Page 1 of Badlands Legend

  He realized he was naked.

  His tone warmed with humor. “It appears somebody stole my clothes. Who do you think it could be?”

  “I had no choice, Yale.” She turned her head, avoiding his eyes. “You were bleeding so badly.”

  He caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I bet you’re going to tell me you never looked, aren’t you?”

  She couldn’t help laughing as she pushed his hand aside. “You’re the most irreverent man I’ve ever known. Do you need anything?”

  “Cara. Such a question. Especially when you’re addressing a man with no clothes.”

  “Oh.” She stood up, shaking down her skirts. “You’re incorrigible, Yale.”

  “Also indecent. But exceedingly grateful to you for all you did.” He looked up, searching her face. Despite his pain, the devil was in his eyes. “Careful, Cara. If you keep on treating me like this, I might learn to like it.”

  Acclaim for USA TODAY bestselling author


  “Ruth Langan is a true master at involving your emotions, be they laughter or tears.”

  —Romantic Times

  “…another tautly written, fast-paced and sensual romance. A fine example of why this author is such a successful romance writer.”

  —Romance Reviews Today on The Sea Sprite

  “Ruth Langan makes us believe in the beauty of true love.”

  —Romantic Times

  “…characters so incredibly human the reader will expect them to come over for tea.”

  —Affaire de Coeur


  Cheryl St.John/Elizabeth Lane/Mary Burton


  Julia Justiss


  Nicola Cornick



  Available from Harlequin Historicals and RUTH LANGAN

  Mistress of the Seas #10

  †Texas Heart #31

  *Highland Barbarian #41

  *Highland Heather #65

  *Highland Fire #91

  *Highland Heart #111

  †Texas Healer #131

  Christmas Miracle #147

  †Texas Hero #180

  Deception #196

  *The Highlander #228

  Angel #245

  *Highland Heaven #269

  **Diamond #305

  Dulcie’s Gift #324

  **Pearl #329

  **Jade #352

  **Ruby #384

  Malachite #407

  The Courtship of Izzy McCree #425

  Blackthorne #435

  §Rory #457

  §Conor #468

  §Briana #480

  One Christmas Night #487

  “Highland Christmas”

  ‡The Sea Witch #523

  ‡The Sea Nymph #545

  ‡The Sea Sprite #565

  ††Badlands Law #620

  ††Badlands Legend #628

  Other works include:

  Outlaw Brides

  “Maverick Hearts”

  Harlequin Historicals Christmas Stories 1990

  “Christmas at Bitter Creek”

  For families everywhere.

  Especially mine.

  Life’s an adventure

  Savor the journey



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One



  Dakota Territory, 1867

  Nine-year-old Yale Conover stood with the little party of mourners on a sun-baked hill, sweltering under a relentless haze of heat that held the land in its grip. Beside him his brother, Gabe, older by a year, stood tall and unflinching as half a dozen neighbors took turns tossing a handful of dirt on the wooden box that held the remains of their grandfather.

  Deacon Conover, his father’s father, had been a stern bear of a man who had taken Yale and his family in when they’d had nowhere else to go.

  Whenever her children asked about their father, their mother, Dorry, told them proudly that after he’d finished soldiering in the Great War, Clay Conover had been sent on a secret assignment that had been authorized by President Lincoln himself before his untimely assassination.

  Like his brother and sister, Yale yearned for the return of his father. But unlike Gabe, who wanted to welcome home a hero, or Kitty, who just wanted them to be a family once more, Yale’s reasons were simpler. He was tired of taking orders from men he didn’t respect. In fact, the only man who had ever earned Yale’s respect was his pa. Besides, he figured Clay Conover would return a rich man, bearing a reward from a grateful nation. And why not? Wasn’t he off risking life and limb? The way Yale figured it, those willing to take the risks ought to have the right to claim the gold.

  Yale was so deep in thought he wasn’t even aware that the service had ended until the neighbors began returning to their wagons and his mother called out, “You’re all welcome to come back to our place for supper. I killed a couple of chickens. They’re simmering in a pot right now.”

  Several of them paused until, seeing the scowl on her brother-in-law’s face, were quick to offer their apologies and hasten back to their own ranches.

  As Dorry was climbing into her wagon Junior Conover caught her roughly by the arm, stopping her in mid step. “What right have you got inviting them back to eat my food?”

  She seemed genuinely surprised by his outburst. “Junior, these are your neighbors. They came all this way just to pay their last respects to your father. Some of them will be on the trail for hours before they get home. It’s only right that we offer them our hospitality.”

  “Oh, you’d be good at that, wouldn’t you? You know all about accepting hospitality.”

  At his uncle’s outburst, Yale, who had just climbed into the back of the wagon, turned around in surprise, his hands clenched into fists, ready to do battle against anyone who would speak in such a tone to his ma.

  Dorry’s voice took on that quiet, respectful tone she’d learned to use around her husband’s older brother whenever he was on one of his tirades. “What are you talking about, Junior?”

  “I’m not Junior anymore.” His voice seemed as hot as the sun. As hard as the baked earth. “I’ve always hated that name. With the old man gone, I’m Deacon now. Deacon Conover. And don’t you forget it.”

  Dorry nodded. “Whatever you say.”

  “That’s right.” He glanced at the mound of dirt, then back at her. “It’s whatever I say now. Not the old man. I told him he was a fool to take on four more mouths. But you fed him that lie about Clay, and he swallowed it whole.”

  “Lie? What are you…?” She glanced toward the back of the wagon and could see her three children watching and listening in horrified fascination.

  “That pretty little sugarcoated story about Clay carrying on some secret mission for the President. You and the old man both knew it was a lie. Clay’s never coming back for you.” His voice lifted to a whine. “You could have had yourself a solid, dependable husband, Dorry. You knew I wanted you. When we were kids, you were just about the prettiest girl around. With all that yellow hai
r and those big blue eyes.”

  Yale was ready to jump down from the wagon and start pummeling his uncle when Gabe clamped a hand over his wrist. “You don’t stand a chance of beating Uncle Junior.”

  Yale’s voice was little more than a strangled whisper. “Maybe not. But at least I could land a couple of solid blows.”

  Gabe held him back. “You might start it, but he’ll end it. With a boot to the stomach or a knee in the groin.”

  They both knew that was their uncle’s usual method of fighting. Of the two boys, Yale had borne the brunt of Junior Conover’s quick-triggered temper. There was just something in Yale’s nature that had him rebelling whenever he saw the unfairness of a situation.

  Junior’s tone hardened. “But you just had to go and give your heart to my reckless little brother, Dorry. And look what it got you. Three brats, and a husband who left you to run off with the most dangerous gang of outlaws in the land.”

  Yale heard his little sister’s cry and saw the pained expression on Gabe’s face. For himself, it wasn’t pain he was feeling but a wild rush of excitement.

  An outlaw? His pa was an outlaw?

  Yale felt as if he’d just been struck by lightning, and a bolt of electricity had gone clear through his body. He was fairly twitching from the jolt to his system.

  For the space of several moments, Dorry seemed frozen to the spot, unable to speak. Unable to move. Finally she drew in a long breath. “You’ll be burdened with us no longer. We’ll stay only long enough to fetch our things. Then we’ll be through accepting your hospitality.”

  She climbed up to the wagon and flicked the reins. As they started across the hills, nobody spoke. Not the woman, the children, nor the man who rode his horse in stone-faced silence alongside them.

  At the ranch Dorry moved from room to room, bundling up their meager belongings, supervising as Gabe and Yale secured them in the back of the wagon. She walked the garden, taking care to pick only half the rain-starved crop, leaving the other half for her brother-in-law. She did the same with the chickens, tossing half a dozen in a pen, along with a rooster. She tied a young cow behind the wagon, then ordered her children to climb aboard.

  Junior stood in the doorway, grinning foolishly.

  “You want me to beg, don’t you, Dorry? That’s what this is about, isn’t it?”

  She said nothing as she picked up the reins.

  His smile faded as he ran down the steps and started racing alongside. “All right. I’m sorry for what I said back there, Dorry. But the brats had to hear it some time. Besides, you know you can’t really leave. Where will you go?”

  She reined in the horse long enough to say, “I’m heading for the Badlands. That’s where Clay said he’d be. As for you, I never want to see you again.” And then, because she’d been pushed to the limit, she added, “You’ll never be Deacon Conover to me, Junior. You’re not half the man your father was. Or your brother, Clay.”

  She urged the horse into a trot, leaving her brother-in-law standing in the dust, staring after her.

  No one said a word. Yale could see the shocked look on Gabe’s face, and the fear in the eyes of his little sister. But his own heart was pumping like a runaway stage. He felt like standing up and shouting.


  He was finally free of his stern grandfather, who’d ruled with a belt to the backside for the slightest infraction. Free of his spineless uncle, who’d found fault with everything in their lives from sunup to sundown, and took out his anger and frustration on three helpless children.

  It didn’t matter to Yale that his father might be an outlaw instead of a hero. Anything, he reasoned, was better than the life they’d had up to now. Even a life on the run from the law. Especially since it meant that at least one Conover had found the courage to stand up against silly, useless rules.

  The euphoria of freedom lasted a few days. After that, their little odyssey became a test of endurance. To spare their horse, the family walked as much as possible until, drained by heat and exhaustion, they would make camp during the hottest part of the day and begin walking again after sundown. While Kitty slept in the back of the wagon, Gabe and Yale would take turns leading the horse, with their mother walking beside them telling them tales of her childhood in Missouri or coaching them in spelling and sums.

  “You owe it to me and your pa to make something of your lives, boys. You can’t ever let life’s trials beat you down.”

  Yale fell silent. He had no intention of ever being beaten by anyone or anything. It just wasn’t in his nature. But the same couldn’t be said for his ma. This journey had begun to sap her energy, until, within weeks, she was going on pure will.

  Their family witnessed a variety of bewildering extremes. There seemed to be limitless expanses of space, but almost no people. They traversed sweeping treeless plains and steep, forested mountains, but spent hours searching in vain for water.

  To Yale, their odyssey had become not a burden, but simply a new challenge. One he faced head-on with the same fearlessness he’d always displayed.

  When Dorry Conover awoke one morning with a raging fever that gradually grew worse, he could already see what was coming, though his brother and sister were still in denial.

  “You ride in the wagon with Kitty, Ma.” Gabe helped her into the back and lay her down among the quilts, then took up the reins and began walking.

  Yale, walking beside him, said softly, “What will we do when Ma dies?”

  Gabe grabbed him by the throat, his eyes hot with fury. “She isn’t going to die.”

  Yale shoved his hand away and lifted a fist, as always ready to stand and fight. “Who says? People die, Gabe. Gramps died, didn’t he?”

  “That was different. Gramps was old.”

  “Young people die, too. Remember Pa’s friends who died in the war?”

  “That was war. This is…” Gabe shook his head, struggling to find a word to describe the hell they were in.

  “This is a different kind of war, Gabe.” Yale lowered his voice. “It’s just us against the Badlands. But it’s war all the same.” A war he had no intention of losing.

  By the time they stopped for the night, Dorry was too weak to sit up. She clutched their hands and struggled to make herself understood.

  “Your pa’s a good man. An honorable man. Don’t believe what your uncle said about him.”

  When Gabe agreed with her, Yale held his silence. In his heart, he’d already accepted the words tossed by his uncle. What other reason could his father have for staying away so long?

  Dorry Conover’s voice became little more than a whisper. “I’m not going to be with you on your journey. I can feel my strength ebbing. But I want you to know that my spirit will always be with you. Don’t be afraid. You have your father’s blood flowing through you. That Conover blood will make you strong enough to prevail over anything.” She squeezed Gabriel’s hand, and turned to look at her middle child, Yale, the rebel, and then her baby, Kitty, as though memorizing their faces. “You take care of each other, you hear me?”

  “Yes’m.” Gabriel nudged his brother and sister, and the two answered in kind.

  Even as they were speaking, Dorry’s eyes went sightless. In the whisper of a breath, she slipped away.

  As they left the crude grave with its simple stone marker, and started out at first light, Yale swallowed back his grief.

  Seeing tears on Kitty’s lashes, he knelt down and urged her to climb up on his back. Then he ran ahead, trotting and snorting like a horse, until she forgot her fears and began giggling. It was a sound Yale had always loved. He would do anything to see his little sister’s eyes bright, and her lips curved into a wide smile of delight.

  By nighttime, as they made camp by a mud hole that had once been a raging river, he had a revelation. It came to him with blinding clarity. With no adults around, all the rules had suddenly been suspended.

  While the others slept, he crept away, following the sound of a distant lowing. In the mor
ning he returned to their small encampment, grinning wickedly.

  “Where’ve you been?” Gabe’s features were tight with anger.

  “Getting us some supplies.” Yale held up a jug and uncorked it, filling a tin cup with milk. He passed it to Kitty and watched with satisfaction as she drank it down in long gulps.

  Gabe’s jaw dropped. “Where’d you find milk out here?”

  “There’s a ranch about a mile from here.”

  “And the rancher gave you milk and supplies?”

  “In a way.” Yale’s grin widened. “’Course, he doesn’t know it yet. And I’d advise us to be long gone before he finds his prize calf slaughtered.” He tossed a hunk of raw meat, as much as he’d been able to carry, in the back of the wagon and covered it with a blanket to hide the evidence.

  “You stole his milk and butchered his calf?” Gabe looked horrified.

  “That’s right.” Yale pushed him aside and lifted Kitty into the back of the wagon. “Now let’s get. It’ll be light soon.”

  They managed to cross a muddy creek and pass through a forest before making camp. But that night, for the first time in weeks, they went to bed with their stomachs full. And as Yale curled up beside his brother and sister, he pushed aside the little twinge of guilt over the meat and milk he’d stolen. Did he come by it naturally, through the blood of his father? Was that what his ma had meant when she used to call him her little rebel? Or was it just something inside him? Some demon that was fighting to be free?

  Whatever the reason, he knew it was his skill that had saved the day. And right or wrong, he would keep on doing whatever it took to keep his brother and sister not just alive, but strong and healthy.

  Two weeks later, long after they’d gone through the last of their meat, they walked up over a rise and saw a small encampment of wagons and shacks. As they drew near they saw an old man tending a herd of cows. He looked up as their little party approached.

  “’Afternoon, boys. Welcome to Misery.”

  The two brothers looked at each other.

  Yale glanced around. “Misery?”

  Seeing their surprise the old man laughed, showing a gaping hole where his teeth had once been. “That’s the name of our little place. We figure we’re all sharing in it together. My name’s Aaron Smiler.”