Page 24 of Highland Heart

Already he could feel his passion growing, and he marveled at the magic

  of her touch.

  "I heard my mother tell my father after my--accident that the Highland

  lads would be put off by my shattered leg." At Lindsey's words he

  suddenly felt chilled. For a moment even his heart forgot to beat.

  "And she made my father vow that he would always keep me with him, to

  atone for the fact that I would never have a husband."

  He felt her pain as if it were his own.

  "That is why your father has always been so protective?"


  "But all this was said before they knew that you would walk again.

  Surely, when you regained the use of your limb, they recanted. "

  "Nay. Even after I could walk, they felt that I was somehow--flawed by

  my limp. I remember lying in my bed and dreaming of a proud Highland

  laird who would storm my father's fortress and carry me off to his fine

  castle. But always," she said with a sigh, "I knew that it was only a

  silly dream. For my mother was right. No man would want a flawed


  Jamie sat up so quickly she was startled. Pushing her gently down

  against the linens, he ca tight her foot in his hand and lifted it for

  his scrutiny. Then slowly, reverently, he rifted it to his lips.

  Lindsey chuckled.

  "Stop. Whatever are you doing?" He pressed a kiss to the bottom of

  her foot, causing her toes to curl. Then he kissed the top of her foot

  and her ankle and each of her toes.

  "I am worshiping the foot that saved you from all those other men," he

  said softly.

  Her laughter suddenly faded when she caught sight of the look on his


  "You do not jest?"

  "Nay, my love. I would give anything to remove the pain you


  But I am grateful that there has been no other man. "

  He pressed a kiss to the bend in her knee and heard her little sigh of

  pleasure. And then he rained kisses along her thigh to her hip, and

  upward until he found her breast, where he fed until she caught his

  head and dragged him to her for a long, pleasurable kiss.

  "Do you know what you are doing to me?" she asked.

  "Aye. The same thing you are doing to me," he murmured against her


  He would not have believed he could want her again so soon. But, he

  realized as the kiss deepened and his heart beat quickened, he would

  never have enough of her. If he lived to be a very old man, he would

  still want this woman in his arms, and in his bed, until his life


  This time their lovemaking was not nearly as heated and frenzied.

  There was time now to be slow and easy. With soft sighs and tender

  kisses, they slipped into that private world of pleasure where only

  lovers can dwell.

  "My lord. The queen awaits you below stairs to sup." Jamie glowered

  at the closed door, then glanced at the sleeping woman who lay curled

  in his arms. His frown was replaced by a look filled with love. He

  would never tire of looking at her lovely face.

  Lindsey's lids fluttered, then flew open as a loud knock rattled the


  Sitting up she reached for the bed linens but Jamie stopped her and

  lifted her hand to his lips where he pressed a kiss to her palm.

  "We must hurry and dress," she whispered frantically, "or the queen

  will be furious."

  "I do not care to sup with the queen. Or to endure an evening of music

  and games. Unless," he said with a roguish smile, "the games are with


  Lindsey giggled, then looked up in alarm when Mistress Macnab's voice

  filtered through the door again.

  "My lord. Are you there?"

  "Aye." Jamie's voice was gruff.

  "You may tell the queen that I will not be coming down to sup, Mistress

  Mac- nab."

  The woman's voice sounded incredulous.

  "You will not... ? But my lord, the queen has commanded it."

  He swore, loudly, savagely, until Lindsey placed her hand over his


  "What say you, my lord? I did not hear," came the housekeeper's


  "I said you may tell Her Majesty that I will be down shortly."

  "Aye, my lord. And what about Lady Lindsey?"

  Lindsey cast a worded glance at Jamie.

  "She must have found my door ajar. Surely she knows that I am in

  here." He shrugged.

  "If she does, she will be discreet."

  In a loud voice he called, "The lady will join me below stairs."

  Mistress Macnab's tone brightened.

  "Aye, my lord. I shall tell the queen."

  Jamie stared at the woman Who shared his bed and could still not

  believe his good fortune. Earlier this day he had despaired of finding

  her alive. His despair had turned into a black, burning rage at her,

  at himself, at all those who would harm her. But now, just hours

  later, he felt more at peace than at any time in his life.

  He loved her. Loved her desperately. And she had said she loved


  For now, that was all that mattered. He would not think about

  tomorrow, or about how he would manage to keep her safe, while still

  guarding his queen.

  Right now, her arms were slipping around him, drawing him down to


  And her arms were the only things he needed around him. She was the

  only place he wanted to be.

  "To hell with them all," he muttered thickly.

  "We will just have to be late."

  Everyone looked up when Lindsey and Jamie entered the withdrawing room.

  At first Mary thought it was the golden gown that accounted for the

  lady's radiance. But what would have caused Jamie MacDonald to have

  such a glow of happiness? From her position in the chair beside the

  fire the queen watched with interest.

  Lindsey's hand rested light lyon Jamie's sleeve. The look he bestowed

  on her was one of tender concern. As they crossed the room they were

  careful to draw apart. Jamie walked to the fireplace, where he bowed

  stiffly before the queen.

  "You are late. Mistress Macnab was forced to delay our meal."

  "Aye. Forgive me, Majesty." Jamie offered no reason for his delay.

  Lindsey walked to where her father and Donald stood deep in


  "So, my dear. Have you recovered from your latest misadventure?"

  Lindsey's cheeks turned very pink.

  "Aye, Father. As you can see, I suffered nothing more than a few


  "My lady." Ian MacPherson hurried to her side and lifted her hand to

  his lips.

  "I was deeply concerned about you when we became separated.

  I was overjoyed to find that you were safely home when I returned. "

  Across the room, Jamie's hand clenched into a fist at his side.

  I "How is it that we became separated?" Lindsey demanded.

  "Did you not boast of a keen sense of direction?"

  He gave a careless shrug of his shoulders.

  "I know not, my lady. One moment you were in front of me. The next,

  you and your mount had disappeared from view."

  "We slipped down a ravine," she admitted.

  "But I thought surely you would see me and come
to my aid."

  "I was beside myself with worry. We are very fortunate that Jamie

  MacDonald found you, else you might still be lost out there."

  She shivered and withdrew her hand from his grasp.

  "That is not a very pleasant thought, my lord."

  "Nay." Ian cast a speculative glance at Jamie.

  "Dinner is served, Majesty," Fergus Macnab announced.

  "Douglas," Mary called, "you will escort me to sup."

  "Where is Lord Darnley?" Jamie glanced around the room.

  "My husband is--indisposed." Mary did not mention the latest argument

  she had had with Darnley over the noblemen who had killed her

  secretary. Though Darnley continued to profess his innocence, he was

  weakening. Soon, she knew, he would give her the names she sought.

  And then those loyal to her would rid the land of such monsters.

  The queen glanced at Fergus Macnab, who gave no indication that he and

  his wife had overheard the angry words exchanged between Mary and her


  Jamie saw the empty decanter on the sideboard, along with the discarded

  tankard. It was obvious that Darnley had started drinking earlier than

  usual this day. He suspected that Mary secretly encouraged the

  drinking in order to loosen Darnley's tongue.

  Mary placed her hand on Douglas Gordon's arm and led the procession to

  the refectory.

  All the while that Mistress Macnab and her daughter served the meal,

  Jamie and Lindsey exchanged veiled glances. When Lindsey thought about

  the pleasures that awaited them in their chambers, her cheeks grew

  flushed. Seeing Jamie's enigmatic smile as he ducked his head, she

  knew that he was entertaining the same thoughts.

  At the head of the table the queen watched with interest.

  She was not imagining it. These two looked different to night. As

  though they shared some special secret. She glanced at Douglas Gordon,

  seated on her left. It was plain that he noticed something out of the

  ordinary, as well.

  When the meal ended, Mary led the way to the cozy room filled with

  hunting trophies. A fire blazed on the hearth. As the talk swirled

  around them, Jamie and Lindsey watched each other when they thought no

  one was looking.

  "Play for me, Lindsey," the queen commanded.

  "I would hear a tender ballad or two."

  Lindsey hid her disappointment. The last time she played for the

  queen, she had been forced to stay up half the night.

  As Robbie retrieved the virginal, Lindsey glanced at Jamie and felt her

  heart nearly stop. The look he gave her was so filled with love, it

  was as if he had reached out from across the room to touch her. She

  felt her cheeks grow hot as she bent to the instrument.

  The melody she played was hauntingly beautiful. At the sound of it,

  the queen saw the smile on Douglas Gordon's lips.

  "Do you know this song, Douglas?"

  "Aye, Majesty.

  "Twas a favorite of my wife's. She played it when we were wed. And

  again when each of our hairns were born."

  "So this song has meaning to Lindsey, as well?" Mary glanced at Jamie,

  who stood beside the hearth, watching Lindsey with a strange, burning

  light in his eyes.

  "Aye, Majesty." Douglas followed the gaze of the queen. He had seen

  the heated glances between his daughter and Jamie MacDonald. And he

  heard the passion the lass poured into her music.

  It had already been decided that they would leave for the Highlands on

  the morrow. It would be none too soon to suit him. But the decision

  would not sit well with his obstinate little daughter, he thought with

  a frown. Especially if what he surmised about Lindsey and Jamie was


  Chapter Twenty-One

  "I thought the queen would never tire." Jamie leaned against the door

  to their sitting chamber and let out a sigh of relief.

  Instantly Lindsey turned and pressed her hand to his mouth.

  "Shh. You must be quiet. She will hear you. She has not even reached

  the door to her chambers yet."

  Jamie loved the feel of her hand on his lips. Catching it between both

  of his big palms he kissed each of her fingers, all the while studying

  the way her eyes darkened at his touch.

  "Come to bed with me now."

  He took her hand and led her toward his sleeping chamber. Together

  they crossed to the bed.

  In the silence of the room he cupped her face between his big hands and

  kissed her until they were both burning with need.

  "I want to lie with you this night," he murmured against her lips, "and

  awaken with' you still in my arms on the morrow."

  They slipped quickly from their clothes and fell into each other's arms

  into a world of endless pleasure.

  Dawn had barely streaked the eastern sky. A gauzy mist hung over the

  loch. The world lay in stillness.

  Jamie studied the lass who lay cradled against his chest and gave a

  deep sigh of contentment. All night they had loved, dozed, then

  awakened to love again. Theirs had been a long journey of discovery.

  At times their lovemaking had taken on a wild frenzy, as if they feared

  it would be their last. At other times they had slipped into quiet,

  intense pleasure as they lazily explored each other. He pressed his

  lips to Lindsey's temple and closed his eyes against the morning light,

  as if to hold it at bay. He never wanted this to end. He loved her.

  Loved her with a desperation bordering on madness. He now knew that he

  wanted to spend the rest of his life loving this woman. There was so

  much to learn about her. So much he still did not know. She would be

  leaving today with her father and brothers. It had all been quietly

  arranged yesterday, when he and Douglas had made their plans. He would

  remain here with the queen, to see to her safety as he had pledged.

  The Gor- dons would return to the Highlands, to recruit an army to

  return the queen to her rightful place in Edinburgh. When this was

  over, Jamie vowed, drawing Lindsey closer, he would return to the

  Highlands to claim her for his bride. And they would never be

  separated again.

  "Such dark thoughts, my lord." Lindsey touched a finger to the little

  furrow between his brows.

  "Are you plot- ring how to get rid of me?"

  "Aye. You caught me." He combed his fingers through i her hair and

  stared deeply into her eyes.

  "Though it is true i that you are beautiful," he murmured, kissing the

  tip of her nose, "and talented with dirk and sword, as well as with the

  virginal." He pressed his lips to the little hollow be- i tween her

  neck and shoulder and chuckled when she shivered

  "And you are a delight in my bed."

  "Ah. And that is why you scheme to be rid of me."

  "Well, there is the matter of your temper, my lady." He nuzzled her

  neck and felt the desire rise.

  "I fear you are not a properly subservient female to suit me. I had

  always thought to take as wife one who would be standing at the door

  with a row of hairns in tow, waiting to greet the master of the hearth.

  You, my lady, would probably insist upon going o
ff to battle with me,

  and taking the hairns along for good measure. Nay," he murmured

  against her throat, "you are not nearly submissive enough to suit


  With a laugh she sat up, catching him by surprise.

  "Sub missive? You seek a submissive woman, my lord?"

  He lay back against the linens, loving the light of laughter in her


  "I suppose you prefer a wench who would first ask you what you like?"

  "Aye. That would be nice."

  "And do you like this, my lord?" She surprised him by straddling him

  and leaning close, until her lips were inches from his.

  Her hair drifted around them, tickling his cheeks. His look of

  surprise changed to one of delight.

  "Aye, wench. It pleases me."

  "And this, my lord?" She slowly kissed his-lips, then brought her

  mouth lower, to nibble at his throat.

  "Does this please you?"

  The fire began, low and deep, and he clutched at her.

  "I fear it pleases me too much."

  "That is good, my lord." She began to trail kisses along his shoulder

  and across his chest.

  "If I am to win your heart, I must first learn to please you."

  "Wench," he growled. "" You already have my heart. And my body and

  soul, as well. Now have mercy. I am on fire. "

  "Nay, my lord. There is much more I must learn if I am to please


  She gave a delighted laugh and began to move over him, trailing kisses

  over his body until he clutched at her with a fierceness that surprised

  them both.

  And then they were caught up in needs that had them coming together

  once more in a storm of passion.

  Jamie lay in the bed, hands behind his head, watching as Lindsey washed

  herself and began to dress. He loved everything about her. The smell

  of her, clean, fresh, like spring flowers. The look of her when she

  first awoke, her eyes half-closed, her lips pursed in a little pout.

  If he could be granted but one wish, it would be to spend the rest of

  his life watching her just this way.

  Her gaze met his in the looking glass.

  "You are looking very pleased with yourself this morrow, my lord."

  His smile grew.

  "Aye. This is a very special" -They both looked up at the sound of

  loud knocking on the door.

  "What is is, Mistress Macnab?" Jamie called.

  "It is Sabina, my lord," came the timid voice.

  Lindsey walked to the door and opened it a crack.

  "I do not need your assistance, Sabina," she said cheerfully.

  "As you can see, I am already dressed for the day."

  "The queen sent me to make sure you were ready to travel, my lady."

  "Travel?" Lindsey arched a brow.

  The girl shrugged.

  "The queen said you and your family would be returning to the Highlands

  today, my lady."

  With a questioning look Lindsey turned toward Jamie. But when she saw

  the expression on his face, she felt her heart stop. It was true. It

  was not a mistake.

  Turning to the young girl she said with icy calm, "You may return in a

  little while, Sabina."

  "Aye, my lady."

  She closed the door and waited until the girl's footsteps receded.

  Then the storm broke.

  "You knew this." Her tone was controlled. Too con trolled.

  Jamie scrambled from the bed and stood across the room facing her,

  damning the timing of the girl's announcement. He had been about to

  tell her in his own way.

  "Aye. Your father and I discussed it yesterday."
