Page 13 of Elsie's Girlhood


  Bear fair presence, though your heart be tainted; Teach sin the carriage of a holy saint.


  "It's a very handsome present, child, very; and your old auntie willbe reminded of you every time she uses it, or looks at it."

  "Both beautiful and useful, like the giver," remarked Lottie.

  "It" was a sewing-machine, Elsie's gift to Aunt Wealthy, forwardedfrom Cincinnati, by Mr. Dinsmore; the handsomest and the best to befound in the city; so Elsie had requested that it should be, and so hehad written that it was.

  "I am glad you like it, auntie, and you too, Lottie," was all she saidin response to their praises, but her eyes sparkled with pleasure atthe old lady's evident delight.

  "It" had arrived half an hour before, on this the second morning afterMr. Dinsmore's departure, and now stood in front of one of the windowsof Aunt Wealthy's bedroom--a delightfully shady, airy apartment on theground floor, back of the parlor, and with window and door openingout upon a part of the lawn where the trees were thickest and a tinyfountain sent up its showers of spray.

  Miss Stanhope stood at a table, cutting out shirts. Lottie wasexperimenting on the machine with a bit of muslin, and Elsie satnear by with her father's letter in her hand, her soft dark eyes nowglancing over it for perhaps the twentieth time, now at the face ofone or the other of her companions, as Lottie rattled on in her usualgay, flighty style, and Aunt Wealthy answered her sometimes with astraightforward sentence, and again with one so topsy-turvy that herlisteners could not forbear a smile.

  "For whom are you making shirts, aunt?" asked Elsie.

  "For my boy Harry. He writes that his last set are going wonderfullyfast; so I must send up another to make."

  "You must let us help you, Lottie and I; we have agreed that it willbe good fun for us."

  "Thank you, dearie, but I didn't suppose plain sewing was among youraccomplishments."

  "Mamma says I am quite a good needle-woman," Elsie replied with asmile and a blush, "and if I am not it is no fault of hers. She tookgreat pains to teach me. I cut out a shirt for papa once, and madeevery stitch of it myself."

  "And she can run the machine too," said Lottie, "though her papa won'tlet her do so for more than half an hour at a time, lest she shouldhurt herself."

  "He's very careful of her, and no wonder," Aunt Wealthy responded,with a loving look at the sweet, fair face. "You may help me a little,now and then, children, when it just suits your humor, but I want youto have all the rides and walks, the reading and recreation of everysort that you can enjoy."

  "Here comes Lenwilla Ellawea Schilling," said Lottie, glancing fromthe window.

  "What do you want, Willy?" asked Miss Stanhope, as the child appearedin the doorway with a teacup in her hand.

  "Mother wants a little light'ning to raise her bread."

  "Yeast? Oh, yes, just go round to Phillis, and she'll give you some."

  The door-bell rang.

  "It's a gentleman," said the child, "I seen him a-coming in at thegate."

  Chloe answered the bell and entered the room the next moment with aletter, which she handed to Miss Stanhope.

  The old lady adjusted her spectacles and broke the seal. "Ah, a letterof introduction, and from my old friend and schoolmate Anna Waters;wishes me to treat the young man with all the courtesy and kindness Iwould show to her own son, for she esteems him most highly, etc., etc.Aunt Chloe, what have you done with him?"

  "Showed him into de parlor, mistis, and leff him a-sittin' dar."

  "What's his name, auntie?" asked Lottie, as the old lady refolded theletter and took off her glasses.

  "Bromly Egerton; quite romantic, isn't it? Excuse me for a fewminutes, dears; I must go and see what he wants."

  Aunt Wealthy found a well-dressed, handsome young man seated on one ofher softly-cushioned chairs. He rose and came forward to meet her withcourtly ease and grace. "Miss Stanhope, I presume?"

  "You are right, Mr. Ledgerfield. Pray be seated, sir."

  "Thank you, madam, but let me first help you to a seat. Excuse thecorrection, but Egerton is my name."

  "Ah, yes! For the sake of my friend, Mrs. Waters, I welcome you toLansdale. Do you expect to make some stay in our town?"

  "Well, madam, I hardly had such expectation before arriving here, butI find it so pretty a place that I begin to think I can scarcely dobetter. My health has been somewhat impaired by very strict and closeattention to business; and my physician has ordered entire relaxationfor a time, and fresh country air. Can you recommend a boarding-placein town? Some quiet, private hotel where drinking and things of thatkind would not be going on. I'm not used to it, and should find itvery disgusting."

  "I'm glad to hear such sentiments, young man; they do you honor. Idaresay Mrs. Sixpence,--no, Mrs. Schilling,--just opposite here, wouldtake you in. She told me some weeks ago that she would be glad to haveone or two gentlemen boarders."

  "Thank you, the location would suit me well; and you think she couldgive me comfortable accommodations?"

  "I do; she has pleasant rooms and is a good cook."

  "A widow?"

  "Yes, not very young, and has two children. But they are old enoughnot to be annoying to a boarder."

  "What sort of woman is she?"

  "A good manager, neat, industrious, honest, and obliging. Verysuitable for a landlady, if you are not looking in the person of yourhostess for an intellectual companion."

  "Oh, not at all, Miss Stanhope, unless--unless you could find it inyour benevolent heart to take me in yourself;" and his smile was veryinsinuating. "In that case I should have the luxury of intellectualcompanionship superadded to the other advantages of which you havespoken."

  The old lady smiled, but shook her head quite decidedly. "I have livedso long in the perfect house that I should not know how to give it up.I have come to think men a care and a trouble that I cannot take uponme in my old age."

  "Excuse me, my dear madam, for the unwarrantable liberty I tookin asking it," he said in an apologetic tone, and with a slightlyembarrassed air. "I beg ten thousand pardons."

  "That is a great many," she answered with a smile, "but you mayconsider them all granted. I hope you left my friend Mrs. Waters well?I must answer her letter directly."

  "Ah, then you are not aware that she is already on her way to Europe?"

  "No, is she indeed?"

  "Yes, she sailed the day after that letter was written; which accountsfor the date not being a very recent one. You see I did not leaveimmediately on receiving it from her."

  She was beginning to wish that he would go, but he lingered for sometime, vainly hoping for a glimpse of Elsie. On finally taking hisleave, he asked her to point out Mrs. Schilling's house, and shenoticed that he went directly there.

  "Really, auntie, we began to think that your visitor must intend tospend the day," cried Lottie, as Miss Stanhope returned to her roomand her interrupted employment.

  "Ah? Well it was not my urging that kept him; I was very near tellinghim that he was making me waste a good deal of time" replied the oldlady; then seeing that Lottie was curious on the subject, she kindlywent on to tell all that she had learned in regard to the stranger andhis intentions.

  Elsie was amusing herself with Thomas, trying to cajole him to returnto the frolicsomeness of his long-forgotten kittenhood, and did notseem to hear or heed. What interest for her had this stranger, or hisdoings?

  "Young and handsome, you say, Aunt Wealthy? and going to stay inLansdale all summer? Would you advise me to set my cap for him?"

  "No, Lottie; not I."

  "You were not smitten with the gentleman, eh?"

  "Not enough to spare him to you anyhow, but he may improve uponacquaintance."

  "I don't approve of marrying, though, do you, auntie? Your practicecertainly seems to speak disapproval."

  "Perhaps every one does not have the opportunity, my dear," answeredthe old lady, with a quiet smile.

  "Oh, but you must have had plenty of them. Isn't that so? and why didyou never accept?"

  Elsie dropped the string she had been waving before the eyes of thecat, and looked up with eager interest.

  "Yes, I had offers, and one of them I accepted," replied Aunt Wealthy,with a slight sigh, while a shade of sadness stole over her usuallyhappy face, "but my friends interfered and the match was broken off.Don't follow my example, children, but marry if the right one comesalong."

  "Surely you don't mean if our parents refuse their consent, auntie?"Elsie's tone spoke both surprise and disapproval.

  "No, no, child! It is to those who keep the fifth commandment Godpromises long life and prosperity."

  "And love makes it so easy and pleasant to keep it," murmured Elsie,softly, and with a sweet, glad smile on her lips and in her eyes,thinking of her absent father, and almost unconsciously thinkingaloud.

  "Ah, child, it can sometimes make it very hard," said Miss Stanhope,with another little sigh, and shaking her head rather sadly.

  "Elsie, you must have had lots of lovers before this, I am sure!"exclaimed Lottie, stopping her machine, and facing suddenly round uponher friend. "No girl as rich and beautiful as you are could have livedeighteen years without such an experience."

  Elsie only smiled and blushed.

  "Come now, am I not right?" persisted Lottie.

  "I do assure you that I have actually lived to this mature age quiteheart-whole," laughed Elsie. "If I have an idol, it is papa, and Idon't believe anybody can ever succeed in displacing him."

  "You have quite misunderstood me, wilfully or innocently--I asked ofyour worshippers, not of your idols. Haven't you had offers?"

  "Several; money has strong attractions for most men, papa tells me."

  "May the Lord preserve you from the sad fate of a woman married forher money, dear child!" ejaculated Aunt Wealthy, with a glance ofanxious affection at her lovely niece. "I'm sometimes tempted to thinka large amount of it altogether a curse and an affliction."

  "It is a great responsibility, auntie," replied Elsie, with a look ofgravity beyond her years. Then after a moment's pause, her expressionchanging to one of gayety and joy, "Now, if you and Lottie will excuseme for a little, I'll run up to my room, and answer papa's letter,"she said, rising to her feet. "After which I shall be ready to makemyself useful in the capacity of seamstress. Au revoir." And shetripped away with a light, free step, every movement as graceful asthose of a young gazelle.

  Mr. Bromly Egerton, alias Tom Jackson, was fortunate enough to findMrs. Schilling at home. It was she who answered his knock.

  "Good-day, sir," she said. "Will you walk in? Just step into theparlor here, and take a seat."

  He accepted the invitation and stated his business without preface, orwaiting to be questioned at all.

  She seemed to be considering for a moment. "Well, yes, I can't say asI'd object to taking a few gentlemen boarders, but--I'd want to knowwho you be, and all about you."

  "Certainly, ma'am, that's all right. I'm from the East; rather brokendown with hard work--a business man, you see--and want to spend thesummer here to recruit. Pitched upon your town because it strikes meas an uncommonly pretty place. I brought a letter of introduction toyour neighbor, Miss Stanhope, and she recommended me to come here insearch of board, saying you'd make a capital landlady."

  "Well, if she recommends you, it's all right. Would you like to lookat the rooms?"

  She had two to dispose of--one at the back and the other in the frontof the house, both cheerful, airy, of reasonable size, and neatlyfurnished. He preferred the latter, because it overlooked MissStanhope's house and grounds.

  As he stood at the window, taking note of this, a young girl appearedat the one opposite. For one minute he had a distinct view of her faceas she stood there and put out her hand to gather a blossom from thevine that had festooned itself so gracefully over the window.

  He uttered an exclamation of delighted surprise, and turning to hiscompanion asked, "Who is she?"

  "Miss Dinsmore, Miss Stanhope's niece. She's here on a visit to heraunt. She's from the South, and worth a mint of money, they say. Aintshe handsome though? handsome as a picture?"

  "Posh! handsome doesn't begin to express it! Why, she's angelic! Butthere! she's gone!" And he drew a long breath as he turned away.

  "You'd better conclude to take this room if you like to look at her,"artfully suggested Mrs. Schilling. "That's her bedroom window, andshe's often at it. Besides, you can see the whole front of MissStanhope's place from here, and watch all the comings and goings o'the girls--Miss Dinsmore, and Miss Nettie and Lottie King."

  "Who are they?"

  "Kind o' fur-off cousins to Miss Stanhope. They live in that nexthouse to hern, and are amazin' thick with her, runnin' in and out alltimes o' day. Nice, spry, likely girls they be too, not bad-lookin'neither, but hardly fit to hold a candle to Miss Dinsmore, as fur asbeauty's concerned. Well, what do you say to the room, Mr. Egerton?"

  "That I will take it, and would like to have immediate possession."

  "All right, sir; fetch your traps whenever you've a mind; right away,if you like."

  There was no lack of good society in Lansdale. It had even more thanthe usual proportion of well-to-do, intelligent, educated, and refinedpeople to be found in American villages of its size. They werehospitable folks, too, disposed to be kind to strangers tarrying intheir midst, and, Miss Stanhope being an old resident, well known andhighly esteemed, spite of her eccentricities, her friends had receiveda good deal of attention. Elsie had already become slightly acquaintedwith a number of pleasant families; a good many young girls, and alsoseveral young gentlemen had called upon her, and Lottie assured herthere were many more to come.

  "Some of the very nicest are apt to be slow about calling--we'resuch busy folks here," she said, laughing. "I've a notion, too, thatseveral of the beaux stood rather in awe of your papa."

  They were talking together over their sewing, after Elsie had comedown from finishing her letter, and sent Chloe to the post-office withit.

  "I don't wonder," she answered, looking up with a smile; "there was atime, a long while ago, when I was very much afraid of him myself; andeven now I have such a wholesome dread of his displeasure as wouldkeep me from any act of disobedience, if love was not sufficient to dothat without help from any other motive."

  "You are very fond of him, and he of you?"

  "Yes, indeed! how could it be otherwise when for so many years eachwas all the other had? But I'm sure, quite sure that neither of usloves the other less because now we have mamma and darling littleHorace."

  "I should like to know them both," said Miss Stanhope. "I hope yourfather will bring them with him when he comes back for you."

  "Oh, I hope he will! I want so much to have you know them. Mamma is sodear and sweet, almost as dear as papa himself. And Horace--well, Ican't believe there ever was quite such another darling to be found,"Elsie continued, with a light, joyous laugh.

  "Ah!" said Aunt Wealthy with a sigh and a smile, "it is a good andpleasant thing to be young and full of life and gayety, and to havekind, wise parents to look to for help and guidance. You will realizethat when you grow old and have to be a prop for others to lean uponinstead."

  "Yes, dear auntie," Elsie answered, giving her a look of lovingreverence, "but surely the passing years must have brought you so muchwisdom and self-reliance that that can be no such very hard task toyou."

  "Ah, child!" replied the old lady, shaking her head, "I often feelthat my stock of those is very small. But then how sweet it is toremember that I have a Father to whom I never shall grow old; nevercease to be His little child, in constant need of His tender, watchfulcare to guard and guide. Though the gray hairs are on my head, thewrinkles of time, sorrow, and care upon my brow, He does not think meold enough to be left to take care of myself. No; He takes my hand inHis and leads me tenderly and lovingly along, choosing each step forme, protecting me from harm, and providing for all my ne
eds. What doesHe say? 'Even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will Icarry you'!"

  "Such sweet words! They almost reconcile one to growing old," murmuredLottie, and Aunt Wealthy answered, with a subdued gladness in hertones, "You need not dread it, child, for does not every year bring usnearer home?"

  The needles flew briskly until the dinner-bell sounded its welcomesummons.

  "We shall finish two at least this afternoon, I think," said Lottie,folding up her work.

  "No, we've had sewing enough for to-day," replied Miss Stanhope. "Ihave ordered the carriage at two. We will have a drive this afternoon,and music this evening; if you and Elsie do not consider it too muchof a task to play and sing for your old auntie."

  "A task, Aunt Wealthy! It would be a double delight--giving youpleasure and ourselves enjoying the delicious tones of that splendidpiano. Its fame has already spread over the whole town," she added,turning to Elsie, "and between its attractions and those of its owner,I know there'll be a great influx of visitors here."

  Elsie was a very fine musician, and for her benefit during her stay inLansdale, Mr. Dinsmore had had a grand piano sent on from the East,ordering it in season to have it arrive almost as soon as theythemselves.

  "Yes, Lottie is quite right about it, Aunt Wealthy, and you shallcall for all the tunes you want," Elsie said, noticing her friend'sprediction merely by a quiet smile.

  "You don't know how I enjoy that piano," Lottie rattled on as theybegan their meal. "It must be vastly pleasant to have plenty ofmoney and such an indulgent father as yours, Elsie. Not that I woulddepreciate my own at all--I wouldn't exchange him even for yours--buthe, you see, has more children and less money."

  "Yes, I think we are both blessed in our fathers," answered Elsie. "Iadmire yours very much; and mine is, indeed, very indulgent, though atthe same time very strict; he never spares expense or trouble to giveme pleasure. But the most delightful thing of all is to know that heloves me so very, very dearly;" and the soft eyes shone with the lightof love and joy.

  It was nearly tea time when they returned from their drive, some ladycallers having prevented them from setting out at the early hourintended.

  "Now I must run right home," said Lottie, as they alighted. "Mothercomplains that she gets no good of me at all of late."

  "Well, she has Nettie," returned Miss Stanhope, "and she told me Elsieand I might have all we wanted of you till the poor child gets alittle used to her father's absence."

  "Did she, Aunt Wealthy? There, I'll remind her of that, and also ofthe fact that Nettie is worth two of me any day."

  "And you'll come back to spend the evening? Indeed you must, or how isElsie to learn her visitors' names? You know I could never get themstraight. But there's the tea-bell, so come in with us. No need to gohome till bed-time, or till to-morrow, that I can see."

  "Thank you, but of course, auntie, I want to primp a bit, just as youdid in your young days, when the beaux were coming. So good-bye forthe present," she cried, skipping away with a merry laugh, MissStanhope calling after her to bring Nettie along when she returned.

  "We have so many odd names in this town, and I such an odd sort ofmemory, that I make a great many mistakes," said the old lady, leadingthe way to the house.

  Elsie thought that was all very true, when in the course of theevening she was introduced to Mr. Comings, Mr. Tizard, Mr. Stop,Miss Lock, and Miss Over, and afterward heard her aunt address themvariously as "Mr. In-and-out," "Mr. Wizard," "Mr. Lizard," "Mr. Quit,""Miss Under," and "Miss Key."

  But the old lady's peculiarity was so well known that no one thoughtof taking offence; and her mistakes caused only mirth and amusement.

  Lottie's prediction was so fully verified that Elsie seemed to beholding a sort of levee.

  "What faultless features, exquisitely beautiful complexion, and sweetexpression she has." "What a graceful form, what pleasant, affablemanners, so entirely free from affectation or hauteur; no patronizingairs about her either, but perfect simplicity and kindliness." "Andsuch a sweet, happy, intelligent face." "Such beautiful hair too;did you notice that? so abundant, soft and glossy, and such alovely color." "Yes, and what simple elegance of dress." "She's anaccomplished musician, too, and has a voice as sweet, rich, and fullas a nightingale's," remarked one and another as they went away. Theunanimous verdict seemed to be, that the young stranger was altogethercharming.

  Across the street, Mrs. Schilling's boarder paced to and fro, watchingthe coming and going, listening to the merry salutations, and gayadieux, the light laughter, and the sweet strains of music and song,till the desire to make one of the happy throng grew so strong uponhim that it was no longer to be resisted.

  "I will go in with those," he muttered, crossing over just in time toenter directly in the rear of a lady and gentleman, whom he saw comingup the street. "Miss Stanhope invited me to call again, withoutparticularizing how soon, and I can turn my speedy acceptance into acompliment to their music, without even a white lie, for it does soundextremely attractive to a lonely, idle fellow like me."

  Miss Stanhope met him at the door, would scarce listen to hisapology--insisting that "none was needed; one who had come to her withsuch an introduction from so valued a friend as Mrs. Waters, mustalways be a welcome guest in her house"--and ushering him into theparlor, introduced him to her niece, and all others present.

  A nearer and more critical view of Elsie only increased hisadmiration; he thought her the loveliest creature he had ever seen.But it did not suit his tactics to show immediately any strongattraction toward her, or desire to win her regard. For this eveninghe devoted himself almost exclusively to Miss Stanhope, exerting allhis powers to make a favorable impression upon her.

  In this he was entirely successful. He had, when he chose, mostagreeable and polished manners. Also he had seen much of the world,possessed a large fund of general information, and knew exactly how touse it to the best advantage. With these gifts, very fine, expressiveeyes, regular features, and handsome person, no wonder he could boasthimself "a woman-killer."

  Aunt Wealthy, though old enough to be invulnerable to Cupid's arrows,showed by her warm praises, after he had left that evening, that shewas not proof against his fascinations.