He had a very sexy backside, and her body was trembling with anticipation. Moments later, James returned to the bed with a delicate shawl. He was smiling like it was a Christmas morning.

  “What’s this? What are you planning, my lord?” she asked, biting her lip. He looked at her and his eyes were sparkling with recognition.

  James moved so his body was situated behind her. Then he was blindfolding her, at the same time, whispering in her ear.

  “You’re going to be punished now and I’m going to make you come until you can’t take it anymore. If you take off the blindfold I’ll tie you up, so be a good girl and do what I say.”

  Yanni was beginning to enjoy his game. He guided her into the kneeling position, and then started trailing small kisses over her bare back. They were both on all fours and Yanni couldn’t wait to find out exactly what he was planning to do to her. When she felt his fingers caressing her sides, her breathing sped up. His cock was teasing the edges of her entrance and she was dripping wet.

  He didn’t tease her for long. Moments later, he had his arms around her, and started moulding her breasts and straightened her back. They were close and he was so hard, so ready. She needed to have him inside her now.

  “Please fuck me, I don’t—”

  “Be quiet, beautiful. I want to tease you for a bit longer. You have to wait your turn. Right now, your body belongs to me,” he rasped in her ear and then pushed her body down. Yanni was waiting, and her breathing was erratic.

  Then she felt his mouth on her lower back, while his hand caressed her backside. Yanni gasped, moaning when his tongue started licking her from behind. She knew that she couldn’t last for too long if he kept this up.

  “So wet and ready,” he said, and spread her thighs so her ass was up in the air. She was panting when his tongue circled around her clit. She was lost when he added his finger and thrust it inside her.

  “Oh, James, please. I want to feel you,” she urged him, but he was having none of it. He kept pushing his finger in and out of her entrance. It felt painfully arousing, and the fire in the pit of her stomach was spreading quickly, slowly breaking her apart. She was moaning, ready to explode when he suddenly turned her around, withdrawing his fingers.

  “Ahh, you smell divine, my dear, and now I’m going to fuck you hard and fast,” he whispered, then took her nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Yanni couldn’t take his torture. She was running her hands through his hair, aware that her sex was pulsating with unsteady beats. “You want to come? Tell me how much you want me to drive you crazy.”

  “Yes, yes, I don’t want to be punished anymore. I want you inside me now,” she screamed, with frustration mainly, but her whole body was trembling. She was on the edge of an orgasm; he only had to touch her and she would explode.

  “Sorry, love, but you have to pleasure me too. My cock requires your service,” he said and Yanni felt that he was lying down now. Her mouth found his erection without hesitation. She ran her hand up and down his hard length, squeezing her thighs together. “Your touch is driving me insane and you can’t even imagine how sexy you look right now.”

  She knew that she couldn’t fit all of him into her mouth, but she wanted to please him. She licked the head and started sucking, moving her hand up and down his shaft at the same time. James roared and Yanni knew that he liked what she was doing to him. This only encouraged her to keep going.

  She circled around the tip of his cock with her hands, adding her tongue until he was breathing hard. She licked the side of his thick shaft and then made her way back up, sucking him down. Her folds were wet—drenched and she was already imaging him fucking her from behind.

  “Fuck, Yanni, this is incredible,” he told her, panting and tensing his thighs. Yanni wasn’t planning to stop, but he didn’t let her finish.

  Before she could protest, he swapped her around, so she was back on all fours and then he plunged his hard cock inside of her.

  She screamed, not even realising that he was going to do it.

  “So moist and slick. I’m going to rock your world,” he said, and then started pounding into her. Yanni screamed his name, as he filled her with his massive erection. His hands gripped her hips and the heat was ravaging her body. She was lost in millions of explosive sensations, ready to break apart.

  James kept going, thrusting his massive erection into her. Yanni was still blindfolded. She moaned and screamed until her lungs were deprived of oxygen, and then he finally started to slow down. Her heart was jackhammering in her chest, while she tried to deal with the electrifying sensations that moved over her whole body.

  “Come for me, darling, I’m so close,” he rasped, but she couldn’t speak. With one hard thrust, she was coming hard and intense.

  Her whole body was burning with raw fire as he pounded her from behind. She climaxed again, trying to gather herself.

  Her mind was buzzing, heart thumping and blood was rushing to her ears. Sometime later, when she was lying on top of him, trying to understand what happened, and still blindfolded, she realised that this was the best sex of her life.

  The Ice King was truly a passionate man, and he took her to the moon and back. There was no comparison.

  “Yanni, tonight I’m going to announce that we are going to get married—at the ball in front of all our guests,” he said and that just sweetened the moment.


  James knew that he caught Yanni completely off guard when he told her that he wanted to marry her. The truth was that he only now realised that he was completely and utterly love-struck. No other woman would ever do. He had to make her his wife.

  His body was drenched with sweat, and his heart pounded insanely fast. She was so responsive and he just didn’t want to let her go. They had this incredible connection, and she was driving him insane with her sexual fantasies. No other woman would dare to share such intimate details with him.

  Maybe he hadn’t thought this through, but he never felt more ready. He had been broken for so long and Yanni had healed him. She put him back together, sewing his broken heart piece by piece.

  Jessica’s betrayal changed him and he went after adventure, but he never felt happy. He was finally ready to admit it to himself.

  “You want me to become your wife?” she asked and shock rippled across her flustered face.

  James felt a little silly now, because he didn’t ask for her hand like a real gentleman. The past taught him that sometimes he had to do things backwards. He simply assumed that Yanni wanted him too, so he skipped the proposal altogether.

  “Yes, I want to marry you and live happily ever after.”

  Yanni had royal blood in her veins. She was the princess of Tyndil, the future Queen, so her background wasn’t an issue.

  “You need to know something first, James. I didn’t come across Luciano and the highwaymen by accident. I was heading to the winter land, hoping to meet you,” she said, lowering her head. James didn’t really care about her reason, but she continued talking. “One of the maids in the castle told me about you. She mentioned that if I managed to seduce you, then people would start to respect me again.”

  Despite her flaws, Yanni was perfect and he was ready to cancel the ball, just so he could stay with her. But he wanted to let the world know that he was done sleeping around with other women. Now, he had a woman that he wasn’t planning to share with anyone else.

  “Well, once we get married then you will officially become the Queen,” he said. “We can come to some kind of compromise, dear. Maybe we could alternate between two castles, although I don’t like summer. I’m more of a winter man.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he had to kiss her. James was hard again, and his magic was buzzing all around them. He didn’t want to stop touching her, so they made love. Then they were fucking again. James just couldn’t get enough of her. Luscious heat rose between them as he angled the kiss, pulling her hard against him.

  Yanni brightened his day, lifted his spi
rits, and he couldn’t wait to share his news with the world. Sometime later, they took a break; they laughed, talked and then James couldn’t keep his hands off her again.

  Finally, several hours later, he ran a bath for her and left her to relax. He had to make sure that everything was ready for the ball. A lot of important guests were arriving from other kingdoms and James had to welcome them. He also remembered that Yanni’s stepmother could change her appearance.

  James didn’t want to be concerned about her, but he knew that she was still a threat. Ruth must have realised that her huntsman failed to kill Yanni, so she left the castle in a hurry. The maids hadn’t seen her and the guards didn’t remember her leaving the grounds. This only confirmed his suspicions. Ruth used magic to mess around with the minds of his staff, and she was covering her tracks extremely well.

  Everyone in the winter land knew he was powerful, but would he be able to defeat another magical creature?

  He could also share his magic with another person. It wasn’t something that he ever considered, but he discussed all the possibilities with Yanni. She was excited that he could teach her some useful spells too.

  He went to look for his son, but the young prince wasn’t around. The staff claimed that he went out for a ride on his horse earlier on and hadn’t return yet. James needed to speak to him about Yanni. He wanted to share his good news and was certain that Luciano would be happy that his father finally decided to settle down.

  Later in the evening, King Caspian arrived with his beautiful wife, Cinderella, and James greeted them outside his Ice Castle. He had known Caspian for years and he was glad to see that the newlyweds were glowing with happiness.

  When other guests started arriving too, he sent a maid to his chamber. They needed to assist Yanni and help her to get ready for the ball. He didn’t want to believe that he was rushing his decision. He didn’t know Snow White very well, but he had never been so sure about his decision as he was then.

  Yanni was rushing around James’s chamber, trying to get ready. She slept for too long and she didn’t hear when James left.

  After such an explosive few hours, she wasn’t supposed to be distracted, and yet her thoughts were running a million miles a minute. The maid helped her to put on her beautiful dress and styled her hair. Yanni was grateful. She knew that she needed to shine this evening. She couldn’t afford for anything to go wrong. After the last time, she wasn’t planning to touch any kind of alcohol whatsoever.

  She was also concerned about her stepmother. Ruth had vanished and no one had seen her in the castle since the night before she sent the huntsman to kill Yanni.

  She told herself not to worry. Ruth was doomed to fail and Yanni was ready to fight to be happy with James.

  Finally, at eight p.m., she was ready. James arrived at her chamber looking more handsome than ever. His dark hair was cut short and he wore a black tuxedo. His eyes met hers.

  “Stunning, you look absolutely amazing, my dear. I’m the luckiest man alive,” he told her, before kissing her hard. Yanni’s knees nearly gave out when he finally pulled away from her. The maids giggled, staring at them standing outside her chamber.

  Yanni was ready to shut the door and stay with James all night. She didn’t want to go downstairs, but James wanted to tell the world that she was going to be his wife.

  “Behave, my King. We really cannot be late. People are waiting for us,” she reminded him, not able to hide her smile.

  “Of course, my lady. I will try to be on my best behaviour, but I might have some trouble keeping my hands to myself,” he muttered when they were walking downstairs.

  The ball was being held in the main hall. When Yanni and James arrived, the guests were already waiting. Yanni couldn’t believe that James was throwing such a lavish ball to announce their engagement. She was feeling a little silly that she ever doubted him. As soon as they walked in, the orchestra started playing and they walked around speaking to the guests. Yanni wasn’t used to being the centre of attention, but she knew that once she was Queen she would have to take on new responsibilities.

  “I tell you what, Snow White, you are going to be truly missed in the tavern,” said one of the dwarves that was often her drinking companion in Tyndil. She couldn’t believe that James had invited a lot of her friends and staff from her own kingdom.

  Yanni didn’t have any other family left, apart from her stepmother, and she hoped that Ruth wasn’t planning to show up at the ball.

  “Thank you, Rees,” she said, walking away to find her future husband. People were enjoying themselves. Yanni couldn’t help but notice that some women looked truly disappointed and sad seeing that James was finally taken. She also realised that her life was never going to be the same again.

  Yanni was calmer when everything was going smoothly and there was no sign of Ruth. The guests were having a good time, and people were already starting to congratulate her. The cook prepared a delicious spread, and servers were carrying plenty of drinks around the hall. A few times, James tried to tempt her to sneak upstairs, but she was aware that everyone’s eyes were on them. They didn’t want to cause a scandal.

  “It’s almost time for our announcement, dear,” he reminded her when it was close to midnight.

  “Are you sure that this is a good idea?” she asked, still a little anxious about Ruth. So far, her stepmother hadn’t revealed herself, but Yanni suspected that she was still in the castle.

  She knew her too well, and Ruth wouldn’t simply give up.

  “Yes, I have never been so sure. Trust me, Ruth won’t dare interfere with our happy moment. She already lost this battle,” James told her and then grabbed her hand.

  She was looking out for Luciano. The young prince still hadn’t shown up and Yanni wondered if he returned from his ride earlier on. She really wanted him to be here during his father’s announcement.

  Several long minutes later, one of the court speaker’s announced that King James III wanted to say a few words. The orchestra stopped playing and people gathered around. Yanni was very much sober. She didn’t touch a drop of alcohol all evening and she didn’t sense any magic around. Maybe James was right.

  Ruth wasn’t going to show up and Yanni was feeling positive. In a matter of minutes, James would announce that they were going to get married. Even Ruth couldn’t stop them from being happy.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m so glad that you all gathered here today. I’m honoured that you took time to visit the winter land,” James started speaking, holding Yanni’s hand. She was happy and that’s what mattered the most right then. In her mind, she was the mistress of her own destiny and, after all, her stepmother’s mirror was right. Snow White and the Ice King belonged together. “I’m here because I want to announce something very special. After so many years of living in grief and darkness, I have finally found someone dear to my heart, someone that I want to share the rest of my life with.”

  “Oh, come on, let’s end this little speech, shall we? James, you’re rather boring and Yanni is a whore who gets drunk every time she can get away with it,” said a loud voice that suddenly echoed throughout the entire hall. Yanni’s heart skipped a beat, then raced triple time when she saw her stepmother, Ruth, standing in the entrance to the main hall.

  All heads turned towards her, and people started to whisper amongst themselves. Yanni clenched her fists, knowing that she couldn’t let Ruth intimidate her.

  “Luciano,” James whispered behind her and then Yanni realised that Ruth wasn’t alone. She was holding James’s son under some kind of spell. The boy looked completely lost, staring blankly ahead. His eyes were half closed. Yanni couldn’t tell if he was hurt or not, but she felt magic rising around the room. Her stepmother must have cast some kind of spell on him while he was out riding. James clenched his grip around Yanni’s hands.

  People began to spread, letting Ruth through when she began to approach the centre of the room. It looked like Yanni’s stepmother was all dressed up for the ba
ll. She was wearing a stunning red dress that exposed her cleavage with shimmering crystals. She had a silver tiara around her head. Yanni could practically sense the black magic buzzing over her skin. She wasn’t worried, she knew that James could protect her.

  “You’re not welcome here, witch! And leave my son alone or you will experience my ice magic!” James roared, sounding like he was done playing fair. Yanni had never seen him so furious.

  “Snow White isn’t going to be your Queen, I am afraid. That is, of course, if you want your son to stay alive. He’s currently under my spell,” Ruth said, smiling widely like this was best day of her life. Yanni quickly pulled away from James and took a few steps towards her.

  “I don’t understand what you want from us. James is never going to love you. We have never done anything to you,” she said, wanting to lash out at her stepmother with her own magic that she didn’t have. Everyone was staring at her and Yanni didn’t know what to do.

  “You’re going to come with me, and you’re going to forget about the Ice King forever; otherwise, young Luciano here is going to die. If I can’t have the King, you won’t either,” Ruth said with her sweetest voice.

  “This is absurd,” James stated and then an ice wall started appearing around Ruth. The temperature was decreasing and everyone around could sense it. Ruth waved her hand and Luciano seemed awakened from his strange lethargic sleep. He began screaming at the top of his lungs like someone was attacking him.

  Yanni couldn’t take it. She looked at James who was forced to decease his own magic as the wall stopped right in front of Ruth. Everyone looked truly disturbed with what was happening and Yanni knew that she couldn’t let Luciano get hurt. She knew that Ruth was ready to kill the boy to hurt Yanni. She would never let her be happy with James.