
  “You will address me as Sir. You’ve already vetoed the use of Master, so there is nothing else I’m willing to accept on that point.”

  I nodded even though the honorific still bothered me. “Will you ever tell me your name?”

  “Unlikely.” He paused a minute as if waiting for me to okay that. Can you live with that?”

  No. I’d get it out of him eventually. “I guess we’ll see, but I can for now.”

  “Only because you are in training not solely to be my sub, but to learn to Dominate, I will tolerate a few questions on my instructions. However, they must be focused. I will not tolerate questioning my motives or my methods of training. When I say your time to question is up, you will obey my commands.”

  On one hand I detested this, on the other the further into these negotiations we got, the more my body was ready to tell me to shut the hell up and get busy with this incredibly sexy alpha male. “Will you consider some explanations as we go?”


  If he was willing to bend, so was I. “Okay.”

  “When we are together, you will greet me by kneeling in front of me. However, I despise downward cast eyes, so please fix your gaze to mine.”

  Kneeling sucked. It was completely uncomfortable, and too close to complete submission, which I didn’t really want to experience. Faux submission to this man, sure. I was not ready to give my hard-won power over to anyone, ever again. Once destroyed was more than enough. “How long do you expect me to be there? I’m not great at being on my knees.”

  “You will learn to be good at it.”

  I frowned and rolled my eyes.

  Sir released my foot and stood in front of me, taking up all space in the room. “You will show me respect and in return I will give it back to you. I will not abuse the privilege of having you submit to me.”

  I’ll admit I cowered into my chair a little bit. Not because he truly scared me, but because he was right. I swallowed, a little bit of my pride, a little bit of my own fears about submitting. “Sorry.”

  “I have warned you once before. Don’t make me repeat myself again. Do not say you’re sorry. D/s relationships are about actions not words. Do you understand?”

  I nodded. This was going to be harder than I even imagined. Would it have been this hard with Gray? I should have given that the chance it deserved. Now I’d never know, and I had to move forward.

  His voice softened, but his stance didn’t. “Say it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” This time I meant it.

  “Good. We will conduct this part of the training one on one. I do not want you playing with anyone else, including Ilario, Dominic, or Tate. Until I say, you are mine and mine alone.”

  Ah, crap. “How—” Ooh, I wanted to question him on that one, to push those buttons. That impulse was the beginning of the end with Gray.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He sat back down. “Is there anything else you feel we need to discuss before we begin?”

  Should I bring up Gray? “No.”

  He sat silently staring at me.

  Sigh. “No, Sir.”

  He relaxed into the chair and spread his legs. “That’s it. Now come and kneel between my legs.”

  Here we go.


  Curvy Submission

  The butterflies in my stomach were doing way more than fluttering. It was a butterfly hurricane with a tsunami and an earthquake thrown in. I wasn’t sure if I was excited or ready to throw up.

  The only ones who’d ever dominated me had been Grayson and Cade, and I’d had time to build up trust with them plus that emotional attachment that made every touch, every command more intense and important.

  But Anon Dom...Sir, I had only just met. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me in anyway, not intentionally, and I was comfortable enough with my own limits now to know when to say no, or in this case use a safeword. The part that sent the butterflies storming and had my emotions flying was this new instant lust. The second he gave me that first real command, whoo boy.

  I wanted what this man had to offer enough that I buried my fears and anxieties. I’d been open and honest with him, once I got my snark under control, and he’d gotten me agreeing to so much more than Gray ever had.

  No. He hadn’t gotten me to agree. That implied passivity on my part, and while I was about to take on the role of submissive, I was by no means passive here. I had agreed, agreed to submit.

  I was looking forward to it.

  “Angelina. You’re way to far inside your head. We’ll have to work on that.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Because that would be so easy. Or not.

  “Come here.” Even with the brokenness of his voice, a new darker tone relaying his lust poured out of those two words.

  I stood, took the two steps to his chair and moved to kneel. I hated being on my knees and trying to sit back on my calves had never been something my body did comfortably.

  A small spark of irritation that Sir should know better, that a this was an uncomfortable position for a big curvy girl like me sizzled in my brain until it artlessly popped out. “Have you ever played with a curvy woman before? Do you even like curves?”

  “Kneel, Angelina. Now.” Sir extended his hand taking mine, giving me support to get down. There was no irritation in his voice, only authority and power.

  His command burned both in my chest and between my legs as I did as I was asked, no told. Once on the floor, I turned my face up to look him in the eye. I knew that’s what he wanted, but it was also the way I could try to communicate that I still wanted an answer to my question.

  He focused in on me, waiting patiently, and the frustration inside rose. How the hell did he stay so calm? I hated that. I wanted to see his emotions rise too, to match mine. I opened my mouth to push him, see what would happen.

  “Shut that lovely mouth until I tell you otherwise, and don’t doubt that I will be using it soon enough, but not for talking.”

  I closed my mouth but couldn’t help glaring.

  He ran his fingers into my hair. “Such a fire burns in you.”

  Ooh, I wanted to tell him off, spit those flames at him for thinking he knew me or my passion. I bit the inside of my cheek holding it in.

  Sir chuckled. Fucking chuckled. Laughing at my pain. “Ah, Ange, you are going to be so much fun to teach. You think I’m trying to put out that flame, don’t you? I will never quench it, but I will tame it for you. Because once it’s cultivated and learns to burn only for me, then you will begin to understand how to use it for yourself, instead of letting it control you.”

  I was completely in control of myself. I didn’t burn for him, now or ever. I pressed my lips together and jutted my chin out, which was the wrong thing to do.

  Sir leaned forward and the hand in my hair gripped hard. He pulled me up out of my seated position and onto my knees. My entire body was uncomfortable, and I didn’t care. He used the hold he had on my hair to tilt my head back, exposing my neck.

  I waited to feel his hand there, the anticipation killing me. Anything he could dish out, I could handle. Let’s get this show on the road. I had a couple orgasms coming to me.

  Sir came close and brushed his lips across mine. So gentle, sweet even. This I didn’t know what to do with. “What are you doing?”

  He kissed me again, nibbled his way down my neck and then whispered, so dark and harsh, “You will burn for me. I want it to consume you.”

  Neither of us moved for an entire breath, which took me forever to drag in and longer to release.

  I wanted whips and chains, not feelings and passion. Where had that staid business man gone?

  My lips parted, not to speak, but because I needed the air. Sir took advantage of my movement and crushed his lips to mine. His tongue swept into my mouth battling for control with my own. Our teeth clashed and the spicy flavor of him invaded me.

  As quickly as he’d taken over the kiss, he stopped. His breath pushed in
and out and his eyes were dark like a stormy night.

  “I think that’s enough for tonight.” He released me and folded his hands in his lap. But he couldn’t hide the erection pushing at his pants.

  I got the rise out of him I’d been wanting and so much more than I could possibly handle. Already his demands and domination consumed me, no way was I getting emotionally involved. I needed to be a little more careful what I wished for.

  He must have seen me take a glimpse of his lap because he reached for his belt and unfastened it, then unbuttoned and unzipped. His cock loomed out of the opening, big and hard. He wasn’t wearing underpants.

  He stroked the length of it once, pausing at the head.

  If ever I would know it was Gray this was it.

  Gray’s cock was unmistakable with his piercings.

  This man had no such body embellishment. I thought maybe he used to have something, but any scars were old if he had.

  A drop of precum glistened at his tip. He swiped a thumb over it and brought it to my mouth. “Open and taste me.”

  I licked my lips and opened my mouth allowing him to push his thumb inside. He was salty and tangy. My mouth watered and my pussy clenched.

  “This should be evidence enough for you that, yes, I am turned on by your curves. My cock is screaming at me to take you now, starting with this luscious mouth, then driving into your cunt, and finally sinking deep into your ass.”

  I suckled his thumb, showing him I wanted all of that too. Fucking, not this other intimate thing he pushed on me.

  “But it would be for my pleasure, and while I could make you come, it wouldn’t be for you. That’s not what domination is, at least not for me.”

  He slipped his thumb from my mouth, ran it across my lips and then his own. “You push my control. That means it’s time to call it quits for the night.”

  I leaned back and rested my hands on his knees. He kept his fist around his cock and I couldn’t look away.

  He stroked slowly to the head. “What we do together is only part of your training, you also need to establish yourself in this community. Get yourself a glass of wine or a good hard drink, and then go mingle with the members.”

  “But—” I wanted that cock. To show him this relationship was any other D/s relationship. Not... a relationship.

  He swirled his thumb around the tip. “Don’t think you can dally around like you did today. You’re at my beck and call now. If I want you to kneel before me at six in the morning you will. If I want you to lay on the bed, your legs spread, fingering yourself, pleading to be allowed to come, you will.” He pumped his fist back down and gripped the base of his cock tight. “If I want to fuck that sweet cunt or ass of yours, I will. You are mine. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, mesmerized by the way he touched himself. My world had changed watching a man do exactly this, for me. That far away world and time rushed back to me, the two worlds combined into one.

  He gripped it in one hand and stroked down to the base.

  I sucked in a hiss of breath. A sparkle of light glimmered in the dark. Four shiny metal balls glinted on the shaft of his cock. He was pierced, twice.

  My body tensed and I cried out, my imagination running wild and crazy at the thought of feeling Grayson and his metal inside of me...

  Sir stroked two more times, more pre-cum leaking from his tip. “Say it, Angel.”

  I licked my lips and swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Say you’re mine.” He kept the same slow but punishing rhythm, up and down, up and down, pleasuring himself, denying what I wanted, what was mine.

  “I’m yours.” What just happened? I was confused and turned on by the demands and intense memories. I’d agreed to be his.

  His cock grew and got even harder before my eyes. Then he released his shaft and spread his arms across the back of the chair. “Good girl. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I broke my leer and peeked up at him.

  “Go on now and do your homework. I want to hear tomorrow which members you networked with and what they think their roles are.”

  We were done? I was having a hard time switching gears. I shook my head trying to throw off the sensual fog. “Think?”

  “Yes, and what you believe they really are.”

  That was interesting and helped bring me back into the here and now. I’d never thought about the difference between what people said they were and what they really were. Not in the BDSM world. It was almost always true in the real world.

  I stood and went to grab my shoes. Nah. Fuck it. Barefoot is better. I padded across the room and opened the door. Wait. “You’re not coming?”

  He didn’t move from his chair. “Oh, I will be. But you need to go now.”

  I walked out the door, but not before I saw Sir lean his head back on the chair and stroke his hand up and down his cock.


  Passing Grades

  I got my glass of wine. Then a glass of tequila.

  Mierda. I was turned on and confused and achingly hot and pissed as hell. I’d need about twelve more drinks before I could calm down and mingle with the members of the club to complete my assignment.

  Ilario bounded up the bar, half-clothed and with more than a half-mast erection. “Mistress, how was your training, how are you, and how may I be of service to you?”

  I shot back the tequila and indicated to the bartender for one more. “I’m fine.”

  “Oh, no, you are not.” Dominic joined us and pushed the new drink away.

  My two men exchanged looks that I didn’t like one bit. Partly because I knew they wanted to help me, be there for me, and partly because since I’d agreed to Sir’s rules, they couldn’t do a damn thing for me.

  I sighed, gently took the glass back from Dominic and said, “No, really. I’m okay. My training isn’t what I thought it would be, but I’m going to trust in the process.”

  Huh, was I? Yeah, I was.

  “What’s with the drinks?” Dominic asked.

  “Part of my instructions for the night. I won’t be playing, and I have to socialize with members.” I took another sip. “I have an assignment.”

  Ilario laid his head on my shoulder. “Mistress, you look beautiful as always, but tired. Let me take you to bed, pleasure you, and then you can rest. Do your work tomorrow.”

  Sweet, sweet Ilario. “I can’t, nor can you. For the time being, we can’t play together.”

  He popped up and started pacing in front of me. “What? No. That is unacceptable. I am yours, I want to be only yours.”

  Time to turn the Domme on. “Didn’t you have fun playing at the club tonight?”

  Ilario reacted to the tone in my voice exactly as I hoped. He stopped and stood directly in front of me. “Of course I did, because you told me to.”

  “Well, then I’m telling you again now. Until further notice,” oh God, I sounded like Sir, all business “for now, I want you to be like any other member of the Red Ranch. Play with anyone you like, have fun.”

  He snuggled up to me again. “I have fun with you.”

  “I know and I have always had fun with you too, but we have to move forward. Things are changing.” I stroked my fingers through his hair. “What I need is you to change with me.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Never would I have thought a man would be sulky over being told to go have sexual adventures. “Please, Ilario. If I’m going to be successful in this training, and it’s going to be difficult for me, I need to know that you and Dominic are okay. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes.” He batted his long eyelashes at me and grinned. This would not be too much of a hardship for him.

  “Good. Now tell me who you’ve met tonight, and Dominic, I want to hear about your new position with the security staff.”

  Both men were animated while telling me about all that had happened in the short time I’d spent with Sir. Hardly seemed like it had only been an hour or so. He’d been right about both of them
and it took a load off my mind.

  Ilario introduced me to some of the members he’d met, and Dominic shadowed us. I did my best to smile and be charming, but I had a hard time concentrating on the roles. Mostly because the still closed door to the suite called to me. My mind continued going back to that last vision of Sir stroking himself.

  By the time I’d made the rounds, said goodnight to a few members, Hawk, who was still gaga over Lilly, and my guys, I was both exhausted and well beyond horny.

  Sir didn’t say I couldn’t masturbate, so I damn sure was getting a vibrator out tonight.

  I made my way upstairs and quietly shut the door to my room. I hung my outfit up and slipped into a soft, but not particularly sexy nightgown. My phone and tablet were on the nightstand and I took a quick look to see if there were any pressing emails or texts.

  Lots of junk I could read later, and a new message from Gray.


  How I’d hoped to hear from you. I even imagined you’d come back to me. I know better, but it didn’t mean my hopes weren’t dashed on the rocks of my mistakes when my email, phone, and life remained empty.

  I know where you are, and that I could come to you, but that isn’t what you want, is it? It’s killing me, but I sit here in my cold apartment, thinking of you. I want you.

  I don’t know how long I will last before I give in and search you out, beg you to forgive me.



  No. Gray couldn’t come here. I was barely learning to live again, without him. I turned off the tablet and the lights. I crawled under the covers and while my body still wanted release, but my mind wasn’t in it.

  I tossed and turned but must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke with a start to a rapping at my door. My head felt like it weighed more than a refrigerator and felt as solid.

  I stumbled to the door and peeked out.

  “Mistress? Are you okay? It’s nearly one in the afternoon.” Dominic stood at my door, his voice filled with concern.