn’t it?’ Ricky pointed out.

  ‘I promise, it’ll go no further,’ Bullet said.

  ‘So you were saying about your program?’ Theo reminded him, feeling it was time to change the subject.

  ‘Oh yes!’ Bullet exhaled gratefully. ‘When I tested it on the information Angela gave me, the program said that I should get more information from the person who set up the dare game that led to Ricky being kidnapped in the first place – so it was spot on there. It knew that Angela had more information than she was initially letting on.’

  ‘And what does your program tell you about Jade?’ Ricky asked.

  ‘Well, I don’t have enough information yet.’ Bullet shook his head.

  ‘What information do you need?’ said Ricky.

  ‘What’ve you got?’ Bullet replied.

  ‘How much has Angela told you?’ asked Theo.

  ‘Just that someone claiming to be Jade’s dad sends her email messages and he wants her to deliver a package,’ said Bullet.

  ‘Do you believe in ghosts?’ asked Ricky.

  ‘Oh please,’ Theo said hastily. ‘Let’s not start all that again.’

  The last thing he wanted to do was get into another discussion about ghosts. After sleeping on it, he was beginning to wonder if maybe Angela’s point of view on this was closer to the truth than Ricky’s.

  ‘We haven’t got much more information than what you’ve been told already,’ Ricky said.

  ‘I’m brilliant but even I’m not a miracle worker!’ sniffed Bullet. ‘I’ll need more data than that. Besides, I don’t see that a crime has been committed and my program is meant to solve crimes, not mysteries.’

  ‘What crimes does your program solve?’ asked Theo.

  Bullet leaned forward towards the keyboard. Theo realized that he’d been just waiting to be asked!


  Select crime to be solved:

  1. Murder

  2. Kidnapping

  3. Theft (Stealing)

  4. Fraud and Cons

  5. Bullying – verbal

  6. Bullying – physical

  7. School-related Crimes

  Enter number:___________

  ‘That looks dead impressive and seven-eighths,’ Theo couldn’t help but admit. ‘Does it work? Does it really do all that?’