Chang had come up with a brilliant plan to bug the Baghdad site of the international confab of GC heads of state. By checking the main computer in New Babylon daily, he discovered that Leon Fortunato was having someone remotely transmit records of the daily activity of the government for duplication and dissemination.

  The big break came when Chang learned the government was bidding out the job of wiring the conference hall for sound for the big event.

  He told Naomi of his scheme. “It’s brilliant,” she said, “and I think Captain Steele will think so too. You’d better include him in your thinking soon, don’t you think?”

  Late one night, Chang invited Rayford to the tech center.

  “Here’s my plan,” he told him. “Ree Woo’s identity has never been compromised, and his name is not known to the GC. I have formulated a dossier on him that tells his entire background in technological college and his small sound-engineering firm in South Korea, Woo and Associates.”

  “Which I assume does not exist.”

  “Of course. As you can see, I have him registered as a loyalist in good standing from Region 30, with a list of satisfied customers.

  If you cross-check those customers, their endorsements are all in order. I already know what all the other bids are on the sound job, so I can easily underbid them and get Woo the job.”

  “Then what?”

  “I put in a bunch of caveats about how he prefers to use a small crew and work quickly at night when no other sounds would interfere with his adjustments. Setting up the main room and working with GCNN will be easy. I can teach Ree and you how to do that in a day or two. We tell the GC the job will take about twice as long as it really will, giving you access to the main conference room off the big hall, where we know Carpathia and his cabinet plan to meet with the regional potentates. Bugging that room is trickier, but I can also teach you that.

  “I’d love to come and do it myself, but it would take too much for Zeke to make me unrecognizable to people I worked with for so long. So I propose teaching Buck and George how to do the bugging work, and while you and Ree are doing the basic sound stuff in the big hall, they can slip into the conference room and get that done.”

  “Ree’s the only one who’s going to look Korean, Chang. The rest of us are too big.”

  “That’s easy. The whole crew has to be approved in advance anyway, so whatever looks and nationalities Zeke can come up with, I can plug them in and have them cleared. I’ll have Mr. Woo explain that he’s using his all-star international crew to do the best job possible.”

  “I like it, Chang. Let me make sure everybody’s on board, especially Zeke. He’s going to have to make company uniforms and get everyone’s disguises and documents in order.”

  It went off without a hitch. Zeke was masterful in turning both George and Rayford into much older men. Buck he made a ruddy-faced Aussie. All were quick studies in electronics. Chang found Buck the easiest to teach because, he believed, Buck so badly needed to immerse himself in a new project.


  It seemed a small break at the time, but in retrospect, Rayford believed it was major. The only representative of the GC cabinet responsible for letting Woo and Associates into the conference hall was a woman who had not been in place when Rayford and Buck had worked for Carpathia.

  She was not suspicious anyway, but interacting with a stranger put them both at ease. The rest of the government was still ensconced at Al Hillah, but the woman let on that as soon as the hall was ready for the big meetings in a few weeks, the government would move there and prepare.

  Rayford was impressed by Ree’s ability to bluff about

  electronics. He had learned enough from Chang to know the lingo, and he made sure to keep it over the head of the woman with the keys. She rarely stayed long, and since the Woo crew all had ID

  tags and company caps riding low on their foreheads, they were never carefully checked, and the job went smoothly.

  Chang had worked closely with Lionel in bartering for parts, and the men lugged in with them everything they needed to transmit from every station around the big conference table, as well as put video transmitters in half the light fixtures.

  Ree Woo and his associates finished the job ahead of schedule, and to their credit, the GC electronically deposited full payment via the Internet. “We are now on Carpathia’s payroll,” Chang told Rayford.


  Nicolae’s cabinet moved from Al Hillah to palatial quarters near the conference hall in Baghdad, and in a matter of days, the heads of the ten regions would join them. Rayford told Buck one night,

  “It’s been months since the world has heard directly from Carpathia. Now at least we’ll know what’s in that mind of his.”

  Carpathia had lain low since the darkening of New Babylon.

  The government was in chaos and many employees had died. The potentate seemed to have done little but instigate the massive troop buildup in Israel. Rayford speculated that Nicolae was actually embarrassed and humiliated by his inability to counteract the latest plague.

  “That’s when he’s most dangerous though, right?” Buck said.

  “When given time to think and plot. You can bet he’s cooking up something spectacular.”

  Carpathia hinted at that “something” the first time Chang tapped into the conference room when it was just Nicolae and his inner circle. Chang recorded it for Rayford. “I have news,” the potentate said. “And it is so dynamic and delicious, I can hardly wait to share it. But I must. I will make you wait until our colleagues from around the globe are here. I have a trio I want to introduce to everyone, three who will help us accomplish our goals.”

  “Where are they from, Excellency?” came the clear voice of Viv Ivins.

  “That is also a secret for now.”

  “Oh, Lordship, why must you toy with us?” Leon said.

  “Be glad I only toy with you, confrere. The rebel forces will rue the day they ever dreamed of opposing me.”


  Rayford was about to retire late one evening when he received word that Tsion wanted to see him. “He’s willing to come to your quarters,” Rayford was told.

  “Oh no, I’m happy to go to his.”

  When Rayford arrived, Tsion began, “Before I get to my request, I want you to know that I am at your disposal. The elders and I are fully aware that when you are in Petra, you are the head of the Tribulation Force, and I am merely, how shall we say it, the chaplain of that.”

  “I’m glad you raised this, Tsion, because I had been meaning to talk to you about your deference to me. It makes me uncomfortable. I do not see Petra as the headquarters for the Tribulation Force. Yes, I feel God has put the mantle of leadership on me in regard to them, but clearly he has chosen you to lead the Remnant of his people, now a million strong. You must not feel you answer to me. You have your elders and your colleague Chaim, and however the Lord leads you through them is fine with me. In fact I prefer it.”

  Tsion reached and squeezed Rayford’s shoulder. “I very much appreciate your confidence, Captain Steele. But you must not denigrate your own leadership responsibilities. I was about to ask you about my next internationally televised message.”

  Rayford was puzzled. “Your messages have been going out daily via the Internet, haven’t they?”

  “Of course. But occasionally God lays on my heart a message that I believe he wants addressed to believers and unbelievers alike. And while I know the Web site is available to all and that many unbelievers stumble across it, if we were again able to pirate the international airwaves, I would be grateful for the opportunity.

  I believe God has given me a message he wants even the god of this world and his minions to hear. When people hear the truth of

  God preached on the Carpathia-owned networks, well, it is like taking the gospel into the very pit of hell.”

  “‘And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,’” Rayford quoted.

llent. So, what do you think? Can we do this, and when?”

  “First, Tsion, you don’t need my permission.”

  “Consider it informing you then.”

  “Fair enough. Just know that we have the best techies in the world here, and that means more than just Chang. He’s tops, but Naomi is right there, and they’ve developed a team that can do anything. They work as much for you as they do for me, so anytime you want them to do anything, just say so.”

  “You have such wonderful rapport with them, Rayford. And with me. I would prefer to go through you.”

  “As you wish. All I’m saying, Tsion, is that no matter when we do this, it is pirating. It is illegal.”

  “You have a problem with that?”

  “None whatsoever. Not even a second thought. We are at war, and I am prepared to use any means necessary to gain an advantage. All I’m saying is that this does not have to be planned.

  Chang has built his system in such a way that it’s simply a matter of throwing a switch. Then they’re off and we’re on. Say when and say the word.”

  “Well, I should think we would want to do this at a most opportune time, when the most people are watching. Maybe during some official pronouncement from Carpathia, or one of the most popular programs.”

  “You know what those are.”

  “Don’t remind me. I suppose one time is as good as another.

  How about tomorrow at noon, our time?”

  “Consider it done.”

  “I shall call a meeting of everyone, as I am energized by a live audience.”

  “A million strong? I can’t imagine why. We’ll have the cameras set up and Chang in position.”


  The next day Tsion found himself uncharacteristically nervous.

  Petra had many newcomers, and he never knew what to expect from the crowd. The elders had prayed for him and encouraged him, and Chaim had introduced him. And sure enough, when he emerged to speak and Master Chang gave the cue that he was on live international television, Petra erupted into an ovation.

  It was just what Tsion had feared, and though he called for quiet and tried to transfer this outpouring of emotion to the Lord by pointing up, the people would not be deterred until they got it out of their system. Rayford must have noticed how uncomfortable and displeased Tsion was, for he rushed to the rabbi and whispered,

  “They are just loving you and thanking you, Tsion! They are so grateful for what you have meant to them. Just acknowledge it and it will subside.”

  “But Captain Steele! In Isaiah 42:8 God is clear! He says, ‘I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another.’”

  “And I’m telling you these people are not trying to glorify you.

  They are merely thanking you for pointing them to him.”

  But Tsion could not acknowledge the people, as much as he wanted to believe Rayford was right. He’d rather the earth had swallowed him right then. He merely hung his head and stared at the ground for several minutes until the people apparently grew tired of cheering.


  Chang had ducked back into the tech center once the transfer was made, and he enjoyed listening in on the chaos in Baghdad. “What is going on?” someone shouted. “How did this happen? It’s impossible!”

  Someone else ordered the control team to shut off all the affiliates. “We can’t,” came the reply. “All our systems have been overridden.”

  And so it wasn’t just the million strong at Petra who heard the message of God through Tsion that day. It was billions around the world.


  “God has laid on my heart a message that I believe he would have me share with you,” Tsion began. “I shall not whitewash or sugarcoat it, as we are at the most perilous time in the history of mankind. We are nearly into the last six months of life as we know it. The battle of the ages that has raged since the beginning of time is about to reach its climax.

  “The evil ruler of this world, the Antichrist, is spewing his anger and vengeance primarily on God’s chosen people. All over the world innocent men and women are being tortured, even as we speak. Their crime? They are Jewish. Some are believers in Jesus as Messiah, and many are not. Regardless, they refuse the mark of loyalty to Nicolae Carpathia, and he makes them pay every day.

  “You have seen the footage, and you know the glee with which the evil one watches his plan carried out.

  “Many years ago I began proving the truth of God’s Word by telling you in advance of the judgments and plagues to come,

  things clearly prophesied hundreds, yea thousands of years ago.

  We saw the fruition of the prophecy of a rider on a white horse, promising peace but bringing a sword. The red horse, World War III, followed that. That brought the black horse of famine, then the ashen horse of death. Next came the martyrdom of many saints before the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake.

  “Those six judgments had been foretold in Scripture, and the seventh ushered in the next seven. Hail and fire rained on the earth.

  Then the burning mountain fell into the sea. Wormwood poisoned the waters, and then the sun, moon, and stars were dimmed by one-third. Demonic locusts attacked those who were not sealed by God, and then we were plagued by an army, two hundred million strong, of demonic horsemen who slew much of the population. The fourteenth judgment ushered in the last seven, five of which have already befallen us.

  “Millions suffered from boils, and then the sea turned to blood, then the rivers. The sun scorched people to death and burned a third of the earth’s greenery. The darkness that has fallen on New Babylon has been defended, rationalized, and explained away. But no one can account for the fact that it is so pervasive that it causes those caught in it to gnaw their tongues from the pain.

  “Many have speculated how long this will last. I tell you nothing in Scripture indicates it will abate before the end. That is why the ruler of this world has moved out of his own kingdom. He may think the day will come when he and his people can move back in, but I proclaim he never will. Two more judgments await before the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

  “Hear me! The Euphrates River will become as dry land! Scoff today but be amazed when it happens, and remember it was foretold. The last judgment will be an earthquake that levels the

  entire globe. This judgment will bring hail so huge it will kill millions.

  “I am asked every day, how can people see all these things and still choose Antichrist over Christ? It is the puzzle of the ages. For many of you, it is already too late to change your mind. You may now see that you have chosen the wrong side in this war. But if you pledged your allegiance to the enemy of God by taking his mark of loyalty, it is too late for you.

  “If you have not taken the mark yet, it may still be too late, because you waited so long. You pushed the patience of God past the breaking point.

  “But there may be a chance for you. You will know only if you pray to receive Christ, tell God you recognize that you are a sinner and separated from him, and that you acknowledge that your only hope is in the blood of Christ, shed on the cross for you.

  “Remember this: If you do not turn to Christ and are not saved from the coming judgment, this awful earth you endure right now is as good as your life will ever get. If you do turn to Christ and your heart has not already been hardened, this world is the worst you’ll see for the rest of eternity.

  “For those of you who are already my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, I urge you to be faithful unto death, for Jesus himself said, ‘Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested. . . . Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.’

  “What a promise! Christ himself will give you the crown of life. It shall be a thrill to see Jesus come yet again, but oh, what a privilege to die for his sake.

  “The good news is that I believe that the
enemy, whether he admits it or not, knows his time is limited. That too has been prophesied. Revelation 12:12 says, ‘Therefore rejoice, O heavens,

  and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.’ Lest you doubt me, remember that everything this man has done was foretold.

  Revelation 13:5-8 says, ‘He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.’

  “You can have your name written in the Book of Life! That is the good news.

  “Now I must tell you there is also bad news. The wrath of the evil one will reach a fever pitch from now until the end. There will be increasing demands for all people to worship him and take his mark. To you who share my faith and are willing to be faithful unto death, remember the promise in James 5:8 that ‘the coming of the Lord is at hand.’

  “Oh, believer, share your faith and live your life boldly in such a way that others can receive Christ by faith and be saved. Think of it, friend. You could pray to be led to those who have not yet heard the truth. You may be the one who leads the very last soul to Christ.

  “Second Peter 3:10-14 says that ‘the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

  “‘Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,

  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.